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Preschool education in the USA is realized in preschool settings –

crèches, daycare, nursery schools and in preschool learning centers. Such

institutions for toddlers and kids of preschool age are differentiated between
private and state ones.

All education in the USA is divided into public and private. Almost all
preschool education is private, just few states include the preparatory classes in
The State Curriculum of School Education.

Preschool education isn’t mandatory, so there is a lack of the preschool

settings. Parents have to put child’s last name on a waiting list before its birth.

There is a huge numberdifferent programs for preschoolers. As a rule, they

set goal on providing children with development and reducing the influence
of stressful factors on them. Some programs are designed for a full day, while
others for half a day. There are programs with the flexible schedule, allowing
parents to choose the most convenient period for them.

From the age of 5 many American kids study in kindergartens (in fact, in
zero grade). The primary goal is to prepare children for study in elementary school,
moving progressively from playing to reading, writing and acquirement of other
important skills.

More than 60 percent of all 5-year-old kids attend the public preschool
facilities. However, a lot of parents prefers private preschools. The tuition fee for
study ranges from 5000 to 15000$. Children from low-income families (or children
from families, which are below poverty line) also have a possibility to study on a
special Head Start preschool program.

A large number of preschools pays more attention to comprehensive

development of kids than to acquirement of special skills. In these institutions,
children take part in team games, do arts and crafts, draw and sing, play music, do
physical exercises, listen to pieces of literature etc. Children’s education is
emphasized on conversation skills before they will study Grammar.

Depending on the state, parents may receive a special profile, which has the
assessment of student’s overall academic achievements at the end of pre-school
education period. This profile is one of the main documents for child’s enrollment
at the primary school.

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