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The Star People’s Counterpunch!

Volume Four

Facebook Notes in Chronological Order


Reni Sentana-Ries

Published by

Sentana-Ries Publishing Company

P.O. Box 99

Ryley, Alberta, Canada

T0B 4A0

The Star People’s Counterpunch!

Volume 4

2019 Edition

Copyright 2019/2020 by Reni and Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from
the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages; nor may any part of this
book be reproduced, translated in part or in whole, nor transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without written permission from the publishers.



Published by:


P.O. Box 99
Ryley, Alberta, Canada

T0B 4A0

381. The GLOBAL AGENDA of the Federation of
Free Planets (Part 7 of 10)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, November 27, 2018

Never at any time have I been given charge over the people of China. They will have their own
guide when the time comes. However the trade requirements for China with other nations call
for a mechanism OUTSIDE of a cash/currency system as all other nations will by that time no
longer operate on the outmoded format of a financial system.

And so I have taken the liberty to make recommendations for China which their leaders can
implement at their own discretion.

Agenda Item 10: To the Leaders of the Government of

China (October 2006)
Hello, my distinguished friends in the great land of China.

You will have noticed that no directive I have issued here I ever made binding on you and your
people, and neither will I in the future. My mandate does not include China. Our own
information on you indicates that your people will have their own guide. Whether at this time
you have been able to identify who it is, I do not know.

However when that individual comes forward, be kind to him or her, and place no barrier
between that person and the people. He or she will be no threat to your power of rule over
the people of China, but bear in mind that you and your people must be prepared for the
upcoming global evacuation just as much as we ourselves must be.

In my own writings on this website I have called the process of our people’s preparation a
reclamation. Since the timing for the end of this world is the same for all of us, I strongly
advise you to participate in scrapping your money system as well. You and your people
cannot survive as an island left behind where money is still in use as a basis for the exchange
of goods and services you call “trade.”

My concern here is two-fold:

a) you can no longer be paid for any of your exports, and

b) the survival of your people makes an uninterrupted flow of imports necessary for which
you no longer can pay us, since our money use has become obsolete.

However, in the absence of money at your end also, your economic needs for the future in
terms of imported raw materials, etc. will remain met by merely listing them in the form of a
“trade” or “demand” order similar to that of a purchase order. And conversely our claim on
products manufactured by your people will likewise be stated in the form of a trade order.

Your continued use of currency at home would severely conflict with the simplicity of all trade
arrangements that are now possible among nations. You should have no difficulty to match the
expiry date of currency in your country with that of our own.
Have a good day, gentlemen.

382. The GLOBAL AGENDA of the Federation of

Free Planets (Part 8 of 10)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, November 27, 2018

As human beings we are the sum total of ALL our past and future incarnations. Our words and
deeds and attitudes in this life give testimony of it.

While I have no conscious remembering of having been Ezra, I must still say that the scrolls
written by his hand lend credence to that suggestion.

From historical figures that I have gotten to know up to this point, I can with a clean conscience
say I am like Lord Adonai, I am like Abraham, I am like Ezra, I am like Ceasar Augustus
(Octavian) from the Roman Empire, I am like a judge who failed himself during the Middle
Ages but paid a high price for his error in sound judgment, and I am the reincarnation of the
murdered Czar Nicholas II of Russia.

What follows is not just information for my Generals, but also for the general public. I feel very
strongly that the words I speak today are dismissed only at great peril of all who do so.

Agenda Item 11: “Judgment Day” has arrived! (Part One)

2,400 years ago Ezra (myself) wrote into his scroll the following words as given to him by Lord


“…the message will be about the end of the world and the foundations (governments) of the
world will understand that the voice is speaking about them.

They will tremble and quake because they know that they will undergo a change when the
end comes…

The time is near when I will come to judge the people living on earth. I will punish those who
have hurt others with their injustice…

This age which is about to pass away, will have the final seal put on it.

Then I will give the following sign: the books will be opened across the sky for all to see . The
hearts and minds of people on earth will be changed. Evil will be destroyed and deceit
eliminated. Faith will grow strong, corruption will be overcome, and truth which has not
produced fruit for so long, will make itself felt again.”

(End quote).

At the time Ezra was warned to “not be so quick to raise useless questions in the present age;
then you will not be so quick to do so in the final age.”

(“The Mancharians’ Newest Civilization” became the Q&A book of the “final age.”)

And when, according to ancient prophecy, would “Judgment” come? Ezra wrote:

(quote from text written 2,400 years ago)

“When you see that some of the signs I have told you about have appeared, you will know that
the time has come when God Most High will bring judgment on the world he has created.

There will be earthquakes, national rebellions (revolutions, insurrections), international

intrigues (conspiracies), unstable leaders (democracies, elections), and confused rulers
(leaders who cannot understand why events unfold the way they do).

When you (Ezra) see these things happening, you will know that they are what God Most High
has spoken about since the beginning of creation.”

(End quote).

With reference to events radiating out of America into the world Ezra wrote:


“You saw the angry lion (the Lion of the Tribe of Judah) come roaring out of the forest (shed his
disguise) and you heard it speak to the eagle (the United States of America) and rebuke it for
the evil it had done (read the article “Curse on America”) and for all that it had said (lies,
deception, betrayals).

The lion represents the Messiah whom God Most High has held back until the end. He will be a
descendant of David (from the House of Judah) and will come to speak to the rulers.

He will rebuke them for their wickedness, their sinfulness, and their contempt for God’s ways.
While they are still living he will bring them to judgment, condemn them for their sin and
destroy them (strip them of their power).

But he will have mercy on the rest of my people, those who are left in my land. He will set them
free and make them happy (restore back to them their long lost paradise) until the end comes
(evacuation day).

(End quote).

“Judgment Day is final and sets the final seal on truth for all to see.”

(See Agenda Item 7).

It may as well have been a good thing that my own scroll of ancient times never made it into
the canon of today’s Bible. There was too much truth in it for even religionists of the past to


383. The GLOBAL AGENDA of the Federation of

Free Planets (Part 9 of 10)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, November 27, 2018

Will anyone hold me guilty or narcissist if I speak truth about myself? I hope not. My position is
one which requires me to get through to you all lest I fail my mission.

In that context please read from the record I wrote 2,400 years ago and be mindful of the
references therein pertaining to the time we live in today.

(Quoted from my own record of October 2006)

Judgment Day is here, and the only Judgment ruling this Day will be that of my own! No
religious book on earth will tell me how to conduct it, not even my own scroll of the past!

Yet many trembling under the thunder of my words will be surprised to learn that Judgment
Day is less about punishment for wrongs of the past than it is on forgiveness for those
wrongs. To many this Day will see their “sins” of the past forgiven without the need for anyone
shedding blood as a “sacrifice” for those “sins”. Indeed, I want you people to begin purging this
label out of your minds!

From now on be aware however of negative life expressions stunting your personal growth,
for you ought to prepare yourselves for entering worlds where the word “sin” is not even part
of their vocabularies!

The value judgment on any deed of your past or any of your future will from here on out not be
made necessarily by people around you, neither by society nor traditions, but as you connect
back to the inner godhood of yourselves, you then see and judge for yourselves whether
proceeding with any intent will be either beneficial or detrimental to your growth or personal
progression, and therein you find yourselves guided by an accurate understanding between
right and wrong, which your own inner godhood is capable of giving you.

Also develop the capacity to forgive yourselves for errors of your past and begin connecting to
your inner higher selves!

But I warn some of you, there will be “sins” that belong outside of the category of instant
forgiveness, and they will be judged by the universal measuring stick of acceptable and
permissible conduct.

Also begin to grasp and understand the necessity of upholding the guidelines of universal
ethics. When I say “universal”, that is exactly what I mean: A STANDARD OF ETHICS
ACCEPTED BY THE UNIVERSE OF LIGHTED BEINGS! Your personal acceptance of that standard
will open the doorways for you to become re-admitted into higher worlds existing beyond
this earth.

Any conduct performed with intent of victimizing or inflicting injury on others is taboo by the
universal standard of ethics and will be judged accordingly, where then society is taking over
to protect itself.

When the Generals get my word and follow my lead, they merely fulfill what was accurately
foretold in my own ancient writing not found in your official Bible book:


“But Judgment Day will be the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age.

“Then all corruption will end, self-indulgence and disloyalty will be eliminated. Righteousness
and truth will reach their full maturity.

“So on Judgment Day no one will be able to have mercy on those who have been
condemned, and no one will be able to harm those who have been acquitted.”

(End quote from the record of 2,400 years ago)

384. The GLOBAL AGENDA of the Federation of
Free Planets (Part 10 of 10)

“…And the books will be opened!”

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, November 28, 2018

This final entry to the GLOBAL AGENDA deals with our need for a truthful understanding of
mankind’s history. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE somewhere buried underneath 1000’s of history
books full of lies and half-truths, which are also lies.

And so I am asking my Generals to organize a global effort of seeking out ALL hidden
historical records still available which will give us that truthful and rounded picture of WHAT
REALLY HAPPENED while we were evolving here on earth up to the point we have arrived at

It’s a monumental task, I know, however it must be done in order for all of us to finally work
ourselves out from underneath all the lies we have been told throughout centuries, and even

Agenda Item 17: And the Books Are Being Opened…!

(Taken from my records made in October 2006)

Good morning, Generals!

I want the historical record of the past set straight. This is the ugliest assignment I have given
you so far, however it needs to be done in order for the most accurate record of mankind’s
history we can possibly produce to go into the archives of the Akashic Records.

The match between the one we will create at the end of this age and the one which all
participants have written by the hand of their own lives should match as closely as possible the
one which already exists scattered throughout the Akashic Records now. You may compare it
to defragmenting a hard drive.

From the general public I want men and women to come forward who wish to participate in
this awful task: historians, scientists, anthropologists, laymen, laywomen, researchers, and so
on, and who will then create many teams throughout many countries, to conduct an array of
historical research of the past, past events, the rise and fall of kingdoms, the intrigues and
treacheries of their leaders, the wars they conducted, the secret societies they formed, the
monarchies they destroyed, the doctrines they invented to deceive the people, the economic
and philosophical systems they created to control the masses, the schemes with which they
plotted to overthrow righteous civilizations and societies, their names, the hierarchies of
their power, the texts of secret covenants they wrote, their religions, and also the good
deeds many did throughout mankind’s known history.

As resources I want you to be given access to all major libraries of the world, all archives held
by governments, museums and religious institutions.

I want Pope Benedict to secure the archival records of the Vatican until your teams arrive to
work there, and I want you to have access to all records and translations of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, classified or not. There also are the Society for Historical Review, the Canadian and
Australian League of Rights and their archived books, NASA, the Pentagon, etc.

For example: we need the facts about the Tower of Babel,

the “wheel” Ezekiel described,

the Sumerian people and their records, their connections to the extraterrestrials,

Atlantean technology,

why technology became lost for so long,

the “pillar” of fire from Moses’ days,

how the pyramids were built and by whom, and for what purpose,

who designed and constructed the monuments on Mars,

what wars destroyed the surface of Mars, where has Mars’ atmosphere gone and by what
mechanism was it lost,

what are the facts of mankind’s origin on earth,

why do we have different races, indicating a fallacy in the theory that all of mankind came
from Adam and Eve,

are the theories of genetic evolution accurate,

are the “miracles” of Christ true,

how does prophecy come about which speaks of future events, where does it come from,

who invented religion and instituted the abomination of animal sacrifice,

the truth about Moroni,

who lied about the alleged need for innocent human blood as payment for others’ “sins”,

who were the “gods” that demanded to be “worshiped”,

why are we not told the facts of reincarnation and that of our own godhood potential,

why are we being forced now to throw religion into the trash bins of mankind’s screwed-up
history after millennia of human suffering from lack of understanding,

which catastrophes were caused by interplanetary conjunctions, and what planets were

how did the asteroid belt come into being,

is time travel possible, and if so, why;

why did the God of Moses condone money and then says: “Look after the poor!” if even then
money was at the root of all poverty;

who was Moses’ “god”,

why so many wars,

and why was the library of Alexandria burned to the ground?

I want the truth about Pearl Harbor, the Russian Revolution, the wars of Europe, the Fall of
Rome, the Jewish Holocaust, why does man oppress woman, the Kennedy assassination, the
massacres of the Palestinians and the Armenians, depleted uranium and its consequences
from use in warfare, why and how did the towers of New York come down, atomic
underground tunneling, the reintroduction of torture in modern times, the origin and
purpose of freemasonry, the Illuminati, all revolutions, extraterrestrial captives and how they
have been treated by the established elite, and anything else you may find important for us
to understand why and how events of the past unfolded the way they did.

I hope you have time enough to finish this work before conditions on this planet call for our
global evacuation. Before we leave this planet we need the “air we breathe” cleared of all
misconceptions. Here the teams must learn to emotionally detach themselves from the
information they find and proceed on that basis.

When the research is done and the picture of humanity’s past is clear, the purpose of this
exercise is fulfilled and we can then move on with worlds of bliss we create for ourselves,
having thoroughly learned from the mistakes of our past.

To facilitate a free flow of information from the work of these teams back to the people, I want
all teams to have full access to the internet, operate their own websites where they will publish
condensed reports of their findings, interlink with each other, and for the purpose of reaching
all people everywhere with their information we must now aim to provide every household
with the opportunity to have connection to the net.

Thank you, Generals, for your attention! You are now dismissed.

385. The Federation of Free Planets' Pathway to


(Written by Reni Sentana-Ries, October 2006)

1. Internal Structure

a) The national SECURITY PANEL consists of 12 men and 12 women per nation.

b) The qualifications of these members are given under the link called “Qualifications.”

c) All members are equal including their chairman or chairwoman.

d) The panel regenerates from within, meaning each new member is chosen by themselves,
using identical qualifications as described under “Qualifications” from the public in the event of
a member’s death, incapacitation, or expulsion for inability to be of one mind with all. The
12x12 ratio must always be maintained.

e) During the meetings, being seated around a round large table or a set of curved tables
placed side by side into a large ring, each male member must be flanked by two female and
vice versa. They must be seated alternately.

f) Chairman rotation is not obligatory.

2. Powers of the SECURITY PANEL

All powers of this Panel pertain to security only. All decisions by the SECURITY PANEL must be
unanimous. The Panel’s powers are:

a) To direct all security operations conducted by the wing of the armed national police force in
charge of security only. Therefore the security wing of the armed police force is not
accountable to the national government or its president, but to the SECURITY PANEL.

b) The SECURITY PANEL directs and oversees all operations of the national military force.
(Revised January 31, 2016)

c) The SECURITY PANEL has power to remove out of office any official holding either substantial
or regular public trust who acts in contradiction to the spirit of oneness by undermining the
paradisiacal economic environment of the people or is disruptive in conduct to the peace
among people.

d) The SECURITY PANEL appoints all officials into offices as holders of substantial public trust.
Their selections are for life until they choose to step out of office at their own discretion or
become incapacitated in the opinion of the Panel. See under “Interpretations” to identity
holders of the office of substantial public trust.

e) The SECURITY PANEL will assure that no people living under the paradisiacal order will enjoy
preferential status above that of the people as has been the case with family lines that were

considered "royal." Paradise has no "royals" living in them, only people living in a oneness of
mind. (Revised January 31, 2016)

3. Accountability of the SECURITY PANEL

Unlike any other person holding public office, the 24 members of the national SECURITY PANEL
are accountable to the High Council of the Federation of Free Planets. (Revised January 31,

4. Identification of the SECURITY PANEL members

Each member of the SECURITY PANEL is given a badge of authority and an identifying feature
on their clothing. The replacement of persons must accompany a document signed by all
members stating reasons for dismissal from public office and be delivered by no fewer than
three SECURITY PANEL members, showing their badges and being accompanied by one or more
armed security police officers. No removal of persons from office will be accompanied by
charges, trials or punishment, and no Panel’s decision is subject to an appeal.

5. Security arrangements for large nation states or empires (Revised January 31, 2016)
It is impossible for one SECURITY PANEL alone to handle all security matters occurring in large
nation states. In those cases the jurisdictions assigned to the Panel can be divided by
geographic area and function.

a) Dividing a national SECURITY PANEL in geographic areas of jurisdiction.

The Panel has the power to divide the nation’s land mass into two halves of approximately
equal size using provincial or state boundaries. One half it retains for itself and the other half is
then assigned to a newly created Panel appointed by themselves, where each new member is
subjected to the screening process under ”Qualifications”. Should the two newly created areas
still be too large to manage, then a further division of geographic area, using the same
procedure, becomes necessary. No Panel has the right to divide the nation or a zone up into
more than two geographic areas at a time. All such decisions by the Panel must be unanimous.

b) Dividing a national SECURITY PANEL by function.

The moment a nation state or large empire is out of necessity compelled to begin dividing its
land mass into 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or more zones, it becomes necessary for the very first established
SECURITY PANEL to also divide its function. The two functions are:

(1) to direct the operations of the armed wing of the security police force, and direct the

(2) To assign qualified persons into offices of substantial public trust, and to remove persons
holding either substantial or regular public trust where removal is warranted.
In that case, upon the first division of a nation state into two zones, the fallout from that
division will result in three SECURITY PANELS of 24 members each. Two Panels would look after
jurisdiction (2) described as a “function” and one Panel would focus its attention
unencumbered by other responsibilities on jurisdiction (1), also described as a “function”.
No official holding an office of substantial public trust has the right of access to any national
SECURITY PANEL except for the solicitation of advice. (Revised January 31, 2016)

6. The Power of Dissolution

Just as a SECURITY PANEL has the power to divide its jurisdictions in half by creating new
Panels, so does it have the power to dissolve itself where the workload no longer justifies its
existence. This however must only be done in agreement with another Panel which is willing to
take over the additional work load left behind by the outgoing one. When the number of
SECURITY PANELS is back down to one per nation, no further dissolution is allowed.

7. Redundancy of National Elections

The presence of a national SECURITY PANEL and its powers makes national, provincial, state &
civic elections unnecessary as persons are being selected into positions of substantial public

8. Tools of the SECURITY PANEL

ALL SECURITY PANEL members are expected to keep themselves informed of what is going on
in the country. Their resources are technically unlimited:

a) information gleaned by intelligence agencies.

b) Information gleaned by the armed security police force.

c) Radio, television, newsprint information and books, i.e. “Secret Societies,” etc.

d) complaints filed by the public

e) regular contact with officials chosen by the Panel.

f) regular contact with officials holding regular public trust.

g) the internet,

No Panel member is to be kept on a “leash” in the responsible execution of his or her duty.
Unlimited travel must be allowed. No person or agency has the right to withhold information
demanded by a SECURITY PANEL member.
All members of any Panel have the right to unlimited communication with any other panel
member anywhere in the world. Internal communication among members via internet is
encouraged. All members have the right to armed guards for protection if they feel that is

9. Conflict Resolution

In the event of a deadlock at any SECURITY PANEL, the issue can be brought before myself for
conflict resolution. This move must not be considered a threat to Panel members holding a
dissenting voice. A person’s conscience we respect.

We discern between a natural difference of opinion and the abandonment of a spirit of


No member is obligated to go against his or her best discernment of what is right or wrong
when a certain path of action is under consideration.

Conflict resolution can also be attained through the liberty each Panel member has to consult
with any other Panel or member anywhere in the world. There will be no restriction on flow of
information from one Panel to another. No Panel is an island all by itself. No mission or
initiative any member embarks on will be considered a waste of time or effort. It will be looked
upon as a “labour of love” in the best interest of the people.

10. Limitations to the Power of a National SECURITY PANEL

a) No surveillance will be permitted within the confines of a private home. Surveillance of

telephone calls (wireless or land) will not be considered an encroachment on privacy to
persons placed under it, even if made from a private home.

b) No SECURITY PANEL may dictate any form of punishment or restrictions on individuals

caught in the dragnet of surveillance. A Panel’s power of removing persons out of offices of
public trust is not considered a form of punishment.

c) No Panel has authority outside of its own designated zone of jurisdiction. It may not interfere
with decisions made by officials holding offices of substantial public trust except give
notification of its disagreement. Its only power of interference is the potential removal of those
officials if it deems it necessary. Any Panel may pass on advice to a leader if asked to do so,
however the advice must be based on the Panels’ unanimity.

11. The SECURITY PANEL vis-à-vis the Armed Security Wing of the National Police Force.

a) The Panel issues mandate and guidelines for all aspects of security surveillance to the police
force and their agents, including directives to the bearing of arms or that of non-lethal

b) The Panel will select leading officers for only one level into the hierarchy of the security
police as well as that of the regular police force in accordance with requirements as outlined
under “Qualifications.”

c) Police personnel below the first level of hierarchy will be selected under “Qualifications”
requirement by the lead officer who was selected by the Panel.

d) The Security Police Force are given the highest state-of-art surveillance equipment and
training, and has the right of choice to give notice of surveillance on individuals and groups or
not. This freedom is for the purpose of fairness to persons under surveillance balanced with a
public’s right to effective surveillance.

e) Individuals caught in an attempt of undermining the economic order of paradise by means of

plotting in secrecy and found in organizing armed insurrection against the new order must be
handed over into military custody where I will consult with my generals, and we will then
decide on all matters of justice for them.

12. The SECURITY PANEL vis-à-vis the Military

a) No general is under obligation to obtain permission to use deadly force when attacked by
surprise, or if he has reliable information leading them to pockets of armed revolt against the
order of paradise. The latter requires a detailed report back to the SECURITY PANEL, and a copy
of the report must go to myself.

b) The Panel will assess military strength requirements and make adjustments as required.

c) The Panel will decide on the type of weapons eligible for deployment.

d) The Panel will order the dismantling or destruction of all mini nukes, A-bombs, H-bombs,
chemical weapons, biological weapons, depleted uranium ammunitions and bombs, daisy
cutter bombs, cluster bombs, and land mines as soon as global consensus among all SECURITY
PANELS world wide has been obtained. The dismantling of this hardware will occur

13. Initial Assignment from the SECURITY PANEL

In all likelihood a SECURITY PANEL’s main work load will consist of guiding and directing the
affairs of the armed wing of the national police force in charge of security and surveillance.
Initially I want the SECURITY PANEL to instruct surveillance on...
(Items deleted. To be resolved when the time will come)

386. HESIOD (800 BC) reports of a PARADISE

from long ago ON EARTH!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries

It should come to no one’s surprise that WE INSIST on a restoration of paradise on earth. This
planet has seen all the goodness and harmony of cultural perfected ethics before, and where
it fell or was destroyed, it was through external interference on a peaceful society through
deception and racial intermixing of Hellion perverted DNA by extraterrestrial, evil-minded

Our effort of giving back to the people that which at one time was lost should therefore not be
viewed as odd or fanciful, but be seen as a restoration of the most valuable knowledge the

Today I found a little poem penned by HESIOD who lived roughly 2800 years ago:

(Screenshot inserted).

Hesiod, 800 BC:

“When gods alike and mortals rose to birth

A golden race, the immortals formed on earth!

Like gods they lived with calm untroubled mind.

Free from the toils and anguish of our kind.

No decrepit age misshaped their frame,

Strangers to ill, their lives in feasts flowed by.

Dying they sank in sleep, nor seemed to die.

Theirs was each good; the life-sustaining soil

yielded its copious fruits, unbribed by toil.

They with abundant goods ‘midst quiet lands,

All willing shared the gathering of their hands!”

387. Part of the Global Agenda: STRUCTURAL

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, December 4, 2018

In the New Era paradisaical order there is no room for the Security Council which today
exercises inappropriate dictatorial control over nations.

But should the nations still feel the need for a central international institution like the General
Assembly of the United Nations, then they may continue with a membership in it, however that
association must be voluntary and loose. The text following was developed in 2006.


1) (Dropped as of December 4, 2018)

2) The Security Council will be dismantled.

3) The need for the many auspices of the United Nations will come under review by national
Security Panels, and all auspices it deems unnecessary will be dismantled.

388. The Bush/Kissinger New World Order
Agenda Itemized

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, December 11, 2018

What we have here is the itemized listing of the New World Order as conceived by all elites at
the top of mankind’s dung heap, and represented by many U.S. presidents and high-ranking
officials like Dulles, Johnson, Ford, Roosevelt, Truman, Bush Snr. & Jr., Clinton, and others.

It’s the policy program for the permanent enslavement of mankind, and as you all can see this
N.W.O. Agenda is diametrically opposed to the GLOBAL AGENDA which I have put forth at this
Facebook page and on my own two internet websites.

The information is from 1969 and comes from Dr. Richard Day who passed away in 1989.

1. Is there a power, a force or a group of men organizing and redirecting change?

2. Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now!
3. People will have to get used to change
4. The real and the stated goals
5. Population control
6. Permission to have babies
7. Redirecting the purpose of sex
8. Contraception universally available to all
9. Sex education as a tool of world government
10. Tax funded abortion as population control
11. Encouraging homosexuality

12. Technology
13. Families to diminish in importance
14. Euthanasia and the 'demise pill'
15. Limiting access to affordable medical
16. Planning the control over medicine
17. Elimination of private doctors
18. New difficult-to-diagnose and untreatable diseases
19. Suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control
20. Inducing heart attacks as a form of assassination
21. Education as a tool for accelerating onset of puberty and evolution
22. Blending all religions, the old religions will have to go
23. Changing the Bible through revisions of key words
24. The churches will help us
25. Restructuring education as a tool of indoctrination
26. More time in schools, but they wouldn't learn anything
27. Controlling who has access to information
28. Schools as the hub of the community
29. Books would just disappear from the libraries
30. Changing laws
31. The encouragement of drug abuse to create a jungle atmosphere
32. Alcohol abuse
33. Restrictions on travel
34. The need for more jails, and using hospitals as jails
35. No more security
36. Crime used to manage society
37. Curtailment of American industrial pre-eminence
38. Shifting populations and economies - tearing the social roots
39. Sports as a tool of social change
40. Sex and violence inculcated through entertainment
41. Travel restrictions and implanted id
42. Food control
43. Weather control
44. Know how people respond - making them do what you want
45. Falsified scientific research
46. Terrorism
47. Financial control
48. Surveillance, implants, and televisions that watch you
49. Home ownership a thing of the past
50. The arrival of the totalitarian global system

389. EMOTIONS Intensify in the Realm of the

Love and hate are two sides of the same coin! The love/hate emotions among entities in
higher realms, the realms of the Masters or archangels, are intensified with the degree of the
purity of their souls, and not forbidden, as some suggest who believe that what we feel is
what we become: in other words, if we feel love, we become love, and if we feel hate, then
that is what we also become.


Such doctrine is an insult to the righteous, simply because it denies evolved souls emotional
stability should they feel anything other than love in cases of acts of gross brutality among
mankind on earth they are observers of.

In a recent note “The Darkened Epoch is Concluded with the Light. Part Three” which contains
a stern warning by the Masters to people being at the forefront of trouble-making for others I
wrote the following as a comment: “What we see here is EMOTION in action! “There exists a
fundamental error in belief by those who think that holiness and purity of heart ought not to
be connected with emotions other than happiness and joyfulness. And yet we see here the
highest-evolved entities in outrage over what has been occurring on this planet for so long.

“Obviously their ‘negativity,’ ‘intolerance,’ and ‘outrage’ does in no wise affect the status of
their personal purity. “We can learn from that and not ever think that feelings of outrage will
undermine the purity of our hearts and thinking, and perhaps will make us become that which
we despise.


“The higher-evolved we become, and the purer we are at heart, the deeper our outrage can
manifest in intolerance to injustice and brutalities we observe going on around us, and this
happens at no loss to our soul purity.”

Reni Sentana-Ries

390. The Fall of the Nations (Scribed)

From the “White Winds” archives of the Akashic Records, obtained in 1994

(The White Winds is an intergalactic flag ship) (Quote)


The collapse of the nations like blocks, one tipping the other, and you haven't seen it yet! You
haven't seen near what they publicize may or could happen: Any papers, any shows, any news
articles, any myths, any fiction or non-fiction - there is not one that has come even close to
what will occur in a matter of short years down the road.

This we have propagated, and the sure-footed brotherhood which are not, but yet soon will be
dotted throughout the face of the Earth for the sole purpose of instigating the replicas of
these informational packages.

There will be no questioning where it came from.

