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Low Frequency Sounder Requirements: When

and Where needed
April 24, 2014

Based on IFC/IBC and NFPA 72 provisions, after January 1, 2014, a low frequency signal is
required in several Group R sleeping unit occupancies where there is a protected premises
fire alarm system to activate the occupant notification system: for example, Group R-1
occupancies like hotels and Group R-2 occupancies like college dormitories. Section 907.2
of the IFC/IBC (2012) requires fire alarm system installation in new buildings in accordance
with NFPA 72.

The requirement applies to new commercial sleeping spaces. Some specific applications

− Hotels/Motels
− Retirement/Assisted living facilities
− College/University dormitories
− Apartments/Condominiums

The diagrams below show a previous method used along with the new method to
accomplish low frequency sound.

The first diagram is a 120VAC smoke detector with an integral sounder and a separate
sounder, which is a speaker in this example. If the smoke detector activated, the integral
sounder activated but not the speaker. If there is a general alarm, the speaker would

This can also be accomplished with an addressable smoke detector with a sounder base
where the sounder base can activate for just the smoke detector in alarm or for general

Hotel room without low frequency sounders

The new requirements dictate a low frequency sounder. The diagram below shows the
devices that are used for this requirement. The smoke detector will not have an integral
sounder or sounder base as these do not meet the low frequency requirements. A
notification module, such as an IDP-Control or SD500-ANM, will be used with a low
frequency sounder such as the System Sensor HR-LF.

Hotel room with low frequency sounders

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The low frequency requirements will generally require the use of additional power supplies
due to the current draw of the low frequency sounder. The data below provides an example
of the current draws for a mini horn, horn and low frequency horn:


17 mA 69 mA 138 mA

Silent Knight parts list for low frequency application.

Silent Knight Fire control panel

IFP-2000, IFP-1000, IFP-100, IFP-50, IDP-Photo

Silent Knight Power Supplies

RPS-1000, 5496, 5495, 5499, IDP-Control module

System Sensor parts list - Data Sheet


Low Frequency Sounder, Red


Low Frequency Sounder, White


Low Frequency Sounder Strobe, Red

High Candela Settings


Low Frequency Sounder Strobe, White

High Candela Settings

We appreciate your continued support of Silent Knight

Thank you,

Jim Spooner, Product Manager

Silent Knight | 12 Clintonville Road • Northford CT 06472 | 203-484-7161 |

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