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I will make it, may be not immediately but absolutely and definitely

WIN or LEARN. I never lose!

I will succeed, not immediately but absolutely and definitely.
I will take action when others hesitate
I will think big when others don’t
I will sacrifice when others won’t
I will dare to dream of greatness when others fear it.
I will outwork my competition DAY and NIGHT.
I am the captain of my fate, the master of my soul
The boss of my dreams, the king of my goals

You have to be a leader

To be unique
To be hungry always, and never satisfied
Proud but never satisfied

To be followed by the competition

To take criticism and negativity and use it to fuel your greatness
To survive the storms and the tough moments
To be humble in the good times

It is sacrificing your TODAY for a better TOMORROW

It is living a few years of your life like others won’t so you can spend the rest of your life like
others can’t.

That sacrifice, The dedication, The commitment, the DISCIPLINE…

Only rare human beings have these qualities…
Only the very best among us.

Then there is failure…

Because we all know it is coming, it is human nature.
I mean, find me a successful human that has never failed…
You can’t, they don’t exist…

The only difference between the extremely successful among us, in any field, and the
The only difference: The successful guy didn’t give up.
He found a way, when there seemed to be no way.
The other guy… He threw in the towel.

Failure is simply learning another way not to do something

There are great lessons in failure.
When it comes to success there is rarely ever a time when luck comes into play.
Hard Work however always comes into play.

There is no greater satisfaction i life than that of hard work paying off.
No greater satisfaction than knowing you are self made.

 – When all others are sitting on their hands.

The great difference between the “somebody’s” and “nobody’s” very often only comes down to
Who is will to put in the WORK.
The grind

‘failure is not the opposite of success, it’s a stepping stone to success.

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