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e Annex A ‘The following documents are to be fully accomplished and submitted by each applicant: 1. Three printed copies of the SEARCA Scholarship Application Form accomplished via hip: // 1. 8d46e639542Rab (online application), two copies to be submitted to the Mi ‘ducation and one copy to be submitted directly to SEARCA 2. Application forms for admission to the Graduate Schools of any three (3) universities listed in the SEARCA Scholarship application form where the applicant would like to pursue graduate studies 3. Original transcript of academic records bearing the seal of the University and original signature of the Registrar or Head of the University. Applicants for MS degree should submit their original Bachelor of Seience (BS) transcript of records. PhD degree applicants should submit their original BS and MS transcripts of records 4, Original or certified true copies of certificates of completion/diplomas for every degree completed Certification of employment 6. Endorsement from employer 7. Updated curriculum vitae 8. Brief description of the research the applicant plans to conduct for thesis/dissertation, The research topic must be in line with the thrusts of SEARCA’s Tenth Five-Year Plan ice., social equity, environmental sustainability and regional economic integration by promoting food and nutrition security; value chains and agribusiness commodity systems; innovations and modern technologies; rural entrepreneurship; climate change adaptation and resiliency, natural resource management; sub-regional cooperation in trade and investments; and government policies/reforms that address rural poverty, inequitable growth, and environmental degradation. Details on SEARCA’s strategic thrusts are available at http:/ 9. Two copies of passport-size photo of the applicant 10. Certification from a medical doctor that the applicant is in good physical and mental health condition and is fit to undertake graduate studies 11. A passing TOEFL score of 550 (paper based), 80 (net based), 213 (computer-based) or IELTS results of 6.0 Enea Ama OSEARCA List of Major Fields Major Field ‘Agribusiness Management EARCA Science and Education for Agriculture and Development Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture CCotege, Los Barts, Laguna 4031, Phiopinas Totapnone: (03-49) 5362965 1 67, 5962200, 9962287 Fax: (63-49) 5367097 tp ivw: se0rca.o19 | E-mallpost@age searcs org nd Areas of Research Spe ‘Areas of Research Specia Business Management ‘Agricultural Economics Agricultural Policy Agricultural Prices Resource Economics Agricultural Development Agricultural Marketing Farm Management Production Economies Agricultural Education | Agricultural Engineering vv vivvlyv yyy vie v Governance of Agricultural Institutions Agricultural Curriculum Development Land and water resources engineering Irrigation engineering Sustainability of groundwater resources for | agriculture Farm Power and Machinery Crop Processing, _Soil and Water Conservation | Agrometeorology [ Agronomy Geometeorology Hydrometeorology Crop diversification/farming systems _ Biodiversity conservation Land use management Sustainable crop management Crop Production and Management Crop Physiology Seed Science and Technology Weed Science ‘Animal Science vyyvivevvvv viv viv ‘Animal Production Animal Breeding Animal Nutrition Animal Physiolog: Development Communication Botany > Plant genetic resources and conservation > Biodiversity conservation > Economic Botany > Mycology > Palynology > Phycology > Plant Anatomy and Morphology > Plant Physiology » Plant Systematics | Community Development — > Social Dimensions in Agriculture > Planning and Administration of Community Development - Educational Communication Development Journalism Community Broadcasting General Development Communication Economics Economics of Agriculture Natural Resource Economics Regional/Rural Economics Econometrics International Economics Public Finance/Public Economics Entomology Integrated Pest Management 1 Biological Control Economic Entomology Insect Resistance in Crop Plants | Toxicology Insect Vector Transmission Medical and Veterinary Entomology Insect Systematics (Insect Taxonomy) Industrial Entomolog; Environmental Science Environmental Planning and Management Protected Areas Management Environmental Risk Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Waste Management Environmental Restoration ‘Community-Based Resource Management Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Environmental Biology Environmental Security and Management Social Theory and Environment Extension Education| vvlyvvvvvvvvv vy VVVVVVyVVvVV VV Sustainable Agricultural Development Agricultural Administration _| Fisheries Food and Nutrition Planning. vyvy ‘Aquaculture Fish Biolog Eeology of Food and Nutrition Economic Analysis and Planning of Agricultural Projects Food and Nutrition Economics Food Science vv viv Food Safety Food Engineering Food Processing Food Microbiology Forestry Major in > > > Forest Biological Sciences Forest Resource Management Silviculture and Forest Influences Sociai Forestry Land use ‘Natural Resource Management Forest Economics and Policy Forest Resource Management Watershed Management Timber Economies and Management Biodiversity Conservation Forest Botany Social Forestry ForestAdministration Silviculture Tree Improvement Industrial Management Forest Beology Forest Entomology Forest Genetics Forest Pathology Forest Physiology Forest Biometry Forest Business Management Forest Operations Research Genetics vvvvlVv Vy vv ‘Quantitative Genetics Biochemical Genetics Cytogenetics Molecular Genetics Plant Pathology vVvVVVYVY Integrated Pest Management Crop Disease and Control Fungus Physiology Host-Parasite Relations (Pathogenesis) Mycology Phytobacteriology Phytonematology Plant Virology Public Administration and Governance vvvYY ‘Agrarian and Urban Development Studies Local Governance and Development Strategic Planning and Public Policy Cooperative Management Education Management Sociology Technology Assessment and Impact Analysis Population Dynamics _ | > Qualitative Social Research