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Deforestation : The loss or continual degradation Aims of conservation
of forest habitat due to natural or human To preserve the quality of environment, i.e.,
activities. maintain a pollution-free environment.
Afforestation : Planting of trees on a To ensure a continuous yield of useful plants,
large scale to regenerate forest. animals and materials for generations to come.
Desertification : The process of Importance of Forests
conversion of fertile land into deserts due to
Forests are natural habitat of wild animals and
the removal of top layer of soil.
Ecosystem : The basic unit of ecology plants.
which consists of the biotic and abiotic Roots of trees keep the topsoil bound and
components. prevent it from being washed away through
Reforestation : It is the restocking of the water erosion as well as through wind erosion.
destroyed forests by planting new trees. Trees give a large amounts of water by the
Fauna : The community of animals in a process of transpiration. This helps in formation
specific region or habitat. of rain clouds and bringing fresh water to the
Flora : The plant life of particular area. earth.
Endemic species : The species that are Forests help in maintaining oxygen and
exclusively found in any geographical unit like
carbondioxide levels in atmosphere.
a state, zone or a country or a habitat type are
referred as endemic species. Forests also act as saviour from various solar
Sanctuaries : The protected area which radiations.
is reserved for the conservation of animals only Forests provide raw material for paper industry.
and human activities upto a certain extent are Forests have various protective functions like
allowed in these areas. prevention of drought, protection against wind,
National Park : The large and diverse cold, noise, radiations and even conservation
reserves to protect whole sets of ecosystem of soil and water.
including flora, fauna, landscape and historical Forests are important for production of timber,
objects of an area are termed as national park.
bamboos, food and wide variety of compounds
Biosphere Reserve : A biosphere
like resins, alkaloids, essential oils, latex and
reserve is a unique concept which includes one
or more protected areas and surrounding lands various pharmaceutical products.
that are managed to combi ne both Forests are home to several kinds of plants
conservation and sustainable use of natural and animals. The number and type of plants
resources. and animals found in a forest depends on the
INTRODUCTION soil and climatic conditions of the region. For
We have read in earliar classes that humans example, a type of forests called the rainforests
use a number of natural resources for their are believed to house of millions of the species
survival. However, as human population has of plants and animals, some of them yet
been increasing at a high rate, the natural undiscovered by human beings. Rainforests
resources are also being used in greater
cover less than 6% of the earth's total land
quantity than ever before. W ith recent
surface, but are home for up to almost three-
advances in science and technology, people
now have a higher standard of living. As a fourths of all known species of plants and
result, there is a far great demand for the animals.
natural resources. DEFORESTATION
It is for this reason that the natural resources The loss or continual degradation of forest
must be 'conserved' so that there will be
habitat due to natural or human activities is
enough resources available for the future
called deforestation.
It must be clearly understood that conservation OR
does not mean that we have to stop the use of Large scale cutti ng of trees is cal led
these resources completely. It only means that deforestation
we have to use the resources wisely and Causes of Deforestation
judiciously. conservation is the wise and Trees are cut in the forest on a large scale to
judicious use of resources. The overuse or clear the land for some useful purposes listed
wastage of resources would lead to below.
imbalanaces among the various components Procuring land for agricultural use.
of nature.
Procuring timbers for building houses, roads, for other purposes, the branches and leaves rot
railway tracks, dams, etc. and carbon dioxide is released into the air. It is
Procuring land for setting up industries and estimated that the destruction of tropical forests
mining. alone accounts for more than 25% of the carbon
Procuring land for setting up special economic dioxide released into the air annually.
zones (SEZ). Global warming is believed to be causing
To obtain forest products like wood, food, rubber, uncharacteristically frequent and severe cyclones,
honey, resins, etc. floods, droughts and forest fires across the world.
Overgrazing. It is also affecting plants and animals in the polar
Natural Causes of deforestation region. According to one study, for example, the
number of emperor penguins in the Antarctic has
(i) Forest fire (ii) Drought
reduced alarmingly due to global warming.
CONSEQUENCES OF DEFORESTATION Natural Calamities : Deforestation increases
Flood and Droughts : Trees check the flow of the chances of natural calamities such as floods,
rainwater. When mountain slopes and uplands droughts, landslides, cloudburst, etc.
are deforested, the water rushes down and Destruction of Natural Habitat : Cutting of
causes rivers to overflow and flood in lower lands. trees on a large scale destroys the natural
The silt carried by the water from denuded slope habit at of sev eral plant s, animal s and
chokes rivers and aggravates the problem of microorganisms. This disturbs the ecological
flooding. Siltation of rivers not only causes balance in nature. Several food chains and food
floods, but harms fisheries and waterways. webs get affected due to this imbalance.
Deforestation can lead to droughts as well. The destruction, degradation or modification of
Forests hold water and release it slowly. When forests endangers the survival of the organisms
they are cut down, the water rushes down very in it. It may even cause some to become extinct
fast, and the uplands, especially, are deprived (disappear) from a region, a country or the world.
