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Group 3 Negotiations

Members of the group :

 Bintang Mukvian Dola as President Director of RUM Seafood Company
 Hayatul Husni as Finance Section CV JMM UTAMA
 Muhammad Adi Purwanto as Employee of CV JMM UTAMA
 Nurhazizah as Secretary of RUM Seafood Company
 Risa Mariana as Treasurer of RUM Seafood Company
 Siti Rukmana as the owner of the MAJOR JMM CV

Theme: Customer-Supplier Negotiations

 1
Azizah : Good afternoon, I'm Nurhazizah, the secretary of RUM Seafood Company, can I speak
with Mrs. Siti?
Siti : Yes with me, what's up?
Azizah : After we review the report from CV JMM Utama, we are interested in working with
you, do you have time, Mrs. Siti?
Siti : Yes, of course. In this week, if for tomorrow I can't, maybe 3 more days I can. Are you
okay with that?
Azizah : Yes, of course. But we want a meeting to be held in our company, do you agree with
Siti : Yes, I agree. Can you explain again when and where we have this negotiation
Azizah : Okay, wait a minute I will ask the director first.
10 second pause
Azizah : Sorry, Miss. Waiting for long
Siti : Yes, it is okay
Azizah : Let us start the meeting on 2 December 2019 at 9 AM, located in the meeting room
RUM Seafood Company.
Siti : Alright, I'll attend on schedule
Azizah : Okay, we wait for his presence. Sorry to disturb your activities, good afternoon.
Siti : Good afternoon too
 2

RUM Seafood Company : Good afternoon, welcome to Rum Seafood Company

CV JMM Utama : Good afternoon too.
Bintang : How Mrs. Siti and others, on the way to here, are there no obstacles
Siti : Of course, it's just that I get stuck in traffic, but it doesn't take long
Bintang : Hmmm, thank God, then let's just go straight into the room and start

 3

Azizah : Good afternoon everyone

All : Good afternoon
Azizah : Alright, I'm Nurhazizah as the moderator and secretary of RUM SEAFOOD
COMPANY, before we negotiate this meeting first, to introduce the audience who
attended this negotiation meeting.

From the first party: from Rum Seafood Company

1. President Director: Bintang Mukvian Dola
2. Treasurer: Risa Mariana

From the second party: from CV JMM UTAMA

1. Owner: Siti Rukmana
2. Finance Section: Hayatul Husni
3. Employee: Muhammad Adi Purwanto

Azizah : Alright, let's start this negotiation meeting starting from the first party
Bintang : OK I will take over as the first party, what products does your company offer?
Siti : well the products we offer at this time to your company are salmon, mangrove crabs,
groupers, stingrays, vannamei shrimp, tiger prawns, mackerel, squid, tuna and
Bintang : Is that all the products your company offers?
Siti : there are certainly many more, later we will send data on the products we sell.
Bintang : oh, don't be so that our negotiations are successful, of course you must provide an
overview of your company's products, especially those that you offer us.
Siti : Alright, I accept your advice. This matter will be explained by my employee.
Adi : Alright, I will explain about the quality and quality of our products, for the first time
I send pictures of our company's products, especially the products we offer.

Adi : that's the picture of the products we offer by our company.

Bintang : seems pretty good for the standardization of our company's raw materials. Can your
company guarantee the quality of the product? It's not that we doubt the quality of
your company's products, we just don't want to happen like our previous partners
because they can't maintain the quality of the product
Adi : calm down sir, our company always maintains the quality of our company's products.
In fact we have received recognition from ISO 9001, namely recognition in product
quality management
: if you want to ask about feed for our company's products. We always feed 2-3 times
a day and use drugs once a month. The use of feed originating from natural
ingredients without chemicals as well as the use of medicines according to applicable
regulations. In fact, we work closely with the local Ministry of Fisheries and
Maritime Affairs to oversee the feed and medicines used so that the quality and
quality of our company's products are maintained and become suppliers. national
Siti : OK, that's all the explanation of our company's products. I think that is more than
enough to explain the quality of our company's products
Bintang : I think that's enough too, okay then, can we start negotiating about the supply of
many items at a price.
Siti : Alright let's get started
Bintang : If so, a lot of the supply of raw materials we need will be explained by my secretary
Azizah : Alright, our company wants 500 kg of salmon shipped in the day, 100 kg of
mangrove crabs, 250 kg of grouper fish, 450 kg of stingrays, 500 kg of vannamei
shrimp, 450 kg of tiger shrimp, 500 kg of mackerel, 500 kg of squid , 300 kg tuna,
and 400 kg shells.
Bintang : can your company provide that many products in one day?
Siti : Wait a minute, I discuss with my employees
: We think our company can provide that. But our company offers us payments of
6.120 million in a month. This payment is included with the cost of transporting our
products to your company. Do you agree with that?
Bintang : isn't the payment too big? What do you think of Risa?
Risa : Based on the company's current cash flow, we pay too much. I suggest paying 6
billion a month.
Siti : If so, what do you think, Husni?
Husni : If the payment is only that big, it is possible that the company will lose money and
cannot carry out this negotiating contract.
Risa : sorry, sassy director. I think the payment is still too big, I recommend the payment to
be 6.02 billion.
Husni : sorry, sassy Mrs. Siti I think the payment is still not able to support transportation
costs, I suggest another payment of 6.075 billion.
Bintang : ops, if we just take the middle path, the payment is 6.05 billion in a month, what
about Mrs.Siti?
Siti : how about Husni? If it is 6.06 billion in a month, we agree, if not it seems we cannot
continue this negotiation
Bintang : what about Risa? Alright we agree with that. With the terms of a work contract
agreement for 5 years with a trial in the first 2 months. Do you agree with our
Siti : Well, we agree with the requirements that you submit to us.
Azizah : Alright, with the agreement between the two parties, let us close this negotiation
meeting with the signing of the MOU between the two parties as a sign of
agreement between the two parties to Mr. Star with Mrs. Siti is expected to sign this
With the completion of the signing of this MOU, the negotiation meeting will also
end. Hopefully the collaboration between the two parties will run late in the
afternoon, everyone.
All : good afternoon

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