Soil Science Land use Soil Conservation and Management Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Soil Microbiology Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification Soil Physics Veterinary Medicine (MS) Veterinary Public Health Veterinary Medicine Veterinary intemal Medicine Veterinary Microbiology Veterinary Pathology Wildlife Studies (MS) vvlvV VV vive vv viv vl Wildlife Conservation and Management Wildlife Biology INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR On 1975, the first School of Post Graduate Studies was establishedin Indonesia and Bogor Agricultural University was the pioneer in establishing such kind of graduate school. Based on the organization structure, at the beginning when the Graduate Studies was established it offered some major courses in Agricultural Economics, Soil Science, Agronomy, Animal Science, Extension Development, Rural Sociology and Applied Statistics. These programs stressed to the implementation of Master Degree program and were centrally managed by the GraduateSchool. Then, on 1980 this School of Post Graduate Studies of Bogor Agricultural University was formally changed its status to be the Faculty of Post Graduate Studies of Bogor Agricultural University. LaterGradually, the following years new Departments have been established, especially with the returning home some faculty members who have persuaded their postgraduate studies abroad. In 1983, the number of Departments had reached 21 (twenty), and the Departments were reorganized into the Field of Studies until mid 2007. At the end of 2007, the program courses WERE changed to Major. Currently the School the Graduate Studies of Bogor Agricultural University programs with 65 Major courses for Master Degree Program and 43 Major Courses for Doctoral Degree Program. In line with this development, several courses were considered capable to offer doctoral degree program, thus in 1978 School of the Graduate Studies officially opened the doctoral program. Since its conception, the Faculty of Post Graduate ofBogor Agricultural University was undergone some changes of its status and its executives, as follows: 1. 1974-1980: School the Graduate Studies, the Director was Prof. Dr. Andi Hakim Nasoetion. 2. 1980-1991: Faculty of Fraduate Studies, the Dean was Prof. Dr. Edi Guhardja, 3. 1991-1998: Graduate Studies Program, the Director was Prof. Dr. Edi Guhardja 4. 1998-2003: Graduate Studies Program, the Director was Prof. Dr. Sjafrida Manuwoto. 5. 2003-2006: School the Graduate Studies, the Director was Prof. Dr. Sjafrida Manuwoto. 6. 2006-2013 : School the Graduate Studies, the Dean is Prof.Dr. Khairil Anwar Notodiputro. 2013 - now : School the Graduate Studies, the Dean is Dr. Ir. Dahrul Syah, M.Sc. School of the Graduate Studies of Bogor Agricultural University see the Institutional integrity as its commitment that should be observed by the executive boards, faculty members and students. With such Integrity they are expected to act honesty,and transparency and will honor the interests of stakeholders, without any prejudice and discrimination in achieving its goals. Fakultas : Fakultas Pertanian Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Fakultas Perikanan Fakultas Peternakan Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Fakultas Matimatika dan llmu Pengetahuan Alam Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen Fakultas Ekologi Manusia S@ENOMRwNA Fakultas Pertanian : Magister {imu Tanah Doktor llmu Tanah Magister Agroteknologi Tanah Magister Mitigasi Bencana Kerusakan Lahan Magister Bioteknologi Tanah dan Lingkungan Magister Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Doktor Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Magister limu Perencanaan Wilayah @PNOOAONS| Magister limu Benih dan Teknologi Benih : Doktor llmu Benih dan Teknologi Benih Magister Agronomi dan Hortikultura Doktor Agronomi dan Hortikultura Magister Pemuliaan dan Bioteknologi Tanaman Doktor Pemuliaan dan Bioteknologi Tanaman oaeNe Magister Profesional Perbenihan : 1. Magister Entomologi 2. Doktor Entomologi 3. Magister Fitopatologi 4. Doktor Fitopatologi 5. Magister Arsitektur Lanskap Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan : Magister llmu-lImu Faal dan Khasiat Obat Doktor IImu-limu Faal dan Khasiat Obat Magister Anatomi dan perkembangan Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat Verteriner Doktor Kesehatan Masyarakat Verteriner Magister Parasitologi dan Entomologi Kesehatan Doktor Parasitologi dan Entomologi Kesehatan Magister Mikrobiologi Medik Magister Ilmu Biomedis Hewan 10. Doktor lImu Biomedis Hewan 11. Magister Biologi Reproduksi 12. Doktor Biologi Reproduksi SPNOOERENS Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan: Magister llmu Akuakultur Doktor limu Akuakultur Magister Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perairan Doktor Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perairan Magister Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan Doktor Pengeiolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan Magister Teknologi Hasil Perairan Magister Teknologi Perikanan Laut Doktor Teknologi Perikanan Laut 10. Magister llmu Kelautan 14.Doktor Iimu Kelautan 12. Magister Teknologi Kelautan 13. Doktor Teknologi Kelautan CPNOGAwNA Fakultas Peternakan: 1. Doktor limu Produksi dan Teknologi Peternakan 2. Magister llmu Produksi dan Teknologi Peternakan 3. Doktor Iimu Nutrisi dan Pakan 4. Magister IImu Nutrisi dan Pakan -¢ _ Fakultas Kehutanan: 1. Doktor limu Pengelolaan Hutan 2. Magister limu Pengelolaan Hutan 3. Magister lImu dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan Doktor imu dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan Doktor Teknologi Serat dan Komposit Magister Teknologi Serat dan Komposit Doktor Konservasi Biodiversitas Tropika Magister Konservasi Biodiversitas Tropika Doktor Manajemen Ekowisata dan Jasa Lingkungan 10. Magister Manajemen Ekowisata dan Jasa Lingkungan 11. Magister Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati 12. Doktor Silvikultur Tropika 13. Magister Silvikultur Tropika Cerone Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian: Magister Teknik Mesin Pertanian dan Pangan Magister Teknologi Pascapanen Doktor lImu Keteknikan Pertanian Magister Ilmu Pangan Doktor limu Pangan Magister Teknologi Pangan Magister Teknologi Industri Pertanian Doktor Teknologi Industri Pertanian Magister Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan ©@NOMSeN= ~-Fakultas Matematika dan gotahuan Alam: Magister Information Technology for Natural Resources Management Magister Statistika Doktor Statistika Magister Statistika Terapan Magister Klimatologi Terapan Doktor Klimatologi Terapan Magister Mikrobiologi Doktor Mikrobiologi Magister Biosains Hewan 10. Doktor Biosains Hewan 11. Magister Biologi Tumbuhan 12. Doktor Biologi Tumbuhan 13. Magister Kimia 14. Magister Matematika Terapan 15. Magister limu Komputer 16. Magister Teknologi Informasi untuk Perpustakaan 17. Magister Biofisika 18. Magister Biokimia OPNMMAONS Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen: Magister Iimu Ekonomi Magister Iimu Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Pedesaan Doktor limu Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Pedesaan Magister Manajemen Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah Magister Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan Magister Ekonomi Sumberdaya Kelautan Tropika Doktor Ekonomi Sumberdaya Kelautan Tropika Magister imu Ekonomi Pertanian 10. Doktor IImu Ekonomi Pertanian 11. Magister Agribisnis ©erI9HSeONH Fakultas Ekologi Manusia: Magister limu Gizi Doktor limu Gizi Magister Manajemen Ketahanan Pangan Magister imu Keluarga dan Perkembangan Anak Magister limu Konsumen Magister Penyuluhan Pembangunan Doktor Penyuluhan Pembangunan Magister Komunikasi Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pedesaan Doktor Komunikasi Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pedesaan 10. Magister Sosiologi Pedesaan 11. Doktor Sosiologi Pedesaan 12. Magister Pengembangan Masyarakat (Magister Terapan) ©@VOFRONS Sekolah Pascasarjana: Magister Bioteknologi Magister Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Doktor Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Magister Primatologi Doktor Primatologi Industri Kecil Menengah OOReNa Sekolah Bisnis: + Magister Bisnis + Doktor Bisnis ~ See more at: ODTifsdp.dpuf DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL EDUCATION BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL 5° Floor, RECTORATE BUILDING 1B, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680 Indonesia Phone : 162.251 622640/628448 Fax: +62 251622986 e-mail: pascaphiind netic Hilpiipascaipb.acig APPLICATION FORM FOR GRADUATE PROGRAM {to be filled with block letters) 1, Name ee Far Fist Name Middle Name Pace and date of bith — M07 date Month Year Nationality Eanes — Sex Mele (Female Marital Status. Cimanies Dsingie ‘Address in Bogor (tany) : __ Permanent Address a — Telephone Number Fox: ema; Contact Person at Bogor Agricultural University (any): Name a Position ee Relafonship — 2. Current institution you are working for Position Address of the Institution: __ ee Telephone Number Fax. ‘Application Form SPs-PB 2006/2007 3. Education (stall the universities attended and enclose the certificate of degree and academic transcript) University and Place ‘Main Subject Degree Date Tite of BSc. and MSc. Theses: 4.8. Proposed Program Cinaster Cooeor b. Program of Study eae ©. Planned field of research (describe and enclose the synopsis): 5. a. Have you ever applied inthis Graduate Program ? Cvenyer___ No ». IT yes, did you enrole and complete the Program ? [Research student Ores, On. 6. Language mastered (V): Read 5 Language _s ted ‘Good Fair Poor Good Fair Poor English indonesian Toe score (or else) Year: * Just for conducting research in Bogor Agricultural University ‘Application Form SP=-IPB 2006/2007 7, Stale thee Referees who knows your academic performance. Kindly ask them to write Recommendation Letters or tum the competed form tothe Dean ofthe Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural Univesity Name ‘ares Position 8. Scientific publication (Lo be enclosed) : Title, author(s), publication, date () 2 @) 4) i) | confirm thatthe information given above is correct Signature and Full Name Date ‘Application Form SPs-IP@ 2006/2007 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL EDUCATION BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL 5" Floor, RECTORATE BUILDING IPB, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680 Indonesia Phone. +62.251 6226401628448 Fax: +62 251 622966 e-mail: pascaiob@indo nelid Hitpilpasca ipb.acid Recommending Person Recommended Person Name Name Postion Position Insutation Institution Relationship with the Recommended Person EVALUATION (v) CRITERIA alow ~ inadequate Good | Superior | Cpportunity Average to Observe Abilly to master academic work i Abily to express him or herse orally Abilty to write Motivation Emotional stably and maturity Solf reliance and independence Abily to work with ethers Ability to use experimental technique in is felé COMMENTS: ‘Address of Recommending Person Signature of Recommending Person Date: ‘Application Form SP=-IPB 2006/2007 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL EDUCATION BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL * Floor, RECTORATE BUILDING PB, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 18580 indonesia Phone: 82 25 622640628448 Fax: 962251622568 “ema cascapbi@ndoneid Hto:ipasca ob acid FINANCIAL RESOURCE FOR STUDY AND LIVING ALLOWANCE (to be filled with block letters) 4. Tuition fee Private Fellowship _ Other Resource If fellowship or other resource, please indicate : Allowance uss per year or forthe period of years 2. Living expenses Private __ Fellowship Other Resource |Helowship or other resource, please indicate: Allowance uss _ _per year orforthe period of years 3, Research Fund Private Fellowship ___ Other Resource If fellowship or other resource, please indicate Allowance 2 US$ er year orforthe period of years 4, Sources ‘Name of Inston Address Telephone Number Fax. : e-mail : 5. Towhom the invoice ofthe tution fee willbe adcressed 2: ‘Application Fort SPe-IPB 2006/2007 Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University Background Graduate education at UGM especially for doctoral programs has been developed since 1950. While for master programs developed starting in 1980 after the government set stratafikasi college level covering Si, S2 and S3. At first we must admit that the interest of the community to pursue the level of education in $2 programs (masters) and doctoral programs (S3) is still very less. But along with the times and the increasingly tight competition in the era of globalization makes people's interest to pursue higher education is increasing. Even today there are some people who see that graduate $1 (undergraduate) is not enough. It is therefore not surprising that the number of graduate and postgraduate students from year to year is increasing. The general public's passion in responding to $2 and S3 programs was also followed by both government and private institutions, such as Local Government (Pemda), BUMN, BUMD, NGOs, private companies and so on. Postgraduate UGM should be proud because it has more than 259 Professors and 767 Doctorate graduates in and outside the country from various disciplines that are able to fulfill the people's desire to improve their skills through education and teaching and research developed in multidisciplinary $2 and $3 program. Vision: Being a prominent and leading international Postgraduate School, oriented to the nation's interests based on Pancasita. Mission: + Conducting education, research, and community service with international prestige and competitiveness at postgraduate level in multidisciplinary field + Developing a Graduate School into an institution that has a strong institutional capacity, both in terms of infrastructure, human resources, governance, and Corporate Culture + Expanding alumni network and cooperation in improving the quality of infrastructure and financing capacity of education, research, and community service Educational Facilities * The building is quite representative. This building is commonly called “Curved House" because of its curved shape. + Air-conditioned classrooms equipped with LCD and internet network. + The seminar room is air conditioned and equipped with LCD, with a capacity of 225 people. + Curved House Page is convenient for group learning. + The Graduate Library * English Corner Program, a program designed for students who wish to complete their ability to communicate in English. + Language Training Center, as a place where students can improve their English proficiency, TOEFL- Like Test, Institutional TOEFL Test or International TOEFL Test. + WII Area as free internet facility. + Computer lab. + Student organization known as HMP (Graduate Student Association), and other organizations HIMMBPAS, Student Cooperative and others. + Dr. General Hospital Center Sardjito Yogyakarta. + Dental and Mouth Hospital Soedomo. + Bank BNI, Bank Mandiri, Post Office Campus, + University Publishing Center. ‘+ Campus environment through which the City Bus. + Mushala At-Taqwa Graduate School located above the pond. + Cafeteria with various menus and affordable prices. + The parking lot is shady and spacious. + GS Book Store for students. Reasons for Choosing a Graduate Schoo! UGM + UGMas the oldest university in Indonesia that always prioritizes quality. +The availability of qualified teachers and is a top university graduate overseas. + UGM's ability to colorize national issues. + The availability of scholarships, such as Postgraduate Scholarships, BPPS (Scholarship for Post- Graduate Education), SPIS (Ford Foundation), STUNED, World Islamic Call Society, Master Chin Kung Scholarship, Bappenas, Deplu, Ministry of Home Affairs, etc. + UGM is deemed able to give way to world association, that is through cooperation that has been developed by UGM with various universities or institutions abroad. + Location of UGM SPs located in the middle of Student City. + The cost of education and living expenses in Yogyakarta City is relatively cheaper compared to elsewhere, For information that the cost of living in the city of Yogyakarta ranges from one million rupiah to one and a half million rupiah per month Study program The Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University has a multidisciplinary field of study. Here is a list of courses along with study interest (Concentration) from each study program. + Religious Studies Program and Cross Cultural . Religious Studies Program and Cross Cultural Interest in study of Islamic Economics * Bioethics Study Program + Biotechnology Studies Program . Biotechnology Study Program interest in Biomedical Engineering studies + Study Program in Environmental Science : Study Program in Environmental Sciences interest in study of Geo-Information for Disaster Management . Study Program in Environmental Sciences interest in the study Master in Management of Infrastructure and Community Development + Study Program in Environmental Sciences interest in the study Master of Environmental Management + Study Program in Environmental Sciences interest in the study Master in Technology for Sustainable Development + Inter Religious Studies Program (IRS) + Study Program of Culture and Media + Study Program of Culture and Media interest study of Information Management and Library + National Resilience Study Program + The National Resilience Study program interests the Master's Degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution (MPRK) + Master Program in Tourism Studies + Master Program in Disaster Management + Study Program Master in Higher Education Management + Master Program of Policy Studies + Study Program of Performing Arts and Fine Arts + Extension Study Program and Development Communication + Study Program of Policy Studies $3 + Study Program of Population Contact: + School of Graduate Studies JI. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55281 (0274) 544975, 555881, 564239 Email: GRADUATE PROGRAM FACULTY OF ENGINEERING GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Applicants for graduate study are normally expected to hold a first class honor degree from an accredited university or institutions. Good command in English (oral and written is compulsory. The minimum of TOEFL score for international students is 500. ‘The following documents are required to apply for graduate program. 