of water soon after the rains. By holding water Habitate destruction often has a direct impact
and improving the water-retaining capacity of on the lives of the people living near forests. It
the soil , f orests also help recharge makes wild animals stray into villages and
groundwater. In India, deforestation of the destroy crops, kill livestock or even attack
Himalayas has changed perennial streams into people. It also disturbs natural pollinators, like
seasonal streams, which run out of water soon birds, bats, butterflies and bees. The pollinators
after the monsoon. It has causes an acute move away to other areas and stop pollinating
shortage of water even in Cherapunji (in the crop and fruit plants cultivated near forests.
Meghalaya), which is one of the wettest place Scarcity of Forest Products
Reducing Water Table : In the absence of tree
in the world.
cover, rainwater cannot infiltrate into the ground
Induces More Soil Erosion : The top soil is
to recharge the aquifer. It leads to the lowering
easily carried away by wind or water in the
of ground water level in the absence of
absence of tree cover, thus increases soil
erosion. The soil thus loses its fertility. Gradually
a fertile land gets converted into a desert. It is STEPS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS
called desertification. The people living in cities, villages, forests, etc.,
Imbalance of Atmospheric Gases must be educated about the importance of
Change in Climate : Most (over 95%) of the f orests through Gov ernment and Non-
warter absorbed by trees from the soil is Government social agencies. As a matter of
released into the air during transpiration. This fact, people must realise that cutting a tree is a
increases rainfall and brings down temperature crime like killing a human being or an animal.
in the region around a forest. Naturally, when The forst department must be highly organised.
a large area is deforested, there are changes They should see to it that no illegal felling of
in the climate of that area. trees take place and the criminals must be
brought to justice.
Deforestation can also lead to global changes
As we need wood for various purposes, we
in the weather pattern by increasing the amount
cannot altogether stop cutting the forests.
of carbon dioxide in the air. This is because
Therefore, Forest Department must earmark the
trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air. Cutting
trees in a given forest, so that only dead or very
down trees means a loss of this service. Also,
old trees are cut. Furthermore, for cutting each
when trees are used as fuel, the carbon locked
tree, two or more tree saplings should be
in them is released into the air as carbon
planted so that in 10 years or more they grow
dioxide. Even when they are used as timber or
into fully grown trees.
As the forests provide grass for the domestic Biodiversity or Biological Diversity
animals, people living around the forest let their If you look around yourself, you may get to see
animals in it for grazing. This should be altogether several different kinds of plants and animals. A
stopped. It is because the grazing animals, typical neighbourhood park may be home to a
especially the goats and the sheep uproot the variety of flowers, each differing in size, shape,
grass. This leads to soil erosion. Instead, the colour, and smell. The kind of trees found here
grass should be cut manually and then fed to could range from big trees such as the banyan
the animals. Furthermore, the grazing animals tree to small bushes that may have been planted
trample the young saplings, thereby, slowing to border the pavement.
down the growth of trees. Biodiversity refers to existence of a wide range
In summer, the grass in the forest is very dry. of different types of organisms in a given place
Any spark can set it on fire. Thus, the people at a given time.
living in the forest must be taught not to leave
Variety of life on earth and variability
uncovered fire or throw butts of burning cigarettes
among living organisms.
or "bidis" carelessly in the dry grass. Any forest
fire leads to large economic loss and makes the
Variety of life forms and habitats found in a
land infertile.
particular area.
Timberwood should be used only where it is
absolutely necessary. For example, doors,
Uses of Biodiversity
windows, chairs, tables, etc., can be easily made
 Source of food and improved varieties :
from plastics and they are durable like wood.
Large amounts of wood and grass are used in Biodiversity is used to modern agriculture in
the manufacture of paper. The wood and grass three ways as a source of
are converted into pulp by chemicals. The pulp (a) New crops
is then converted into paper by the use of (b) Material for breeding improved varieties
machines. The paper so produced finds use in (c) New biodegradable pesticides.
printing books, newspapers, copy books and  Drugs & Medicines : e.g. Morphine : Papaver
for packaging. Every year vast tracts of forest somniferum [Analgesic], Quinine- Chincona
are cut to prepare paper. This leads to ledgeriana [Treatment of malaria], Taxol- Taxus
deforestation. To reduce the deforestation we brevifolia [Anticancer drug].
must recycle the waste paper, by again  Aesthetic and cultural benefits : e.g. Ocimum
converting it into pulp. This no doubt reduces sanctum- Tulsi, Ficus religiosa- Pipal, Prosopis
the quality of paper, but can be used for cineraria- Khejri.
packaging. Furthermore, in order to reduce  Ecosystem services
deforestation, the cleared forest land should be
replanted with fast growing grass and bamboo.
This will meet future requirements of paper
industry. Even the old cotton clothes should be
collected and sent to paper mills for making
pulp and the paper.
Project Tiger : 'Project Tiger' is one of the
The maintenance and upkeep of forest is called
successful operations for conserving wildlife in
forest conservation. The following steps should
India. There were about 40,000 Bengal tigers in
be undertaken to conserve them.
1910. There was a sharp decline in their
 Massiv e af f orestat ion work should be
numbers to 1827 in 1972. The main reasons for
undertaken to cover large areas of land with
the extinction of tigers are hunting, deforestation
appropriate trees.
