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Meaning and Definition

A hypothesis, generally means a mere assumption or

supposition to be proved or disproved.
Hypothesis provides the basis for investigation and ensures
proper direction in which the study should proceed.
It facilitates the collection of adequate facts and helps one
to arrive at appropriate conclusions, suggestions and
E.g.: ”Sales growth is directly correlated to the expenditure
on advertisement ”
Sources of hypothesis

Following are the sources of hypothesis:

1. Similarity between phenomena.
2. Observations in the day to day practices.
3. Observations in past studies.
4. Findings of research and development department.
5. Experience or observations of the competitors.
6. Suggestions from functional executives.
7. Suggestions from shop floor.
8. Scientific theory.
Formulation of hypothesis

Formulation of hypothesis gives a definite point to the

enquiry, helps in establishing direction in which to
proceed and helps to delimit the field of enquiry by
choosing the permanent point on which to concentrate.
Problems in the formulation of hypothesis are
1. Absence of theoretical base.
2. Lack of ability to use the frame work logically.
3. Failure to acquaint with techniques.
Steps in hypothesis

Following are the steps in formulating a hypothesis

1. Observation
2. Reflection
3. Deduction
4. Verification
Characteristics of good hypothesis
(Condition for a valid hypothesis)

The basic characteristics of a good hypothesis are:

1. Conceptual clarity and definiteness.
2. Verifiable and capable of being tested.
3. Specific in nature.
4. Non contradictoriness.
5. Simplicity.
6. Related to available techniques.
7. Related to body of theory.
Types of hypothesis

There are mainly two types of hypothesis:

1) Crude hypothesis:
A crude hypothesis is at the low level of abstraction. It
indicates the kind of data to be collected and it does not lead
to higher theoretical research in the nature of a law or a theory.
2) Refined hypothesis.
Refined hypothesis are a) hypothesis that state the existence
of empirical uniformities b)Hypothesis that are concerned with
relation of analytical variables.
Forms of hypothesis

The various forms of hypothesis are:

1) Descriptive hypothesis:
When a hypothesis relates to the cause and effect relationship of
a phenomenon it is called descriptive hypothesis.
E.g:“ Public enterprises are more amenable for centralized
2) Explanatory hypothesis:
This type of hypothesis explains the happenings of a
E.g:“ Families with higher incomes spend more for recreation”

3) Null Hypothesis:
When a hypothesis is stated negatively, it is called null
hypothesis. It is usually represented as HO .
E.g: H0: There is no relationship between a family’s income and
expenditure on recreation.
4) Alternate Hypothesis:
It is the hypothesis that describes the researcher’s prediction that,
there exist a relationship between two variables or it is the opposite
of null hypothesis. It is represented as HA or H1.
E.g: HA: There is a definite relationship between family’s income
and expenditure on recreation.
Functions of hypothesis(Uses of

Hypothesis are inevitable in scientific research. They have the

following functions to perform.
1. A hypothesis adequately explain all the facts connected
with the hypothesis.
2. It enables to direct enquiry along right lines.
3. It determines the method of verification as well as the
procedure for enquiry.
4. It makes deductions possible.
5. It forms the starting point of investigation.
6. It makes observation and experiment possible.

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