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Isolationism, by definition, is when a country decides not to affiliate with any other entity. This
means that trading with any other country or state is non-existent and also they remain neutral to
wars. This kind of policy has its pros and cons, which I am going to present in the following

First of all, a major pro is the fact that the domestic policy is the main concern. Without being
affected by any other entity, the attention can be directed to the problems within a nation’s
borders. Due to the decrease of investment in foreign affairs, the budget available for the
improvement of citizen’s lives can be raised.

Furthermore, another pro that must be taken notice of is the decrease of military budgets. Many
countries are known to spend a whole lot of money on defenses for war, which can, in many
cases, cause a hole in the budget. Because they are not involved in wars, the countries who are
isolated do not need to keep an expensive military, Instead of that, those savings could be
invested into other programs that bring benefits to citizens.

However, there are also important cons to be taken in consideration. For instance, the fact that
trading with other nations is not taken into consideration can cause damage to the country’s
economy. If there are not any trading agreements, the economy can drop at any time, making it
hard for it to be dynamic and powerful.

In addition, the nation could be very easily vulnerable to attacks from other countries. Due to the
fact that not much money is invested into the military and that they are neutral to wars, the
marines, pilots and soldiers are unprepared for attacks. They are not ready to fight for their
country or to defend it, making the state exposed to enemies.

In conclusion, there are approximately an equal number of pros and cons for isolation. If a
country decides to pursue this policy, it must weight carefully how it can benefit it, or destroy it.

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