and taming of rivers for human needs. Realizing
 Felling of trees in the forest should be banned.
 Every piece of barren land should be planted this decline, a project named 'Project Tiger' was
with trees. initiated in 01 April 1973. The project was
 W eeds, damaged trees, crowded trees, funded by the World Wide Fund for Nature.
diseased trees, etc. should be removed. The project focussed on protecting tiger habitats
 Forest fire must be prevented. by creating sanctuaries and extending the
 Forest nurseries should be established on a large existing ones. Under this project, there are 18
scale. tiger reserves in India.
 Jim Corbett National Park (Uttaranchal) (v) Vulnerable
 Periyar National Park (Kerala) (vi) Near Threatened
 Ranthambore National Park (Rajasthan) (vii) Least concern
 Kanha National Park (Madhya Pradesh) (viii) Data deficient
 Sariska National Park (Rajasthan) (ix) Not evaluated
 Sunderban National Park (West Bengal)  Head office of IUCN - Morges in Switzerland.
Species : A group of population which are  Red Data Book listed about 11096 species in 2000.
capable of interbreeding. Animal species - 5485, Plant species - 5611.
This means that the members of a species can
reproduce fertile offspring only with the CAUSES OF EXTINCTION AND DEPLETION OF
members of their own species and not with WILDLIFE
members of other species.  Indiscriminate Hunting : Several species have
become extinct due to their hunting by man for
Endemic Species : Those species of plants
food, pleasure and animal products. The
and animals which are found exclusively in a
examples are disappearance of the bird dodo
particular area. in Mauritius and the cheetah in India.
 Destruction of Natural Habitat : Man has
Plant and animal species confined to
destroyed the natural habitats of wildlife for his
specific geographic areas are called
settlement, cropping, plantation, mining and
endemic species.
raising of dams, overgrazing by domestic
Sal, Wild mango, Bison, Indian giant squirrel
animals, etc.
and flying squirrel are endemic species in
 Introduction of Exotic Species : Man not only
Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.
destroys the natural habitat, but also
Some Endemic Species of India
sometimes changes the structure of the biotic
1. Lion-tailed Macaque (Western Ghats)
community of a place by introducing exotic
2. Malabar Parakeet (Malabar region)
species of his interest. Such species compete
3. Nilgiri Langur (Nilgiri hills)
with the native species for food and space and
4. Nilgiri Tahr (Nilgiri hills)
may threaten the later will extinction. For
example, the introduction of exotic trout and
Conserving the biodiversity on earth is the duty
bass fish in the USA is endangering the native
of ev ery hum an being. To prom ote
species of fish.
conserv ation, gov ernm ent and non-
 Forest Fires : Setting the forest on fire not only
government bodies at the international,
kills the useful animals but also causes large-
national, and local levels are constantly
scale destruction of the plant life.
organizing awareness programmes and issuing
 Overexploitation of Natural Resources :
rules and regulations to protect the existing
Several animals and plants are valuable
forests and wildlife.
sources of food and other materials. Fish,
The International Union for Conservation of Nature
prawns and crabs constitute an important part
and Natural Resources (IUCN), now known as
of human food. Man has, however, over-
the World Conservation Union, works towards
exploited these resources. Overfishing in sea
assessing the global conservation status of plant
is causing a grave situatoin and the picture is
and animal species.
not encouraging with respect to fresh water
IUCN maintains a comprehensive list known as
fishing. The rate of consumption of fish is
the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Here,
species are classified into nine groups, set greater than its replenishment.
 International Trade of Animal Products
through criteria such as rate of decline, population
 Legal lapse : The failure of enforcement of the
size, area of geographic distribution, and degree
existing laws of wildlife management is yet
of population and distribution fragmentation.
another reason for the rapid depletion of wild
Red Data Book : It is a record of animals
and plant species which are in danger.
 Human Ignorance : Man is mainly responsible
On the basis of degree of threat 9 red list
for depletion and extinction of wildlife on the
categories have been given :
earth. This is largely due to ignorance of
(i) Extinct
common man regarding the value of wildlife
(ii) Extinct in the wild
and the probable consequences of the
(iii) Critically Endangered.
disappearance of wildlife to man himself.
(iv) Endangered
Poaching : Illegal hunting of animals is called  Rare Species : These are localised in
poaching. certain geographical area and exhibit
Organized poaching by anti-social elements scattered population considering the global
threatens extinction of a number of species, environment. Thus their overall population in
the world is small. In future these species may
especially those which have valuable body
enter into the category of v ulnerable or
parts. These include:
endangered species. Indian elephant, Wild
(A) Body parts valued as ornaments : Examples buffalo and Asiatic wild ass.
include elephants for ivory and turtles for shells. PROTECTED SPECIES OF INDIAN WILDLIFE
(B) Body parts used in traditional medicine The following wild animals have been enlisted
(particularly in Asia) : Examples include the as threatened and protected species in India.
rhinoceros for horns and tigers for bones. 1. Musk deer 2. Bharat Swamp Deer
(C) For fur and hides : Animals killed for their hides 3. Duck 4. Horned Pheasant
include deer and cattle for leather, alligators and 5. Monal Pheasant 6. Great Indian Bustard
7. Indian Gazelle or Chinkara 8. Pea fowl
snakes for their skins, and wild cats, minks,
9. Gharial 10. Marsh crocodile
and bears for fur.
11. Python 12. Leathery turtle
(D) The Tibetan antelope, also known as chiru, is
13. Albino snow leopard
mainly killed for its fine fleece, which is popularly  Karnataka Government had launched "Project
known as shahtoosh. Shahtoosh shawls are very Elephant" to save Asian elephants in the
