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At the supermarket

By Rogobete Oana

Seller: Hello. Can I help you find something?

Me: Hello. Yes, I’m looking for coffee.
Seller: That’s on aisle 3. Let me show you where it is.
Me: Thanks. Hmm, I don’t see the brand that I normally buy.
Seller: It looks like we’re out of stock. We should get another shipment next week.
Me: Okay, I’ll check back. Also do you carry grapes?
Seller: We normally do, but they’re out of season right now. We won’t have any until early

Me: Okay, I need to buy rice and also some fish.

Seller: What sort of rice do you need? There are many different varieties.

Me: I want long grain rice. This brand is the best and it is cheaper than other brands. Can you
show me where to find fish in the store?
Seller: Do you want to buy fresh fish, frozen or tinned fish?
Me: I’d like tins of Tuna.
Seller: They are stacked in aisle 19, the middle of the shelf. Here are the tins of tuna. Do you
need to buy something else?
Me: No, not today. I have finished shopping so will go and pay at the checkout. I really
appreciate all your help.
Seller: My pleasure. Hope you have all the things that you need.

Cashier: Hello. Do you have a loyalty card?

Me: No.

Cashier: That's 45,89 RON. How would you like to pay, in cash or card?

Me: In cash.

Cashier: Here is your change and your receipt.

Me: Thank you.

Cashier: Thank you. Bye.

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