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C programming Test F.

1. What is 2- dimensional array ?write its syntax? Write a program to find transpose
of a matrix? [10]
2. Answer the following questions [10]
a) Write a program to find factorial of a no. using recursion?
b) Write a program to check whether a no is palindrome no. or not?
3. Answer the following questions. 3x10=30
a) What is the use of break , continue and goto statement ?
b) Write the syntax of if else statement? Write a program to check whether a number is
positive or negative?
c) What is an array? Write a program to input and display array elements?
d) Define a structure ?write a program to store and display student information?
e) What is difference between while and do while loop? Write the syntax of both?
f) What is difference between call by value and call by reference?
g) What is string? Write a program to display reverse of a string?
h) What is pointer ?write a program to demonstrate pointer?
i) Write a program to find sum of digits of a number?
j) Write a program to print stars in console?
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