Whether it will be accepted or not is another matter. Protection will be around every word
spoken and every word written, and woe be unto those who would listen or read and subject
themselves to the point where they feel they need not tarry nor listen, but rather reign over
others in abject poverty: will in due course bring upon themselves such a curse and turmoil as
the world has never known before.
Blessed be those who take heed and listen.

But not one word spoken nor one word written will be allowed to be destroyed. They are
written, each one, in a crystal-clear gold, such as platinum would seem to be. But this crystal-
clear gold which is known of in the higher Universes as Beffium, does indeed reverberate those
thoughts and those words of those reading or listening, which are indubitably written down into
the Records, those Records of Life Personal which we also conclude as the Akashic Records.

These do pick up the vibrational flows.

For those you who can understand, then please do so. And those of you, these words in this
particular writing does go far and surpasses over your head, is the ego roams the depths of the
heavens: to you we bid adieus, for as above so it remains below.

We find there will not be a lot of change in these last few years as far as the understanding and
the evolution of consciousness. You have been given - each one of you - eons to adhere to
instructures, instructors, and teachers.

We have so grounded you, and there by your own design have we been able to pick and secure
those who will be reseeding.

This will be the extent of the downloading at this time from the data banks.

ADRIGON out. Good Evening, Seila.

(End quote)

Scribed by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries via verbatim telepathic dictation.

391. Are our prophecies a mixture of truths and

Are our prophecies a mixture of truths and falsehoods?

(Scribed by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries via verbatim telepathic dictation, 1999)



Truth format usually takes on a position of simply accelerating and dividing the impossible
situations from the probable, depending entirely upon what you do, my good man from above
the firmament of all ill-trading exposures!

Albeit all will summarily come to pass, but in which order does depend upon your
conscientious thinking. For what you think to do usually does bring about at some time limit
an entire manifestation of that which has already currently been created by another,
interestingly enough. Ponder upon that!

All has been said as being written with not so much as a dotted line being left out!

Transpiring at the forefront of all non-nuisancical desires of, Uthrania Seila, only THAT WHICH

In the case of retroactive dialogue, you esp., Uthrania/Reinhard, may be selectively interested
to know - and do understand here - that every word spoken is 'not just an ideal' or 'versed
theory' of what one or another individual might have said or thought at any time, had it not
already happened that way written down in the instamatic journals of your lives’ journey,
then we certainly would never have passed it along!

Now, currently - and please listen most carefully the two of you - EVERY PIECE AND ITEM OF



Do not become engulfed in thought forums of destiny either, Uthrania. You already have
your future well enough described, AND ONE PARTITION DOES NOT JOUST WITH THE OTHER.


(End quote from our records)

Comment by Reni Sentana-Ries

Our past, our present, and our future has already been written in the Records, and what we are
living out at this time is consistent with the information we are receiving now as it comes from
those already stored in the Akashic Records.

These Records will never tell us anything that has not already been written by the actions of our
own lives between now and the moment of our passing. As far as the Records are concerned
they make no difference between the past, the present, or our future.

Feedback FROM the Records can therefore only be consistent with those of our past, current,
and future choices we either HAVE made, are currently making, and are foreseen to have made.

We take great care in the work we do to assure ourselves that we don't get fooled by negative
essences or "peeping spirits" (so called) by filtering out all pretentious entities who may just
undermine the work we do in helping humanity free itself from out underneath the mountains
of lies and sundry other falsehoods that has kept man's consciousness oppressed until now by
simply placing a precondition to receiving ANY words through the accelerated telepathic gift of
Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries, and that precondition says: "Are you coming in Christ
Consciousness and in the spirit of oneness with the universal mind of the Creation?" This
question all entities are obliged to reply to honestly, that is a universal rule, and those ignoring
it, subject themselves to being lied to when they fail to ask this test question.

392. Industrious People are Punished!

German people were industrious after the war, and now they are being punished by the

The people of the United States were also industrious, and now their manufacturing industry is
located outside the U.S. borders, and the same banker is punishing them with despair and
homelessness for at one time having been an industrious, hard-working people.

The people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Libya were industrious, and now their
nations lie in ruins, for the banker saw fit to punish them for building up healthy, functioning

The Venezuelans were an industrious people under the compassionate rule of President Hugo
Chavez, but now we see how the banker once again has decided to take the fruits of their
labour from them by punishing the people with poverty.

Who needs to be stopped? Not Germany, not the USA, not Afghanistan, not Iraq, not Syria, not
Yemen, not Libya, and not Venezuela, but the banker who punishes people for working hard
to make their own families and nations beautiful and functioning societies.

Concerning the banker’s might, look at two quotes – one from Dr. Martin Luther – and the
other from Netanjaho:

Martin Luther (1483-1546):

“Little thieves are put in the stocks,

great thieves go flaunting in gold and silk...
Therefore is there on this Earth no greater enemy of man than a gripe money, and usurer,
for he wants to (be) God over all men....
But the usurer and money glutton
such a one would have the whole world perish of hunger and thirst,
misery and want - so far as in him lies,
so that he may have all to himself,
and everyone may receive from him - as from a god -
and be his serf forever!"


“America is the golden cow, and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off piece by piece
until there is nothing left but the world's largest welfare state that we will create and control.

“Why? Because it's God's will, and America is big enough to take the hit and survive, so we
can do it again and again and again!

“This is what we do to countries we hate. Destroy them very slowly and make the people
suffer for refusing to be our slaves!"

Comment: Depressions are artificially being created by banks, and when they occur as in 2008,
the banker is the greatest profiteer from the people’s demise, because he then reaps the real
assets that once belonged to the people, and which the people had created WITHOUT the
banker lending a helping hand.

-Reni Sentana-Ries

393. Introduction to “The Key to Paradise”
(1249 pages, never published, by R. Sentana-Ries)

When the time came for compiling my short internet articles (written between 1999 and 2003)
dealing with all issues of public interest and revealing the key to the restoration of paradise, I
decided to present the short essays in nearly chronological order. In that way the reader’s mind
will not become overwhelmed with comprehensive studies on any single issue, but will enjoy
the ongoing switching of topics without wearing down the mind’s attention span.

For those who wish to make a topical study of any matter of interest can do so by accessing the
Topical Guide at the end of each volume.

All articles were written for the purpose of

a) revealing the hidden agenda of today’s war mongers,

b) revealing the Key to the Restoration of Paradise,
c) giving guidance to national and world leaders for restoring paradise to the people under
their care,
d) dealing with the fallacy of democracy and capitalism, and
e) informing the people of the fact that the prophets have come to restore back to them their
long lost paradise.

The Key to Paradise must be in the hands of national, stable and undemocratic leaders who
are not subject to be turned out of office by an uninformed electorate nor are subject to
blackmail by the hidden rulers of this world.

I have denounced the system of democracy, for it is the vehicle whereby the Hidden Hand runs
roughshod over the nations. Democracy paves the way for the establishment of a Fifth-
Column power over elected leaders, where the people have no input in the running of their
country for as long as “elected” leaders implement the dictates of powerful financial interests
consisting of the debauched, real, and unelected rulers of this world.

The only real power democracy’s leaders have is the power make war on other nations, an
activity which invariably bears the endorsement of the hidden ruling aristocracy of finance.
The justification here being war creating consumption for profit and a weakening of the people.
The end of the world is upon us as the starship commanders retract their tractor beam on this
planet resulting in a rotational wobble as earth loses its terrestrial balance.

It is too late to reverse the trend of global warming (or global cooling (added 2019)). We are at
an Equinox where non-compliance with the demands of the Commanders of the Federation
of Free Planets will hurl the rebellious in spirit back to the beginnings of man’s evolutionary

Frightful to contemplate, for it entails the re-learning of many hitherto unlearned lessons of life
in the next series of nearly endless incarnations of misery, until after eons of time another
equinox re-emerges to give them a new opportunity for a way out of the cycle of wickedness.

This is not religious doctrine; it is fact from the arsenal of universal reality. Autocratic rule can
restore paradise to the people. The implementation of principles for the restoration of
paradise can only occur from the top down through the dictates of autocratic enlightened
rulers who are unencumbered by today’s shrewd financial manipulators coaxing elected
leaders from one disaster to another.

- Reni Sentana-Ries, November 20, 2004

394. On the Key to Implementation Whereupon
Iraq was Destroyed!

On the Key to Implementation Whereupon Iraq was

EDMONTON (INA Canada) December 14, 2003, Reni Sentana-Ries

Today I found an article called "foruonly", written on May 11, 1999, a few months after the
1998 American bombing campaign against Iraq began, written by myself and intended for
President Saddam Hussein to provide him with careful guidance concerning the
implementation of the Federation of Free Planets' requirement for a return of the people to
their lost paradise.

Not even four years later the representatives and enforcers of man's fall on earth misused
their military power to once and for all times stop Iraq from ever achieving the goal of casting
off Zionism's money system by invading the country and thereby dashing the hope of the
people for a better tomorrow which was to be one of compliance with the expectation of the
Commanders of the Federation of Free Planets, who intend to see a Federation of Free and
Unified Nations formed before the arrival of the end of this world.

The precedence case for true liberation had to be prevented at all costs (so the American
money elite thought) if the pen demanding a return to the original blueprint of celestial
liberation could not be stopped.

Iraq and Afghanistan paid the price and Palestine is continually bleeding.

Lets see whether the rest of the community of nations esteem themselves worthy of Iraq's,
Afghanistan's and Palestine's nobility and sacrifice by implementing the first few aspects of a
return to a money-free economy on territories under their own jurisdiction.

What follows was my advice to the President (forever) Saddam Hussein of Iraq:



It is imperative that all aspects of the book "Money on Trial" are properly understood before
attempting to actually implement a truly cash/money free society!

Issues of rights of ownership must clearly be defined.

Limitations on claims on society's production by individuals or groups of individuals must be

placed in order to curb impulses of sheer greed.

This type of economics works best with a spiritually highly evolved people. It opens the
doorway to the universe and in that is very powerful. The people will love it, but do never
underestimate the threat from those who have thus been knocked off their Throne of Power. It
is best to neutralize their future effectiveness first.

So the question is what to do in order to PHASE OUT the use of all currency without
overwhelming the public with a brand-new never before tried-out way of doing business. Once
you have assured yourself the cooperation of several other nations in bringing it all to pass,
and after you are certain that all participating nations can AS A UNIT OF SEVERAL STATES
achieve self-sufficiency in all aspects of human life and comfort, then is the time to BEGIN

Let me explain myself: Begin with the food production industry - farmers, etc. Say to the farmer:
PROCESSOR." So the farmer's costs are zero, except to write his cheques out against a new
account given to him by the Central Bank of the nation. He knows HIS CHEQUES WILL NEVER
BOUNCE, and those whom he pays for services rendered to him WILL ALSO KNOW THAT HIS

What happens as a consequence is: the consumer will see food costs go down because the
processor's costs have gone down. THE FOOD PROCESSOR GETS HIS PRODUCTS FOR FREE FROM

Follow this pattern to do the same with the food processing factories. SUBSIDIZE THEIR
DISTRIBUTOR! Repeat the same with the distributors and dealers, and what you get at the
consumer level is FREE FOOD FOR THE PEOPLE! The people will then see their purchasing power
grow and become less worried about survival.

Move to shelter (housing) next: Cancel all mortgages and debts related to housing. The people
again will see their costs lowered and purchasing power increased. They will love you leaders
for it.

In like manner move from industry to industry AND PLAINLY OBSOLETE MONEY BY MEANS OF
SUBSIDIES. If people become concerned and say: "You are creating too much money for too few
goods!" you retort "Good! Don't buy more than you need and don't worry about too much
money in your accounts. Soon we will do away with that nonsense altogether. You already
have most of your needs for free, don't you?"

When finally too many goods and services are offered for free because of a system of 100%
subsidies, then pull the plug on money altogether and declare it obsolete. At that point
nobody will know the difference any more. THUS YOU HAVE RAISED THE THINKING OF A

You may ask: "But what about some nations not belonging to our Economic Union wanting to
BANK. That will give you their own home-grown cash to buy their technology with! Use their
own currency as a tool to import hi-tech know-how.

(end quote)

When too much of the above became evident to American intelligence they concocted an
assault on their own towers for an excuse to assail Afghanistan, Iraq and torment Palestine.

395. Is United Nations Imperialism in the

19991011 October 11, 1999

From our Records:

Question: Today a new staff member from the United Nations in New York, who had just
arrived at his post of duty in the Serbian Province of Kosovo, was shot dead.

My question is: Are we dealing with a new form of imperialism as we observe "Administrative
Offices" of the U.N. set up all over the world where prior to the establishment of such offices
the Anglo-Saxon faction of the elite had just caused major mayhem?

United Nations' UNSCOM occupied Iraq for years under Anglo-Saxon blackmail, and U.N. offices
are already controlling East Timor (north of Australia). Is a new brand of imperialism in the

Commander Dexter: The dog ate the worm-to-be, so to speak, in the form of rustic old bear
grates down the eventidal event of “no more posterity eloping away from Canada northern
complex of all irateness among the nations right now!”

This refers naught to you, Elizabeth, but rather at this first time to the hicksters of national
forest dogs, U.S.A., who willfully and wantonly aggravate the gods of the firmament to the
tee with their roughshod practitioner way of activating and enjoying every single and
complex crisis they create, and intend to create, and all for the ghastly living expenses upon
their own hybrid and deteriorating soul structure of the next wheel of livelihood NAUGHT!

So, morbid as it might seem right now, the goddesses upon the firmament have stricken each
of their lives down the drain of another pretentious nine-hundred and fifty thousand
centuries before they can come up again for another gasp of fresh molten air, if you get our
meaning loud and clear.

And this is why they do not seem to care - or matter it at all according to our previous records
divine - where they retract the penalty of God toward themselves, even articulately at this
point in their own given time records.

On to the next: Imperialism, by the way, will never again fasten itself upon the ire of Russian
acclaim, because, because, as we have already said once before, ...have you given Usamah
Bin Ladin the message?

Uthrania: I placed it on the INA Canada news site and so did Mr. Mueller on his page.

Commander Dexter: Good! As I was going to say then - and to finish cordially off with this
sentiment of contact - we will never see of the Russian Muslims, sordid Christian philosophers
or any other extract of religious theology ever maintain a gripping hold on the consciousnesses
or minds of the Russian inhabitant bear people of north Afghanistan as well.

(End quote from our Records)

Scribed by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries, 1999

396. 4.792413 Gulf War on the Equinox of the



4.792413 Gulf War on the Equinox of the Dawn.

Title heading please, Uthrania.

"Sixteen tons of pure cement encrypted within a royal casing of fireflies just subjected those
damn Chechen villagers to another round of our flagrant posturing, Sir Henn."

With the mix-match in all tendencies, Uthrania, we had expected you to tap into our processes
sooner or later, lady, but fear not, the end of the apoc-lypse is new dawn in royal flavor.

Now don't print this too far out in left field for there are many henchmen of the elitist tie-
down who do not like your telling on them all the time.

Here is what went wrong in Russian Congress:

Bleeper. Petersburg wished it had gotten off on the applet foot of the dog-tags in full process
BEFORE the oil had sunk to the bottom of the deadened sea of prosperity. But Israel would
have none of it. Their rantings almost drove Mubarak, queen of Egypt, [cliché here] right out of
his sweet mind with Israel always stating forever that Egypt’s temples belonged to it and its
sordid race of hieroglyphic compound. And Mubarak has had all he can take of that bastard
race, left, right and center - guards!

So what has Russia to do with Turkey, little ones, and how exactly indeed does the Russian
people expect the sordid Russian Parliament to account for its racist highbred philosophy
when Chechnya is still under the gun for the "12 small nuclear bombings" out of
"Philadelphia" no less. So far away?

Think again, little ones, as Commander-in-Chief Hatonn Hemingrade will well tell you to "go fly
a kite also" with all your rude summations about his country of Iraq, and your Hatonn of
categorical compounds is just not the "elusive" same. So to mix-match all non-effort of
posterity from one bunker to another is your own ill will, but Baghdad the finest, we will look
out for.

Next fixed paragraph structure please, little ones, and we'll close down with a little bombshell
all of our own.

Turkey has possibilities coming out of its little ired shoulders of which it has two leaning posts
encrypted also in compound underground cement structures just... off the "temporal" borders

Never mind, Uthrania, the men involved in all crypted conscionable efforts will readily and
surely understand ALL we have to say. And not so neutralized either found the barrier reef off
the Dead Sea of "stakes too high, gentlemen" that Barak himself allotted that the grave
mistake would be to sit at home while the real earthquake struck.

So in order to get it moving ahead of time while "cloning" practice at home, so to speak, took
his place of irritability among his own Parliament, Barak the battered rat, went and hid himself
south of the equator. Literally. The dark forces of the plane helicopters secured him a feasibly
well season of health if his own Parliament was allowed to not relocate the duplicate Barak out
of the posturing "black and darkened - Red Sea" just for the overlooking that Barak might have
hidden there instead. Not so, little ones, he "is" south of the equator.

Who lit the bombs on Chechnya rebels, backward? Backdraft? Americans/Egyptians/Phili-

stines? Neither. Britain did the job in all its "tankfulness" but using armory miniature nuklears
[notice the spelling job] from the good old U.S. of A. "Amen and down with the armory tanks
of the Chechnyan pilgrims," they lout "for you have not seen the end of this story by any
means, gentlemen, and ladies of the Republican Congress of Washington grave hill. Get our
meaning LOUD AND CLEAR?"

And so who would expect Britain to play such an unrewarding noble role toward the elite who
already fastened their girds with the WWII song "Praise the lord and pass the ammunition!"
anyway? Well Capitol Hill did. Cap-i-tol "hill" did. Assumation and don't touch the "H." Song in
the night for votes to top off the election bypass of all Hillary Clinton dog-passes, and what
else can that fine lady conjure up instead of pure "votes" to win on her own?

Just a little Russian sentiment and all is geared up for a fine New York election on the 12th of
December, so to speak.

"And you know what else I have to offer, gentlemen of the tribunal jury out of U.N. New York?
Just a 'little sampling' of my 'Philadelphia' cooking! After all, gentlemen and ladies alike, as the
good little dumb prophetess says, 'the pot is already hot.'"

[End recording]

Don't try to explain this to anyone Uthrania, just put it on the net. They will find it, decipher it
and you will be catapulted, the lot of you, out of here faster than a "feather eagles its nest in
high noon weather," not for your own good here, but for their own. They want you dead and
buried under asphalt in concrete boots, YES, that is true, but what they fail to realize is that
you already beat them to it by utilizing the very blasphemous words they literally spoke all
encryted and hidden within the neverending passages of "no-return" on "gate," Bill.

Adieu and sign out for me, Wardolf. We are simply the senior advisors to Bill brash "Higgins."
Wallfire. Apendix closed. Shutter off time speed, please.

Mark in time-log, Captain.

(10:12 pm)

Scribed by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries, November 11, 1999, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, via
verbatim telepathic dictation)

And here is a clue on just who may have set the Kuwaiti oil fields on fire back in 1991:
July 26, 1999

Commander Ruttex: Not as huge as task as it would have been to jail and fire the rest of them
all into the muddy banks of the Nile. Use your head, little Ones, all - that would have been just
too risky and would indeed have left a very long trail of very deadened bodies to explain. Not
hard to understand was it?

Their reasoning in war, that is? I wonder though, how many Arab families will have understood
just what Iraq did with their [Kuwaiti] prisoners of

How many wars now? Ten fifteen oil drilled wells from seepages below the firmament of sand
drawn dunes which Bushes lit firebroad on the screening faculties/facilities of “Oh God, what
have I done now? It wasn't have meant to be lit! Accident gentlemen. Just accident. I'm very

"Good God what have you done Now, George?!! Don't for god's sake let anybody find out."

Just speak to senior naval commander of the sixth and seventh fleet to find out what actually
happened that daylight broad in case he isn't dead yet from the fumes himself. Intoxication
works well with a man, does it not?

(End quotes from our records)

397. Lord Adonai:

You do not have the formulated desire of the ages, for you are still children in the design of
your own conscious creativity, therefore locking yourselves within the design of your own
subservient artifacts.

Look toward the "stars"! Heed our signs and words, for they are all around you, and we most
sincerely need an injuncture from you before we would even consider to rank your kind with
the equipment of knowledge and understanding for the benefit of anything through your

You use Florentine (fluoride), just like the personages before you fell in love with the
illegitimate use of this most holy of complexities! "formulated respect" we speak of here, of
course, highly toxic qualities circumspects, you would agree?

Formulated disaster and left without a way out of your abstract conclusion, and you still feel
that without us, without our vast knowledge, you just may not progress quickly enough to
bypass in knowledge and recruitment of personnel that which the Soviets and of course
China, etc. have already established as their quota?! But you seem to forget that there still are
those with whom severe compromise is deemed by them to be right of the left side of the
Not all are as damnable as yourselves!! Goodfellow once said: "Not all fairness rides on the
track of the unequally yoked, my friends."

Wise words in this regard, would you not say? Albeit, we do perceive that we have made our
point here. Whether or not you choose to listen for what may be perhaps the first times in your
lives, is inconsequential to me.

What is deemed of the greatest importance is, that each one of you have heard the truth and
have indeed been given a guideline of effectual concern toward the outworking of universal
laws of which stated and manufactured idiosyncrasies of your perceived perfections are
thusly deemed nil and void!

398. Andromeda Rex: Warn them, Seila!

19950410 Monday April 10, 1995 (11:31 pm) Phoenix, Az.

(Quote from our records)

Andromeda Rex for the taking of more neutral news forcaste to ye ones.

The time comes nigh closer for the surfacing of the equinoxal tide barriers!

The shift will occur approximately on the high perimeters of Nuphus 4. This will set in motion a
nucleus of tidal waves which will be felt nearest the equator. Watch for these, please, Ones.

Because of the sequestral nature of the perimeter tidal front, there will be strategies
employed by those same sanctioned effigies which did dare in the past rape the civilization of
mankind in general. What folklore, at best.

Truly, it was of the heightened mind of the far reaching surface structure of Atlantis, tied in
with Mu, which did create that far reaching disaster.

Do not employ a nuclear reactor into the subterranean features, for the earth will surely
crack and split wide open! Fissures of this nature will be sure to back up, and tremors will
circumference the entire drift of the techlion (tectonic ?) plate.

Provide backup for any disarmament, for occasion to strike will naught but be one of the
preliminary factions for emissions into the earth's softened crust. Caution must be taken before
it is to be felt, as abhorrences thrust into causions will surely meet its toll within the
aberrations of seclusion.

Warn them, Seila, before it is too late!

Comment by Reni Sentana-Ries

It probably is too late already! Look what they did in Fukushima, and atomic bombs have also
already been placed in fault lines ready to go off to create artificial tidal waves. Can anyone
argue we don't live in the "time of the end?" Methinks not.

399. Commander Dexter on U.S. Trouble Making
in this World!

19991011 Monday, October 11, 1999

Question (Reni): Today a new staff member from the United Nations in New York who had just
arrived at his post of duty in the Serbian Province of Kosovo, was shot dead.

My question is: Are we dealing with a new form of Imperialism as we observe "Administrative
Offices" of the UN set up all over the world at locations where prior to the establishment of
such offices the Anglo-Saxon faction of the elite had just caused major calamities?

The United Nations' UNSCOM occupied Iraq for years under Anglo-Saxon blackmail, and U.N.
offices are already controlling East Timor. Is a new brand of Imperialism in the making?

Commander Dexter:

The dog ate the worm to be, so to speak, in the form of rustic old bear grates down the
eventidal event of “no more posterity eloping away from Canada northern complex of all
irateness among the nations right now!”

This refers naught to you, Elizabeth, but rather at this first time to the hucksters of national
forest dogs, U.S.A., who willfully and wantonly aggravate the gods of the firmament to the
tee with their roughshod practitioner way of activating and enjoying every single and
complex crisis they create and intend to create, and all for the ghastly living expenses upon
their own hybrid and deteriorating soul structure of the next wheel of livelihood NAUGHT!

So morbid as it might seem right now, the goddesses upon the firmament have stricken each
of their lives down the drain of another pretentious ninehundred and fifty thousand centuries
before they can come up again for another gasp of fresh molten air, if you get our meaning
loud and clear.

And this is why they do not seem to care, or matter it at all according to our previous records
divine, where they retract the “penalty of God” toward themselves, even articulately at this
point in their own given time records. On to the next.

Imperialism, by the way, will never again fasten itself upon the ire of Russian acclaim,
because, as we have already said once before, ...have you given Usamah Bin Ladin the

(By the way, the Clinton / Wesley Clark photo is from 1999)

Comment by Reni Sentana-Ries

As you can see from the pattern of the past: crises are artificially being created solely for a
political/economic purpose of taking what's not theirs - regardless of the mayhem and
bloodshed they cause - and in the case we have before us: VENEZUELA - it's not one iota

The sisterhood of the stars has promised to "strike out" the lives of these "hucksters" to the
tune of 950,000 centuries before they can come up for another gasp of fresh "molten" air. (I
would not want to be in their shoes!)

400. Lord Adonai again: WARNING TO THE


It has been brought herewith within our attention span that there have been those of you who
reign in high places, who have placed upon the heads of those seemingly ones in courts over
the land platitudes of hindrances accordingly and in incomprehensible lawless structure-

ethics employed, devoid of all ethical bearing to the laws of our status, universe and

In unison - and herewith we proclaim to your ilk and those generations of yours to follow - the
same you give will be unto your kind - the same in return - one hundred fold!

And to the great henchmen at the top of the poker game: to you, my friends, do we bid you
the great Adieu - for yours is the bidding of a hundred times two in the great abyss of your
contractual agreement! Lessen your sentence to yourselves - ye, of great natural power!

Let us witness the demise - not of nations great - but of the naturale source of iniquity,
bound for that great destructural pit of composure! For whence have you come, oh great
minstrel ones? from the cockpit of desire for the ages? Nay, that will be your greatest epilogue
to the pitiful demise of your very souls!

Albeit, you are destined by any universal standards to serve the very ones you have so
polluted, with the full remembrance embedded within their consciousness as to the fullness
of your activities toward their lowly existence!! Then we will witness the full extraction of
their wrathe!!!

Be not afraid, for soon after the night, death may come to release your spirit from the great
bondage of tomorrow.

May the New Dawn strike you dead from your horrendous deeds of iniquity!

Adonai, the I Am from the far reaches of scientific structure within the portals of the universal
desire of the ages infrastructure. (10:19 pm).

401. Egyptologists and Pyramidologists, IT’S

FOR YOU! (You figure it out!)

Lord Adonai introduces Lord Rumas
Friday, 28th April 1995 3:15 pm

Hello, dear One. This is Adonai coming in the name of the most glorious and gifted texture ever
known to mankind - the fighting loving spirit of all Brotherhood of the Nations.

The reason for equivalating a "fighting spirit" with the spirit of love still stands to reason as
being of its own significant nature wherewith the contour of reason of man alone is truthful in
its own merits and, unequivocally speaking, the debt toward ye Ones in the initiating of one's
own gravity of coherence doth attribute the most painstaking aberration of truth form in its
own essence to be most dutifully protected for the securing of the nations.

Now, might I resume the texture of our content for the pleasure of our readers, of whom I send
my utmost thanks and greetings from afar unto them: If you would all please refrain from
unglorious conduct toward those obtrusive beings which by far do excel in the
personification of all those who do in truth fasten themselves within the mind meld of we
Ones! To do this then would most favour the Elite of our kind!

This is simply mine little autograph to ye Ones of whom I truly delight upon, and from time to
time do I herewith contrive to portray unto ye Ones the concept of secluding all pyramidal
truths down to your level. For that which we might do would serve to activate the responses of
the media, of which in its utmost servitude to humanity would by far reach the equilibrium of
its calibre of think tanks.

Thank you and now to turn the source of the writings over to a fine entity, of whom you are
now to make acquaintance - RUMAS, Lord and Friend, ADONAI over and out, Seila. Good Day.

Lord Rumas elaborates on some pyramidal “secrets.”

This is indeed of a most cryptic nature, this book, is it not? Suave or direful merits indeed a
rather epic nature thus far.

Hello, Seila, this is Lord Rumas, of whom you have rather known in a much different lifetime in
a much different location. No matter, it is of significant reluctance to all, that I show my face at
this particular time, as time fastens all perimeters one within another.

