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A Weapon in Disguise

A pen is a mere capsule of ink whose purpose in undefined. The capabilities of this device are vast in range,
all depending on the individual who holds in it their hands. However, be warned, for if used incorrectly,
this object can become a catalyst for destruction so powerful, in can even break nations apart.

Give a writer a pen, or any sort of writing tool, and they will be able to create all sorts of things. Some are
able to craft entire universes from scratch. Writers, through the use of ink, are able to plot stories rooting
from inspiration they gather from their day-to-day lives. There are also people who focus more on the real
world—these are the people of the news industry. They continuously deliver information about everything
occurring in and out of their homeland, allowing viewers and readers to update themselves about the
happenings worldwide. A pen also has been used in the signing of many important documents, declarations
of peace and equality that hold proof that this object is truly a remarkable invention. One that has brought
together nations, and inspired people to use it for wonderful things as well.

However, despite that, there are still some that use the pen for sinister uses, wielding it as a weapon for
mass destruction. One very common example is bullying. These people taunt their victims by vandalising
their items or writing words that insult and shatter their souls, leading to consequences that they may or
may not foresaw to happen. Others in the reporting world also use this object to spread fake information,
tricking people into believing their well-crafted lies in exchange for recognition and more often thatn not
money. It is a cruel truth, but the more and more time passes by, the more the pen is warped into a tool for
harm, erasing its once peaceful and virtuous purpose.

Every object holds multiple functions, both good and bad, that depend on a person’s capabilities. This is
why we must always think out our ideas carefully. For if we act haphazardly, we may lead ourselves and
others to consequences that we will surely regret in the future.

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