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TASK 2 #186

The impact of social media consolidation, supported by the internet, can be detected through
a brief analyse of nowadays interpersonal relations, that have been deconstructed since the
widely difusion of superficiality in social media. Henceforth, friendships are based of a “like
exchanging” mechanism, love relationships are structured to being discardable or even
behaviors are submissed to a dictatorial and empty lifestyle difused on social networks.

Despite all the knowledges that have been shared and all the information disseminated on the
internet, it is known that postmodern society use the web to reach their own purposes, often
using lies or sensationalism to induce their ideas to other social groups, mechanism which
unfortunately is done through manipulation, as it is noticed regarding fake news spreading.

Futhermore, although all the huge aphoteosis made to a “instagrammer” life, it is widely
known that a perfect life, so overrated in those social networks, is unrealistic and unreachable.
Thus, real life is not made only of breathtaking landscapes or a hipster lifestyle.

In summary, society must be aware of all the issues brought social medias. Thereby, a
constantly deliberation of thoughts must be made regarding social network use, intending to
avoid the referred consequences of being connected.

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