expensive, and considered a fashion statement states.
by many. To check the population of the Tibetan  One of the most important factor that threatens
antelope, a ban has been declared in India on the wildlife today is habitat destruction due to
sale and usage of Shahtoosh shawls. encroachment.
Threatend Species : The living species which  India contains 172 species of animals considered
have been greatly reduced in their number are globally threatend or 2.9% of the world's total
called threatend species. number of threatened species. This includes 53
species of mammals, 69 of birds, 23 of reptiles
and 3 species of amphibians.
 India contains globally important population of
some of Asia's rarest animals such as the
 Bengal fox,
Marbled cat, Asiatic lion, Indian elephant,
(Extinct animal from Mauritius)
Asiatic wild ass, Indian rhinoceros, Wild asiatic
Endangered Species : T hese are the water buffalo etc.
species which face immediate threat of
extinction. T heir number h as b een
To protect and conserve the wildlife in India the
drastically reduced to a critical level either
government has passed the Wildlife Protection
due to their indiscriminate hunting or due Act in 1972.
to destruction of their habitats. If the same (A) National park : A national park is characterised
factors continue, these species would soon by an area reserved for the betterment of
become extinct. Indian rhino, Asiatic lion & wildlife where foresting, grassing or cultivation
Great Indian bustard. is prohibited. It protects the flora and fauna of
Endangered species in Satpura National Park : the reserved area. Private ownership is not
Lion, Elephants, Wild buffaloes and Barasingha. allowed in a national park.
 Vulnerable Species : These are species that OR
are declining but still have sufficient number Areas reserved for wild life where they can
of individuals in their natural habitat. freely use the habitats and natural resources.
There are 97 national parks in India.
However, in near future they might represent the
 World's first National park - Yellow Stone
category of endangered species, in case the
National Park, Kew [England]
causal factors for their decline are not removed.
 India's first National park - Jim Corbett
Musk deer, Sambhar, Spotted deer and Black National Park, Nainital [Uttaranchal]
buck.  Kaziranga National Park - Assam
 Kanha National Park (M.P.) - Tiger (E) Botanical Gardens : Botanical gardens have
 Gir Forest National Park (Gujarat) - Asiatic been established to conserv e rare and
Lion, Chital, Sambhars. threatened plants. There are about 1600
 Khangchendzonga National Park- Gangtok botanical gardens all over the world.
 famous for protection of Snow Leopard
(B) Sanctuaries : A wildlife sanctuary is aimed at
(A) Ex-situ Conservation : The protection of wild
protecting the wild animals. In a wildlife
life in other than their natural habitate e.g., zoos
sanctuary, cutting of trees for timber and other
and botanical gardens,
forest products is permitted to private operators
with specific instructions to ensure that the well Other examples of Ex-situ conservation are -
being of wild animals does not suffer. At present (a) Gene banks
there are 508 santuaries in India. (b) Germ plasm bank.
OR (c) Seed bank.
Areas where animals are protected from any (B) In situ conservation : It is the protection of
disturbance to them and their habitat. species (wild life) in their natural habitat e.g.,
 Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary, Bharatpur National parks.
(Rajasthan) Famous for migratory bird - Siberian Wildlife can be conserved by :
Crane, Egrets.
(a) Preventing illegal hunting of animals.
 Shikari Devi Sanctuary- Mandi (Himachal
Pradesh) Black bear, Snow leopard, Flying fox, (b) Preventing sale and export of animal
Barking deer. products and hunting of rare and endangered
 Dachigam Sanctuary, Srinagar (Jammu & animals.
kashmir) Hangul- Kashmir stag. (c) Setting up wildlife sanctuaries and national
 Ann amalai San ctuary, Co imbatore parks.
[Tamilnadu] Tiger, elephants (d) Reforestation.
 Desert National Park - Jaiselmer, Rajasthan MIGRATION
 Sariska National Park - Alwar, Rajasthan The movement of animals in large numbers
(C) Biosphere Reserves : A biosphere reserve is from one place to another and back to their
designed to provide protection to the wild flora original home is called migration. Animals
and fauna, the domesticated animals and migrate during winter and breeding seasons.
plants, as well as to the traditional life styles of Birds are well known for their long migratory
the tribals of the area. flights.
OR The Arctic tern is a sea bird which travels from
Large areas of protected land for conservation the north pole to the south pole each year.
of wild life, plant and animal resources and Siberian cranes travel large distances and
traditional life of the tribals living in the area. come to India during winter.
At present there are 14 biosphere reserves in Migration often provides the migrating species
India. wit h more f av ourable condi tions of
This concept was launched by MAB [Man and temperature, food, or water. For instance, bats
Biosphere] programme in 1971. of cold and temperate regions are known to
A biosphere reserve is much larger than a migrate to warmer areas during winter.
national park or a sanctuary.
There are 3 zones of biosphere Reserve.
Reforestation : Restocking of the destroyed forests by
(1) Core Zone (2) Buffer Zone
planting new trees is called reforestation.
(3) Manipulating zone or Transition zone.
Important Biosphere Reserves in India  The planted trees should generally be of the same
species which were found in that forest.
1. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
2. Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve  We should save, reuse the used paper and recycle
3. Uttarakhand Biosphere Reserve it because 17 full grown trees required to make
4. Nokrok Biosphere Reserve one tonne of paper. And by it we cannot only
5. Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve save trees but also save energy and water needed
(D) Zoological Park : Zoos are places where for manufacturing paper.
animals and birds are protected by keeping
them in special cages or enclosures for public