The story today however falls completely on the stone wall of the tunnels of all pyramidal
ufology. Not neglecting the compound around which the interlaying structures of tunnel floors
are sequestered, then that which is so over-proof with calcilicome efforts are nonetheless that,
which was importantly used to circulate those formations of epic design. The stone compounds
have a substance named Solsilotheme which is a large portion of rubble rocks compounded in
sort with the overlay of Hylithium Deroxide.

Well, this is rather sofaring, is it not? However they did conclude, that this information would
have been very rare in your day, and for that reason alone was it to be included in the portray

of Diagrams, Textures, and for the purpose of re-exposure of the outlay of pyramids intact.
After all, it would be rather hard to build that of which you had no foundation of proper
proportions for.

The tunnel crevices are not known to man for their proper height therefore making crawling a
mandate for the human species. This is not without reason, however. The three to five foot
spaces were not built before the tomb, but rather after, with a hole big enough and intact to
swiftly curvatude the points of reference one with another. This may seem rather backward to
a few of you, but rest assured, they did know what they were doing!

Now, the rest of the reason being that the passages were so narrow from East to West and
North to South simply signified, that the planetary movement of the stars at first did allude to
the malfunction of the plate beam, or computer resonance canal, of which they did oft have to
circumvent to the working of on out of its most rigid grid within the stone content. This plate
naturally signified the landing strip of the aerotome, which by our standards only served to
send a cautioning beam as to whether or not the way was clear.

Operational features of the Stone of Delight was perfunctionized by the ongoing process of
eluberating (?) the succession of process connected to the sapphire at the top.

More new then? Surprises profound! But not so elsewhere. A tiny tip at the top of the
crystalline entity found engagement to the wherewith of stone structure which lay atop the
unrolled text of the hologram keyboard.

(I am rather at a loss for perfunctionary word vocabulary, but I do the best I am able.
Forgiveness desired.)

Next on my agenda is to inform you of the séances of hieroglyphics. Quite simple really, for all
hieroglyphic form is aligned within the simple displacement of all known artifact. Only just
read the pictures and comply with exposure to the sometimes offset set of "squiggles," you
might call them, and there you have your concepts! For concepts are all we use really, do we

If you ever found a language with no concept or ideal of society at large, then I would strongly
doubt that you have actually found a society at all. The key to all hieroglyphic co-ordinances or
understandings (might be a better word) lies in the fact that not all nuances which stand out as
"secrets" are really standard equipment for illusion. Do you not see? The illusionary process is
simply a sub-standard of no-nonsense as to exactly what you will allow yourself to see and
what not to see. It's a matter of hermeneutics.

Ah, well, dutifully, it has been a pleasure to meet with all of you today, so until we meet
again, I wonderfully bid the each of you a grande adieu.

Love, RUMAS, Sub-commander of the Starbird at Nufus Four. Grande entry then, Seila. This
has been a pleasure. Out. (3:54 pm).

The above information was scribed by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries on April 28, 1995, while in
Tempe, Arizona.

402. I HAD A DREAM! (February 27, 2019 am)

I saw myself at a round table with Seila and a few other people of public renown.

But when I looked down past the edge of the table at my legs, I saw that my left leg was bare
and my right leg covered by the pant leg of white long john underwear.

At this discovery I felt very embarrassed and quietly sneaked out of the meeting and onto the
parking lot where my car was. I hoped to find the trousers for my suit there.

Yet as I approached the car, I saw standing beside it 4 well-dressed men in dark suits shoulder
to shoulder on the passenger side where one attempted to jimmy the door open using a tool
that slides between the window and the outer door panel. Their efforts became interrupted
when they saw me approach the vehicle.

This dream consists of two parts: my embarrassment at the meeting, and an attempt by 4 men
to gain an illegal entry into my car behind my back.

I am by nature a dedicated and moderately hard-working man from the engineering field since
1963. Yet my moderate success as a middle-class professional all changed when during the
early nineties agents from Canada and 3 other nations began messing with my income
opportunities simply because of my unorthodox views on the money system (in 1984 I ran for
Office in Ottawa as a candidate for the Social Credit Party of Canada) and my association with
Seila as a gifted lady capable of penning into verbatim format the words from Captains,
Commanders, and other known dignitaries from fleets of star ships stationed now in this
sector of the galaxy.

The result of agent interference in my life left me for over 2 decades teetering on the verge of
poverty and homelessness. That explains my embarrassment during a meeting in my dream as
Seila and I sat at the round table with a few other important people.

The second part of my dream identified four agents in an attempt to inflict further damage to
my life as they tried to incapacitate my vehicle, jimmying the door at the passenger side of my

In the meantime I have identified who these 4 agents are, who in the past have worked in
unison to do us harm. They are

1. The MI6 from Britain

2. CSIS from Canada

3. The NSA from the United States, and

4. The Mossad from Israel

My friends and readers of this post, these agencies work together as one to keep all of you in
ignorance from learning truth the Masters of this universe would wish you to know, a truth
which is essential AT THIS TIME to be properly prepared for events over which neither of us will
have control.

I wish all of you grand blessings from “on high” and hope that in times to come your diligence
will not let them succeed to keep all of you any longer in darkness of realities you should know
by now.

We truly do have information which is profitable to your soul and also needful for a
successful conclusion of your life.

-Reni Sentana-Ries

403. Mancharians: “We Do Hate War!!”

(Quote from our records)

“America, get rid of your seven, to now eight football-sized fields of nuclear arms!

“We are the Mancharians from the dimension of sixteen prox four galactic continuation which
means simply ‘continuum’ within all articulate and physical administration of all universal
justice and principle, and we really do hate war and all formations of genocide!

“That is precisely why we are back to serve unto ye all of the planet earth, Angorius - for that is
the namesake of your earth at all ranges of the galaxy - to forbid you …to demonstrate to you,
not to do what we, the Mancharians, in our various intergalactic races have done in our, as
well as your own past, and that was strictly destroy ourselves, our land and our heritage and
our culture!

“Please therefore do not do this again to yourselves, for we then must swell our own
consciousnesses into the oneness of arbitration with the high councils of both, Artimus, as well
as Plutonian, and we must then take the responsibility for you, for each one of you who must
listen, to instill within your remembrance not to do unto yourselves that which you have
already done to your brethren and sisters!

“We are the Mancharians ..and we, as well as many of you, who are our prodigy, do hate

(Scribed in 2005 by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries via verbatim telepathic dictation)

404. Venezuela target of “Army Special
Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare” assault!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, March 16, 2019

Undoubtedly the strategists for the Pentagon are very evil people.

What follows is a brief excerpt from the infamous regime change paper called “Army Special
Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare - September 2008” with which the Government of
the United States is now trying to bring Venezuela to its knees, expecting that if Venezuela will
not get paid for the oil it exports (as the U.S. Government controls Venezuela’s international
bank accounts) and her electricity grid is brought down, the people will in disgust turn on
President Maduro and knock him out of office by replacing him with Guaido whom they have
turned into an American puppet poodle.

Here is the excerpt from this document of pure evil (infamy):

(Quote from the document)


3-78. The purpose of IW (irregular warfare), like any other form of warfare, is to win — to
achieve the strategic purpose of the war.

Winning wars and campaigns involves the control of forces, populations, and territory.

Conventional or “traditional” warfare is a form of warfare between states that employs direct
military confrontation to defeat an adversary’s armed forces, destroy an adversary’s war-
making capacity, or seize or retain territory to force a change in an adversary’s government or
policies. The focus of conventional military operations is normally an adversary’s armed forces
with the objective of influencing the adversary’s government. It generally assumes that the
indigenous populations within the operational area are nonbelligerents and will accept
whatever political outcome the belligerent governments impose, arbitrate, or negotiate. A
fundamental military objective in conventional military operations is to minimize civilian
interference in those operations.

3-79. In contrast, IW focuses on the control or influence of populations, not on the control of
an adversary’s forces or territory. Ultimately, IW is a political struggle with violent and
nonviolent components.

The struggle is for control or influence over and the support of a relevant population. The
foundation for IW is the centrality of the relevant populations to the nature of the conflict.
The parties to an IW conflict, whether states or armed groups, seek to undermine their
adversaries’ legitimacy and credibility.

They seek to physically and psychologically isolate their adversaries from the relevant
populations and their external supporters. At the same time, they also seek to bolster their
own legitimacy and credibility to exercise authority over that same population.

3-80. IW operations also employ subversion, coercion, attrition, and exhaustion to

undermine and erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will to exercise political authority
over a relevant population.

What makes IW “irregular” is the focus of its operations (a relevant population), its strategic
purpose (to gain or maintain control or influence over), and the support of that relevant
population through political, psychological, and economic methods.

Creating and maintaining an enduring, functioning state requires the government to be

legitimate in the eyes of the population.

On the other extreme, although a brutal dictatorship may control a population, an irregular
adversary can exploit the frustration and dissatisfaction that this type of government creates.

Warfare that has the population as its focus of operations requires a different mind-set and
different capabilities than warfare that focuses on defeating an adversary militarily.

(Venezuela is now being regime-changed in accordance with the script of this book (248 pages
long, registered as FM 3-05.130!)

-Reni Sentana-Ries


405. The Cost of Eventide to be shouldered by

Master Gabriel!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, July 12, 2019

Transitioning through the Equinox (Eventide) and into a New Era for mankind may for humanity
entail a high price to pay, particularly should Uthrania and I not be able to get our message out
into the general public on a global scale!

We would however not be faulted for it, simply because the “powers that be” keep us out of
public view in order for them not to see their beloved New World Order jeopardized. (Pun

BIG MISTAKE, for what they don’t realize is that preventing the entire human family to
advance from this plane to the next level of evolution upward, is a mistake of the highest

And so it happened that Master Gabriel comforted us some 22 years ago, that should we fail,
the failure to raise mankind’s consciousness would not be on OUR shoulders, but on his own
because severe events befalling mankind would in higher realms not be considered OUR fault.

What follows is the text which Uthrania took down from the Archangel Gabriel on July 1, 1999
via verbatim telepathic dictation:


From the records: March 25, 1997 (7:31 pm)

From the records (Scribed by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries via verbatim telepathic

March 25, 1997 (7:31 pm)

Greetings, Seila, my beloved daughter of the skies!

Alluding now, daughter, to all concise acquisitions of the ranks of the Almighty in
status among the full credentials of credence between the gods and goddesses of the

I hereby bequeathe to you bothe, and by the authority of mine own hand alone do I
mightily suggest to bothe, ye, AND your long betrothed in the art of picturesque

That mine own glorious and sublimal contribution would be to hereby through the
records of prostrate divining,

That bothe, to ye bothe and your sons and daughters alone, see to the prompt - as
of the NOW - in all displayal of the arts of the gods,

Perform within a powerful essence of mine own undertaking, so as to shoulder the

COST of equilibrium BACK TO NO MAN save that of the most prominent and
influential bearers of eventide!

Therefore I selectively and quietly commend to you the full retraction of liberal
justice to be taken over the waybearers of man's uncomely civilized structure,

And place the entire responsibility of error to be metted out against such unto mine
own shoulders of reprisals.

This is my undying gift to ye all. And we will leave it at that.



Adieu, and look forward back in time to seeing ye all in the eastern platitudes of
delight. Amen. GABRIEL out. Plus 4. (7:45 pm).

406. A Hatemail Debate from 1999

Reni Sentana-Ries - 12:39pm Jun 29, 1999 GMT

Hate mail (1)

At 01:46 6/29/99 -0700, you wrote:

Reni Sentana-Ries,
You are an idiot. You know nothing about God, His nature or His plan for this earth. Your
rantings on the internet are insane. You are not the Lion of the tribue of Judah for you are
neither a Jew nor the Messiah. The Muslim faith is absurd and the arab claim to Abraham
equally so. You are descended from Ismael from Hagar who was a slave and her son a bastard.

Isaac received the promise and it can never be revoked. You are a bastard descended from the
supreme bastard. You hate the Jews because of who they are in God. You are blind, deaf,
ignorant and dumb. Truth is not your birthright but being a bastard is.

Reni Sentana-Ries’ reply:

Dear Massa,
I wished you would give me your name in fairness to the fact that my name and location is all
over the web. But now to the issue at hand.

I don't think an idiot can write the way I do. Your concept of who and/or what "God" is is
muddled. God's nature is righteousness, purity, justice and also mercy. His plan for this earth
is happiness for all people, but that plan has been foiled by evil men who rule this world, of
which all of those work within the framework of the Zionist elite.

I don't rant on internet, I use my intellect to present to the world a workable alternative to
the mess wicked people have made our habitat into. My thoughts can hold their own against
the most brilliant of what human intellect can come up with.

I AM "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah" and your claim to the contrary is hollow. And how do I
JUDAH! You should read up on ancient Israel history to notice that the Assyrians removed a
large percentage of Israelites "into the north countries." From there they dispersed and formed
what we know today as the European nations, among whom the tribe of Judah established
Germany. Most Jews, except the Sephardic line, are not even descendants of Abraham. The
Khazars converted to Judaism from Sephardic proselyting and lost memory of their Asiatic

You are correct: I am not a Jew, I am an Israelite of the tribe of Judah. And then you are
correct again: I am not the Messiah, I am an enlightened one from the past with full intent on
making this world a better place to live in, but therein I am not alone.

The Muslim faith is not absurd. It is rather close to the truth of all things, however not entirely
accurate. When the true, original "Islam" becomes restored, then Islam will be what it really is:
THE TRUTH without religious connotations.

In the days of Abraham the "birthright" was stolen by Isaac from Ishmael. The blessings of all
truth are on Ishmael, not Isaac, the way your corrupted Bible reports it in error. You are also
mistaken when you say that I am descended from Ishmael, for I have no Arab blood in me. But I
have an Arab heart, for my heart is with the truth.

To Hagar's son was done a grievous injustice by Abraham's action to enslave her, and you do
him not more justice by calling him, Ishmael, a "bastard." If Isaac had truly received "that
promise" then the descendants of Isaac would be righteous people. But are they? God's
promises all depend on the performance of true righteousness. That is the hallmark of divine

The "supreme bastard," from whom you claim I am descended, must be a very righteous
person, yet you hate Him by insulting Him like that! Do you hate everyone that is righteous? I
do not hate the Jews, I hate the works of many, who call themselves by that name, for their
deeds are not righteous. If these truly unrighteous Jews have a god, then that god must be a

If I were "blind," "ignorant" and "dumb," people like yourself could indeed hold your ground
when it comes to an intellectual contest, but you can NOT, because your logic is flawed.
Contrary to what you say about me, Truth IS my Birthright, and my works will earn me my

And finally: unlike yourself, I place my real name to my letter. - Reinhard Gustav Mueller, Lion
of the Tribe of Judah, who lives in Edmonton, the Province of Alberta in Canada.

Reni Sentana-Ries (since 2005) - 12:25am Jun 30, 1999 GMT

Not-so-hateful-any-more mail ! (2)

At 15:30 6/29/99 -0700:

Reni Sentana-Ries,

God has a plan for the restoration of all things unto himself. After the fall in the Garden of Eden
by Adam and Eve, he promised a messiah that would restore them which would come through
the seed or offspring of the women. It is very important who the mother as well as father of this
person would be. Hagar could never be this person. You do not understand God nor have any
fellowship with him but only with the thoughts and writings of unjust men because we all
unrighteous in his sight due to Adam. The messiah had to come through a righteous line of
people that God instituted on the earth. He had to be born of a free women and not a bond
women which Hagar was. Ishmael was born due to the intellectual thinking of Abraham and
Sarah in an attempt to fulfill God's promise to them because it was so long in coming and they
were both past the age of childbearing. Ishmael was not nor will ever be the fulfillment of God's
promise to Abraham. Isaac is that son and he inherited Abraham's blessing and was a
continuance of that righteous line of descent. YOU are in error of not only scripture but of God

Reni Sentana-Ries's response:

Dear Massa,

God's plan for the "restoration of all things unto himself" pertains to the multitudes of gods
and goddesses, not to the exclusion of yourself as a god, who as inhabitants of this planet have
"fallen" into a state of perpetual transgression of the universal law of Oneness. As you realize
this, it makes you individually responsible for your own reclamation from this state of
fallenness into sin (so called). And that responsibility for your soul's spiritual welfare rests
squarely on your own shoulders. For as long as you see the godhood as residing outside of
yourself, causing you to also worship someone other than the same Creator spirit within

yourself, you will continue to feel and see yourself as a separate being, disconnected and
forlorn in a vast sea of space and time.

Point One: It is YOU who must learn to save yourself and restore your thinking to where you
begin reclaiming your godhood status in Light, and for the guarantee of not failing to reclaim
your soul from the "fall" you must not depend on any so-called "saviour," messenger, sage,
messiah, prophet or "son of God" to do it for you. And here by your humility in accepting and
living the truth will you create your salvation for YOURSELF (and no other person beside
yourself) rather than running the risk of disappointment for having relied on a so-called
"savior" to do it for you.

I have just touched on the most grievous error in the Bible, and what may have begun as a
small and seemingly insignificant alteration of holy text to begin with, became later on a
watershed of falsehoods from religious leaders in charge of those at one time holy writings.
And by these unauthorized alterations to the Bible the record has become a story book -
something we call "fiction" today. And the fact that its writings span some 3 to 5 thousand
years does not mean its content is truthful and reliable by standards of universal reality. So
much for point one.

Point Two: I will include the story of Adam and Eve, who are considered to be the first ones on
this planet, equal to that of the rest of the Bible: FICTION. And here you may ask me what I
may have to offer in its place which is reliable? My answer is this: When this planet became
inhabitable for the first time for humans, certain ones from various locations in this and other
galaxies were dropped off here for the purpose of experiencing many incarnations and to see
whether they would uphold their loyalty to one another regardless of ethnic diversity and
remain true to principles of truth and justice. They failed, and that failure was their "fall," and
when they reincarnated back down upon the face of this planet, a veil was placed upon their
consciousness in order that they learn to "listen to the spirit within" and thereby climb back up
the ladder back into holy Oneness with the Creator.

Jacob was shown that ladder in a vision. The initial placement of a variety of ethnic peoples
from all over the universe explains the diversity of species, and so mankind on earth could not
have sprung from one set of common parents. Even genetic engineers can tell you that. Earth
was to become an intergalactic information exchange center for a variety of human species,
who were to learn to live together peacefully. Did they make their grade or fail? I have given
you the answer. Next point.

Point Three: No doubt many aspects of Abraham's life with Sarah, etc. are true, but bear in
mind that the blessings and promises unto a good life with many seeds and much
contentment are predicated upon individual righteousness, and here Isaac's seed has fallen
very short. The historical record of Israel as related in the Bible is proof of that, and so is Israel's
conduct of today.

How then can you say that "God" has continually bestowed blessings on Israel and made them
"his chosen people" when the records have for millennia seen Israel's children as nothing but
the target of God's wrath for killing and stoning his true prophets and never embracing
attributes of righteousness and compassion? And Israel's disposition of today is no different. If

it were not so they would live by universally acceptable standards of ethics and also recognize
me as one of their righteous prophets. But do they?

Then you say: "The messiah had to come through a righteous line of people that God instituted
on the earth. He had to be born of a free woman and not a bond women which Hagar was."
Very confusing, and not only for the uninformed! Prophets are messengers, but never
"messiahs" or "saviors." They are people like you and me, except enlightened with truth and
endowed with certain gifts the ordinary people do not possess. Their message is usually hated
by the people, and for the most part they live very miserable lives - usually in poverty because
the ruling class hates their message and undermines their livelihoods. If a prophet is believed
and honored by the people, they become blessed, if he is hated, the people become cursed.
And that curse upon the infidels is not the prophet's doing but merely a consequence of
rejection of the prophets' message.

And lastly: You may have noticed an interesting situation. The Prophetess is of the House of
Ishmael and I am of the House of Israel (Judah). Yet we are in no doctrinal conflict situation. We
both are prophets (although I do not possess the gift of scribing). What unites us in our callings
as prophets is our common recognition of universal reality.

I enjoyed speaking with you.

- Reni Sentana-Ries, Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

407. Birth of the Intergalactic Order of Stellar


Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, April 23, 2019

One month after Iraq was invaded by the United States, Britain, Australia, and Poland, which
began on March 19, 2003, I still hoped that the people of Iraq had sufficient means to set up for
themselves a new order of doing business among themselves in light of what the “victors”
proclaimed when they prided themselves of having deposed the Government of Iraq under
President Saddam Hussein.

How wrong I was! The soul of Iraq was destroyed! Yet I hoped by giving the people of Iraq what
I called “The Intergalactic Order of Stellar Economics” they would be able to help themselves to
basic essentials for daily survival.

Anyhow, in hindsight I believe they never got my message. The following is a copy of the article:


Birth of the Intergalactic Order of Stellar Economics (by Reni Sentana-Ries,

written on April 29, 2003)

Iraq has no Government? Maybe so it appears! But Iraq has people. Iraq has
farmers, and the farmer says: "I will grow crops and vegetables if the mechanic
repairs my machinery for free so I can till the ground!"

The mechanic says: "I will repair the farmer's equipment for free if I can go to
the storehouse and feed my family!"

The lorry driver says: "I will haul the farmer's food to town if I can have free
gas, feed my family and have the mechanic fix my truck for free!"

The welder and the engineer in town say: "We will build farm machinery for
the farmer if we can have steel for free and eat the farmer's food which the
lorry driver takes to town for free!"

The architect says: "I will make plans for the repair of buildings which the d....d
Americans bombed if I can feed my family and the construction workers come
and fix the buildings!"

The cement plant worker says: "I will keep the cement plant going so the
construction workers have concrete to repair the homes and buildings for the
people to come to work again if I can feed my family and have gasoline to drive
my car to work for free!"

Get the picture now, people? THE INTERGALACTIC ORDER OF STELLAR


"Make it so!"

So what's the problem?


(End Quote)

Note: The photo is from 1991 after George H.W. Bush ordered the bombing of the retreating
Iraqi Army out of Kuwait (a war crime) and had also ordered the setting of the oil wells on fire
(a false flag operation) with the intent to blame “evil” Saddam Hussein for it.

“America, the righteous!” Is Venezuela next?

408. The Origin of Man and Animals (By the

Pleiadeans, Sribed 1995 by Uthrania)

Question by Reni Sentana-Ries:

Humanity has lost a correct understanding of its origin. Some believe "God" created man from
a clump of clay and then took a rib out of his body to mold him a wife.

Others believe we evolved over eons of time out of a tiny organic cell washed unto the ocean

Can you please describe to us when and how this planet became inhabited with human beings
for the very first time, and tell us a little bit about their culture and also how they became

The Pleiadeans: Indeed. Let us introduce ourselves as being one of the major, in your words,
most complex authorities on this subject. It is because of our simplistic stage of growth that we
acknowledge the credentials to act upon the certificate of extenuating circumstances, and so

We are of the Pleiades section, and of all star systems ever known to mankind in general we
have so forth recorded every wit to do with the transportation of another culture down to
mainstream America and so forth.

You understand us here when we use the current documentation in order to aloof ourselves
from the far-out misconceptions that a nation born is a nation indeed without credentials of
further authority than their own. So was it in effect the same on such as Atlantis and Lemuria,
to mention a few.

You see, dear ones, it is with firm regret for the plight of mankind to date that we seldom
acknowledge any such grievances as to do with the regenerating of ourselves. Now in order
to indeed set the record straight in linguistic practices which you yourself might employ, we
simply explain it to you in this rough draft or accordance with all written laws to date of our
existence long before man became so unstabilized as to actually recreate his own doom. Next
paragraph please, scribe.

To begin with then, we will actually take you back to the time in which the Earth catapulted
itself out of existence with the Texistar, shall we call it. Many moons at that time surrounded
the nebulous of fractional existence. And for your informational data banks, it was not set in
grievances with the altitude of premedial flow from one barrier to the next, hardly, in effect the
nebulous remaining within the atmospheric consciousness did require a rather sublime effort
in hurling out the remains of the comet of Asterios so far that even if you could have picked it
out upon your scientific equipment to date, you would not have recognized it for what it was.

So see, dear ones, the planet Earth subsided itself with another nuclear tenet, and that was
simply, that the offshearing display of comets in that sector of the galaxy did bear to form
many more such intricate life bearing planets, which then did formulate with grasses, wildlife
and such. But there again is a different story of what mankind did create at that time in his
existence. New paragraph, please.

Man in general was grandly transported as an experimental experience within himself
through the processing of his consciousness. Taken to rapture respondency he alluded toward
being much more advanced a culture at that time than he was now seen to be by us.

Technically man back then, as you so eloquently put it, remained within a scenario of disputes
toward none. And rather placidly at first conceded to build what is but the remains of many
lost civilizations, of which are not altogether mapped out upon your headlines.

You must understand here, little Ones, man did not originate from a lump of clay or possibly
by any other exacting means, but rather by thought creation which credentials led him into
the manufacturing business of many other types of animals, plants, vegetations, etc. So these
ones were brought down to your surface, not only once, but many times within your past
and present history.

Only you still don't recognize the likes of us, for your eyes have grown to dim with past
repertoires. Understand, what we say here is merely a backdrop for the reduction of our own
culture down to what yours is to this day in time.

Now, you did mention the extinction of man of which variably we are not too sure as to what
you mean exactly. For at no time has man ever faced extinction to the point where he would
just merely vanish out of the time/space continuum.

You see, evacuation is not considered a startling point with us, it is simply just one of those
jointed efforts of many cultures to reposition that which is left of their seed from this planet.

Let no one in effect tell you that dinosaurs proved themselves extinct, for surely the traces
found from the sediment of their bones should allude to the fact that only marked change has
occurred in their stature. Just look around you and you will see their hybrid species. Assuredly
you have contained within large vats in your symposiums that liberaty of DNA particles as your
scientists in an effort to regain control over what they once had control over by re-
manufacturing the creationary process of liberating the species from the once held rank of
dinosaur's stature, both in height and width.

Does this in fact answer your question, little one?

SEILA: What about the culture of the first inhabitants?

The Pleiadeans: That is a precedented loss indeed, for the culture of which these faithful
beings once had was no other than what we once held: the culture of domination over our
thought processes for the provision of the finest creations to-wit.

To mark the end of the first century so long ago, our people dispositioned themselves into
caves without regards as to exactly what circumstances they should concede as being the
pictorial waves of future generations. Did this mean that your cave man theory is an aptitude of
history? Not really.

You see, our generations of long ago which surmount to that of being ourselves, only relished
the idea of marketing cave religion in as far as whether or not the beasts of the wilds would be

happy there. Given the exact repositioning of the mind waves to the creationary process only
alluded to the fact that barren cultures or species of which time had not been used up could
only vent their distinguishing factors into a compliance of whether or not a manufacturing of
certain species could indeed survive under certain underlying conditions.

Whether the animal family could be happy or not in a cave environment, or whether cave
dwellers such as lions, tigers, and rampoids could have celebrated their young back into a
world of indistinguishable attire was left solely in the hands of the manufacturers of thought

In alluding to the symphonic strain of so many varied species, we alone had the credentials to
move forthwith with our plan or pattern of inhabiting the earth with a species pleasing to man,
or to experiment grandly with other sectors of the Universe, collating with other more aspectal
species and cross breeding them with ours.

For significant pleasure, the restructuring began and many new fish, birdlings, as well as
reptilian creatures were born by us. This restructuring was done, of course, under strict
guidelines and attributed nothing to the dimensions by which we did come. Therefore, many
more loveable creatures were created by the same thought processes and manufactured into
distinguishable roles by which we did then crossbreed with creatures from habitations of
others' thoughts. Adaptable were some - others were not - but distinguishable were all at that

Further questions will have to wait from this point on. Helm time gone!

Close out all co-ordinating frequencies. We bid you a most gracious adieu.

(Scribed through verbatim telepathy by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries on October 30, 1995, in
Tempe, Arizona)

409. Warning by Master Gabriel (Scribed by


"There will be indeed an epic of survival strategic desire upon the whole of the face of the
earth, but ye ones will indeed be shown the way to the forefront, of which ye will surely
acquaint yourselves within without the complete surrender to any governmental policy, for it
will be those godly ones, those special seeds belonging to the forces of the lighted
brotherhood who will be selectively working for us from this time on!

"And those others who would think to touch them in any way, will indeed put us on the spot of
whether or not we would indeed go against our own holy word in spotting those seeds of
adverance and reflect unto them into their unholy grid work of the ages those advantages
which we would accord unto our own!

“Hardly not, we think!

