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Effect of Lack of Comfort Rooms on the Health of Students as Basis for


Background of the study

“A comfort room is a designated space that is designed in a way that is calming

to the senses and where the user can experience visual,auditory,olfactory,and
tectile stimuli,"Megan MacDaniel(2008).A room or small building containing one or
more toilets could be used as a comfort room.Portable toilets are also provided at
large outdoor events and are separated into male,female,and unisex

During a right blether,the national consultation undertaken by scotland's

commissioner for children and Young people in 2010,the ihadequency of school
toilets in Scotland,particularly their lack of cleanliness and poor state of repair was
raised repetedly.The office of Scotland's Commissioner for children and young
people has commissioned this literature review to bring together research findings
and recommendations from across the UK ans overseas.Scotland is well placed to
make a difference to children's experiences of school toilets.The forthcoming
children and Young People's Bill will require local authorities to consider how they
are realising children's right in line with the United Nations convention on the Rights
of Child.(ERIC 2013).

A cross-sectional study was conducted by the six secondary schools of the city
of Manila,Philippines in 2017.A self-administered survey questionnaire with females
students collected data on the outcome variable reported daily frequency of
changing sanitary napkins in school toilets,and other predictor variables.

The researchers conducted this study to determine the effect of Lack of

Comfort Rooms on the Health of Students as Basis for Interventions.Researchers
notice this rampant problem in the school campus.The researchers want to take an
action to the said problem and to help also students especially Grade 12-Humanities
and Social Sciences students to be aware and avoid such illness and harmful
diseases.The Researchers want to make each students healthy once again and for
the next generation that will used the comfort rooms.and to keep it in a better way.

Significance of the Study

Comfort Room is one of the most important facility in the School.The absence of
such facility can create health increases.This study is designed to provide and
understanding to the effect of the Lack of Comfort Rooms on the Health of Students.

To the School Head:

This study may help raise their awareness on how to give solutions or take an
action to this problem in the school.

To the Teachers:

This study may help them to be informed by the concerning problems of the school
particularly with the school facility problems.

To the Parents:

This study may help the parents to be aware on what are the harmful diseases
that may affect on their childrens health.

To the Students:

This study may help the students to feel comfortable and it can also help their
health on using the comfort rooms easily.

To the Future Researchers:

This study may help the future researchers to be aware the cause and effects
of Lack of comfort rooms on the health of Students and it would help them to be a
better analyst and it can also help as a future reference for more studies in the

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused only in identifying the lack of Comfort Rooms on the Health
of Students as Basis for Interventions of Julio Ledesma National High School.This
study happened in Julio Ledesma National High School.Researchers selected
participants from Grade 12-Humanities and Social Sciences and these participants
are form K to 12 curriculum.The purpose of this study is to achieve a higher
standard of hygiene on the school comfort rooms.Researchers hope to find out the
factors that cause the Lack of comfort rooms and from there,derive solutions to
keep the school comfort foom clean,through involving and educating students


Effect of Lack of Comfort Rooms on the Health of Students as Basis for


Conceptual Framework

Learning to use a toilet and practising handwasing are activities that make time and
attention within early years settings,particularly in fullday care.Mostly
embarrassment and having to ask to use the toilet,or for allocated paper that is
from a medical or developmental perspective concerned with acquiring approptiate
toilet habits.For young children,learning to use toilets in a public or share setting
could be described as being part of the curriculum(Millei,2012).

Comfort Rooms can be places of refuge from the adult controlled environment ; a
social space for children only.This can result in conflict with adults,evidenced by
online commentary (Bog Standard,2011).Most people comfort rooms in school
cause of childrens attitudes and causes of social intimidations to some extent
children either dislike going to the toilet when other children are present and what
they are doing,or they might have experienced intimidation(Lunablad2010).

Symptoms and conditions are continued in most studied conducted to determine

the state of school toilet in the health of students.Constipation,spoiling,daytime
wetting,development of residual urine,urinary track infection(UTI) and Inability to
empty the bladder property due to muscular problems in health.Professionals
experience of dealing children is often the bigger for their investigation of the
facilities children to use.(Joves and Wilson,2007).

Most attention is directed towards academic pursuits of the students despites to the
health consequences associated with poor toilet,infrastructures these health
problems will eventually results in diseases conditions such as typhoid
fever,ascariasic,genite urinary tract infections and depression among others.(Burton
2013;Nock Duniya,and Galadima 2003;Curtis 2000).


Lack of comfort rooms

Improper ways of using comfort rooms

Causes of social intimidations

Causes for children's attitudes

conflict with adults

embarrassment of having to ask to use the toilet or for allocated property

Effect on the Health

Typhoid fever

Urinary track infection(UTI)


daytime wetting

genito urinary tract infections

depression among others

Inability to empty the bladder property

Definition of Terms


Conceptually,According to American Origin(1900),Comfort room or Rest Room

meaning a public is an extremely common usage,and also one of the
vaguest.Comfort room also,it is the term used to describe a public toilet and also
simply reffered to as the C.R(Scott 2005).

Operationally,a room in a public building or workplace furnished with amenities such

ad facilities for personal hygiene.


Conceptually,According to Adam Felman(2017).the word "health refers to a state of

complete emotional and physical well being.Healthcare exists to help people
maintain the optimal state of health.

Operationall,it is the condition of being well or free from the diseases.


Conceptually,Student is someone who is learning at a school or in any teaching

environment (Lovetoknow corporation 2018)

Operationally,Student is a person seriously devoted to some subject whether

academic or not,and a person who enrolled at a university or schools.







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