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Julie Foshay 
94026 River Rd 
Junction City, OR 97448 

November 18, 2019 


To whom it may concern, 

I am honored to have the opportunity to write a reference letter for Micah 

Walker. Micah has been a steadfast friend to not only my children but to me as 
well over the last 13 years. As a faithful friend who often thinks about other 
people’s feelings, Micah is one who is always there to lend an ear, a hand, or a 
hug. He is not only compassionate when others are hurting, but he has a 
sense of humor that keeps the room feeling light in any circumstance.  

I am the director of the homeschool group that Micah has been a member of 
for 12 years. In this position, I walk alongside students from all walks of life as 
they grow up and become adults. In spending all of Micah’s formative years 
with him I have had the pleasure of watching him evolve from a lighthearted 
kid, to a consistently committed friend, and teammate.  

Micah is one of the most dedicated workers I have met. No matter what is 
happening around him Micah is always first to offer to help. Micah helps me 
set up for events and tear down after, arrange church sanctuaries for various 
events, clean up after messy groups of people, and sit next to someone who is 
new and doesn’t have any friends yet. If he sees a need, he makes sure that 
he is the one to take care of it.  

Micah is a joy to have around and will be an asset to any job, project, or 
organization that he is a part of.  


Julie Foshay 

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