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Calculator Words

Do the following sums and then turn your

calculator upside down to get the answer
which is a word.

1) 22032 ÷ 4

2) 57171 – 63

3) 83765 - 25687

4) 77.34 ÷ 100

5) (378 x10000) + 1637

6) 609 x 5

7) 530700 ÷ 15

8) 6427 x 5

9) 770 x 4

10) 10611625 ÷ 23

11) 37816048 +125

12) 5350130 + 5248

13) 43312 - 5236

14) 32664 + 2342

15) 1615 x 5
Calculator Words ANSWERS

Do the following sums and then turn your

calculator upside down to get the answer
which is a word.

1) 22032 ÷ 4 = BOSS

2) 57171 – 63 = BOILS

3) 83765 - 25687 = BLOBS

4) 77.34 ÷ 100 = HELLO

5) (378 x10000) + 1637= LEGIBLE

6) 609 x 5 = SHOE

7) 530700 ÷ 15 = OBESE

8) 6427 x 5 = SEIZE

9) 770 x 4 = OBOE

10) 10611625 ÷ 23 = SLEIGH

11) 37816048 +125 = ELIGIBLE

12) 5350130 + 5248 = BLESSES

13) 43312 - 5236 = GLOBE

14) 32664 + 2342 = GOOSE

15) 1615 x 5 = SLOB

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