1. An authenticated copy of academic transcripts and certificate of undergraduate degree. 2. Letter of recommendation from two referees (usually former supervisor in undergraduate program), describing the academic potential of applicant for graduate study. 3. Latest (international) TOEFL score. The score obtained before January 2000 is not accepted. 4, Financial statement from the institution or sponsor that support the applicant. 5. A letter of permission from the applicant’s employer, if applicable ADMISSION PROCEDURE Applicants are required to fill out the application form of Graduate Program, Gadjah Mada University. Application form is available in the Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University, and can be delivered to applicant upon request (please inform us the correct and complete address), The application form, together with the required documents (mentioned above) must be submitted to: DIREKTUR PROGRAM PASCASARJANA UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA Ji. Teknika Utara, Pogung Yogyakarta — 55284 INDONESIA, Tel. (0274) 564239, 544975 Fax. (0274) 564239 ‘The closing date of application for the second semester of 2002/2003 (February-July 2003) is January 4, 2003. For further information concerning with Graduate Program of Chemical Engineering and Geological Engineering please contact: 1) Graduate Program Officer, Chemical Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University at the email address: or 2) Graduate Program Officer, Geological Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University at the email address: or ADMISSION AND TUITION FEES The admission fee is $ 5.000, to be paid at the start of the study and the annual tuition fee is $ 2.000, to be paid at the beginning of academic year. Gadjah Mada University FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Graduate Program JI. Teknika Utara, Pogung Ref No Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia Telephone : +62-274.901210, 901211, 901215, 901216 | Fees = Fax : +62-274-564239 Applicant No ; | L_____ E-mail: ppsugm@idola.netid ‘APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO A GRADUATE PROGRAM ‘Complete all four pages in BLOCK CAPITALS, in BLACK INK and tick boxes as appropriate, Please submit 2 references in sealed and signed envelopes and all other documentation required with your application PLEASE RETURN TWO COPIES OF THE FORM TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. GRADUATE DEGREE PLEASE STATE THE QUALIFICATION FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING (1]_ REGULAR/ACADEMIC MASTER DEGREE Pease she degree end see rine 1 proresionaL Master DEGREE Pes ee depen arnt C1 pocrorate (or) 2 ruLLTIME [] parttime [1] 3. PROPOSED DATE OF ADMISSION (monthiyean: CC] 10) ‘The applicant Personal Data 4, TITLE (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) 5. SURNAME/PAMILY NAME : 6. FIRST NAME 7. DATE OF BIRTH (day/monthiyear): 7/00/00 8. GENDER Male [] Female [] 9. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS PLEASE NOTE : THIS ADDRESS TO WHICH THE UNIVERSITY WILL. SEND ALL ‘CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS : PROVINCEICITY COUNTRY : POSTCODE: 14, ‘The above address is valid, FROM (day/monthiyear): [I] (1) /T1] 10 (day/monthiyear) : QITVOO 00 TELEPHONE NO. FAX NO E-MAIL ADDRESS : PERMANENT HOME ADDRESS (if different from address given above) ADDRESS. PROVINCE/CITY COUNTRY POST CODE : TELEPHONE NO FAXNO E-MAIL ADDRESS NATIONALITY COUNTRY OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE HOW DO YOU EXPECT T0 PAY FOR YOUR STUDIES? () PARENT(SyPATRON (2 SELF FINANCING (Fy SCHOLARSHIP/FELLOWSHIP/SPONSORSHIP ACADEMIC HISTORY Higher education institutions attended and qualifications obtined or entered fr (you must supply il dates) Students edweatedateoad should irposible) enclose a copy ofa ranserip of thet marks, Universiy/Polyechnic]| Date of | Qualifications awarded and clas of Honours GFanyy Gi we] Principal Subjectoy or College attendance | Grade Point Average if pplicable) or prediction of award | taken L L ‘Other information relevant Yo your academic Risory | —| 15, ENGLISH and OTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGES QUALIFICATIONS) Noe Students eae outside the English speaking Curis should enclose a copy of thet English angunge qualifications) LANGUAGE(S) ‘ORAL. WRITTEN LISTENING E Le P Let Pr cle 7 EE 3. 4 Note E> Breslow Go Goad Poor Please specify your formal English language quaificatio(s (by ticking the relevant box) with resus obaine andthe dts) you ‘ok the test owl Be taking the test. DATE OBTAINED, TELTS TOEFL (Other (Please specify) 17. REFERENCES Please name here the two people who have completed your enclosed reference forms REFEREET REFEREE TT Name Position = Position ‘Address: ‘Address "Telephone No ‘Telephone No Fax. No? | E-mail address Fax. No E-mail address | 17. OUTLINE OF RESEARCH INTERESTS (suggested for applicants for regular/academic master degree and doctorate only) Please use this space to give a brief outline of your proposed research tope or interests. ITyou proposal (not more than 2 pages) this may be full proposal of research in separate papers, ave a detailed research acted. For candidate applying forthe doctorate degree please submit TORY tas of employment anor pessoal experience (curent fst) Continuc ona separate sheet Daw ‘ature of work and positon held [Namo and address oF employer 19. LIST OF RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS ( Suggested for applicants for regular/academic master degree and doctorate only. 20. DISABILITIES Ifyou have special needs owing toa disability or specitic learning difficulty please give details. 21. PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR APPLICATION IS COMPLETE AND THAT YOU HAVE ENCLOSED. ALL THE RELEVANT DOCUMENTS. This application plus one complete copy ‘Transcript of Studies 2 References in signed and sealed envelopes English language Qualification Certificate if educated outside English Speaking Countries) Application Fee Full proposal of research (for candidate of doctorate degree only) I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS CORRECT Signature: Date: ‘WHEN COMPLETED PLEASE RETURN TO. Graduate Program, Gadjah Mada University, Jin. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta 55281 INDONESIA Gadjah Mada University Graduate Program JI. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta 55281. Indonesia Telephone : +62-274-01210, 901211, 901215, 901216 Fax : +62-274-564239 id hup:// E-mail: ppsugm@idola, LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION 1] SAME OF APPLICANT? | CAPRCHTY IN WHICH T HAVE KNOWN THE APPLICANT? 3 | YOUR PERSONAL EVALUATION OF THE APPLICANT RELATIVE TO ALL STUDENTS AT HIS LEVEL WITTT WHOM I HAVE COME CONTACT IS AS FOLLO\ Excellent | Good | Average] Poor_| COMMENTS. Tateliectual Ability Motivation ‘Ability to Cooperate Responsibility ADDITIONAL STATEMENT CONCERNING THE APPLICANT. NAME INSTITUTION | POSITION ‘ADDRESS. ‘Signature Thank you for your supplying this reference. Please return this form (o the applicant ina closed envelop, signed a cross the seal ( ensure confidentiality Date: LIST OF COURSES OFFERED IN UPLB College of Agriculture Agronomy (MAgr/MS/PhD Agro) Animal Science (MS/PhD AnSc) Entomology (MAgr/MS/Regular PhD/PhD by Research) Food Science (MS/PhD FST) Horticulture (MAgr/MS/PhD Hort) Plant Pathology (MS/PhD PPath) Rural Sociology (MS RS) Soil Science (MAgr/MS/PhD Soil) College of Arts and Sciences Agricultural Chemistry (MS/PhD AgChem) Biochemistry (MS/PhD BioChem) Botany (MS/PhD Bot) Chemistry (MS Chem) Communication Arts (MA/MCA ComArts) Computer Science (MS/PhD CmSc) Genetics (MS/PhD Gen) Information Technology (MIT) Mathematics (MS Math) Microbiology (MS/PhD/PhD by Research MCB) Sociology (MA Soc) Statistics (MS/PhD Stat) Wildlife Studies (MS WLDL) Zoology (MS Zoo) College of Development Communication Development Communication (MS/PhD DevCom) College of Engineering & Agro-Industrial Technology Agricultural Engineering (MS/PhD AgEng) Agrometeorology (MS Agromet) Chemical Engineering (MS ChemEng) Land and Water Resources Engineering (MPS LAWREAT) College of Economies and Management Agribusiness Management (MM ABM) Agricultural Economics (MS/PhD/Straight PhD AgEcon) Business Management (MM BM) Economies (MS Econ) College of Forestry and Natural Resources Forestry: Forest Biological Sciences (MF/MS/PhD FOR:FBS) Forestry: Forest Resources Management (MF/MS/PhD FOR:FRM) Forestry: Silviculture and Forest Influences (MF/MS/PhD FOR:SFI) Forestry: Social Forestry (MF/MS FOR:SF) Forestry: Wood Science and Technology (MF/MS/Regular PhD FOR: WST) College of Human Ecology Applied Nutrition (MS ApNut) Family Resource Management (MS FaRM) Food and Nutrition Planning (MPS FNP) Human Nutrition (PhD HIN) College of Public Affairs Agricultural Education (MS/PhD AgEd) Agrarian and Rurban Development Studies (MPAf ARDS) ‘Community Development (MS/PhD ComDev) Cooperative Management (MPAf CoopMgt) Development Management (MM DevMgt) Education Management (MPAf EDM) Extension Education (MS/PhD ExtEd) Local Governance and Development (MPAf LGD) Public Affairs (MPAf) Strategic Planning and Public Policy (MPAf SPPP) College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine (MS VMed) School of Environmental Science and Management Environmental Science (MS/PhD EnSc) Interdisciplinary/Interdepartmental Programs Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MS/PhD MBB) Plant Breeding (MS/PhD PB) Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Management (MS PGRCM) GS Form No t Please Attach (One Recent Photo University of the Philippines Los Banos. Here GRADUATE SCHOOL x2) College, Laguna 4031 DO NOT staple your photo, Philippines Please use paste of glue APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION To the Applicant. This application shall not be acted upon unless the following documents and fees are received by the Graduate ‘School on or before May 30 for the first semester (August) admission or October 30 for the second semester (January) admission ‘A. One original arid one photocopy of official Transcript of Record (TOR) in English language and with explanation of the {grading system used, from all tertiary and graduate institutions attended. 8. Recommendations from former professors (Please use GS Form No. 2) ‘+ Two (2) recommendations if applying for Master's degree program + Three (3) recommendations if applying for PhD degree program ©. Application fee PhP500 for Filipino citizens (Payable to UPLB Graduate School through Postal Money Order, Direct Payment to UPLB Cash Division, or through LBC, JRS express or DHL), + USD40 for international applicants (Payable fo UPLB Graduate School through Philippine National Bank, Account number '399-692-7000-21, Swift Code: PNBMPHMM or Direct Payment to UPLB Cash Division). Additional Requirements for International Applicants D. TOEFL score of 500 or IELTS score of 5.5 or better taken within the last two years is required only of applicants from countries where English is not the medium of instruction andlor not the native language. A copy of the oficial score report should be issued by the Educational Testing Service to the University of the Philippines Los Bafios-Graduate School: or Certification of medium of instruction in previous degree signed by the University Registrar. E__One photocopy of each official certificate or diploma received; ‘Are you applying for scholarship? 1) Yes. C) No. Ifyes, pls. speci: ‘Are you going to study on [} fulltime or LJ parttime basis? ~ Hie you applying for Re-Admission? CI ves (1 No. 4. Your full legal name FistName——SS*~*~*~*~*«U Nae ~ 2. Place of Birth Date of Birth 3. Citizenship = os “4 Gonder Male i Femate 5. Civil Status Osingte Oimarriea Cwidowrer Obivorcea 6. Present occupation/position 7. Employer (Institution or Company) 7a. Employer's Malling ‘Aacress: ‘Seat CiviTown Proancersite Zip Code Coury 8. Applicant's Contact Information 8a. Permanent Mailing Address sie Caro ProwinceSate Tip Code Coury 8b. Email Address. 