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Engineering Project Management

Assignment # 1

Submitted by: Rabail Khan (#198887), BEE-8C

Dated: 10.9.19

Working on the study and implementation of the concept of ‘demand response’ using Model Prediction
Control in balancing supply and demand in power sector in Pakistan as my final year project, I would like
to see the idea through to its realization. The idea in itself is not a new one as it has been implemented
in US already to the great benefit of suppliers, consumer and the government which provides a proof of
credibility of my fellows’ and my work.

Demand response is the change in users’ electricity consumption to a certain stimulus which leads to
reduced load factor and peak hours and thus helps in smooth running of power grids. The user is in turn
rewarded with certain incentives such as lowered tariffs. Model Prediction Control helps in foreseeing
these demands beforetime and allows the authorities to ‘predict’ peak times in order to dispatch
warning and/or take precautionary measures either themselves or ask the consumer to do so.

By the end of 8th semester a successful prototype is expected to be implemented at NUST. Should that
happen, it will open a realm of possibilities for power sector to improve and hopefully, putting an end to
the long and dreadful era of power shortages that Pakistan has been experiencing.

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