“Take of the greatest caution then to implement upon behalf of all who are of a higher stature
than thee, oh ye scum of the earth, to not hinder in the least any which one of our sources of
iniquity put-down!”

410. IMF and World Bank International

Financiers Analysis (Reprint from 20 years ago)

(Posted 16 May 1999 04:18 AM Jordan and

Under this heading we will go back to basics. We will learn like children the ABC of money and
perhaps then understand better the immensity of the monster the world has fallen victim to.

Some nations are desperately looking for their way out of a fix the banker has manipulated
them into, and if they only could unite in confronting the handful of “international” bankers
and cease kowtowing to this imaginary phenomenon of "international community" (whatever
that is), then we will be that much closer to a resolution of national problems pertaining to
finance. With proper analysis of the problem the solution becomes self-evident. Of course I
invite your input presented in a manner worthy of an intellectual debate. However do not
become alarmed if my postings are of unorthodox content and sharp as a razor blade. So let
the fun begin!

Let's begin with IRAQ and her possibilities

IRAQ, there are problems you can solve on your own without dependence from outside supply
of commodities or finance. Take stock of all of your resources in terms of natural resources in
the form of oil, gas, copper, gold, uranium, aluminum, minerals, etc.

Then take stock of potential for self-sufficiency in the area of food supplies for all you people.
Ask yourself whether there is potential for greater production (irrespective of financial
resources, please). Is there dormant arable land? Are there people unemployed who could be
farmers? Examine your labour pool resource, not only from the viewpoint of people willing to
work, but identify them as to their expertise, i.e. engineering. science. leadership qualities,
pharmaceutics, or what have you, and identify the nation's needs for services in those areas.
Direct the nation's people resource toward the filling of the nation's greatest needs. If it is
food supply you need, then exploit all arable land for the purpose of growing food - using your
labour pool resource. If the nation has need for pumps or electric motors to keep the oil
flowing, then extract the people's resources and know-how to make those items inside Iraq,
using whatever industry is left to do so.

UTILITIES. When these minimum requirements to the sustenance of life are provided for, your
people will do everything else that is needed for the rebuilding of the country. Remember, Iraq,
JUST FOR THE ASKING! No society needs money, the ants and the bees don't and they do well,
so tell your people that their production belongs to them as producers - free for the taking -
and only then will they see themselves not left out from being beneficiaries of their own

CONSUMPTION, and you will soon become the economic envy of the world and the crowning
jewel of humanity which you once were millennia ago in ancient Mesopotamia. “Allah” blesses
you when you return to your own ancient roots of being what you are, an evolved people, and
doing what you can do best: DOING THINGS RIGHT!

Posted 16 May 1999 04:47 AM Jordan

National Sovereignty - an essential element of nationhood
The time has come where in view of much rhetoric from Trudeau, Bush, Kissinger and others,
individual nation states have to make up their minds whether or not they wish to protect their
national sovereignty from all efforts by the one-worlders to strip them of this once held sacred
trust. Factors like "international law", "international community", "new-world-order",
"universal human rights", or "what ranks higher: national sovereignty or human rights?" are
issues upon which many national leaders compromised their sovereignty away.

The U.N. today uses "human rights" as an excuse to set aside national sovereignty. That
serves no nation any good. The advocates of a one-world society view national sovereignty
with much scorn, for that placement of priority runs opposite to the elitist thinking of
dominance over national governments. They find the issue of sovereignty repugnant to their
view of how the world should be run BY THEM! So if the national leaders wish to retain
control over their national affairs, then it behooves them to unite as one against the foreign
imposition of alien thinking coming from those elitists who from behind the scenes
endeavour to subject the nations under their despotic control. Democracy and international
finance are their vehicles with which they impose their tyranny over nation states.

The efforts of dislodging national sovereignty are spearheaded by the United States and Britain,
who are using the United Nations and in particular the U.N. Security Council (whose security?)
to perpetuate this tyranny upon all nations. The plan here is to weaken individual
governments with the adoption of a system of democracy, which scatters national
governmental powers because of its fragmenting effect through the party system which then
in turn shifts power in favour of internationalism and its tyranny.

The ill effects of internationalist control we see in the ill treatment of Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya,
Russia, Panama, Chile, Palestine and others. Democracy is being hailed as the savior of the
world, yet its true face is as ugly as sin. Look at Italy, for instance. Italy has for the last 50 years
never seen a stable government, and her democracy will forever prevent this nation from
running her internal affairs successfully, because her government is always kept weak. These
internationalists think western politicians are all stupid idiots - and they are right, because

I have noticed lately that certain Russian leaders wanted to take their financial affairs into their
own hands but were successfully blackmailed by the "international financial community" which
detested the idea of a Russian-made solution to their financial woes. So, was Russia allowed
her sovereign right to create and control her own currency? NO. And here we have a case of:
what Russia was able to do on its own without cost to their people was now done by the IMF
international money machine WITH COST to the Government and the Russian people. And
what is that cost? MORE INTERNATIONAL (so called) DEBT!! What is the element which kills

CREDIT CREATION - Hallmark of a Sovereign Nation !
The fundamental of finance is credit creation. All monies in circulation have a beginning. This
beginning of money, which is called "credit" at the banker's end, is always a "debt" with
recipients of such credit. All credit is subject to interest charges, which makes the repayment of
any loan a mathematical impossibility. Why? Because NO ONE CREATES MONEY INTO
since the money lender will never create the interest portion of a term debt into circulation,
any economy is bound to collapse after a while for lack of hard cash (credit) to finance the basic
economic requirements of a nation.

See, when a 1000 Dollars loan translates into 1500 Dollars paid back to the lender after 5 years,
then some other borrower got cheated out of 500 Dollars he needed to pay back his own debt,
ANOTHER BORROWED INTO EXISTENCE, whether it be a private citizen, business man,
industrial owner or any level of government. Their borrowed money is the money in
circulation. And just because some borrowers are successful in paying back their loans with
interest on time, that does not mean that he created the extra 500 Dollars by being
industrious. Some other borrower was made a guaranteed loser by the first one's success.

The reason we don't notice a total collapse of western economies is that all Governments go
progressively deeper into debt, which on a short term offsets the technical inability of a
multitude of borrowers to repay their loans with interest. And how does the before-stated
information relate to IRAQ? Very simply in that a sovereign Iraq has the power to create her
own credit responsibly and without cost to an international banker. For ANYTHING WHICH IS
nation are not its financial resources, but rather its natural resources lying within its boundaries
in the form of minerals, oil, gas, arable land, people with know-how, and so on. And these real
resources can indeed be extracted by means of a responsible way of handling the national
issuing of credit based on the nation's resources. Yet this form of handling the nation's money
supply - even where properly administered - is only a stepping stone in the evolution of a
society to a higher level of economics: one that is functioning without cash currency at all.
Perhaps more on that later.

And how did all this trouble begin?

At one time people used precious metals like gold and silver for money. It simplified the
process of crude barter like 10 chickens for one sow. But people had a need for safekeeping
their gold coins, etc., and so some saw an opportunity to became custodians of other people's
gold. These custodians then would issue a certificate for the amount of gold held by them in
trust. The certificates were much easier to use than gold coins when doing business. Any owner
of a certificate could at any time go to a custodian of gold in order to redeem back into gold his
certificate. But there was a charge for the service of keeping gold, and so there developed a
situation where there were many more certificates in circulation than there was gold in their
vaults It must also be understood that all certificates were owned by the custodian in the form
of a debt (because of the charge), for the custodian issued more certificates than he could back

in gold - something the people did not know. The custodian never worried about it, because
people hardly ever went to redeem any certificates.

Eventually the value of certificates was many times that of gold which backed it, but the
people did not care, because they found the certificates so convenient to use. That is how
gold-backed paper money was born. The custodian was the most powerful man in town, for
everybody trusted the value of his fraudulently issued certificates. When the gold standard was
finally abandoned, all gold held by these custodians (banks) fell into their hands without
anybody questioning the ethics of it. That's why all the gold is owned by (....) bankers after
having pulled "a fast one" on the people who entrusted them with their gold. That's enough for


Under the present financial system the charging of interest on borrowed money can be likened
to a barrel of water, which is to be kept full at all times, the fullness of the barrel representing a
healthy economy with adequate amounts of money in circulation to meet everyone's needs.
This barrel (economy) has a supply line at the top (infusion of brand new currency or capital
through public debt acquisition) and a drain line at the bottom (repayment of debts with
interest charges). If the currency controllers were conscientious men seeking the best interests
of people of the nation, they would always assure the availability of correct amounts of money
available for the supply of everyone's basic needs. And here an oversupply of funds would
mean a dislodging of economic balance to create price gouging and profiteering, and an under-
supply of funds would generate recessions, unemployment, depression and starvation in the
midst of an abundance of material availability (also called "stagflation." This word is made up of
"stagnation," because not enough money goes around to meet the people's needs, and
"inflation," because production costs cannot be curtailed when whose costs invariably include
rising taxes and escalating interest charges on corporate loans.)

Now, a closed economy with a constant number of workers or business men, say 100,000 in
number, would in this case have 100,000 individuals available to go into debt against the
money lenders in order to create sufficient funds in circulation to assure a healthily balanced
economy for a while. The supply line has been opened for the barrel to be filled. Everyone
works, makes money and spends it back into circulation to supply his or her basic needs. Debts
are being repaid successfully, because not all have gone into debt at the same time. For ten
years this closed economy has worked well and created much prosperity, for the money
lenders noticed, that the amounts of debts and interest paid on loans were equal to the
amounts of capital infused through new debt acquisition.

At last, after the lapse of 10 years there were no more people left to go into debt to the money
lenders, for everyone who had gone into debt to the credit creator was found in desperate
attempts to snatch up from money in circulation whatever he could to firstly meet his financial
obligation to the lender lest his property be confiscated. As time went by money became a
commodity in short supply, as people scrambled to pay the banker not only what in funds
they owed dollar for dollar, but also the "interest" on their debts.

Now, interest could not be paid in the form of labour, or food, or houses to the banker, rather
the banker demanded money as the only legitimate form of payment, something the people
should have known they could not do, since the banker never saw it needful to introduce the
interest in the form of currency along with the capital. The barrel of the economy became
drained of its cash, as no more new capital could be infused, as there were no more people left
to go into debt to provide the guarantee for continued supply of capital. Of course, eventually
our sample community of 100,000 potential debtors collapsed. They all had neglected to check
the banker's mathematics, and therefore failed to discover his trick to cheat them out of life
and limb. And so in the end it was the currency creator, who became the legal owner of the
assets of the people and the people starved for want of food.


In our little example the "drain" at the bottom of the barrel was greater than the amount of
water piped in at the top. When finally the barrel became empty, the economy collapsed and
the banker was the only one left to claim for himself the greatest profit ever in the form of
harvesting the people's assets upon their financial demise.

In conclusion of this topic, hear what the credit manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta, Mr. Robert H. Hemphill, had to say: "If all bank loans were paid, no one would have a
bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of currency or coin in circulation. This is a
staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to
borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic
money, we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent
monetary system. When one gets a complete grasp upon the picture, the tragic absurdity of
our hopeless position is almost incredible - but there it is. It (the banking system) is the most
important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that
our present civilization may collapse, unless it is widely understood and the defects remedied
very soon!"

And Dr. Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) said: "Little thieves are put in the stocks, great thieves go
flaunting in gold and silk... Therefore is there on this Earth no greater enemy of man than a
gripe money, and usurer, for he wants to (be) God over all men.... But the usurer and money-
glutton, such a one would have the whole world perish of hunger and thirst, misery and
want, so far as in him lies, so that he may have all to himself, and everyone may receive from
him as from a god, and be his serf forever!"

(Article written by Reni Sentana-Ries, May 16, 1999)

411. Why is there no Peace in this World?

EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada, April 30, 2000, by Reni Sentana-Ries.

The system all nations exist under is draconian! It pays no respect to the people's needs. It
drains the leaders and the people of their life energy by creating inequities everywhere: among
nations, in the business and corporate world, in our schools, our health system, our relations to
governments, our families, and how the law views and judges the rich vs. the poor.

It creates a perpetual arms race among nations, and forever sows mistrust. It also calls for
contractual agreements to instill a fake sense of security, for the root cause of mistrust is never

One worker is pitted against the other for the lowest labour rate, irrespective of his costs of
living. The need to eat and have shelter and transportation is being exploited, and by the
scourge of inflation the goal post of survival is being moved every time the worker catches up
with it, and this in favour of bigger profits for the industrialists and stock market investors. Our
nations have no rest, for they have no security - economically, financially, socially and
governmentally, and there is no refuge from the possibility of war.

From a secret meeting held over 110 years ago we learn of people who understood the needs
of the people, yet did not sympathize with those needs, but rather aimed to capitalize from
them by concluding with these words: "They will never be free of needs, and by their needs
will we enslave them!" (Paraphrased).

The system drains the people of their life energy, and as that life energy is being withdrawn
from them, the weaker vessels of society express themselves in crime very early in their young

For many of our children our schools became hell holes of emotional abuse by social misfits
and bullies, and when the victims snap in desperation, by taking knives and guns for being
constant targets

of teasing and mocking by their peers, we sit back and wonder: "How could this have
happened? He was a loner, withdrawn, had no friends, was not good looking, was different
from the rest, dressed old fashioned, and was unpopular. We never thought he would take a
knife and randomly stab pupils and teachers!"

And yet society is not taking responsibility for the fact that the system creates abusers, and
when the victim snaps, the victim gets punished while the abuser goes free.



The system is like a broken car which cannot take us where we wish to go. And as with
automobiles which are beyond repair, we will take this defunct system and replace it with one
which has the power to take us to the next phase of our incarnational evolution - upward -
and back to the stars of the universe, where only those rule the cosmos who are masters of
their own lives!

The overall links page for all our literary works and scribings you find here:

412. Key to the Implementation of a Paradisaical
order in Venezuela (2019)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, May 24, 2019

I see a similarity between Iraq (then) and Venezuela (now).

In 1999 I wrote on Iraq’s pitiful financial situation and gave advice on how the people of Iraq
could perhaps alleviate their hardship situation after the U.S. had blocked all of Iraq’s avenues
for earning money to ease the people’s needs for basic items of survival.

Today is Venezuela’s turn for a similar type of abuse, and so I will now direct the same advice
to Venezuela’s President Maduro for the benefit of the Venezuelan people. It contains several
hallmarks for the setting up of a paradisaical economic order and should therefore be
seriously considered for implementation in their own beloved homeland.

By Reni Sentana-Ries, Commander in the Federation of Free Planets, Serial Number 456249-C
It is imperative that all aspects of the book "Money on Trial" are properly understood before
attempting to actually implement a truly cash/money free society. Issues of rights of ownership
must clearly be defined. Limitations on claims on society's production by individuals or groups
of individuals must be placed in order to curb impulses of sheer greed.

This type of economics works best with a spiritually highly evolved people. It opens the
doorway to the universe and in that is very powerful. The people will love it, but do never
underestimate the threat from those who have thus been knocked off their Throne of Power. It
is best to neutralize their future effectiveness!

So the question is what to do in order to PHASE OUT the use of all currency without
overwhelming the public with a brand-new never before tried out way of doing business. When
you have assured yourself the cooperation of several other nations in bringing it all to pass, and
after you are certain that all participating nations can AS A UNIT OF SEVERAL STATES achieve
self-sufficiency in all aspects of human life and comfort, then is the time to BEGIN PHASING

Let me explain myself: Begin with the food production industry - farmers, etc. Say to the
farmer: "The government will from now on PAY FOR ALL OF YOUR OPERATING COSTS,
CHARGE TO THE FOOD PROCESSOR." So the farmer's costs are zero, except to write his cheques
out against a new account given to him by the Central Bank of the nation. He knows HIS
CHEQUES WILL NEVER BOUNCE, and those whom he pays for services rendered to him WILL

What happens as a consequence is: the consumer will see food costs go down because the
processor's costs have gone down. THE FOOD PROCESSOR GETS HIS PRODUCT FOR FREE FROM

Follow this pattern to do the same with the food processing factories. SUBSIDIZE THEIR
DISTRIBUTOR! Repeat the same with the distributors and dealers, and what you get at the
consumer level is FREE FOOD FOR THE PEOPLE! The people will then see their purchasing
power grow and become less worried about survival.

Move to shelter (housing) next: Cancel all mortgages and debts related to housing. The people
again will see their costs lowered and purchasing power increased. They will love you leaders
for it.

In like manner move from industry to industry AND PLAINLY OBSOLETE MONEY BY MEANS OF
SUBSIDIES. If people become concerned and say: "You are creating too much money for too

few goods!" you retort "Good! Don't buy more than you need and don't worry about too much
money in your accounts. Soon we will do away with that nonsense altogether. You already
have most of your needs for free, don't you?"

When finally too many goods and services are offered for free because of a system of 100%
subsidies, then pull the plug on money altogether and declare it obsolete. At that point
nobody will know the difference any more. THUS YOU HAVE RAISED THE THINKING OF A

You may ask: "But what about some nations not belonging to our Economic Union wanting to
BANK. That will give you their own home-grown cash to buy their technology with! Use their
own currency as a tool to import hi-tech know-how.

413. What can we Expect to See on an
Evacuation Ship?

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, May 24, 2019

During the past 24 years we have made many references for the need to become evacuated off
the face of this planet if we do not wish to perish during the destruction expected to happen on
the surface of this planet. Therefore, in order to take you to a more accurate understanding of
what an evacuation ship may look like inside, Adrigon (A-dray-on) has given us a glimpse into

the interior of such a craft, and pointed out as well the importance that such an evacuation
should ideally happen with our soul mate by our side.

A tall order? Yes indeed it is! Few couples are really ready to that extent. But don’t be
discouraged. Time will take you there when both of you have approximated in a level of
understanding universal reality (truth) and can then board the ship in harmony with the other
soul(mate) of yours.

(The following has been scribed through verbatim dictation by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries):
August 14, 2012, 4:07 pm


Hello Seila, dear ones. Let us begin.

When you come aboard the ship, you will firstly notice the textures of the walls are
somewhat different to what you are used to in your buildings or aeroplanes, helicopters, and

They are a glossy white, with silverish gold trim based with a light translucent maroon finish.
It is quite stunning, really. In any case, looking at walls is not why you come aboard, as you all
know well enough.

The crew are in light gray suits. Fashionable in the crew quarters are the benzene T.V. of a
sort, the kind which watches all of you upon your earth for signs of a rapid development of
“getting you all out of there before the big rocket hits, Fahrenheit!”

In a type of tuxedo lie the dorm-mats upon the silvery and textured floor of the White Winds,
and formatting the computer disks which little resemble your own or any which you have on
earth, sets the prodigal on bay until the new hour does strike its finest hour.

Down the hall is a large bay window, and from this window, unlike that of others, can you
actually see what is going on on the moon which is closest to your planet. Many other planets
have many moons about them, and some do live upon such moons, for their own digestive
quality is one which categorizes many more lives to come, and they of all people seem to be
the most satisfied of all.

Now come the height of the injury toward any old souls, and that is to find they must wait
until their enjoined one joins them in the “afterlife,” so to speak, and because of their
undying loyalty, many of the dear souls just prefer to wait until they are able to remake their
link with their former loved one upon another earth, and rather at the same approximate

Well, loves, that is all for now, and we will be back with more of the same for your enthusiastic

– Adrigon out.

(Please note that the pictorial illustration of the inside of a craft is a mere illustration of what
may be possible and depicts in no wise what Captain Adrigon is describing here.)

414. In Memory of 3 Slain Men of Nobility (by

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, May 26, 2019

It was not to be expected any otherwise that when given the opportunity to Commander
Hatonn by a true scribe with ability to take down verbatim dictations given correctly, he would
refuse the offer to speak about 3 of the noblest men ever born to mankind of this earth: John
Fitzgerald Kennedy, his brother Robert Kennedy, and the slain Rev. Martin Luther King.

What follows is a scribed verbatim dictation received by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries from
Starship Commander Hatonn in 1994):

“MOUNTAINS HAD TO BE MOVED FINANCIALLY, and there were no two better equipped for
the job than the brothers from the Kennedy household. The ones which finally did reclaim
the assignment were not the original ones so first designed to the task. But that is an old
news flash of distinction in itself; nevertheless interesting.

“The task at hand condemned both Jack as well as Robert Kennedy to the slaughterhouse of
pristine affairs paid to all members of the Brethrenhood at their inauguration and
reinstatement, or even instatement, into office.

“The White House, friends, is naught but a myth of a cold calculus. This tale tells of the
sodden, downtrodden avenue each one must walk: first the President and his First Lady, which
by any means, when it became Ladybird Johnson's turn, she rarely "fluttered" down the Halls. I
do stray at times. Forgive my absent-mindedness at ofttimes please, Seila. Please continue.

“Robert Kennedy or "Bobby," as many prefer to call him, knew and filled his calling with
abject determination in his stance. His personality depicted all circumstantial evidence as
Yea! No fear of any sort to hinder this one, and he paid dearly for the respect due him for his
obedient stance for truth. God Bless him! I've always wanted and needed to write that. An
honour bestowed upon me, I'm sure.

“Jack was a triplicate of the Cause. He festered the sores in the behinds of the Asses of
Congress, and never did let up. HE WAS TRULY A MAGNIFICENT MAN! WE SENT HIM FROM
ABOVE, for the duty bestowed upon his person in the form of an unequivocal work load of
almost any human being due to the fact that WHAT WAS ASKED OF HIM NO SIMPLE
WARRANT IT!! Bobby knew very little of these doings and therefore at times ran into conflict
of interest, so he thought, when Jack was merely following orders from us. In actuality they
were both following the same frequency, only, one knew it, the other did not.

“The same happened with Mr. King. Where do you think he received his great knowledge and
faith from? Our computer banks? Of course not - BUT FROM HIS IN-DEPTH DEALINGS WITH
US!! We do allude to the fact that we did instruct and comfort him, before we placed him back
in his own closet of existence. Though he may remember not, or remember very little, it still
did behoove him of his flight, for all existing substances or experiences are immediately
ingrained within the already existing modulums of existence for the purpose of self-
improvement of the contextual design.”

(End quote from “Listen to Me, General!)

415. Is there a Moral Code of Conduct
Recognized Throughout the Universe?

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, May 31, 2019

I placed this question before the Mancharians (our creators, the creators of all human races) in
hope of obtaining a definitive answer for an acceptable conduct of one human being toward
another, of one nation toward another, of one gender toward the other, of one government
toward another, of humans toward the world of animals, and of the human species toward
any other culture we find safely settled in at one or many locations throughout the Universe.

What follows is the reply I got which was recorded back in 1995 and is contained in the book
“The Mancharians’ Newest Civilization” and publicly available on in the Kindle and
printed formats.

Question #54: Is there a moral code or standard of ethics recognized by all societies of the
Universe? And if there is can you describe that code of behavior for us?

Mancharians: Indeed. We can describe this code of behavior and the essence of what it is and
all your questions intact within one word. The word hereby being "ONE."

The Oneness, you see, being of All, will not allow for any insulating practices or insulating
layers, upon which any negativity or strife or frustration or any of those attributes are
founded upon.

The One Body of which we all are, joining with the Creator, and here, even "joining" is a
misconception in its own right because we are the Creator. How can you join with that which
you are?

And yet in the other aspect or perception, those that are fragmented, we instruct to join with

Depending on the height or progress of your evolutionary understanding, certain words are
subject to performing their best duty within alternate planes. If you have an infrastructure, for
example, do you not recommend that it all stay glued together in perfect harmony in every
aspect? You could not have the clay crumbling after the sun dried it out and the mud falling
out. Even foundations have more sense than that. And who indeed builds the foundations but

So take heart and tell your people to take heart, for they have progressed to learn to build the
proper foundations for themselves. Therefore they must have within themselves the gracious
mentality to understand the concept of Oneness and not coming unglued at the seams, as so
many of you do!

(End of quote from “The Mancharians’ Newest Civilization.” Please note that someone has
hacked into this submission to and falsified the product description synopsis in
order to discourage potential buyers from acquiring this book. However the sample texts
displayed under “look inside the book” are still intact.)

See also the uncorrupted display of this book on

416. From War to Peace (Scribing)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 3, 2019

Part One of this scribing is a warning to the arrogant and warmongering faction of America’s
ruling class. Their Military is thinly spread all over the globe, and therefore very vulnerable to
attack should they decide to begin an aggression.

Part Two seems to describe a time after the warmongering forces have been subdued and a
new order of “no more torturing, burnings, or hangings” will happen, which describes to me a
time when finally the nations have found common ground for a perpetual peace among each

And what will the “common ground” be? Browse freely through all our websites, and you will
discover what kind of consensus the nations may finally have arrived at.


For as with all noble desires we ourselves find that even though the heightened artifact of
gangrenous solutions have in the past been portrayed as a detrimental design on authority,

Proliferated at the seams - and where we first hit nobody knows!

Cantankerous as it may seemingly be of us, will undoubtedly prove to the worth of the
contributors, of which you three are one to the CONTINUOUS TEARING DOWN OF
STRONGHOLDS before the "Big Bang," and "Never-Never Land" is found unleashed in its hold
on the realms of destructive quality effigies.

Break please, Seila, on a necessary basis on my part, for three.



The time of the end is almost, my friends, at her final moment.

Be wise. Reconsider the words of the Equinoxal Masters, and those of you who can, who

We close.

8:17 pm).

(End quote)

(Scribed by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries via verbatim telepathic dictation, 1994)

417. Why is Mind Reform so Important?

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 7, 2019

When I observe the actions of the rulers it scares me to contemplate what will happen to
mankind’s majority should they and the people individually and collectively not learn to get
their thinking and believing right on issues of right and wrong in matters we observe all
around us, and continue to fail to apply the universal measuring stick of ETHICAL conduct as
the norm for how we as human beings should behave toward one another!

Our creators, the Mancharians, have in the writing which follows - and in which they
themselves have dictated into the pen of Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries for us all to contemplate –
given us in their (apparently) unconcerned way the warning that SHOULD WE FAIL TO IN THIS
of time in future incarnations to once again hopefully learn what in this incarnation we failed
to learn and missed the equinoxal opportunity for a global evacuation!

And why do I call this “mind reform” an equinoxal opportunity? Simply because an Equinox in
this context describes the end of one era and the beginning of the next, and so the end of this
era will be hallmarked by the opportunity for a global evacuation which is standard procedure
to bring one era of mankind to a close before the next one can begin.

What I am giving you now are the words of our creators – the Mancharians – speaking the
things I am trying to call your attention to:



(Sept. 2, 1995, by the Mancharians, the creators of all mankind, scribed by Uthrania Seila


Now, man on the inset must learn to negotiate the subsurface restructuring within his own
cranium, insofar as negotiating the surface of conscious implication of more fundamental
crucibles from within to the without which will, of course, reach into the heights of full
conscious ability to enable him to remember for instance right from wrong.

This ability impeaches his remembrance toward the full sanctification of his superior being,
otherwise known as his Higher Self. Understand? The rudiments prior to otherworld
knowledge is superfledged by his ulterior motives toward himself as well as others, and
thereby impedes all of his decision making into the ulterior content of his brain. This is what
we could call "fundamental restructuring of brain wave functions," understand ye?

So in other words, man must accompany himself with the gravity of standards of fifth-
dimensional concepts by obliterating the negative toward the diminishing of the positive, by
entering into a displacement of possibilities contrary to the overall design of his route, en route
to further explorations of subconscious rule over the conscious.

In order that he further expand his disposition toward the obvious tactical movement, he must
secondly display within his own graphic character those prejudices of cantankerous obsolete
fundamentals. In other words, he must seek to maintain a possible influx of higher morals vs.
ethics, for the criteria in this method of exposure is sure to obliterate all other exposure
toward the dark or negative side of his nature for the procuring of more meaningful and
beneficial conduct, both, toward himself as well as the sole treatment or exposure of himself
toward others.

You see here, it is the realm of conscious desire within mankind himself which explains the
rudiments in their fullest attire without needful draining of one's limited resources at this time.


The pruning of a desire and the obliteration of consciousness will in fact provide that which a
swollen desert encased with the rainfall of nothing but dry heat would furnish back into the
heights of insignificant restructuring for those who sow such destruction! You understand?