8c. Mobile No. .. Fax Number 84. Telephone No. ‘9, Academic background. List all schools previously attended (Please use additional sheet if necessary) Institution(s) Attended Major Field Degree & Date Recolved 10 Degree Sought Non Thesis Programs ‘ThesisDtssortation Programs mage om moms as ta Bae arate Heater oany Fae tone tars Ft an saps mane mca i mir Ch rar 1 Reguiar Po FeptroConmuncain ky ht noratonTessogy Hanes te Dea Py eg May Cl mes O nw 0 mve Pao by Rosearene TrofPrfesen Ses itt Nangement isernvenineyEpamoiy Dacor Psspy fea Hee) ‘stil oqaroments apes, 11, Major field of intorest (Solect one from below) ‘Agrbusness Monagoment and Envepreeuship | Agieutual Chamisty / Agua Econaics 1 Agicutual Edvcaton J Agrcutura Engngeeng ! Agronomy ‘grometeoley / Avimal Science / Apgies Rarion agrarian and Rurban Devdopment Stes / Bochemsty 1 Bunness Mnagement ter} | Coronky Development / Chena! Engineering! Chematy / Computer Seno | Gonuntaion ws / Cooperate Management: Deveopmntet Coowaionter Y Dee ‘Management Dovlpment Manager ant and Governance /EconomscsEduraon Management /Emarnmant ence Enology Extereon Education Fereeey Forest BiogialSciences/ Foresy Foret Resouces Management | Food and Nuon Planing army Rescuce Menogemens/ Fat Stance 1 Faveavy See Forest | Foes: Sveutre and Foret bfuences/ Fores. Wood Seance and Teawology! Gane Human Ntition/ Nori Momealen seetoctng Matnematcs / elec Bsopy and Bictchncogy / Marbolgy / Not Applzabe/ Natal Resoweas Consenaton/ Part Sreedng T Pant Genete Resaures Conseraton an Management Mant Patolony / Rul Sossagy | Sossogy/ Sl Slane! Statsje lang ane Public Phy /Satsies/ Veleiney Eerie \Veteinay Medicine Wet Stcies Zoology Tropa! Marne Eeseyioms Managorert 412, Specific area of specialization = 13. List any professors with whorn you would especially like to work if given the opportunity. 414, Semester for which you are appiying [First Semester (Aug, ) Cl Second Semester (Jan, ) 415. Have you previously applied for admission to graduate studies at UPLB? OYes CNo tyes, was it C) Approved —[ Denied Still pending Date Submitted 16. Your most recent and most pertinent occupational experience: Inclusive Date ‘Name and Location of Employing Agency Position tion of Employing Agency Fras a 17, Please list your membership in honor and professional organizations. (Please use additional shest if necessary) 18. Please list scholarships, honors, prizes and awards you have received. (Please use additional shoot if necessary) 150 use additional sheet if necessary) 19. Publications: Give the complete bibliographical Information. (Pl 3 20, Unpublished research papers or theses (Please use additional sheet if necessary) 21. Names, tiles and addresses of the professors whom you have requested to recommend you. Name Title Address 22. Future plans afier completion of graduate studies at the University of the Philippines Los Bafios (Please use additional sheet if necessary} ‘Signature of Applicant Date DEPARTMENTAL EVALUATION (To be filled by evaluator) [1 Approval Recommended i 1 Denial Recommended [J Regular Admission [1 Provisional Admission Conditions of Provisional Adinission Chainnan, Graduate Admission Commitee = ‘Chairman, Dapt of Date Date DEAN'S ACTION 1.1 Approval Recommended [1 Denial Recommended [1 Regular Admission [1 Provisional Admission DEAN Date: GS Form No 2 UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES LOS BANOS GRADUATE SCHOOL College, Laguna 4031 Philippines. STANDARD RECOMMENDATION FORM. TO THE APPLICANT. This form should be given to professors who are able to evaluate you for graduate study. 4.Name of Applicant, Family Name First Name Middle Name 2.Degree Sought’ Non-Thesis Programs Thesis Programs Cmag QMF = Opar Oma Os Omca Out Owes CG Regular PhD moms Omm Ove CIPhD by Research 3.Proposed Major Field and/or Area of Specialization: To the Evaluator. Your recommendation will be considered confidential, Please return directly to the above address. RECOMMENDATION 1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity? CO As his professor years As his research adviser years OAs his employer/superisor years 1 Others (please specify) years 2. Was the applicant enrolled in any of your classes and if so, in what subjects? 3. Please describe the applicant's potential for teaching and research, 3a, Piease describe the applicant's professional experience in relation with the degree sought. 4 Please rate the applicant on each characteristic in comparison with your other students with approximately the same amount of experience and training Upper | Upper | Upper | Upper | Upper | Lower | No Basis For eee 2% | 5% | 10% | 25% | 50% | 50% Judgment Intellectual capacity Ht oo oI O Desire to achieve/ambition O ) 0 Potential for success in major field == [C) 4 Emotional maturity 4 0 Enthusiasm oo fate oe H Resourcefulness, oO oC 4B ‘Ability to adjust in new situations Leadership qualities Whiten expression skis coco oo 5. Please indicate additional information concerning the applicant's potential as @ graduate student that may not be reflected in his transcript of records, (Please use additional sheet if necessary.) 0c) PEE (O05) HEH ico} 7 2 3 4 5. 6 ol. 7. C 8. Respor o 9. Carefulness in work 10. Originality/ingenuity 41. Abily to work with others 12 o 13 oo 14 o 16 o Oral expression skills 6. Please indicate the strength of your overall endorsement and your expectations of the performance of the applicant in graduate study. PROGRAM Master's Doctoral Outstanding Upper 5% QO Above Average Upper 15% a Oo Satisfactory Upper 25% QO Q Some reservations QO Q Marginal Qo Q Unsatisfactory a o Your Name, Position and Address: Signature Date Thank you for completing this recommendation. 