1. Which of the following is a famous bird sanctuary 11. Chipko movement is related to -
of Rajasthan ? (A) conservation of trees
(A) Kaziranga (B) Keoladeo (B) conservation of fossils
(C) Pariyar (D) Bandhavgarh (C) conservation of soil
(D) conservation of water
2. Which of the following is killed for its’s horn ?
(A) Elephant (B) Black rhino
12. Hot spots are those area where
(C) Peacock (D) Tiger
(A) Endemic species is found
(B) Minium biological diversity is observed
3. Which national park preserves Asiatic lions ?
(C) Climatic temparature is high
(A) Gir (B) Keoladeo
(D) Maximum biological diversity is found
(C) Periyar (D) Corbett

4. How many botanical gardens are there all over 13. Environment in which an animal lives is called
the word ? its
(A) 1632 (B) 62 (A) habitat (B) home
(C) 1600 (D) 432 (C) reservoir (D) resort

5. What is the expanded form of IUCN ? 14. Indiscriminate cutting of forests is called
(A) International Union for Conservation of Na- (A) afforestation (B) reforestation
ture and natural Resources (C) deforestation (D) none of these
(B) Indian Union for Conservation of Nature and
National Resources 15. Species which are at the verge of extinction are
(C) International Union for Culture and nature called
(D) Indian Union for Culture and Natural Re- (A) extinct (B) endangered
(C) endemic (D) none of these