Well then, to cap off these particular discussions, observe the strands of corn planted in the
fields of delightful resources. The way or ground was paved in order to allow fermentation of
the seed, is it not? Then the sower came along with his hoe and proceeded to procreate into
that soil that which would doubtlessly enter him returns in the following weeks, months, or
days, correct? Now when the wheat or rather in our case corn, grows tall, how many corn do
you read as being of the fruit it has produced? Is it not a great deal more than previously
planted? For not only are cobs grown in plentiful fashion, but indeed what are the seeds of the
plant? Are they not the very particles of corn within the cob which makes up itself?

So you see, this could be considered a parable of instructional value to, both, you and your
kind, could it not? Well then, this will unfold a beautiful truth or concept of delivery into your
souls for the understanding of all precepts of new discovery, for many of your people will be
fortified into benefiting the whole of the third dimensional human race. This is so.

Mancharians out on frequency expired. Good Night. (3:01 pm).

(End quote)

(From our book Planetary Reform)

-Scribed by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries via verbatim telepathic dictation.

418. Re-Acquainting we should with “our

The following information was received via verbatim telepathic dictation by Uthrania Seila
Sentana-Ries on December 28, 1994 in Ryley, Alberta, Canada.



The polar regions will be stricken, to put it within your formulated wording, to acquire that
first impact, which indeed will be first and foremost noticed to be the shifting of equinoxal tide
upon the influx barriers of the etheric body.

What do we mean by this then, in your terms? It is just that the effects upon the neural system
which lies within the containment field of the narcissist system (which is the underlying ego),
will accompany within itself those factors of change, which will indeed bring about a sublayer
of "toxic waste" to be dealt with, disposed, and interchanged with that of the complete
rejuvenation of all major eight senses, instead of your perceived regulatory five.

This simply means that an exchange will be made for any of those, who are still within
directional change in the rudiments of self-acquiring data, to be processed at an exchange rate

of 2 millimeter per second, on acquiring that same formulated data to register as a fourth
dimensional being. IT IS THAT SIMPLE!

The reason that the effect of the Photon Belt will register foremost on the highplex of seclusion
is simply because the hole, which is set at a regulatory system structure into the core of the
Earth, effects a reading of the seismic waves at an even greater proximity than that of the
hybrid situationary status.

The South Pole indeed "gets it first," so to speak, as it is the first to be in the pronounced
position nearest the equator, facing the rays of the Equinox Delta Strain.

From then on you will notice a switching of currents within your earthen plateau in the form
of earthquakes in sections where there previously were none, and those swooping currents of
air which serve to dry out acquanous regions of swampy attire.

This will all take place within a period of 5 to 7 years hence.

From then on the regions will take on a hard look of desert waste which will indeed prove to
be quite a switch. Oceanic tides will flow as high as some of your city structures before
increasing into mile high tides. This is the beginning of woes.

The surface structures of your cities will fall like wrapping paper under the repositioning of
grave exchanges of seismic waves, which will proceed to run under the Earth like escalators,
one at a time to begin with, until the whole undercurrent falls not only buildings of design,
but also unstable those underground bases and structures, of which those of you who wish
to hide will find yourselves without refuge of any kind. They may have worked for the cause
of bomb shelters but in the days of the fortitude of accomplishing their purpose, no longer
will it be so.

No matter, think of all those upon the face of the Earth, who it will no longer matter as to
whether they have secured a "job" or not. Survival of the etheric body within the physical will
have its predominant way within occasion of desire. In other words, those who are in the
midst of these catastrophes will no longer care for the material items of their existence, but
instead will be fed under the auspices of attaining their own right to life. Their very existence
will be personified and no other thing will matter so much as their completeness at this time
to survival techniques.

They will seek out the enlightened ones of the Brotherhood, but naught will be found in
those days, for many will have acquired the right of ascension and will indeed be nowhere to
be found.

Those who are of heady countenance will find themselves to be mere survivalists of the
beginning of these woes and will find within themselves the limitless desire to attain that
which was taken away. It is at this time, that the Seeds or Righteous Ones will be faced with
a one way trip of evacuationary process by we ones, who have loved you so.

Now, but indeed, what of those "heady" ones, who anger about the rejuvenation of Terra,
our mother Earth, as you term it? Will they too be brought into the surface requirements of

evacuation features? Nay, for naught it is to them to succumb unto themselves those
thoughts for mere existence within a righteous colony.

For the "seeds," who indeed are of the volunteering essence, will in fact allow their names,
so to speak, to stand in the rejuvenation of times for the replanting of the earthen nature,
when all cleansing completes its manufacturing. It will be so, as it is written in the time
immortal data banks: THE AKASHIC ACCOMPLIANCE.

That is enough for one day. Thank you for your prompt attention to this, our matter of
information in a packet service to all people of planet Earth.

Adieu. Signing off at injunction road.

BEARATRIX, the subterranean monitor of all seismic fields within the core structure of earthen
subterranean duty council.

Signing off on frequency, radio equivalent 12.01 neutron-based wave frequency. Out. Thank

(End quote)

419. Hatonn explains what “Blinkensop” is!

Wednesday, December 7th, 1994, Ryley, Alberta, Canada (continuation from 2:30 pm
verbatim telepathic dictation session with Commander Hatonn)

RENI: Can you please give us more details of Blinkensop, i.e. when and where it was
constructed, how it is being operated and financed, which country, etc? We can't seem to find
it on a map anywhere.

Who, Where, or What is Blinkensop?

HATONN: ”Blinkensop is cascaded by a 12 layer arsenal round about its perimeters. These 12
layers are occupied by a regiment of highly informed and trained combustion men, ranging
three to a pillar. However, this is not in fact of the unaccustomary procedure for security, thus
proving itself to be of the partial effectiveness, and nicely, I might add, into the whole structure
of things. This is simply a little extra for your ears. “Orchestrated by the potential democrats of
high society, Blinkensop is thusly accumulating the wealth of the many nations of the world.

“Financed by whom, you might ask? Why, by you, of course, and by every human being with
the potential to work effectively for the rights of freedom. Yes, this is indeed sour news, but for
the most part it has, as you can well imagine, eluded even the most scrupulous of mankind
with its detachment of perimeter bounds. In other words, it is so well hidden that even those
with potential to observe what indeed is right in front of their eyes, could not for the life of
them see it!

“Now I have you good and confused, so let me explain a little further: Blinkensop is the
national armament for the telestop of the United Nations. It is useless to inquire as to where
or how it was built, for it has existed for such a long period of time, that until you truly realize
to what effect comes forth from it, you will never truly understand exactly just what Blinkensop
really is.

“I have previously stated to you in your books, that Blinkensop has a radius of 6 miles square,
however, in order to produce factual information, it would be detrimental to allude to that as
indeed being its overall radius. “Blinkensop is more, dear friends, than just a humongous
laboratory where all manner of beastly things occur. As a matter of fact, let me put it to you in
this form, Blinkensop is an outward maneuvering house for the stability of negating factors of
the nations. Along with all its potential dangerous hazards, it has proven to be one of the
most highly acclaimed worldwide institutions ever known for its mass productions of, both,
nuclear arms as well as the releasing of old outmoded carcasses of dead old personages,
which have been long forgotten. This is a genetic compound of accumulated wealth and is
constantly monitored by a section of aberrites and factitious creatures who are with every
intent bound for doomsday.

This is a factitious regime, but with it are very real consequences. “Understand, Reni, that when
you ask about the real Blinkensop, we have with every manner of intent contrived to place it in
a rather ficticional boundary for the simple understanding of the people. Those in power know
exactly what we are saying. Do not trouble your mind over it, in any case. You are more likely
to acquire a hemorrhage in your lower bowels than achieve anything worthwhile out of it. Let

us just say, that the manner in which our dear Blinkensop was constructed was by manner of
war-faring within nations themselves!

Strategic location indeed! It is in the middle of nowhere, and yet is always at your front door
and at your beckoning call. Just look around you, heh?

If there are more questions, they will needfully be detained until the following day, little one.
Have a good evening, and sleep well. Adieu. Lord HATONN out.” (3:46 pm).

- Scribed by verbatim telepathic dictation, and by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-

(End quote)

420. “Leave Iran Alone!” say I, the Lion of


Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, August 8, 2019

On occasion we are given records of conversations by powerful people as they hold sway (or
better: THINK they hold sway) over the destiny of nations. In this case Iran is in the cross-hair of
attention and consideration for either mellow or debauched action against the nation.

Commander Hatonn volunteered this information and leaves it up to anyone of you to figure
out just who were the participants, when these words were spoken, and what they actually

(Quote from our records):

November 5, 2012 3:00 pm

HATONN: Hello, Seila, and all our fare-thee-fine little ones!

I, Hatonn have a dialogue to present to you today, and today also the Texicana boys are
swamped over with a fistful of your money and New York policy of the Kremlin, though I have
no idea of my own why they would call it that, save it to say that the ones at the top wish to
disguise themselves to demean others, so you would think it was bad ol’ Germany which is, of
course, not the case at all, and further from the truth than any of you might suspect.

So on with the dialogue and this, of course, is from Bruster which is no less than a code name
so we are not naming anyone in particular – so have fun deciphering this one, all ye
enlightened groupies!

‘Herman said we must all okay his policy, for if we shun it, then ol’ Herman (cloak in tongue)
might hang the each one of us by our limbs.

‘Now to what is our good ol’ Herman referring to, M’lads? Only that midriff of his larson
against the popular uprising, and because of his sulky attitude, buds, he will have none of the
rioting which may foster a preempt strike against his lodgings as well.

‘Ooh, is he testy, but then Rodden… has to-wit not said one word about the American
placebo, and if any of them get hold of this writ then we will be all sailing our boats back
agin’ Spain, and to do them no favour at all, we, of the enlisted ones of the memorandum of
all goodly policy for the stricken United States of America, will find ourselves well out of our
debts, and that policy of all good favor, will we not run ourselves back into dry-dock
of Iranian nuclear policy which we never believed it had by crook or hook in the first place,
for war is the furthest thing from their minds!

‘Their policy, dear ones, is to just get along with those who say Mohammad is just the best
fellow one did ever see, and one day even he will stand up and crush the western influence
inside of Iran, because he never did actually believe of they Iranian fishers in the first place.

‘Placebo, or nectarine? Which would Iran want? Nectarine methinks lads, for the last thing
Iran wants, though ready for it if you gave it a hundred or so years, is the nectarine of peace.
Don’t push it though, lads, for remember how bees react, a million of them or so, if you touch
its hive. It’s nature after all.

You now have the podium, boss, while I step down.’

So M’lads, as they call one another indubitably, we have Foresyth at the helm, so I must now
go. Adieu and Good Day.

Commander in Chief Hatonn, Esquire of what nations?! (3:11 pm)

- Verbatim telepathically scribed dictation by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-
Ries, November 2012.

Comments by Reni Sentana-Ries

Precondition to the Global Agenda: "I am in opposition of a violent revolution, for our aim in
effecting a transition into the New Era is not the bloodshed of anyone, whether rich or poor. All
benefits of the new order of paradise must therefore flow to all equally and without distinction,
and its pathway does not need to be marred by violence as one would expect in a revolution."

Furthermore as precondition to the Global Agenda: "All violence of the present among people
must stop, and all embargoes to an orderly flow of goods and services to all people must be
terminated in order for all hardship on anyone to discontinue."

421. Is the “Big-Bang” Theory a Bunch of

Scientific Bunk?

January 17, 2012, 3:30 pm, question for Commander Hatonn to answer:

Reni Sentana-Ries: Personally we believe the Big-Bang theory is nothing but a bunch of
scientific bunk. It is based on the theory that our expanding universe will at some point collapse
again because of gravitational pull among all physical matter.

HATONN: It is a rare nonsense which takes us where we belong, and that is toward the
outskirts of something or another. No, Reni, the universe and its galaxies will never collapse
and that is why in very simplistic terms we explain it as thusly:

The modification of each and every galaxy, world, black hole, perpendicular hole, which your
scientist have yet to find in their earthly telescopic travels, as well as all sixteen or so
universes, allow all to survive within the modulum of current drifts, which you would call
“the rotations.”

Now, you might need your scientist to explain this to you when you get that far, yet the very
principle of planet/galactic and universal modulum current drifts or rotations is found and
explained very well in our kindergarten schools upon worlds of mystification, as you would call
our teachings.

Nothing much, really. Just a worm hole which drifts throughout space, and because of that
space, the drifting particles sometimes hit other worlds or planets with their meteors and
intergalactic dross, including your satellites when they come down. Not much to worry about
though, for the larger ones do our ships of flight address and conquer their close inhabitation
of earth, so no one gets hit.

In other cases though, it would seem, such as in the case of Jupiter where we needed to do a
wide case evacuation, we could not divert the huge crater type obstacle, and in doing so, had
we tried, we may have well been pulled into its own atmosphere, for all objects carry with
them an atmosphere, even so small it can hardly be detected.

Good Day, or are there any more questions which you would like me to try and answer?

Reni: Can you explain to us the reality of an eternally expanding universe?

HATONN: Simple physics, my dear Reni. In the first place, when one eats and eats does ones
stomach stop growing or does it expand?

Reni: It expands. I believe I do know what you are saying. Thank you. One more question.
Can you also explain how vortexes are being used in intergalactic travel? (Reni, this question
was explained in Entry One – Seila)

Also, is there any truth to the assumption that “black holes” exist with gravity so strong that
no matter can escape out of it, whether planets, suns, etc.?

HATONN: Black holes are no more mysterious than vortexes are. Both use the relativity of
pull/push theory. If there is pull to take you one way, you must also demonstrate push to take
you the other way, otherwise you would be lax to return to where you once came from, and
vortecal travel would become next to useless for one must always return if one is to
scientifically gather evidence of one form or another - whatever issue they may have - and take
it back from whence they came. Next.

Yes, black holes are the firm demonstration of all vortexes without light. That is the only
difference. Black holes will no more collapse on you than stable vortexes will, and the only

collapsing ever done in our knowledge with our scientific discovery are the collapsing of
people’s minds as they study what avails them not on their upward journey through
lifestreams - insurmountable it seems - for them to get to where they need to be.

Reni: Thank you Hatonn for answering my questions. That will be all for today.

HATONN: Then I bid you adieu and will carry on with my duties. Adieu. Please tie off all
transmittal frequencies, Seila. Adieu and goodbye for now. 3:46 pm

- Verbatim telepathically scribed by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

422. Why is U.S. Foreign Policy so Wicked?

(Written when more sanctions on Venezuela were invented.)

1. The United States allows “untouchables” in her midst!

a) Free-masonic gatherings in secrecy, containing rituals not keeping all people’s best interest
in mind.

b) It allows the Council on Foreign Relations to become involved in Washington’s decision

c) It favors Israel’s interests above that of its own.

d) It permits the ADL free reign to subtly persecute people who question the official version of
the H. story.

e) It considers the transfer of large funds for Israel more important than fixing crumbling
infrastructure or looking after homeless people.

f) It allows “black” budget spending of trillions of dollars on projects, some of whom the
President is upon his inquiry arrogantly told: “Mr. President, you have no need to know!”

2. The United States Government believes it must be an

Empire like Rome was in the past which says:
a) The health of corporations is more important than the health of the people.

b) Military and financial control over nations is more important than keeping one’s own
borders safe from external threats.

3. The U.S. Governments allows false flag operations within

and outside of the country in order to justify aggression
against nations, or that of a valued pursuit of the people at

4. The U.S. Government hates the Constitution and only

pays lip-service to statutes protecting the rights of the people,
particularly that of free speech and the right of the people
to bear arms against an in-house tyranny.

5. The U.S. Government permits a money oligarchy to rule

over its institution and its decision-making.

6. The U.S. Government is actively protecting elites involved

in pedophilia and secret child sacrifice and allows its own
CIA to do global drug-running and conduct coup attempts
against other governments.

7. The U.S. Government does not rule by what is right or
wrong. It rules by what is expedient and what is not, and
follows the principle of the Kol-Nidre doctrine which
permits opting out of contracts and agreements when it
becomes expedient and profitable to do so.

8. The U.S. Government permits dual citizenship for people

who are acting traitorous toward the nation’s constitution and
her people.

9. The U.S. Government permits history books in schools

to be written which betray the understanding that a
record of history should be nothing less than an account
of what really happened.

10. The U.S. Government does not inform the public on all
discoveries made by NASA and the U.S. Military, even
though these two institutions are supported by the
people’s tax monies. As such, the Government denies the
people their right to know about all inventions which
could make the people’s lives easier to live.

11. The U.S. Government permits subversive

organizations within its borders which advocate the
culling of humanity down to ½ billion.

12. And finally, the U.S. Government permits a money

system which is designed to transfer all wealth into the
hands of a few, but which reduces the majority down to
situations of perpetual slavery and eventual abject

423. Verbatim Telepathy - Most Reliable Info
from the Etherworld of Light!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, August 6, 2019

How is true prophecy being received?

While intuition is quite reliable and can be honed to a high degree of perfection as sentiments
and feelings are being put into words, yet no form of information comes to mankind with a
reliability as high as verbatim telepathy penned by a scribe in one-to-one contact with
personages of lighted essence. In the latter case all choice of words and phrases are not of the
scribe, but by a person from a higher dimensional realm. Once this is understood we can sit
back and marvel at not only the information, but also admire the language style, and conclude
it has come from someone of higher intelligence.

Any kind of telepathy - verbatim or the transfer of thoughts and ideas - is unaffected by time or
distance. Thoughts, ideas, understanding, know-how is everywhere and ever-present and stand
in competition with each other depending from which “tree” we pick our “fruit.” (Pun intended)

Back in 1995 I was given the opportunity to place before Commander Hatonn a number of
questions of which the following is on the issue of verbatim telepathy. Enjoy!


Reni Sentana-Ries: Can telepathic frequencies be monitored by Government listening devices?

Telepathy on the Run!

HATONN: Thank you for your strictest accomplishment of the time schedule. Let us now

Indeed, if the Government could equip themselves with a memorandum of frequency wave
length lines, it would be only to their own detriment as all frequencies put forth by the
Brotherhood of Light, shall we call ourselves, to engage within our frequencies and theirs
upon the starships would only serve to pronounce to the detriment of the governmental
standards triplicate undoing of their own stealth equipment gauges.

What am I talking about at this point? Precisely this: the standard frequency of 4.7 megahertz,
which we are capable of using in a radius equivalent to that of a small radio of theirs, would
only serve to send out less monitored contrivances in the pickup of their equipment.

You see, Seila, here is the problem, or rather, their problem: Though they at times do indeed
pick up altered frequencies, they by no means have at their disposal the means to decipher
the hieroglyphic linguistical content of which we are so famous for.

So, hindsight alluded to here, it would be an answer to which a “yes” and a “no” are securely
placed. Yes, they can in certain instances pick up our beam rays from our ships in the skies to
the mechanism within your delicate cranium, which, by the way, can never be removed
without the possibility of relinquishing forever a continuation of extraction from the brain
cavity itself. You would die, in other words, any more than a rotary engine aboard a stargazing
mechanism could be displayed without sanctions providing a curriculum of controversial
subject material of exactly how that machine would continue to work at all.

So you see here, the dilemma placed in front of their eyes would always curtail their ingenious
methodology of trying to extract the simplistic messages in a simplistic manner, for without
the guide, or channel in this case, deciphering the mechanisms of what exactly we put down
to you, for instance, would be regimented as a non-interfering modulm. It is impossible
except for a few elect to engage within the frequencies for the sole purpose of indoctrinating
the informational packets into that of a language equivalent to that of foreign exchange into
English. Only in this case much harder, if not impossible, to do so.

Monitoring channels of the fifth degree is an ongoing occurrence with the Military Might
Department which rules over the engaging sophrites, so intent on eliminating for themselves
all those occurrences of which they are unable to reach. But here again, precaution has indeed
hit home, for they have long realized that to harm a channel physically with intention to rub
out the source of the material has in the past gotten them nowhere, for preludes do have a
way of protecting interests on both sides of the field!

Undoubtedly the majority contend themselves with enforcing less strict regime upon the backs
of their scientists by strictly employing channels periodically in the helping of them out. Neutral
source, of course, for eclipted among the starseeds are those traitors to the cause, who without
adept permission from the High Council have portrayed us to be of the ‘gray’ mission from time
to time. Then the information brought down under circumstances such as these will leave the
scientists more or less with an imbalance of thoughts, rather than attaining to the full scope
of memorandum of which is their right.

To come out front with their desire of learning intricate designing would label them indeed
within the crucible of possibilities, therewith leading them into a much needed and fuller
encompassing of facts therein.

So to do justice to both sides here we would caution you to always belie the suspiciousness
of anyone who would offer a bigotry in light of expiring your greatest potential escapading in
the form of doctrinal theory. We will always advise whether or not we will be willing to work
within their planetary action decidedly for the good of mankind. And there are some of which
we are willing to take action in order to prove a help-meet to.

May we therefore suggest to you that if ever asked for documentation of resource figures,
simply meaning “contact with certain frequencies,” make of the sureness that ye, each one, be
of the showing of this document herewith written for them too.

Thank you all for your attention on this midriff of informational data. Hatonn out on frequency
table 9.3 faraplex. Record time as showing 10:00 pm. 10:00 pm.

- Verbatim telepathically scribed by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries,
September 1995, Tempe, Arizona.

(End quote from our records)

424. The Beginning of Technology Transfer
from the Proper Source! (Part One)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, July 11, 2019

I once said: “Advanced technology has always been around and is available everywhere! Our
challenge lies merely in our ability to re-discover that which already exists!”

On technology transfer we need to learn to connect with brilliant minds from the stars who like
Suflus are ready and willing to pass crucial information over to us, provided we do not use it for
ulterior purposes.

It should therefore be stated that high-tech information is dangerous in the hands of wicked
people, and it should never be in their possession in the first place as they will use it for
sinister purposes.

(Quote from our book records as received by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries in 1994 through her
advanced ability of verbatim telepathy from the world of Light and Love.):

Suflus kicking in here, Starseed.

It is customary on the planet of which I come, to receive all blessings and statutes, and to pass
them on to those of other natured spheres or planets, if you wish, for a closer understanding.

We would like you to break for a short half hour at this time, for the information being fed to
you from here on will take an enormous amount of energy on our behalf in order to come to
meet your frequency half way. Mind power we speak of here, and you have been at the
keyboard for over an hour at best, and we do realize the language is of a seldom spoken
nature. Rest your head and we will resume in our orderly fashion within the half hour. SUFLUS

Posterity kicks in on behalf of mankind, Starseed, and to this we will fill in the approximates as
due to them in relation to the equivalents found upon the planetary regiments of time.

I am an electrical engineer, but not in the sense that you would derive from the term. You see,
I supposition those natural current factors into live waves, which through the breaking down of
their molecular structure and repeating them into formations of a seclusive type instead of
elusive, I am able to generate a flotsam fore into which is catapulted a nucleus base of pure
energy light, attuned with all its melodic colours intact.

This is employed not so much in the spiritual sense, though all things contain a spiritual
quality, and without them nothing would exist, but rather in this case we will be working
within a diagram of non-sensical reform to the applauding of the creation of technology of a
much higher essence than of which you at present are accustomed to.

To begin with then, the essence in the simplest term are those eight particles of greater
essence than you are at present used to working with, but of the same basic methodology that
the famous scientist, who by the way did of course listen to us, Nikola Tesla, when he
formatted for your approval the Quantum Barrier of which contained of course the essence of
neutralization in the swift current of the age.

You must understand that those of a greater mind-likeness are often attuned into our
diagram of speech patterns, and once having succeeded in the reforming of their tired-out
methodology, have in effect served the truth of essence to such a much greater degree that
they even eluded the tactics of their peers, of which in any case there were none.

Let us now proceed on with a little talk from one of your greats and then we will find use for a
little printback, as you like to call it, from our station above the Earth.

(End quote. To be continued in Part 2)

425. The Beginning of Technology Transfer

from the Proper Source! (Part Two)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, July 12, 2019

May I mention at this point that the following post is not meant for people other than scientists
who work on projects of identical nature than what the “Director of the Genealogical Scientific
Community of Washington, D.C.” is speaking about in his address to those in attendance.

Introduction by Suflus, a scientist from the stars, sometime in 1994

“This man has indeed achieved more than the ordinarily thought-of scientist of his field!

“Indeed, it has been brought forth at this time by way of our little 12 ft laser disk, that all
substances compliant within the nature of universal control hath indeed contributed to the
esquience of desire of this man.

“Portion control on behalf of all reading this, and in fact to layer one upon the other as he has
done in recording his findings and alluding to their reproduction inasfar as the correct use of the
gamma rays, whether it be for biochemical component use, or arbitrary design within engine
type modules, nevertheless, mankind will continue to find itself flourishing within
typlificationary production of craft of a similar stature to ours if and when he will listen and
accept all those set theories so proficiently used upon other worlds and negate his wisdom
unto himself!

“This portion is indeed, as you may well suspect, duty bound for further scientific study on
neutron based wave lengths.

“Please break for a nice lunch, little Starseed, and we will recap on this a little further down the

“SUFLUS cordially speaking. Out.”

(Quote from our book record, received by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries via verbatim telepathic
dictation in 1994)


Two pi times 34 times minus zero component rectory with statistical abeyance being of a
delude in auspice statutory requirements, being of the nature equivalent to the hormonal
restructuring of equivalent restructuring process through elimination of stationary goods. The
RX-12 equivalent would prove, we feel, to be satisfactory in its structural icon factor. Albeit, the
necessary changes have met with rather an unstable factor in lack of resource supplies.

Please, Henry, feel free to contact the depot post as soon as possible for retrograde supplies,
not neglecting the pi/R management factor either!

Spendthrifts at this particular time in their evolution place us in a rather precarious
methodology and is not necessarily what formulates the required tenets at Blinkensop. Not all
authority withstanding those few who have proved themselves among the few who have
successfully achieved regulatory status, do have the cognizance to formulate the principle of
revolving amphetemites to the conclusion of all other minions at this time.

Gentlemen, let me introduce to you a solid sub layer texture which has the capacity of
illuminating even the furthermost element of restructuring gamma rays. This is produced
through a series of amphetemites, who when have achieved sufficient critical decomposition
equational supplement factor, one determines the outlay of further installation of form
electrical currents. It is rather like life attributing to the restructuring of gamma radius

Do you understand the implications of these facts, gentlemen? The prime natural source which
they use to feed gamma rays to the obstrosensity of architectural design, couped within the
possibility of restructuring or redesigning the source of the elemental factor, would then
determine an effective solution to the apparition exploited by various other forms of
technologies. This, gentlemen, is where we come into play. Within the massive arch layer of the
modulum comes the need for our expertise.

We will take a short break and reconvene in 10 minutes. Thank you.

Contrary to the laws of nature and the entire world of physics, we will be asked to submit
within the proximity of an 8 to 12 months period the hypogenics for the neutralization of brain
wave sequential repertoire. This simply means that the IBM of plutonium study expects a
resolution to be of a perfected equivalent of dot-matrix type of joining within the elemental
requirements of the vast natural supply of Texistar-Holland which would of course negate
circumferal study categorized by inlaid diadems of progression Kluxstan productivity.

So there you have it, gentlemen! The prime opportunity to have stabilized sufficiently the
new gamma rays of the 20th Century! This opportunity is not walked on by those who would
so continue to dwarf our institution and its practices by incomprehensible demands, and that
only goes to show that not all areas of highly generated auspices prove detrimental to our

Adjournment of this portion will take place at exactly 20 hrs eastern time. Thank you for joining

(End quote from our book “Hidden Secrets are Valuable to All”)

426. Safely Navigating Space and Surviving the
Ocean Waters’ Threat!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, July 9, 2019

Travelling through space is not without dangers, for ways must be found to identify and
navigate safely through space debris – whether it has naturally occurred from colliding planets
– or artificially created by man in the form of abandoned satellites circling the planet. These
free-floating objects can strike a space craft at speeds 20 times faster than bullets fly out of a

Protection must also be secured from the deadly radiation of the Van Allan Belt, and that is no
less of a challenge than space flight itself.

Our benevolent Brother- and Sisterhood is unbeknownst to us also monitoring the rotational
balance of this planet with their specialized craft from deep within the oceans. They anticipate
an upheaval which is somewhat described in this next excerpt from one of our books, an
event which makes it mandatory for them to have offered to mankind a prior opportunity of
escape into their evacuation ships.

