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The processes involved in constructing a building are vast and in today’s world, they are
playing an important role in developing more and more sophisticated buildings.
Construction materials on its own are a huge field. They are designed, modeled,
manufactured, tested and then implemented for construction purposes.

Engineers always bear in mind note a project has a finite time, budget and is of required
quality. They work according to these three principles. While constructing a building, an
engineer should give realistic and achievable tasks to its labours rather than commands
whereby the engineer himself do not know the intensity and difficulty of the work.

Well, it is rightly said that you should start from the bottom to reach the top. In order to
become a good professional engineer, one should know all the hard works involved in all
building processes.


The aim of this portfolio is to gather knowledge of how things work in a construction site
and how things are achieved by experienced masons and engineers.


The objectives principally consist of involving first year students to the construction
processes, to have a sound knowledge the simple techniques which are used in the
processes and to understand how and why workers opt for these methods.

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