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"If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow", this

quote was said by John Dewey. I think what John Dewey

was trying to say, is that if we kept teaching new generations the same way we
taught kids say 50 years ago, our knowledge will never
expand or grow. Every year it seems like people are coming up with all these new
inventions, new cures for so many different diseases and
sicknesses and technology,

why is that you think? I think it's because technology is growing so dramatically,
researchers and scientists have been
able to do so much more with all this new technology! Kids now a days have such a
different experience in the classroom from when I was in
elementary school. If you went around to look into every classroom throughout a
school building you would see a Smart Board in
practically every room. Just this is such an improvement from Over Heads that my
teachers had to use when I were their ages.
There's so many different things they can do now with them. It's great that out
knowledge is expanding so much. The kids growing up in
this generation are going to have such a great education when they finish high
school. Every few years the way teachers teach math,
science, English and every other subject change. They find what works and what
doesn't works and fix it up, or even change it completely
if they find a better way to teach the subject.

The angel fallen

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