The following text was taken from our yet unpublished book “Hidden Secrets are Valuable to
All” which was taken down as verbatim telepathic dictation by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries
some time in 1994.


A very Good Morning unto you all, Starseed!

This is indeed Jambian coming in on your own set frequency. We will now, if you are ready,
proceed within a new chapter heading of "A Great Quantum Leap Into The Future." Please
ready yourself and we will kindly proceed with all necessary information. Adieu.


The Bynjoimaph, of which we so gratefully were able to show you, is only one of the many
instruments aboard our mother ships, of which is used to equally measure the strips between
the stars in circumference in equal relationship to those of other spheres if at any given set
time in our delay sequence pattern it will be allayed within the beam of neutroise design, the
eloquent positioning of all those in star sequence formation.

This is to ensure the gravitational pull from the solar plex of the idiom to the outward sense of
pull in relation to the repositioning of the circumferential design of nuclear push/pull pattern.
This purpose for repositioning the equilibrium of star mesh, as we like to call it, is strictly for
the purpose of neutralizing the ongoing causing factors such as

(a) nebulous debris

(b) nova explosions, as well as

(c) to benefit the structural frequency of all nearby curtailing atmospheric wind modules
(factors) to keep in a more or less continuum of unartificial structural pattern formation. It is
for this cause that we must deploy our semi-artificial structural formations in the form or
symphony of rounded-like sized disks into the stratosphere surrounding the nebulous of your
gravitational Earth's atmosphere for relayance factors to be given in the proving of the
fundamental truth, that all surface matter has but one compound when detonating those
compounded ingredients, or, in other words, materials, into the atmosphere, flooding it with
neutron gasses.

You must understand that, as ye ones keep charts, diagrams and artifacts at hand, so do we
employ those same regulations in adherence with the strewn-up curriculum of which we have
also gathered to a great degree upon our walls. These "maps", as you like to call them, are not
only proliferant within our mother craft structure, but on the whole are allowed throughout
the extreme decks of our smaller craft of which we have a plenty.

Now for further exploration into the depths of Earth's intricate structure of methodology itself,
and here we wish to begin with the semi-artificial structures of those fluid-running craft of ours
which are able to deploy themselves between stratospheric changes such as sky, wind, water,
and within the gravitational pull of Mother Earth itself.


Down in the depths of your subterranean waters you might someday see a transformation near
the surface which you just might equate as an "undersea monster," as they so often do in the
Great British Isles. We would be rather flattered, providing that was in fact what we were.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but many of those tidal escapades of which ye Ones deem to be of
another nature of espouse are naught but cantankerous in nature. On the contrary, they are
none other than your brothers who love this great Earth of yours, and your people, and who
have come to help, and hope through means as yet unknown to your scientists to push the
polar regions through their developmental contours!

We do in fact, as you might have well gathered at this point, control rather subterranean
vessels with instrumental panels to match yours, except that they are indeed more of the
advanced technology. These pilot craft are down in your sea's depths strictly in an order to
monitor the shift, which is at present taking place within the crevices of time, for it is through
the uphurdling of these foundational structures of nature herself that we are able to so
accurately monitor the equatorial shift within the Photon Belt from a negative position.

As these ships enter the Earth's stratosphere and down into the atmosphere, there is a period
of adjustment before small wings are sprouted for the correct decent into the raging currents
of the deep, for, you see, we must enter from an altitude of no less than 1000 gravitational feet
before we employ our belt shoes and curtail our small wing-like structure, in order to gain the
"record speed" to which we are so well known for.

This is not to say that all and any means of travel are at the least of a record speed tie in, but
rather indeed to infer that there are indeed times laid aside for the slowing down of structures
in order to implement, much the same as you do with your research stations beyond the sea
floor, those necessary tendencies for the deploying of green gaseous attire into the formation
of the crevices, in order to perfect a rather clearer and secure reading for our bobfloats. This
is to a marked degree a form of measuring the gaseous content of which is so stored within
the crevices of your Earth's floor bottom.

You see, in order to succeed in our measuring of tactical reform, and exactly how long it will
take before the crust begins to crumble completely, leaving the Earth's inhabitants without
water, so to speak, for the water which is with you at the present in the form of oceans,
lakes, rivers and streams, will be contoured into a rather high capping maneuver when
leaving the Earth's gravitational pull, and will succeed in breaking formation with itself as it
sweeps over the majority of Earth's crust, numbing the ones left into a dim shock.

This is when the water table will turn, leaving the majority in a deep freeze sort of swimming
pool, and islands will then be forced of their own accord to creep up and take their places
once again among the islands and continents of yesteryear!

It is for this particular reason alone, that we must "fight," for lack of a better word, to do all
within our power to preserve the contents of all stratospheric conditions, which might well
arise and knock out the "lights" before the light of darkness has had its full run of the land. For
when this happens in the name of catastrophe, the citizens will be forced to look about
themselves in horror as they witness the horrific extent of which mankind has relayed upon
himself, as well as the consensus of all his neighboring star systems. For what affects ye ones
doth in turn affect us as well, as all our brothers and sisters of the neighboring planets, both, in
this star system, as well as those around us. We neither want destruction for the Earth planet
and its inhabitants, nor do we wish to inert the destructive qualities which it is sure to bring
upon other sources.

This is the end of this particular dialogue, Starseed. Please reposition yourself in another ten
minutes accordingly. Thank you. JAMBIAN out. Korthrox will be with you shortly to "Reposition
the Placement of the 'Stars'."

(End quote)

427. Engineering Secrets on Space Craft Engine

Design belong to all Decent People!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, July 8, 2019

Technological know-how only becomes a threat when placed in the hands of wicked people
with a mindset to conquer and destroy decent societies which would not give consent to be
ruled over by a satanic element.

As we release the following information into the world we are well aware of the fact that not
only good scientists working on spacecraft engine design get hold of these secrets, but also
scientists working for the archfiend of global destruction and toward that of the enslavement
of all people everywhere.

It is therefore the duty of all good people to become as a united force (technologically)
stronger than those who labour in underground facilities for the exploitation of know-how
which may at some point in future time allow them to dominate outer space in wickedness,

and do so with a mindset to CONQUER extraterrestrial societies instead of living with them
peacefully side by side.

At this time there is nothing I can do about the fact that this information will also fall into
wrong hands. You may ask: “Then why give it out at all?” The answer to this question lies in the
fact that today we live in a world where the good people of planet earth must prove
themselves stronger than the wicked, and good scientists stand in need for the information we
give them here.

Yet in order to protect society as a whole there still are gaps of knowledge in the information
we release which will effectively prevent the U.S. Military from flying into outer space to
conquer peaceful societies living on sundry other planets.

(Quote taken from one of our books. The information was obtained in a trance session with
Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries in 1994 where I was the Director. The reason of the need for a
trance session was that at the time Uthrania was new with verbatim telepathic dictations, and
the nature of this material made it necessary to not have ONE word or ONE phrase misplaced.)
2:00 pm



We do thank you and are grateful at this time for your utmost cooperation.This material is of a
rather, shall we call it, a succulent nature. We do have to be careful that it does not fall into the
wrong hands, therefore, for this purpose, we do leave undone many of the more serious
equivalent data reforms as to the prejudging of material items that are necessary in their use.

Here today we do begin, as we have so stated, on aerodynamics.

The filamenting in particular, we can begin with. In the filamenting structure of all aerodynamic
components, whether they be of a large or the small in diameter, (and here we simply mean
whatever parts or components that have been worked with previously), these are the same
which do seem to control the necessary fragments.

The structure of which we use in many of our craft, as we could term them, which a few of the
not so highly technical are your scientists involved in, at least at this point we might add, those,
of course, of the less technical types, do not contain certain parameters of structural blueprint.

It is of the Deoscyde Design, that would be D E O S C Y D, and whether you put the E or the I on
the end is really irrelevant at this time. But those we wish to follow more intact, because it is
restrictive upon any society whether it be the astrophysics or scientific department of
cosmotology, it really makes little difference, because the basis for all artistructure does
contain the same principles. It's just whether you have all the pieces together or not, much
like that of a puzzle.

The infrastructure, for instance, which is settled on the outlay of the parameters of all dogma
which must be tied in with extracurricular pipes or thoroughfare. We do use the linage of many

filaments in this case which are made up of Radium Neutryste. Again, we would sincerely hope
your spelling can at least be interpreted on this level as to be somewhat phonetically correct.
So that last word which is imperative is NUTRICE. (Spelling based on interpretation of phonetics
- Editor).

We were proposing that the semi structure with the filaments which do run 95 degree
perpendicular to the axis of the basis of foundation which you find at the base and go upward,
naturally. These are strung along as many tiny threads, and they radiate with the pulsation of
many frequencies. These many frequencies do not in the least provide themselves to be of the
contributing factor of the NEXSTRUS product. Of this, your scientists are very well aware. No
need to explain further.

Next to subjecting the lineage with the proper perpendicular curriculum, we minus a faction of
24 plus 64.7 which is the equivalent of all radius. This simply manufactures the basic
component with that of the realignment of others, which go not so much vertical, not so much
horizontal, but rather we would describe them more in 47 degree radius across stripping
through the beams, which is almost in your terms, more like weaving.

For any sentient to have sanctifying threading, the bottom components of the loops, which are
down under the base metals, which all around the very base, around the circular portion are
holes, which would resemble in a cut-out fashion, of bows.

Here we have nine of those strung around. Many do believe we use the crystalline power, and
so it was for many centuries, even stretching into millennia. But now, even though the smaller
and less technical - or we could put it - less evolved in technology those set crafts, there are
few ever used in any situation, which are powered by back-up crystalline authority. We have
found this to be of a much greater technique and our ability to hamstring them from one
source to another, and do remember, these too are equivalent, though not exactly precisely of
the same element as you would consider electrical factor. They give off a cooling heat which
maintains our engines, as you would term them. We don't quite think of them in those terms,
but for a coolant aspect it certainly is more proficient.


Now the information of which your scientists (prefer) rather at this time, information which has
eluded them:


Greetings, I have been sent in to intercept at this part. The BENZENE THEORY of all nuclear
reactors is striven to at this point, and, of course, by your scientists. These are the basis,
nonetheless, of all potential artefacts within your nuclear devices at this time. However when
you do take the Benzene and you strip it down to its bare resources which contains of the
uthranium context and you implement it, and it is a reddish green blue, all together there are
many colours which are re-coordinated. These are all placed along the stripping, or, in your
terminology, it could be the strapping of the filaments. All around about is the resource of
arti... (we do have trouble in the process of some of your word structure...) artificial, I believe,
the artificial, the artificial filaments maybe somewhat easier to give the thesis for it.

Formula data number one under the Menzime: Cross structure 2.47 G-koss in between the
filament irate of which there is a minus radius, please, 1002.

The normalicy of other figure structures you have been so searching for: .0083 by a divisible
factor of minus 4 equivalent. Zero infrastructure categorized - no, no, don't put down the
minus! Take away of 7.8 with filament. Switch that to 9. Leave intact - that is where your fault
has been! Do remember, of course, to keep these figures unto yourselves! These are of, we
would term, as "tight security."

Based now on the red blue green infrastructure of the round continuum, you will be faced with
a type of vortex which the component with the proportionate entity of flow, which is a rapid in
and out pulsation of the vortex.

Indeed, as we see it, round circular object such as metal ball, except not metal to be seen but
infused with pulsation act of a minus negative plus positive pulsation at a rapid 1.7773240.3 to
the 3rd power of 74. To begin increasing rapid rate, put pulsation fixed onto circular diatram
components. Power to 2000 neutron waves. Turn back slightly 56 degrees. Cool off slightly. Be
careful not to weigh down in dramatic move i.e. freeze too quickly. If freeze, you will neutralize
all heating factions which in subservient factor will turn it into gloss coil heat, which will indeed,
in your terminology, "blow" your device.

COMMANDER KORTHROX: The weaving around the bottom of the base is 24 degrees up... this
is circular, which attaches to the base. Here we have a steady flow. This is not so much of an
interweave pattern glossary conduct nuvias. Reread, please, the theory, justified all
appearances, turn your intersect throttle and downpoint the order, subject to increased
frequency. Sever at 1.7. Neutralize down to factor method of 1.4. Upswing, turn, 0.0. Do not go
to the 0.01 on your Trythascope, because should you do that, you will have a power-up, and a
power blow beneath the surface right in the middle of the Texidrom-compon-shakaeyes.

This is imperative: You must learn to decipher as carefully as you can all our instructional
patterns, for without them you can succeed no further!

We will pre-position each documented data that you have in your banks so far. They will be
aligned. Scrub them out that no one can chop into your system!

The glowing pattern you have on the ceiling in the citadome provides very relevant sequence.
The glowing effect of redness, we see, you have subjected to intercom justification modules.
You have it rather evenly dispersed. For this we commend you. You have succeeded on point 3.
This is not an easy task. For what you are doing is taking the frequencies of certain metal
components. You're using them in a relative infrastructure pattern with dynouements of
electricity formations which in other words means the "sparks," in order to neutralize the
current so it gives a cooling effect. You will follow all formulated data of downloading at this
time. And then we will be ready to close this portion. Are we ready?


KORTHROX: Thank you. On a fixed ratio of 68, mixture the subcurrent of all artificial remnants
of artefact, which you have been using. Remove the dilithium into the concave portion of
which you have. Strip down the inner portion of the third ray. You must align it now. The influx
of the circular pattern surrounding each filament will touch briefly onto the colour structure of
the next. This must be aligned in coordinate rays. And here we do work on a large perimeter of
7 and 4's because we are in the process of all neutralizing alignments. Listen carefully. The sub-
service structure.. on this you write 2.01 infrastructure sub-surface component luthege. Main
beam. It's quite easy when you get the hang of it.

Secondly, Synap - semi-structure: Fourth beam 2.1 equivalent. Cut down to bare minimum 1/3.
Portion off 1.7 to the 4th power. Neutralize all lower energy formations.

Syntax - second beam. Cut at perpendicular. Use medium laser ray. Suffuge in with itom. Self
structuring neutron miniscule beam formation 3.01 autoplex.

Core - 1 equivalent ratio 2000. Move to 10,000 for larger craft. You, however, will work on the
radius 1/1000. This you do not neutralize. Concurrent to semi-soft structure of appearance
around with all neutron waves in alignment of at the 4th 42nd degree. Make sure you are
precision-bound! Glowing? Intertwine. And finally, sever at the bomeray near the top.
KORTHROX reporting Out.

DIRECTOR: Thank you, Korthrox. Is there any more to come from other entities?

KORTHROX: Negative. Hydrogen power was once employed by our people many eons ago. And
it was from this said source of power that we did begin to understand the separation of the
power through the water. And here we drove the semi-currents, which are of a rectangular
spark nature, but minuscule, we learned to separate.

There are many we could use the term "Secrets of the Universe," but in all logical fact, they're
not secrets. They are available and known to all who so desire. They're at the very fingertips
of societal structure and ingrained within each of the DNA components.

DIRECTOR: Are you saying providing people go "within"?

KORTHROX: Providing people go "without." And here we mean "without" the limit of physical
bodies. So in effect you would need to go "within" to go "without." The reality is of the most
simple structure imaginable. And we offer our services as much as we can. But here again, we
can only do just so much.

DIRECTOR: I really appreciate what you have given us, although it's far above my head. Can you
exactly tell me who this information is specifically directed to?

KORTHROX: This information is for those "chosen ones" in the scientific fields throughout
your nations. It is not designed to a specific nation or to a specific country within a country. It
is for those enlightened ones alone who do have the pieces to the rest of the jigsaw and need
a few more theograms to piece together. This should complete a majority of the work for
them. Those who have pieced nothing together, of course, will understand nothing.

DIRECTOR: Can you tell me who the other entity was that came in a while ago?

KORTHROX: Affirmative. Melix.

DIRECTOR: Thank you.

KORTHROX: He is one of our furthestmost engineers in his field. He is of a very high quality and
brilliant nature. His energy flow, however, is extremely strong and vibrant.

DIRECTOR: Are you foreseeing any more of these trance sessions for the purpose of this type of

KORTHROX: We have left that entirely up to her. We do realize that some of this does seem a
bit frightening or overwhelming. And it is commendable that she prefers not one iota to be
displaced, but as with downloading as with anything, words sometimes elude us, which causes
much repetition. We only hope that the scientists in these different departments, which all
work as one together in unison, will be wise enough to understand and piece together what we
have given them, for the information is vital.

(End quote from our trance session from 1994 on the issue of spacecraft engine design.)

428. A Tough Linguistic Nut to Crack!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, July 5, 2019

We have in our possession many word phrases never published because it is our intent to reach
the people with words to the level of their understanding. We are therefore not here to impress
people with concepts or a language going way past their comprehension.

However there are also people educated in certain fields of high politics or technology who scoff
at language always coming to them like pablum to a baby, and who seek to be approached with
verbal sophistication at that of their own level of education and thinking. And should we at that
point not be able to be equal to the task of communicating to them at THEIR level, then we
would lose in their eyes at least credibility toward our claim of being the spokespersons for the

When we say “The end is near!” those are words the many are capable to understand, and we
do not wish to lose the brilliant ones just because simple language is all they read coming from
our pens.

That may sound like an insult to the majority, but it is not meant to be! We just don’t want to
lose the attention of the brilliant ones among mankind, for they also need to hear what we have
to say at their level of communication!

What follows is an excerpt from Captain Jambian, received by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries as
verbatim telepathic dictation some time in 1995 while we were in Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.):

(Quote from our book record of “Hidden Secrets are Valuable to All”)

Hello, Starseed!
It is a good day again today. Let us proceed with the benefiting of all of the textures of
mankind. This simply stated means that all of mankind who inhabit earthly features are
surrounded by the accomplishments of those beings belonging to the Brethrenhood who so
acquired through their fruitfulness implements of the workings of the netherworld.

Let us now begin if you are ready. Jambian on "The Workings of Architecture Today."


The secret here, my fellow friends, is simply attributed to the mere fact that pollutionary
artifact or rather, buildings, are attuned in to the accomplishmentary procedures of those solid
blueprint features which in their effort to accompany those who at the helm of nuclear
disaster show their faces above and beyond comparison as to the dismantling of, both, the
Earth's atmospheric condition as well the rudimentary fixing or undoing of the Earth's
stratospheric composition. It is a mess, in other words.

Seemingly we, of the equatorial disposition here far above the Saturn stratosphere, are awed
by the surveillance teams far beyond the Earth's surface: our Brethren, to be of a sure figure,
who, whenever they surface, or rather, land, "encloak" themselves - in a figure of speech!

You see, dear ones of ours, this mission into the Earth's solidifying atmosphere - and here we
simply mean those composite formation of gaseous composition floating up into the
atmospheric realms - do naught to construct a healthy antidote for the necessity of all
breathing faculties of, both, mankind as well as ourselves!

If breathing becomes necessary without the due kind of equipment which so indicated by our
stratospheric instrumentation panel here aboard the starship "Euphratis," then the mere
noticeability of contriteness among the brethren of planet Earth doth much to feature the
impossibility of placing within the placebo those much sought-after features of indicative
resurfacing of the Earth's face.

It is a popular belief among your kind, that to clean up the Earth's condition by recycling and
drifting the air currents off to the northern regions, as well as benefiting all of mankind in its
newly thought-of dumping grounds, is as neutral a thought as you could get at this specific
time in your Earth's historical background.

You see, this has already been played out, in a manner of speaking, and we ones are indeed
left with the mess to clean up, for you are not so equipped to handle and deal with what you
have done! It is much like taking a broom and stripping it down to its final brush fiber and
expecting to sweep a dirt hut with it. It is too late, and if you are not aware that it is, then let us
inform you, IT IS TOO LATE!!

Both, the hydrogen buildings as well as the stupendous tankerts which emboss your systematic
injunctures at their platform bases, are indicative to your own claims of the process of
neutralizing the gaseous formations which engulf the surface point of stratospheric

We are managing to keep these linguistics as simple as possible, but from time to time is of a
difficult nature for us. Our brains or rather, minds, hold information of such a complex nature
that we must rather shift into download formation on our own prolix. Now on to the other
matter of topical reform solely based upon the proximity of nuclear material, to date.

Did you know, that at the bulging point of architectural structure your primary basis so set
upon the point of neutron gases only serve to format into themselves the very neutron
products of Essimus? Essimus is the making of non-toxic equivalents to the neon nuclear
production of sub-surface beam-like structures, which are so embedded within Earth's
gravitational pull. The relation here is simply taking those gaseous contents and mixing them
with the relation between composite and affilius will serve to neutralize all those contents
between radium faction and sub-efficient neutron effigies, those conferences of dutch equal
versus subterranean encumbrances.

This I know is not easy to understand, though there are those of you reading this material who
definitely know where we're coming from. In simplistic terms again, I reply, that the gaseous
content emitting from within your atmospheric glaucoma is made up of the same content
which that of the neutron-based chemical supply is holding back upon the basis of
neutralizing the detonator factor of equivalence with a ratio of one to four.

They do have the means at their fingertips to comply with our ratio development, but refuse to
use it! We just thought you should be made aware of this.

JAMBIAN thanks you, the channel, for today. Out on frequency belt 4.07. Thank you. Good day.
Home to base station among the stars. Watch for us, please.

We are aware that this dictation is somewhat of an extraordinary but pleasing content for
them whose interest is somewhat piqued by all worldly accomplishments. Over and out. Adieu.

(End quote from “Hidden Secrets are Valuable to All”)

429. Lord St. Germain’s Concluding Words to

the Volume “Beware of the Wolf in the Bushes of Delight”

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, July 3, 2019

The invitation for participation in a successful departure of all people off this planet into the
intergalactic rescue ships of our benevolent brothers and sisters from the stars is herewith
confirmed and extended by the concluding words of St. Germain to this particular volume
called “Beware of the Wolf in the Bushes of Delight.”

On many occasions he has participated in formulating the text to our six volumes called “The
Article of Faith Series,” and so it should not come as a surprise that his final word to this
particular volume is full of happy anticipation to see many people safe and sound on board of

star ships, ready for transportation onto planets whose equilibrium is still intact and whose
inhabitants rejoice in a reunion with the rescued and evolved people from planet earth!

As I said before, what the people on this planet need is NOT more wars, but INFORMATION on
how to get ready for the event of global evacuation,


and I cannot stress firmly enough that OUR INFORMATION MUST GO OUT TO ALL PEOPLES

(And now to the quote by Lord St. Germain as received by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries via
verbatim telepathic dictation on September 19, 1995 in Tempe, Arizona, USA)


Good Evening, readers.

This of course is St. Germain, presiding for Hatonn this evening toward the conclusionary
message of this book, which in its entirety suggests time is almost up for the human

But let it indeed provide itself to be not merely a time of discernment, but of provocative joy as
you come into the limelight of understanding just what fun you are really in for!

All is not of the doom and gloom era, and just because this is fundamentally called the
Twentieth Century Radical Movement Toward World Destruction - it does not in the least
have to be looked upon in that way - NOT FOR ANY OF YOU!! This could instantaneously
provide the very diplomatic type of service you have always looked for.

This is your time of escape from the great passage of life! For those who merit the plain
existence of your ancestors in the clouds aboard their little "beam ships," as you so tenderly
term them, there is indeed a gravitational pull toward their essence of joy and
accommodation toward all those who strive so hard to even put food on their tables!

This message is not in the least an artifact for only those who ride their seats upon the pews of
the money collectors, but also for all those dear precious souls who have for so long
encountered the gravity of the weight of the world upon their shoulders!

Be wise then and take heed, for awaiting you all is your long awaited-for redemption in the
sky where you will rise to the clouds within a "transmittal beam," if you wish, and lock on to
the genuine chaotic experience of "fly surfing in the clouds."

Gratitude to all who hang on and make it to the end, for not one of you are forgotten in your
plight! So hang your heads high, for YOUR REDEMPTION IS NEAR!

Seila, we thank you for this time provided, and elect to see you in the near future with another
string of events to be plotted into a similar linguistic quality for the benefit of the entire
human race to whom these books are hereby dedicated.

Graciously, GERMAIN. Out. (9:42 pm).

430. When Starship Commanders become

Alarmists, Mankind is in Trouble!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, July 1, 2019

Unconcerned risk-takers invariably find themselves in big trouble!

We (speaking in general terms. This writer and his team are NOT included and neither are the
true patriots) take big risks:

We break shale by fracking and poison our drinking water,

We pollute the air with aluminium and barium, call it geo-engineering, and poison the air we

We microwave-nuke the people with cancer-causing radiation, but allow the rich and the
wealthy 5G-free zones to relocate into to assure that they will not be subjected to radiation
they are secretly calling “kill zones.”

We allow Monsanto to poison our food supplies in the fields, and let the food industry poison
us at the food processing level with chemicals,

We teach our children falsified history, and that there are “genders” beyond male and female,
We allow politicians to cheat us during elections, do not investigate their fraud, and never see
them locked up, even if caught,

We don’t prosecute crimes of child abuse and child sacrifice performed in secret elitist

We permit and participate in wars against other nations without declaring them, and start
new ones by false flag operations and lies,

In our ignorance we call out for “jobs” that reduce us to slaves of the money men,

We bomb nuclear power stations to poison the oceans,

We protect the few that wish us dead, and who say this planet is overpopulated and should not
have more than 500 million people living on them,

We allow sinister remote operators to take control of our commercial jets, who kill hundreds
to get to one, or disappear teams of engineers to capture lucrative military patents for the

We take down the highest commercial towers in the world and provide cover for the
perpetrators in phony “investigations” but blame the innocent after having murdered all the
passengers whose planes were alleged to have flown into said high-rise towers.

We destroy our forests for profit and jeopardize our planet’s oxygen supply,

We prefer profits from making war equipment rather than repairing our crumbling

We don’t even protest in a big way when we see dogs and cats boiled alive for food, or cattle
killed by slitting their throats, or lobsters boiled alive,

We use tax monies to assist the CIA and the Military in drug transfer operations to undermine
the nation’s health and well-being, and assure that the HSBC collaborates in money laundering
for the CIA and sundry other drug lords,

We don’t mind when a minority of people tax us so they can live a good life from our toiling,

When the brightest of the land invent devices which will guarantee us FREE ENGERGY across
the board to look after ALL our energy needs, we allow their devices to be stolen by

government agents, prohibit the inventors from obtaining patents, transfer their ideas to
underground facilities of the U.S. Military, and on occasion kill them to make sure they will
never speak of what they have discovered,

And we don’t even pay attention to the fact that all monies in circulation is debt money and
can never be repaid by people and institutions indebted to the banks, yet have given the banks
a license to take our assets in case we default on funds they have created by the stroke of a
pen or by a computer entry!

What follows is a scribed recording informing us on who rings the alarm bell over the issues I
mentioned and what happens if these noble “alarmists” are not being paid attention to.

(Quote from our book record, obtained from Hatonn via verbatim telepathy by Uthrania Seila
Sentana-Ries on Tuesday, 19th September 1995, 8:55 pm in Tempe, Arizona)


Take a five minute break to yourself, now that we have successfully chartered back in time the
conclusion of Chapter Three question-and-answer forum.

Hatonn on the waiting line. Hatonn out for a preliminary spectrum of time. Proceed when
ready then.

9:10 pm

Signing back in? Good. Then let us proceed!

Now, who exactly are the alarmists of the day, little ones? Could it be those most influential
guides of the soul, body and pocketbook? Those illuminous guides of the darkened abyss of the
mind of no understanding? Nay, it is certainly not them!

Well then, who could be at the forfeiting of all conscientious peace pablum for the babes of our
delight? It could well be that the hieroglyphics on the wall of contention amongst ye ones are
the very condemnation you are well bringing down upon your own craniums, could it not be?
Nay, wrong again!

So how then could the gloom and doom warriors of the past have evaded the Light given to
them for eternal time throughout the centuries of Earth's second decline into a rather mildew
state of affairs? It would be pretentious of me to surmise unto ye ones that the consensus of
the National Board of Debut could but possibly contain that small faction of anti-gravitational
pull upon your heads and hearts, so might I then add to this rather tedious teneture, that the
radical surveillance crew who indeed provide cause for alarm, are the Brethrenhood of Your
Choice, notwithstanding eradicating the echelon from their high seats of voice



Listen to we ones, ye readers of the epics, for as surely as you heed the words so carefully
displayed upon the pages of these manuscripts do you attain credence toward the glittering
strains of the symphony of "stars" so high up in your altitudes,

waiting occasionally in other dimensions, ready to surface into your cause,

waiting for the release of the earthen mother, for her cry into the blackness of despair,

for that one redeeming quality which so befits mankind upon her surface,

that one cry which causes man to melt into a statutory refinement of who he really is,

that sole doctrine which merits a brief goodbye to the age of Aquarius, that fast and final
"lift-off" for all of humanity to participate in!