6. Which of the following is a threatened species ?

16. Species which are restricted only to specific area
(A) Dodo (B) Dinosaur
and not in any other geographical area are called
(C) The giant panda (D) All of the above
(A) exticnt (B) endangered
(C) endemic (D) none of these
7. Kaziranga sanctuary is located in -
(A) Kerala (B) Gujrat
(C) Bharatpur (D) Assam 17. Natural causes of deforestation include
(A) forest fires (B) lightning
8. Blue whale has been killed for - (C) electric currents (D) both (A) and (B)
(A) ivory (B) skin
(C) oil and blubber (D) bones 18. Growing of plants in an area where forest existed
earlier but has been removed is known as
9. The diverse plant species found in their natural (A) deforestation (B) reforestation
surrounding is called - (C) afforestation (D) both (A) and (B)
(A) flora (B) fauna
(C) both of above (D) none of above 19. The practice of clearing a part of a forest for
cultivation and then moving on to a new part is
10. Dinosaurs can be included in which of the fol- called
lowing category ? (A) shifting cultivation (B) crop rotation
(A) Threatened (B) Extinct (C) step farming (D) monoculture
(C) Endangered (D) Vulnerable
20. Which of the following are the uses of IUCN Red 23. How does our Government protect the rain forests
Data Book ? of our country ?
(A) Developing awareness about the importance (i) Prohibit the cutting of trees that are not mature
of threatened biodiversity enough
(B) Identification and documentation of (ii) Trees that have been chopped down are
endangered species. replanted
(C) Providing a global index of the decline of (iii) Discourage the use of pesticides in
biodiversity. agriculture.
(D) All of these (A) (i) and (ii) (B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iii) (D) (i), (ii) and (iii)
21. Which of the following are living resources in
(A) Flora (B) Fauna
(C) Soil (D) Both (A) and (B)