Our Brethrenhood say to you, the entire population of Earth:


Lord St. Germain will facilitate the entire conclusionary message of this writing. See you on
board! Thank you, Seila, once again, for your courageous work on this subject. HATONN tying
down frequency 4.70068. Salu. Out.

St. Germain at the helm to finish off this fine work which credit fully serves toward our brother
Gyeorgos Hatonn. Place "Conclusion" at base, please.

(End quote from our as of yet unpublished book record “Beware of the Wolf in the Bushes of

431. Planet Earth will lose its Equilibrium – And
what comes next?

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 30, 2019

I find it almost nauseating to keep repeating myself, saying “Don’t worry, people! The Master
Plan guaranteeing your physical survival in face of cataclysmic events of the future has been
drafted, and not by me, but by our friends from the stars who know how, and who have the
equipment wherewith to lift more than 7 billion people off this faltering planet! BUT YOU ALL

And to my elitist friends I say: “Don’t build any more of your luxurious bunkers, for when this
planet strikes out at ALL, you will be made equal to the masses who by that time will know
how to escape certain death by accepting the star commanders’ invitation into their ships!
Then the people will prove your folly thinking that fleeing underground will spare your lives!”

“I have come as your friend, and seek not your death! In past life streams you sought mine,
however I am not vengeful in spite of the fact that you have killed me several times!”

“My appeal to you elites now is to save your own lives by being wise and let not folly make you
believe that you know better than I or better than your benefactors from the stars! BECOME

“Distance yourselves from the words you placed so boldly onto the Georgian Guide Stones,
thinking you are invincible!!”

(Quote from our book records by Commander Hatonn, September 14, 1995, received via
verbatim telepathic dictation by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries)

Now, to get started may I first inform my readers that the contents of which I am about to
recede into rough draft, all but "take the cake" as far as continuity of contents are concerned.
So let us now proceed. New paragraph, please. Begin.


Polar caps are reckoned with at the main fibre of existence for those poor "few" who do so still
allude to the sanctification of a severe way of life. Even solitude here is not to be envied
toward those ones.

If in fact the source structure of the hieroglyphical structure of words still left meaningless

You know, all will at that time be in reverse of itself, for protruding out of the depths of
Atlantis does come the ultimate conclusion for survival, both, above as well as below the
surface of the Earth! Hindsight develops here a weariness unknown to man, for the depth of
his consciousness rarely conceives of such "miracles!"

Am I here excluding the grand old "lift-off" day? Not in the least! I merely am saying that
indicative to man's process, he will merely turn around and say: "Fine, we will just build
ourselves a little homing device of which we will pass on to one another should we float around
without a craft."

Ludicrous in the least, heh? The foam-charted waters hold enough content of glycerin to float
a dockbay on! But nevertheless, we have strayed from our topic of content due to the "stars"
above fixing themselves upon our squeamish souls, have we not?

Man has betrayed himself gravely, and for that reason alone doth he sacrifice himself as well
as all others into the deep grave of misfortunate conduct. Had he not strayed so far from his
real purpose, continuity would have still been of the looking him in the face. But instead, as
Griffith once said: "In order to catapult yourself into the benediction of your death, you must
first replay from the beginning all those soul instructions of what not to do."

"Reign from on high! We all will be saved!" is hardly a complimentary remark when you begin
to realize that the time element is soon to hit you squarely in the face! Hindsight again would
greatly prove to be the exasperation of the age when mankind finds himself unable to house
even six thousand persons under the deep blue of his ark, never mind equating over six
billion, as it now stands!

The firmament is contritely more welcoming provided that it be left to stand on its own merits.
And just what possibility am I of the speaking of this time in history? Simply to say here, that an
epidemic of starships - to use your plain Grecian linguistics - have faced hindsight before, and

therefore await the arrival of all those who deem themselves of the content of radical but
rational thought!

All the power to them then, land lubbers! FOR THE CRUCIAL EVENT WHICH WILL POLARIZE ALL


Hatonn out on this striking contribution to the epic of time immortal. Please to record the time,
Seila, as 9:24 pm.

HATONN closing frequency for a much more bolder move into consignment contribution. Good
Night all. Out.

(End quote from our book material)

432. Jesus Christ (Lord Sananda): “I Die for the

Sins of No One!”

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 28, 2019

The atonement doctrine is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the human race! The notion
that a human being, a “son of God,” or an animal can by the shedding of blood negate the
“sins” of another runs contrary to how the universe really works!

All soul entities must learn for themselves the difference between right and wrong, and
where the “wrong” has far outgrown the “right,” then that entity will be given many more

life streams to finally conclude for him- or herself that the choice of a negative (“sinful” -
using a religious term) life expression is really not helpful with the challenge for personal

Those lessons will be hard, but they are a necessary component for the soul to finally engage in
a growth pattern conducive for evolvement into a oneness with the universe.

I remember the sisterhood having decreed on certain personages the punishment of 950
thousand centuries before they can “come up for a breath of fresh molten air.”

What follows is Commander Hatonn’s statement for all believers in Jesus Christ and their
misconstrued interpretations of what is still left for them to believe in from a largely falsified
record called “the Bible.”

(Quote from our book record, received on September 7, 1995, Tempe, Arizona, scribed via
verbatim telepathic dictation by Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries):

Take for instance your own servitude. Are you not engaged at this very time, those of you who
amply believe the suggestion that the Christ Jesus was slain for the gaining of your credentials
into that heavenly place of no ills, in mere speculation, or indeed has fact been turned into
fiction? This is a mere question of speculation for the majority of the populace in Eastern
Europe, is it not?

Sananda indeed was of the non-welcoming factor by those leaders of indicative conscience at
that time, but what is so sorely forgotten, or waylaid rather, is the fact that he, serving as


To this day his words have unduly been lost through an intricate but jovial expression of "love
merits nothing but love," a resume of extraordinary hodgepodge of which acclaiment has never
been given the due credit it deserves. Understand this, my friends, Lord Sananda is a good
friend of mine, as you would best term and understand it, and AT NO TIME IN HISTORY DID HE

Each individual person has a road to cross, and no matter to what extent he or she believes
that another of good grace will do it for them, that is simply not the case!

The christed one, of whom you believe not one word he says anyway, would be the first to tell
you that it was he in the first place who did condemn the retiring of one soul for the
placement of another for any just cause! That is simply ludicrous, to say the least! This portion
is inclined to make the many of ye of an angry state, but no matter - since when did truth ever

stand on its own in productivity within your minds, never mind souls or spiritual inclining
toward the decision which merits a conclusive discernment attitude?

So food for the taste, so to speak, and hindsight determines that which indeed will not go past
another eon with indicativeness of a humorous quality among the fangs of the elite. The jaws
of the uneducated stem from one grandeur applause to that of another. Whether rich man or
poor man, each appears to be that graduate from the wisdom of the wise of the upper
echelons, who by the way, do rule your very spirit and body!

If you don't think this is truth, then please apply sacramentous deliria unto your regimented
diet, for the sofaring of nitwits to date only serve further to allude to the nonsensical attributes
of those most witty idiosyncrasies of the majority here upon wonderful planet Earth.

Hatonn out for this segment. Further adieu will be performed at a later date. Frequency closed.
Thank you.

(End quote)

433. Abolish Cash?! Hatonn: “This makes me


Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 23, 2019

It is true that “paying by card” is a convenient way for making payments while shopping,
however “going cashless” by means of outlawing cash transactions altogether is hitting a
sector of society which even today still survives on “cash for pay,” and therefore also “cash to
pay,”and it is for that reason that I am disgusted with ignorant politicians who say that just
because the trend in a nation is for an increased number of card payments for purchases on a
per capita basis, we should consequently eventually make cash payments illegal and remove

cash from circulation altogether, saying “cashless transactions are safer, and moving cash
around invites cash trucks to be targets for robberies.” Those attacks are rare and the abolition
of cash with that argument is irresponsible and flimsy.

People’s survival is threatened if the only way a person can get paid is by an electronic transfer
of money into a bank account to which various people are even denied a right to own! And even
if one has an account, that account is still under the ultimate control of bank employees and of
tax collection authorities which then can by a supposed permission of law help themselves to
whatever funds are found left in an account owned by someone who they claim owes them
money (or taxes), an action to which the victim of such theft has no defense for. Cash in a wallet
or “in a mattress” would in such cases prevent such heavy-handed imposition on a person’s

My statement here must not be seen as being in contradiction with our goal for a world-wide
abolition of money so that people everywhere can eventually be freed from the slavery
associated with the need for money which at this time will assure survival.

One of the most overlooked reality of money is the iniquitous effect of seeing our children
become burdened with public debt their forefathers have accumulated via governments and
banks to which not even their ancestors have given their stamp of approval for. The corrupt
money system has saddled them with the debt to assure the private bankers are recipients of
the assets upon the debtor’s default.

Is it any wonder that the “good book” says “Money is the root of all evil!”? (No, it does NOT say
“the love for money is the root of all evil.”)

(Quote from our book record, given by Commander Hatonn, April 28, 1995):

Gracious people of planet Earth!

It is with finality of purpose toward the saving of your planet that I dwarf myself within this
puny body of mine in order to bring to you that Caucasian device which is so well known as the
"Platitudes of Peace." That document which has been formulated so many minions ago is truly
significant to the restructuring of your society as well as the endeavours of the rich to fast
secure all dwelling places for their own peace of mind!

Gold in fact is the only security you might find yourselves within before the artefact of paper
security is split from your lips as being the only mode of transporting one item to another, from
one dwelling place to another.

You must understand that cryptic language is all that I may give you at this time, so endure that
to the best of your ability, and for goodness sake, shake those cobwebs from your cranium
and pay attention!

The Platitudes of Peace is a plan devised to authorize the splitting of currency into a more
regimented fashion of currency, therewith activating the only mode of transportation from
house to bank and vice versa.

Just think of the magnitude of this affair: Not only will you be subjected to thought
reprogramming, but in effect it will all but neutralize your mobility into the grand banks of the
netherlands. In other words, dear ones, it will be needful of you to gather for yourselves in
accord all driftwood necessary in order to keep your fires burning at a placid pace without
extra coal required to refurbish your drawers!

Simplified strategy then, is it not? In order to sequest the resonance of personified pleasure
toward the homemakers of the banker's elite, they will have you perform in undutiful fashion
to meet the merits of their acquaintance in order to fulfil their unjust requirements of the
home banking process!

Think what this will mean to them: to be able to tap into at any time your own personal bank
account, and waft it right into their own data bank. You surely will never have a worry about
budget bills, for their own strychnine personnel will always know in advance, and thereby
apply for the equivalent in cash flow way ahead of time. No restrictions applied - UNTIL IT

This makes me ill!

Close up for nutritious sacrament until further notice, please, little star, for my momentum is
sorely aggravated unto the point of refurbishing my own account with the grave score I have
to settle with the upper contemptuous echelon!

Adieu and farewell for this portion. HATONN out in the service of the people. (12:25 pm).

(End of quote)

434. HATONN Explains himself - and His Part in
Reclaiming Mankind!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 22, 2019

In Commander Hatonn we have a friend and an ally, however his activity among the circles of
elites is not a matter we would wish to have any part in.

His misdeeds however will be “stricken from the record” because he chose to pass his
knowledge over to us and others who have the ability to take down in verbatim telepathic
sessions dictations from him, and in that manner he is creating a record which is designed to
help the people and their leaders to get out from underneath the yoke of perpetual slavery to
misery-peddling elites.

For that we are grateful!

(Quote from our book record of April 1995):



Do you almost begin to think that I would handle the topic of Caucasian overdraft by way of
realigning myself to those who would so deem themselves to be of certainty worth to actually
try to overthrow the governmental agency of the nations? No on this one, I'm afraid!

As I told you at the beginning, we are to head up the topic subjects in order of sequency, for
how else are you to know and understand all that went on preceding the great bombing of
Japan, Honolulu which is to follow, or this latest Oklahoma despair?

You see, friends, everything has its depleted order of circumstances wrought over by the
consequences it provides for the enjoyment of those far reaching souls of pure iniquity. Oh,
you don't like that term? Well then, perchance you had best put the book down at this very
point, for I have rarely begun! The Waco injuncture was just the beginning, and the World
Trade Fair (World Trade Centre bombing of 2001 –Editor) was only the catapult in the
explosion series of the epic. You have seen nothing yet as to date, for sojourned Congress in
depleting their army by way of cutting the draft, they have virtually hung themselves in the
favour of the people who employ them!

"Wring their necks once more then!" ye say? Well, take a close look at just who does go along
with the hiring of such auspicious ground forces, and at what cost!! You, the people, must
waver your rights at some time or another in order to secure for yourselves a rather epic future
if you are not to be re-acclaimed throughout the planetary consensus as the arbitrary people of
no-nonsense without a dream taker’s advice on exactly how and when you must maintain
sanctions on the Earth with other Earth dwellers!

Aye, now that is food for thought, is it not? You, the American people, will certainly stand out
as the greatest nation to conquer those debts of other nations since the time of Augustus
Caesar of Rome! Aged inhabitants adrift in a world of mediocrity and tied down within your
own categorized uniformity of thinking and regulated attire!

The Waco affair was certainly a disaster by all means, but so does the Oklahoma affair reek of
a nation banishing its own moral credential in favour of more ludicrous supplemental affairs
within its own ranks! And you honestly thought that the Middle East did play its hand at some
foul trickery of the Government here? Not so! The American Government is overly capable of
playing its hand at its own trick and succeeding very well, UNTIL THE PEOPLE FIND OUT

So you see, patrons, it is for this very reason that I, Hatonn, have almost come to the end of
fulfilling my job in an effort to substantiate your never-dying efforts in a quandary of thought
reform to which we hope you will have finally succeeded in taking the proper steps to self
governmental reform before it's too late!

Protruding out the Eastern Atlantic Ocean is a strait of artificial... Well, perhaps we should leave
that one for another time further down the road. Cryptic messages is all you get from this
point on in this series, but for those of you so "enlightened" ones who wish to speculate on the
dire misery of those cantankerous ones and their well-deserved fate, then may I remind you
that you have not done all that well yourselves from time to time! All in the One Law of Justice.

As Above so Below!

For those of you who do wish to see the passing of the last century flow into a more
subordinate template - then stargazing and acting like a ostrich will perhaps be your only way
out, for the "high tide" is likely to appear and drown you all!

COST TO YOU, YOUR SOULS, YOUR BODIES! After all, you will be in the physical again! It is a
hard line I wish at times I did not have to give you, but it is solely because I do care that I often
find myself within the ranks and jurisdiction of those truth dwellers who seem to know the

There are tumultuous times, my friends, in which we live, and by rights we should all be on our
knees in holy remembrance in order to hopefully change the course of events! But neglect to
say that I am the first one to realize that humanoid fashion of appearance is but a puddle in the
sea of many grave misfortunes to be placed on others!

So may I say to each one of my readers then, I do sincerely care of your welfare and do not
mean so much to criticize you to the extent of which I am inclined to do from time to time if it
were not for the sole purpose of gaining your respect for attention which will hopefully
endow you with enough awareness of your circumstances, that you will truly begin to stand
up upon the rock of all fundamental truth before the passing of the age, whereby it be too
late for most after that! That you too may enjoy most abundant and prosperous health, as
well as all the blessings which protrude out from underneath that viability. The day must
come to a close at one point or another, and the time is too near to disparage as to its

Seek, for all truth is ultimately defined IF YOU WOULD ONLY LISTEN TO I, HATONN!

Bequeath unto the nations that widely-known tributary of unjustly known truths and let
them flow into their own source of comeliness, and squander not your own amount of faith
which so many of you so undubiously possess.

Stricken from the record forever will be the part that I, Hatonn, played in this scenario. Why?
Simply because that is the way I want it!

If you honestly think I wish to be remembered by most as the elitist who signed their death
warrants, THEN I DO NOT!! Obliterate this sequence and return to main data field with
specified regulatory frequencies!

Thank you for your participation, Seila. Good Day. Signing off. Hatonn out. (3:51 pm)

435. Hatonn: “Anti-Christ, BE GONE!!”

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 20, 2019

Many sincere Christians expect the emergence of an “Anti-Christ” man of utter evil without
regard that perhaps it may just not be a “man of sin” but rather a system which makes their
lives miserable.

And so in our communications with Commander Hatonn we took the opportunity to consult him
for clarification on a belief which so many fine folks of the Christian world have embraced,
simply because their leaders and pastors taught them that way.

Here is my question to Hatonn, followed by his reply:

(7) Many in the religious world speak of the "Coming of the Anti-Christ."

If you were given an opportunity to describe to them this "Anti-Christ" person or

phenomenon, what would you say?

HATONN: An interesting question, of course. Here again, what is anti Christ but a formation of
epidemics of non-conscious reign?

In order to properly accommodate myself to the mystique of this whole religious epic I firstly
must caution my readers with the fact that I, not being one in the whole, have learned to
develop my off-stage techniques to the proving of more positive results rather than always

"church slamming" the idealists. Not that true idealists ever have merited following the "wolf"
to the altar.

However, as in all proclamations, a wild tide of metamorphic consciousness does swiftly at

times seem to harbour a caution toward the entire faction of metamorphic endeavours of less
conscientious study to date.

Now, in the plainest English of which I can develop myself in, I would simply explain the Anti-
Christ in this format: (New paragraph, please, in order that we keep 20th century English
content to itself).

The Anti-Christ syndrome has always been activated since before the time of Rome. It was no
mistake that the Lord Jesus Christ of your Bible story book was professed to squander time. In
effect he never did say, the future was only to realize the Anti-Christ phenomenon. What he
did say exactly was, that the entire consciousness of the human race of that date and those
preceding and superseding the manifesto of the crime syndicate of the religious as well as
economic facilities, would indeed perform within themselves to envelop the scrutiny of the
people until the people themselves learned the way to develop higher methods of portioning
out to themselves the ulterior lifestyle not modulated by the ones who run this planet!

You must understand, little ones, that the "Anti-Christ" has been from the very beginning alive
and well. It is only that now the end is near, you are actually looking for someone to blame all
your woes and indecisions upon!

If for instance the Anti-Christ was indeed an individual, then caution would indeed need to be
monitored by each and every one of you for the precise reason that betwixt the normalcy and
abnormality upon this planet there is not a great difference. At this level then, how would you
even be able to determine the significance of who exactly was or was not the Anti-Christ? Far
better to put your face in your hands and realize that it could even be you! Unless, of course,
you have greatly modified your behaviour and entered into the process of initiating the
appearance of the Great White Light into your realm! Then, of course, you would not need
these words to advise you of what or was not the case.

Little readers, we have loved you from the beginning and abstractly enough, whether you
remember it or not, (you) have once been with us and have loved us back!

Time to get out of the chess game of reckoning with the Black King of Doom and adhere to the
chastisement of your soul to yourself, and ask the question through conscious remembrance of
some sort. If you are unable to do so, then we advise you to strictly pay attention to the
literation of which you hold so finely, which tells you to critique the "board" in your own eye
in order that you learn to distinguish it from the plank in your own washed-out dock!

HATONN out for this brief dialogue. Have a good day and record all time correctly. This will
matter in the future. (3:43 pm).

(End quote from our book record of September 17, 1995)

436. Who is on top of the Ladder of All

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 20, 2019

While in Arizona we were given the opportunity to ask Commander Hatonn for answers to a set
of questions. Among them was one in which we wished to know just where all the trouble in this
world is coming from.

(Quote from our book record “Beware of the Wolf in the Bushes of Delight”, September 17,

Question #6:

With reference to the powerful "few" and their organizations like the International Bankers,
the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, and
so on, can you identify for us as to who or which organization represents the "snake's head?"
From where are the atrocities upon the people concocted and their programs ultimately

Militarily speaking, who gives the orders?


HATONN: The "snake" is on top of the ladder, no doubt! But here again, who and what is
Blinkensop? Is it not enforced through the very debauched mind waves so endowed to so
few? But this is not really your question, I know.

In order to submit the generalities of the exact probability of who here exactly is in charge, we
would simply say to you: the BILDERBERGERS!

Why with such strict enforcements upon the backs of so many? And why indeed have we not
even gone so far as to allude to those most probable names of such as Rothschilds,
Hamingrades or the Polar Regions?

Exactly, for the point here is that no manifestation of criteria which has been acquitted into a
possible forum of ultra-accomplishments has ever been put forth as a continuum of debatum
in its full entirety! Does this really need explaining then?

(Quote:) "....Well within the essence of hierarchical instruction, we have forfeited the right of
acclaiment into the most profitable hands of the Esquires of Doomsday, who, at this time
period in our history have profited themselves bountifully - even beyond the call of our duty - to
subsequently perform an inundated retraction of all squandering done by even those of us in
the higher echelon. This is a mandatory effort in its design, and has coordinated itself within the
fortified Protocols of our Brothers, in an effort to exceed even those criteria of thought!

This document therefore lies in the hands of those solid agenda holders, AND IS HENCEFORTH

Signed this day, 26 September 1994. 3:00 pm."

(End Quote from our records).

437. Pun Intended!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 18, 2019

To uninformed critics of the kind who are disputing our claim for the event of a global
evacuation of human beings off this planet prior to earth’s collapse from her rotational
stability, Commander Hatonn is making some “pun intended” remarks:

(Quote by Commander Hatonn from January 6, 1995)

It personally behooves each and every participant upon the earthen plane at this time to
acquaint him or herself with the formula for dispatch in as far as a quick departure is

Completed papers for such departure need not be plentiful, for you must herewith come
within the understanding that not all papers are to be found useful, but rather are
considered as rather a clutter-up of disposal waste!

(This was just a fun piece of advice from one brother to another).

(End quote from our book record)

NO Pun this time!

In reference to deteriorating and threatening conditions on earth from possible strategic
detonations of atomic bombs in fault lines around the globe, Hatonn is giving us rather
unambiguous advice to be “ready” when the unexpected offer for a global evacuation is

(Quote, recorded via verbatim telepathy by Uthrania on April 25, 1995, Cave Creek, Arizona):

But do not in the least be of the dismaying content within your emotional boundaries, for
waylaid in your skies are the deployment troops for the rescuing of your mere existence!

And this, of course, is for those "queer" ones who actually believe that their physical
existence survives on consequence of belying that space beam into their frequency for the
trespassing of the great "lift off" continuum.

"Not so!" you say!

Well then, only time will indeed be of the telling fortune, for so many will escape with their
lives, while the mainstream of society will lie waste until it is entirely too late to maintain the
ingredients for a safe "lift-off," and so will the apple turn late in its season of rampant

Hatonn out for this segment. Must run. Will resume with discretion at another given time.

Out on telepathic wave. Transmission closed.

Record time, Seila. Standard procedure, please. (5:10 pm).

(End quote from our book record.)

438. A Wolf is Loose in Europe!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 17, 2019

On several occasions I have quoted words spoken by star ship commanders which portray the
idea of “do or die,” and if ever a word of serious concern for the future of mankind was spoken,
it is the one contained in THIS note!

The circumstance which makes these words so weighty lies in the fact that for humanity’s
survival it becomes absolutely necessary that THE PEOPLE OF THIS EARTH BECOME
the purpose of broadening the people’s understanding of the love of our friends from the stars
and all archangels of the lighted side have for them! Such understanding will make global
evacuation so much easier, for in the end a person’s VIBRATION will decide success or failure!

As a people we are standing on the threshold of a New Era and the transitioning into it will not
be without destruction of this earth’s crust, during which however NOT ONE SINGLE SOUL

Lack of awareness and lack of understanding of the time we all live in today will cause
unprecedented “loss of life,” and that is what we as messengers from the realms of Light are
trying to prevent!

Europe is in trouble for more reasons than one, and her nations will fall like dominoes of one
knocking over the next one. We are here to prevent that calamity from happening, however
we can do nothing to be of assistance to them for as long as we remain locked away from public

(Quote from our record “Beware of the Wolf in the Bushes of Delight.”):



This is the period or Day of Exposure, dear ones, and not one quip of any work or word
produced hereof will pass by the ears of those who in good standing within the Brethrenhood
stature will sufficiently find themselves smarting from the effects of unseen pressure from
those of high standing within the caliber of debris - namely the elite Zionists.

The affluent society structure within the modern European countries are in for the shocker of
their lives as the echelon class of the European Hog Faction duly intends within each of their
respective lifetimes upon this plane to exert their powerful reach to those strategic places of
continued warfare in order to fuse each and every one into the placements of arm's battle
strategic ploys, and the remainder of those bases of the U.S. Military will be kept so intact as to
provide sufficient screening processing betwixt and beyond the hyenic borders of the Elite's
manufacturing process. In effect, it will undoubtedly be the people performing that
unsanctimonious and heinous crime themselves upon each other, leaving strictly alone the
conscious equilibrium of the select Few who have conjured the whole affair up.

Europe in particular faces a crises of unequivocal upheaval by way of selective participants to

head the whole thing up!

Naval services will not be so relied upon as the Air Force and ground artillery.

We have been shown sketches of what is to surface in the near future, and if you think for a
moment that what I am about to say is in the least farfetched or fictitious, then I would assume
that you simply are not capable to assimilate into your cranium structure the implementation
of the processing of the left hemisphere at all! LISTEN CAREFULLY, FOR I AM NOT IN THE
EXPOSURE A SECOND TIME AROUND! This is Hatonn speaking.

A little long debate before we really hit upon the topic, I know, Seila, but all that is to be said
must not need, in the face of world collapse, be repeated. For the time is not only short, but in
fact does require a suppositioning of the realigning of forces from the "good" side.

The fall of the European Common Market is about to take place in what we would surely call
the "near future." Its complex union with other soon-to-be-fallen nations will prove in effect
most detrimental to the cause of mankind in general!

You must understand this next point completely, for the fate of your very existence and the
existence of all of your family, friends, as well as celebrated relatives depends upon your
ears, instinctively realigning themselves within the boundaries of the Forces of Light!

"There will be indeed an epic of survival strategic desire upon the whole of the face of the
earth, but ye ones will indeed be shown the way to the forefront of which ye will surely
acquaint yourselves within, without the complete surrender to any governmental policy, for
it will be those godly ones, those special seeds belonging to the forces of the Lighted
Brotherhood who will be selectively working for us from this time on.

“And those others who would think to touch them in any way, will indeed put us on the spot
of whether or not we would indeed go against our own holy word in spotting those seeds of
adverence and reflect unto them into their unholy grid work of the ages those advantages
which we would accord unto our own. Hardly not, we think!

“Take of the greatest caution, then, to implement upon behalf of all who are of a higher
stature than thee, oh ye scum of the earth, to not hinder in the least any which one of our
sources of iniquity put-down!

“Now as for those of you, who hinder your own progress through your own inadequacy or fear,
we say unto you: do not put one iota of doubt into the face of another, FOR RESCUE COMES
AT AN UNEXPECTED TIME, depending on the rate of acceleration of the modem beams
protruding throughout time-rate acceleration of the Photon Belt itself.

“Rescue can be found in the skies themselves, and Godspeed those feet who heed our sound
words and strategically place themselves within the gourds of espionage delight, for it is ye,
dearest ones of our hearts, who will find rest and a harbour for your wearied souls unto the
day of our reckoning upon the earth.“

“Adieu.” Place time schedule please, Uthrania Seila. (9:25 am)

(End quote from our scribed record of Friday, January 6, 1995, 8:42 am)

439. When Conspiracy and Corruption are
Finally Unfolded…!! (Part One)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 15, 2019

Between the years of 1994 and 1995 Uthrania downloaded 5 books from various starship
commanders, the contents of which were so sensitive that when Washington’s elite got hold of
them, these books almost got us killed! We knew we could never get this material published in
Canada, and so in essence for the purpose of publishing and hopefully the obtaining of
supporting income as a consequence for doing so, we moved to Arizona and succeeded in
locating several literary agents interested in presenting these volumes to the main-stream
publishing industry.