22. What is an endangered animal ?

(A) An animal on the verge of extinction.
(B) An animal which is extinct
(C) An animal that is dangerous to other animals
(D) An animal that is useful to other animals

Q ue . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A n s. A B B A C A C D C A B A
Q ue . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
A n s. A A C B C D B A D D A

1. More soil erosion occurs where there is- 11. Conservation refers to -
(A) No rainfall (B) Low rainfall (A) Management of natural resources
(C) High rainfall (D) None of the above (B) Protection of natural resources
(C) Proper use of natural resources
2. Which is most suitable soil for plant growth ?
(D) All of the above
(A) Gravel (B) Loam
(C) Sand (D) Clay 12. Deforestation is the major cause of-
(A) Environmental pollution
3. Frequent floods in plains of Northern India is
(B) Genetic erosion
due to–
(C) Desertification of habitat
(A) Excessive rainfall
(D) Depletion of natural resources
(B) Siltation of dams
(C) Deforestation in catchment areas 13. 'Red Data Book' provides information of :
(D) Agriculture (A) Threatened species (B) Biota of Red Sea
(C) World flora (D) World fauna
4. Conservation refers to -
(A) Management of natural resources 14. Forests control drought through-
(A) Increasing rainfall
(B) Judicious use of natural resources
(B) Functioning as water shed
(C) Protection of natural ecosystems
(C) Large trees
(D) All of the above
(D) Retention of water and prevention of soil
5. Soil conservation is – erosion
(A) Aeration of soil
15. Plants and animals are best protected in-
(B) Erosion of soil
(A) Sanctuaries (B) Botanical gardens
(C) Protection of soil against loss (C) Zoos (D) National parks
(D) Conversion of sterile soil into fertile soil
16. Forests-
6. Removal of top fertile layer of soil by wind or (A) Maintain natural balance
water is called – (B) Control atmospheric pollution
(A) Leaching (B) Erosion (C) Prevent soil erosion
(C) Siltation (D) Weathering (D) All of the above
7. Soil erosion can be prevented by– 17. 5th June is -
(A) Increase in bird population (A) World population day
(B) Afforestation (B) World health day
(C) Over-grazing (C) World environment day
(D) Removal of vegetation (D) World animal day
8. MAB stands for – 18. 'Chipko movement' is connected with-
(A) Man and Biodiversity (A) Project tiger
(B) Mammals and Biosphere (B) Plant breeding
(C) Man and Biosphere (C) Protection of environment including habitat
(D) Man and Biology and wild life
(D) Conservation of natural resources
9. What is the main cause of extinction of wild
life ? 19. A threatened species is-
(A) Urbanisation (B) Poaching (A) Rare (B) Endangered
(C) Felling of trees (D) All of the above (C) Vulnerable (D) All of the above

10. A National Park provides protection to - 20. An example of in situ conservation is-
(A) Flora only (B) Fauna only (A) Zoo (B) Pond
(C) Flora and fauna (D) Entire ecosystem (C) Biosphere reserve (D) Seashore

21. Wildlife refers to : 28. Which of the following statement is incorrect :
(A) Any living organism kept in cage (A) Project tiger was initiated on 1 April 1973
(B) Any living organism present in sanctuary (B) Biosphere reserves are multipurpose
(C) Any plant species growing in garden protected areas.
(D) Any living organism in its natural habitat (C) Sanctuaries are special protected areas for
protection of wild animals.
22. The cause of extinction of species is : (D) None of them
(A) Man made forest fire 29. Which of the following is a biosphere reserve :
(B) Excessive grazing (A) Bandipure Sanctuary, Karnataka.
(C) Inroduction of exotic species (B) Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, Rajasthan.
(D) All of the above (C) Kaziranga National Park, Assam
(D) Sunderban, West Bengal
23. Aim of conservation is :
(A) To preserve the quality of environment i.e. 30. Which of the following is the site of project tiger :
maintain a pollution - free environment. (A) Jim Corbett National Park, Uttaranchal.
(B) To ensure a continuous yield of useful plants, (B) Periyar National Park, Kerala.
animals and materials for generations to come (C) Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh.
(D) All the above.
(C) 1 and 2 both
(D) None of the above 31. The main object of Man and Biosphere
programme is to :
24. How many megadiversity centres present in all (A) Conserve representativ e samples of
over the world? ecosystem
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 10 (D) 12 (B) Provide opportunities for education and
25. Asiatic lion protected in :
(C) Prov ide appropriate sustainable
(A) Gir Forest National Park, Gujarat. managements of the living resources.
(B) Sunderban National Park, Westbengal. (D) All te above
(C) Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh.
32. Which of the following is killed for oil and
(D) All the above
26. Which of the following is endangered species : (A) Tiger (B) Blue whale
(A) Indian Rhinoceros (B) Asiatic lion (C) Chiru (D) All of them
(C) Blue whale (D) All the above 33. Which of the following is a wildlife sanctuary
in Rajasthan?
27. We can conserve biodiversity by :
(A) Ranthambore (B) Periyar
(A) Planting of trees should be undertaken (C) Kaziranga (D) Bandhavgarh
(B) Hunting of animals which is banned should
be strictly enforced. 34. Which of the following is a bird sanctuary?
(C) Protected areas like National Parks, Wildlife (A) Ranthambore (B) Periyar
sanctuaries and biosphere reserves should (C) Keoladeo (D) All of them
be established. 35. The black rhino is killed for its :
(D) All the above (A) Ivory (B) Fur (C) Horn (D) Meat

Que . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. C B C D C B B C D D D C A A D
Que . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. D C C D C D D C D A D D D C,D D
Que . 31 32 33 34 35
Ans. D B A C C

1. Write definition of National Park. 21. What is shifting cultivation ? What impact does
if have on forests ?
2. Give the name of place where India's first national
park is located. 22. What is the purpose of making national parks,
wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves ?
3. How many wild life sanctuaries established in
India ? 23. How does deforestation reduce rainfall on the
one hand and lead to floods on the other ?
4. What do you mean by biosphere reserve ?
24. What will happen if :
5. What do you mean by Ex-Situ conservation ? (i) we go on cutting trees.
(ii) the habitat of an animal is disturbed.
6. What are Botanical and Zoological garderns ? (iii) the top layer of soil is exposed.

7. Give the name of leaders of Appiko and Chipko 25. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand in
movement. factories and for shelter, trees are being
continually cut. Is it justified to cut trees for such
8. Give the name of national park which is famous projects? Discuss and prepare a brief report.
for Rhinoceros.
26. Explain how deforestation leads to reduced
9. Why should we conserve biodiversity? rainfall.

10. Protected forests are also not completely safe 27. Why should paper be saved? Prepare a list of
for wild animals. Why? ways by which you can save paper.

11. Some tribals depend on the jungle. How? 28. Differentiate between the following :
(i) Wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserve
12. What are the causes and consequences of
(ii) Zoo and wildlife sanctuary
(iii) Endangered and extinct species
13. What is Red Data Book? (iv) Flora and fauna

14. What do you understand by the term migration? 29. Discuss the effects of deforestation on the
following :
15. What do you mean by Flora & Fauna ? (i) Wild animals
(ii) Environment
16. What do you mean by Global warming ? (iii) Villages (Rural areas)
(iv) Cities (Urban areas)
17. Write a short note on migration. (v) Earth
(vi) The next generation
18. How wild life can be conserved ?
30. Define followings :
19. Mention some human activities that cause
(i) Threatened species
(ii) Biodiversity
(iii) Ecosystem
20. What impact does deforestation have on the
climate ? (iv) Endemic species


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