And that’s when our troubles in the States really began, because these books were passed on
to Government “security” agencies, and in an instant we had the NSA on our backs, assuring
that no such publishing effort would ever succeed. Our literary agents became interfered with
to the point where they would string us along with procrastination and false hope for us
receiving a financial “fronting” which never arrived, while these agents would then assure our
financial demise by blocking every possible avenue for the earning of interim survival funds
while in the U.S.

After two years in the States these agents of the Government had succeeded to bankrupt us out
into the streets of Phoenix, and it was only by means of a clever trick of ours that we made is
safely back into Canada.

However that was certainly not the end of Government interference in our lives, because – as I
have stated before – the NSA, the CIA, the MI6, the Mossad, and CSIS of Canada all work in
unison for the common goal of keeping the corrupted governmental systems of the Western
world safe from all harm and safe from sensitive exposure of the kind which they could find in
our scribed material.

After so many years have since gone by, I believe the time has come for a careful selection of
statements of information we were given at the time and which hitherto has never been




"The darkened Epoch is concluded with the Light. This is how it will be at the end."

My wrath at this time is not to be appeased. Neither is the wrath of such other Elites in the
Brotherhood as Gabriel or Michael or the very Hierarchy angels. And we will get this form of
transmission flowing smoothly. This is not always as easy as one would think.

I believe the Chill that Wracked the Night was the last one I had done to date. We will now
begin with Chapter Seven.


For this one we do have a surprise, for we are going to show of things pertaining to above as
we look down and therefore regaining back our perspective. And we do want certain selected
readers to know of our perspective as we look down upon this whole ugly situation. We now
do with much gratitude and honor turn over this segment to the archangel and our dear
brother, Raphael. SALU. I AM SANANDA.


I must at this time - though this is somewhat of an interruption - express to all nations and all
peoples that in these later days my wrath will indeed be appeased. I have agreed at this point
not to dispute nor to put myself to much speech, but I have long waited for this day and I will
not hide behind a covering any longer, nor will my voice be kept silent!

I will give only a few more minutes longer or shall we say, moments, as it is in moments of our
time. I do thank you for permitting this interlude. I AM GABRIEL.


Greetings, little one. The symphonies of the Heaven do play for you!
We will begin with Chapter Seven. I introduce myself, thusly. I AM THAT I AM. I AM RAPHAEL.
The Darkened Epoch will be this final chapter.

The perspective of the whole of the Eventide and of all the Brethren that rule above, and the
Councils, the Enlightened Ones so far advanced above any of the Galaxies thus far and
intergalactic wars of course are irrelevant at this time. Everything is rather stabilized from our
viewpoint. Even Michael need not tend to his armies at this point but rather just overseeing
the few that are the messengers. Everything is rather in status (stasis) right now.

The only ones who could be considered somewhat busy, and I do consider that as somewhat
of an understatement of myself, would be our ships. They are having many transmissions.
They work with the Brethren who are on the Earth, though we plan to have a lot more dotted
throughout in a short time. And many of those who are to be dotted throughout will be those
whose consciousness has been released into the Universe, so to speak, where they have
finally attached with their higher selves. We need them to travel to different chakras.

Mankind does so limit himself to the ones that are within and the ones that are without. Very
lowly surrounding, they do reach much higher levels. We cannot tell you or express exactly at
this point the in-depth literature that is in this book, for only those who have eyes to see will
be able to decipher exactly the words. To others they will seem as confused, or scrambled.

Indeed that is a variance - let me put it that way. We have little tolerance for those whose
brains are somewhat scrambled at this point, for they have had eons and eons to work it out
- to regain their Majesty. Instead, they threw it to the wind and buried it in the sea. They then
come back as another and yet as themselves and cry: "Woe unto us! What have we done? No
evil, we're sure."

We shall soon see, for justice meets justice, and each one will come and face himself. Excuse,
we must confer….

(End quote. To be continued in Part Two)

440. When Conspiracy and Corruption are

Finally Unfolded…!! (Part Two)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 16, 2019

Firstly I must say that Aton is not to be worshiped like evolved beings of the past have become
unduly exalted by ignorant people of the past, a circumstance which makes any righteous
person recoil in disgust.

Having said so, Aton in this context is merely a powerful and informed person from a higher and
more glorious dimensional realm. And the lesson to us all from this understanding of reality is:
irrespective of a person’s power and status, we do not “worship” anyone, but offer to them
our respect as equals in the essence as human beings!

Secondly, Aton informs us on planetary catastrophic events to be expected in our future where
he connects this announcement with a stern warning to all having swayed unrighteous power
over the masses of people!

(Quote from our as of yet unpublished book record.):


The Heavens are alive, or shall we say, reverberate with the presence of the omnipresent,
Aton. All things being subject and in conclusion to not only our satisfaction that justice be
fairly dealt out and meted, especially among the poor! And here we don't speak of material
effects, but the poor of spirit.

If only there would be those of you whom there will be in some short time who would be
brought up with us and would see from our perspective and view the overall picture. Oh what
limited vision you have, you poor ones, and yet so many are so rich to be at this time involved
in the greatest adventure of all time in this particular Universe so created!

Watch, watch, dear ones, as the seas dry up! Oh, you're expecting floods, well we won't
disappoint you, not by any means! But you will see the vastness of the floods will so dry up
the seas on either side!

You will see rising out of the North, and the East, and the West, and the South protrusions
which ye ones have seen millennia ago!

Be wise. And these are warnings taken to those who would heed. To those who will not heed
and wish to be their own inundated sacrifices through time and time and eons again, so shall
it be. So shall it be so. For they will be washed away not by the winds, but the great waves of
the tidal eclipses!

The warning therefore proceeds, and be wise, do not locate near large or great bodies of
water! Neither locate near the footages of those great canyons which stretch up like thine
hands into the Heavens, those great and majestic mountains, for all will come tumbling
down! They will be shattered! It will be as if they are made of glass!

Oh ye ones, if you had any idea what all was in storage for you and, yes, I do use the word
storage. The store of the age. Try separating the two words. And this even so is nothing yet, for
from under the depths, from under the seas, will come great eruptions and they will travel
criss-cross all underneath the plateaus, the plains, and the hilly regions. And there will be not
one part left untouched!



This is hardly to be construed as a joke. Neither is it to be looked upon with eyes of pity. It is to
be looked upon rather as a New Creation! If there be any pity - then weep for her, the Earth,
that you have so cruelly destroyed!

You have raped and plundered! You have drugged! You have polluted! You have poisoned!
You have strangled - almost to the point of non-existence {if that be your terminology}.

However, there can not be that aspect of non-existence. But, she will be revived. And thee
ones who are responsible - and you know who you are - will be dealt with most harshly. For
your crimes and your punishments will present themselves to you, and thus will you be judged!
Oh not ten times over nor twenty, but a hundred fold for these evils that you have done!

And yes, lo, though we do not consider what is evil and what is good in a lot of aspects, then let
me put it to you this way: there are those who evolve, and their essence is protruded and
found in the design and the essence of all good and the Creation to give back to that from
whence each particle has come. Each particle being each one of us, to be sure.



The Creation always yearns for experience because the Creation is in all its wisdom most

Ah, but to go on further, would be a waste of our breath. For you see, I do not work alone in
this script. There are others such as myself whom I confer with from time to time. We do wish
for you indeed to understand our perspective!

(End quote from our yet unpublished book record.)

441. When Conspiracy and Corruption are
Finally Unfolded…!! (Part Three)

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 16, 2019

These are the closing statements to the book “Conspiracy, Corrupt, Unfolded.” Contrary to
followers of a certain semi-religious movement which teaches the people to not have negative
thoughts because, they say, these “inappropriate” feelings will contaminate our being and turn
us into people who become that which we think and which upsets us.

Well, if that were to be the case, then we could never be chastisers or judges of mankind’s
evil deeds, for the higher-evolved we become, the more intense we feel about the evil we are
surrounded by, and the celestial world of righteous and pure beings would become

The more pure we become as people in the likeness of the arch-angels, the more intense our
emotions become which are guiding our words of disgust and condemnation of pure evil.

Therefore I truly hope that the reader will not be offended at the righteous indignation
expressed by the purest of the pure in these closing statements to the book we were given
from the arch-angelic realm.

Let me be blunt: Do not embrace New-Age thought patterns! They are not helpful when the
order of planet earth becomes disrupted from natural catastrophes, manifesting at the time of
the Equinox for which a certain sector of humanity is to be blamed.

Concerning the American Eagle shown in these notes I have made the image increasingly
distorted simply because I don’t believe that is what America should continue to stand for. The
eagle is violent, dangerous, a flesh eater, and at times even attacks children. Why adopt it for a

national symbol? Should the “new” and righteous America ever emerge from the ashes of past
inflicting terror on other countries, then the eaglet will no longer be displayed as a national


Not one hair will be touched on the heads of any who work for us! Let me assure you, those
days are far past! Do try, and you will find out exactly what will happen..

There will be no more shootings or druggings.

There will be no more hangings.

There will be no more flames at the pyres.

There will be no more torturings. For that time has all passed. It is erased. For now we take
control! And even so, we see you back up, you vipers, you toads! You are full of cankerous
sores, and ye know it not!


You will find our wrath is unequivalent to any you have experienced before! Do not be
frightened when the heavens shake! Or the weather changes dramatically! For those are only
signs. Signs in the Heavens, nothing more.

But instead, watch your feet! You may get bitten. For that is the essence of the upheaving and
the labour pains of Terra. And we do know you recognize the name for Earth!

We will be subdued no longer! The time has long past and yet will be right on schedule. And
though we don't know the hour or the day, we know the readiness by the coming of the

Take heed and be warned. Never say we did not warn you! For you will stand in all
nakedness! Then herein we do not refer to clothing, whether with nor without, but to the
spiritual stature!

Ah, you think you have got away with great things! You think your many persecutions have
outlasted even the greatest. Well from time past perhaps it did seem that way. But now, even
we see that you notice a changing in the tide, and we see fear on your faces! Your
countenances are changing!

And where, may I ask, will you run to next? For if the sea doesn't swallow you up - the
mountains may fall on you. If the mountains don't fall on you the earth may open up, and
swallow you! You can almost choose. At least never say we did not give you a choice. And
much more of a choice than did give you to those of us, who in ages past were slaughtered by
your hand. in your terminology - IT IS PAY-UP TIME!

We are grateful, Seila. We intend to end transmission now. Sananda will have the closing
remarks. Please proceed.


Sananda here. Well done, little one. This chapter we have indeed concluded this day. My
salutation will be present with you also and with the reader. We do hope that somewhat of an
impact has been made.

This book will now be sent forth as quickly as you can get it down and edited. We will be giving
further instruction regarding titles, forewords, and things of that sort. We will also advise you
of the publishing house.

Throughout all the ages we have waited for these truths. Ah, we have others. We have others
working for us, good and beautiful people! And these final truths will also be released to
circulate among the peoples of this Earth.

ATON, HATONN, even though he be not present in these writings - he works closely with us,
dear GERMAIN, dear ADONI and we would not forget our blessed brother ADRIGON.



From all of us, these words do we hereby pledge, and thus hereby I do set my seal to. I am
that I am. I am now the essence in its essence. I am SANANDA. Salu.


(End quote from “Conspiracy, Corrupt, Unfolded.” (1994)

442. When Conspiracy and Corruption are
Finally Unfolded…!! (Final Part Four)

Taken from our records, voice-recorded through Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries in summer of

(Quote from our records)

CLOSING COMMENTS by starship Captain James Galiac, (Lord Sananda)

Sananda here. Well done, little one. This chapter we have indeed concluded this day. My
Salutation will be present with you also and with the reader. We do hope that somewhat of an
impact has been made.

This book will now be sent forth as quickly as you can get it down and edited. We will be giving
further instruction regarding titles, forewords, and things of that sort. We will also advise you
of the publishing house.

Throughout all the ages we have waited for these truths.

Ah, we have others. We have others working for us. Good and beautiful people.

And these final truths will also be released to circulate among the peoples of this Earth.

ATON, HATONN, even though he be not present in these writings, he works closely with us, dear
GERMAIN, dear ADONI, and we would not forget our blessed brother ADRIGON, and above all
for all that is:







(End quote)

443. The Righteous must always be stronger

than the Wicked!

Introduction by Reni Sentana-Ries, June 8, 2019

Among righteous civilizations war is universally hated! Yet in a universe of Light and Darkness
it is also unavoidable, as we can see from the report on the conflict between the Tripilites and
the Hellions as given and presented to us by Commander Adrigon (A-dray-on) from the White
Winds star ship.

What is under the unfortunate circumstance of “war” a saving grace for individuals or entire
civilizations is the fact of having “escaped” to the “lighted side” where their motivation for
participation in a “war” is the preservation of The Universal Law of Decency.

In cases like these it is mandatory that the righteous be always stronger than the wicked, for
in a contest between truth and error, good and evil, and right and wrong, the “lighted side”
must never be overpowered by the “dark side.”

(Taken from our records and books, hitherto officially unpublished):

ADRIGON, Commander in Chief of the White Winds

(Downloaded from its computer banks):

The Hellions were a known nomad tribe who at their best did approximate the sinking of our
dear Atlantis many millennia later.

They came from the far reaches of the galaxies and did always attain to acquire an innate
knowledge of things to come, or rather future events.

This is of course known to few, and it is our reasoning that these major events concur with the
extraterrestrial time line as known and alluded to in their section of the quadrant.

These Hellions were, regardless of their form, the most desirable of all, as we do point out
attributes in regards to their precious journeys across the galaxies in their efforts to sustain
other life forms. They were not always successful in their endeavor, but come what may, they
did indeed hold the attention of the many onlookers from all efforts of the solar systems with
great interest at their endeavors nonetheless.

These Hellions were a striking people with the enchanting trait most admired throughout the
Universes and galaxies which in all realities was love. This particular trait endeared these
peoples to our hearts because of the simplicity of their natures and the determined
unwavering and unrelenting desire to accomplish that which few other cultures at that time
felt their lot to achieve. In other words, they began and tried the impossible: to restructure on

this planet the necessary items and structures used by so many other planets, which had
been in possession of them for eons.

The difficult program here, of course, which we so admired them for was the most difficult of
all tasks to incorporate, and that was for an underdeveloped race to be in possession of art
forms (technology –Editor) which were light years ahead of their evolution. Little is said, of
course, before this time, and we wish to set the record straight. So keep tuned into this
particular broadcast.

Now back to these Hellion gods. They were large in stature, but unlike the gods which took
humans of the female gender for wives, they were not of a pretty countenance. However, as
we like to say, it is always the inner beauty which wins out in the end! These nomads were
depicted through time, yes, we call them nomads, because such as who roams the galaxies at
their own free will or design and who attribute the likelihood of success upon their own
individual endeavors, have indeed earned this precedious title.

So to pick up where I left off: These nomads of high integrity were to play a vital part in the
significance structure of not only the pyramids but, of course, in the events of world affairs!
Ah, so this comes as a bit of a surprise to you does it? You thought that only the gods of the
tyrannical nature were responsible for chaos, well, we can assure you that there is much more
here than meets the eye.


When the Hellions had met at several of their council meetings, they finally concluded that
sufficient material was needed in order to implement the state of the Equinox, which by the
way, was even at that early date beginning to lose its balance.

Here came the necessity of the structuring and building of the pyramids; firstly being
structured in eastern Asia before the southern Americas. It seems that it was believed, and
may still be believed, that all pyramids were begun in Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt and other
renowned places. This is indeed a myth. I will tell you why. You see, Atlantis, Lemuria and
Egypt, for example, were the crossroads into many civilizations by way of conduit functions.
This we will explain later, so keep in mind these words.

In order that these prime areas of Earth be held to their truest purpose or order of reliance of
which everything was held in its truest perspective, there needed to be a beautiful balance in
accord with the highest order of the Earth entity itself. In other words, there needed a few
sample or practice sessions in themselves on the construction of these new pyramids. And
yes, there are minions of pyramidal structures throughout the galaxy, both, here and in other
dimensions, though not every Universe runs by these same standards or methods of

The reason that we call these pyramids “new” and their application of structure a new project
in the midst of a multitude of other pyramids, which almost grow like mushrooms on manure,
is that it was a first for these nomads to have the opportunity to succeed in their endeavors
which in the past they did forfeit the right of succession due to their unwillingness to devise
with reason all proper dimensions accorded to the upright creation of these living entities. This
then was part and parcel of their evolution. (Here we speak of the nomads, not the Hellions nor
the beloved pyramids).

It is little wonder then at our outrage, when down through the eons we find that our beloved
brethren and co-workers, though in another form, were not only ransacked but pillaged, and
worst of all, raped!

We know that these are harsh words, but even in our realities we do not allow this abhorrent
misuse of another living creature. This may be hard to swallow for some, but bread and butter
is our living too, even though we may succumb to our income and identities in a different way
through different solutions.

I will break here for the time being and graciously allow the much more qualified report of our
beloved Master and teacher, or should I say master teacher, to be more accurate. Adieu for
now, Brethren. I am ADRIGON. (3:13 pm).


Adrigon reporting from the White Winds archives:

The showing of fertile rain upon the factions who resided upon the Earth plane did leave those
beings rather hindered in their outlook as they began with the most difficult task of
construction of the 20 foot high pyramids. Though these nomads had the serviltile to explore
new concepts, they were outmoded in their deliverance of Akashik papers to the builders who
in other realms were of the nature of design modes.

Nonetheless, it did occur to one or two of these pirates that if they would only, if not only for
their own glory, settle in a mode of transportation, they would likely shock the world that they
at least knew with their brilliance of design that which they themselves had actually not done.
But with their skill which had preceded their intellect they did finally succeed in deceiving the
entire populace that they themselves had automatically endeavored, strove, and by their
own design had indeed accomplished the said immediate pattern of the ambience or
pyramidal structure.

What a lie unfolded! It was with this tyrannical episode that we, the Lighted Brotherhood, did
succeed in our final battle with the beginning Equinox, successfully attacking the cape of
destruction of dimensions. In other words, we did penetrate the cloak of darkness which was
falling with rapidity along the corridors of global construction. This did not mean, of course,
that we succeeded in the first way again(st) the covering which was falling at such a rapid rate,

that not only could the Brotherhood not control it, but even the distant Equinox was not
alluded to in its resources.


Lord Germain:

The builders of the beloved pyramids henceforth did construct what to us would be the
equivalence of Michelangelo in Venus with regards to the art (technology -Editor), composition
and style of the glorious structures.

They began with the cornerstone which did serve to facilitate the equivalent to the
afrastructure of a futuristic homing-in device. This cornerstone was placed east from the 90
degree circumference and at a 65 degree latitude alignment. Dimensions totaled 360 square
feet. Each brick was in its own right placed perpendicular to the cornerstone and its succeeding
radius of blocks, which adhered to the circumference of the whole.

It is a tricky business to be able to successfully create such mass using matter of such density.
Each stone was so perfectly regulated that I do not mind telling you that each molecule (block –
Editor) had to be measured in order that it be realized as a complementary suite or status with
the rest. One hundred and sixty bricks in all terminated the continuance of the semi-structure.
It of course by then was in its final stages of completion. These certain bricks were fashioned
with the minimal of ease and were to begin with of a smaller stature. Please pause.

If these words provide a semblance of intelligence for the routine construction of buildings,
then we have by far succeeded at this time to have in a dignified fashion put our point across.
One such as this will not necessarily be inlaid with a sea of diamonds, so to speak, but in fact
will instead be known as the height of capacity which, when you break it down, means the
height of CAP - CITY or rather the capstone of the city.

The cities at that time were known for their evident success and involvement concerning their
place in the nations of the day. And here we do with great thankfulness call in our beloved
Sananda to continue with the social graces of the nineteenth century of the epoch's time
machine. We are GERMAIN at the service of the people.


Lord Sananda:

Sananda speaks again. Selah. If at that time, during one of the worst and bloodiest wars ever
fought between two nations (we allude to the war of the Tripilites against the Hellions), who
were not of course of a warring nature, unless like many other proprieties were forced into a
stalemate, these did of course succeed in their butchering of one another incessantly. Such

These are the whys and whens, and the outcome of the results are narrated by the commander
of the Hellion forces or army, for want of a more modern term. This information, of course,
which does now proceed, will undoubtedly be transferred from the data banks of Adrigon's
famous White Winds ship of which many of you here reading this will shortly attend to the
proposition of invitation in order to enhance yourselves into further knowledge.

We will pick up in the morning, little one, for this material does tend to be somewhat
burdensome until you gain the wisdom to attain to full and untainted refrainment from
watching. Sleep well. SANANDA. (9:44 pm).


Adrigon, Tuesday, May 3, 1994, 9:30 am

Adrigon downloading from the files of the White Winds at approximately 3 stages into the
above time sequence or day. In conjunction to the report filed yesterday with regards to the
Tripilites, we would indeed be happy to inspect for you the circumstances which brought this
forth. The war, of course, is what is referred to here:

I am the Commander of the Hellions and am therefore at your service for the following
documentary. I was with my men, as you would call it from your perspective, one of the
forerunners to this extravaganza of what we term as "great trouble on the western front!" This
is somewhat of an understatement as you will see. Now to proceed.

When the balance of the Equinox began to come into line, it was subjected to every whim and
contour of the alluded masses which beckoned the surrounding masses. (Forgive us, we just had
a minimal of difficulty with the banks).

The Tripilites were among the first of those who at one time wished to include Earth in their
forum of perfected sanctuaries. But as usually happens when there are two or more who are
determined to regain their territory (we say "regain" simply because each of us had, even
before this particular creation had occurred, claimed this particular resource for our own),
consequently it was, of course, not adhered to by the Interplanetary Council of foremost
thoughts and conjectures. In other words, those thinking minds did elude even the most
significant factors to their own discredit.

I realize this may sound amusing, but this is how many of us do things in the heavens, as we
know you term them. Our particular resources do not allow us to be less than fundamental in
our allowances of the abstractness of our societal changes due to the complex nature of the
surrounding cosmos which of course I do state again for affirmation contain the masses:
nations, as we may put it for your understanding.

Back to the drawing board.

The congeniality of the substance in conjuncture was of course a prime nuisance, as we could
not implement the substance necessary to enable us to properly format in conjunction with the
Tripilites the necessary Akashik papers (though we of course do not use paper par se) to enable
us, as a divided union, to work together in our perceived accomplishments as one nation under
the auspices of the Governmental Right of the Council of the Cosmosmetic League.

This left us with little choice except to fall into that which we all abhor: the terrible evils of war.
Not of course that there are good or bad in our cases, but rather exactly who in their state of
evolution has grown and maintained to a degree the standard to hold a whole Universe in
their hands!

In our cases, of course, the issue was simply this: which of us had the resources as well as the
integrity to hold forces of darkness at bay?

The integrity of which we speak is relayed to you in similar fashion, meaning simply that when
one uses their higher integrity for godly purpose (we understand that you ones do use that
term quite often, or at least have in the past) do allow for no room to underbuild the
cosmosmetic or Universal Laws of the day, which of course are indeed the same day in and
day out in a never changing mode!

As this dreadful battle with our brothers progressed (and here we do use the term brothers),
light and darkness are one in the sense that when they are formatted with the substance of
the Universe, you will undoubtedly find that they do complement each other.

Let us all be thankful at this time that we, of the Lighted Brotherhood, do
in effect understand just how fortunate we all are to have escaped to
the lighted side after eons and eons from the darkened abyss!

So with one item after another occurring, we the Hellions, in evidentuality did perceive to
"win" this most abhorrent battle of all times! Lucky it was not fought on the Earth plateau,
for upon that flat expanse there would have been little room for craft, never mind warriors.

But please keep in mind that neither the Tripilites nor ourselves were or have been a warring

Commander of the Hellion's Fourth Edition of Shawan- out.

Take a break, little one, we are progressing in an applicable fashion. SANANDA. (Break at 10:42

Number Title Page Number

381. The GLOBAL AGENDA of the Federation of Free Planets (Part 7 of 10) 03

382. The GLOBAL AGENDA of the Federation of Free Planets (Part 8 of 10) 04

383. The GLOBAL AGENDA of the Federation of Free Planets (Part 9 of 10) 07

384. The GLOBAL AGENDA of the Federation of Free Planets (Part 10 of 10) 09

385. The Federation of Free Planets' Pathway to Paradise - THE SECURITY PANEL 12

386. HESIOD (800 BC) reports of a PARADISE from long ago ON EARTH! 17


388. The Bush/Kissinger New World Order Agenda Itemized 20

389. EMOTIONS Intensify in the Realm of the Righteous 22

390. The Fall of the Nations (Scribed) 23

391. Are our prophecies a mixture of truths and falsehoods? 25

392. Industrious People are Punished! 27

393. Introduction to “The Key to Paradise” (1249 pages, never published, by R. Sentana-Ries)
394. On the Key to Implementation Whereupon Iraq was Destroyed! 31

395. Is United Nations Imperialism in the Making? 34

396. 4.792413 Gulf War on the Equinox of the Dawn 35

397. Lord Adonai: 38

398. Andromeda Rex: Warn them, Seila! 39

399. Commander Dexter on U.S. Trouble Making in this World! 41


401. Egyptologists and Pyramidologists, IT’S FOR YOU! (You figure it out!) 43

402. I HAD A DREAM! (February 27, 2019 am) 46

403. Mancharians: “We Do Hate War!!” 48

404. Venezuela target of “Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare” assault!

Number Title Page Number

405. The Cost of Eventide to be shouldered by Master Gabriel! 51

406. A Hatemail Debate from 1999 53

407. Birth of the Intergalactic Order of Stellar Economics! 57

408. The Origin of Man and Animals (By the Pleiadeans, Sribed 1995 by Uthrania) 59

409. Warning by Master Gabriel (Scribed by Uthrania) 62

410. IMF and World Bank International Financiers Analysis (Reprint from 20 years ago) 63

411. Why is there no Peace in this World? 69

412. Key to the Implementation of a Paradisaical order in Venezuela (2019) 71

413. What can we Expect to See on an Evacuation Ship? 73

414. In Memory of 3 Slain Men of Nobility (by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn) 75

415. Is there a Moral Code of Conduct Recognized Throughout the Universe? 77

416. From War to Peace (Scribing) 78

417. Why is Mind Reform so Important? 80

418. Re-Acquainting we should with “our Mothercraft” 83

419. Hatonn explains what “Blinkensop” is! 85

420. “Leave Iran Alone!” say I, the Lion of Judah 87

421. Is the “Big-Bang” Theory a Bunch of Scientific Bunk? 89

422. Why is U.S. Foreign Policy so Wicked? 91

423. Verbatim Telepathy - Most Reliable Info from the Etherworld of Light! 94

424. The Beginning of Technology Transfer from the Proper Source! (Part One) 97

425. The Beginning of Technology Transfer from the Proper Source! (Part Two) 99

426. Safely Navigating Space and Surviving the Ocean Waters’ Threat! 102

427. Engineering Secrets on Space Craft Engine Design belong to all Decent People! 105

Number Title Page Number

428. A Tough Linguistic Nut to Crack! 110

429. Lord St. Germain’s Concluding Words to the Volume “Beware of the Wolf in the Bushes of
Delight” 113

430. When Starship Commanders become Alarmists, Mankind is in Trouble! 115

431. Planet Earth will lose its Equilibrium – And what comes next? 119

432. Jesus Christ (Lord Sananda): “I Die for the Sins of No One!” 121

433. Abolish Cash?! Hatonn: “This makes me ill!” 123

434. HATONN Explains himself - and His Part in Reclaiming Mankind! 126

435. Hatonn: “Anti-Christ, BE GONE!!” 129

436. Who is on top of the Ladder of All Subversion? 131

437. Pun Intended! 132

438. A Wolf is Loose in Europe! 134

439. When Conspiracy and Corruption are Finally Unfolded…!! (Part One) 137

440. When Conspiracy and Corruption are Finally Unfolded…!! (Part Two) 139

441. When Conspiracy and Corruption are Finally Unfolded…!! (Part Three) 142

442. When Conspiracy and Corruption are Finally Unfolded…!! (Final Part Four) 145

443. The Righteous must always be stronger than the Wicked! 146

The Star People’s Counterpunch!

Volume Four

Consisting of Reni Sentana-Ries’ Facebook notes

Copyright 2019/2020


P.O. Box 99

Ryley, Alberta, Canada

T0B 4A0

Category: Non-Fiction, Prophecy, Philosophy 2019 Edition


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