50 Phahonyothin Road, Lat Yao Subdistrict, Jatujak District, Bangkok 10900 near Phahonyothin Road Kilometer 14 at the intersection of Phahonyothin and Ngamwongwan Roads. [KU Map] Vision Kasetsart University is a university known internationally for academic excellence and work of world standard. It is a prime mover in mustering intellectual resources to help the nation achieve sustainable development and negotiating power in the world community. Task Kasetsart University gathers wisdom and knowledge, creates and develops varied bodies of knowledge, and forms people who are intelligent, who think rationally, who behave morally, who are conscious of the common good, and who produce high standard work capable of competing in the worid market. The university manages its resources efficiently, joins in the development of the community, and is responsible to society so as to serve as an important instrument in ensuring the well being and security of the country. Philosophy Kasetsart University devote itself to the task of accumulating and developing intellectual knowledge. It thrives for the growth in academic wisdom including ethical and moral excellence. In addition, it has a responsibility to play a leading role in keeping our Thai heritage alive and to ensure that it continues to grow to enrich the civilization of the notion. Core Value “Efficiency, Synergy and Integrity" Uniqueness of Kasetsart University Kasetsart University aims to create knowledges of the land for the well-being of nation IDKU : Identity of Kasetsart University Integrity Determination Knowledge Creation Unity Master’s Degree Curricula (International Program) Faculty/Program Details Faculty of Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Development Communication Tropical Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Kamphaeng Saen campus Agricultural Research and Development Faculty of Forestry Tropical Forestry Faculty of Engineering Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Industrial Engineering Environmental Engineering Engineering Management Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems Faculty of Economics Agricultural and Resource Economics (English Program) Faculty of Agro-Industry Biotechnology Food Science Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bio-Veterinary Science Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nopparat Vajira Family and Community Health Nursing Faculty of Business Administration Business Administration (English Program) Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science English as an International Language Doctoral Degree Program (International Program) Faculty/Program Details Faculty of Agriculture Tropical Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Kamphaeng Saen campus Agricultural Research and Development Faculty of Agro-Industry Biotechnology Food Science Faculty of Economics Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty of Engineering Chemical Engineering Industrial Engineering CONTACT DETAILS: International Affairs Division email : International Studies Center email : www. Address ‘50 Ngam Wong Wan Rd, Ladyaow Chatuchak Bangkok 10900 Tel. +66 0-2579-0113 Fax. +66 0-2942-8998 KASETSART UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION International Studies Center (ISC). Office ofthe Registrar. Kasetsat University 50 Ngam Wong Wan Road, Chatuehsk, Bangkok, 10900 THAILAND P.O. Box 1097 Bangkok 10903 THAILAND Tel: 166.0 2118-0137 ext. 61 8301-6 Fax: +66 0 2562-0085 E-mail; kuoip@ku.acth Website: hip:/vww.jmterprogram PLEASE TYPE OR CLEARLY PRINT AND TICK APPROPRIATE BOX Photo Passport Size Not older than 6 months PART 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION a : : _ NAME Mr/ Ms / Mrs. ses Last First Middle Date of Birth: (dd/mmvyyyy) false rae ee Passport No: Nationality Expire Date (ddimm/yyyy) Blood Group Marital Status Q1Single CQ Married Other APPLYING FOR C1 Bachelor Degree Oi Master Degree PhD ruttDegree — | Academic Year oe... (complete #1) 11 semester (starting in August) 2 2*semester (starting in January) Code......-Study Plan, Program Name.. (Program Code and Study Plan ONLY applied for graduate programs) #2 | Q Bachelor Exchange Master Exchange Qi PhD Exchange G Kasetsart University Student Exchange Program (KUSEP) O Kasetsart University Summer School (KUSS) One Semester Package Program (please specify). Exchange! Summer Course! ‘One Semester Package Program (complete #2) From ! until Gamiyyyy) Program Durat Home University Information: Home University Department .. Faculty. Address Country Coordinator Study Program Host University Information: KASETSART UNIVERSITY Department . eee Faculty 7 AName of Program Coordinator . O Training program O Internship O Training pe Program Duration: From fmt Internship (éimmniyyyy) (complete #3) Host Department Faculty Training /inernship Topic Name of Program Coordinator —--__ (mmiyyyy) PAL 2 CONTACT. CONTACT DETAIL Postal Address, ADDRESS, City. Postcode. Country Tel: Fax’ E-mail CONTACT Mr / Mrs / Ms. PERSON Last First Middle (For emergency) | Address City. Postcode Country Tel: Fax: E-mail Relationship with applicant advanced PART 3: ACADEMIC RECORD Please indicate your record of achievement in High School Certificate / Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree and / or any other sity program, Degree Level Graduate Date Grade Institution & Country (dd/mm/yyyy) | Point Average Major/Subject PART 4: PLAN FOR STUDY Indicate division or field of study you are applying for Define your purpose in studying at Kasetsart University PART. a Qwill be sent by(mmiyyyy) [_]_ [7 : RELEVANT INFORMATION LANGUAGE: Is English your mother tongue? (Applicant whose mother tongue is not English are required to submit reference of English language) ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: — Written excellent’ O.good fair Q poor O Yes QNo Spoken excellent good O fair poor CERTIFICATE OF ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: Q IELTS Centficate of English test or reference of English language attached QTOEFL = Qother... INSURANCE This is to confirm that Gi Ihave a health insurance covering the period of my study program. (Evidence required) (OI will apply for a group insurance via ISC on my arrival Other, (please specify)... PINANCHAL STATEMENT ‘This is to certify that C1 1 will be fully responsible for tuition, fees, living expenses and others. Il Wd Kasetsart University Lam applying for the program under MOU between my university Lam applying for a scholarship named. Offered by .. © Tama scholarship holder. My scholarship grantor is. Contact person of my scholarship Address, City. poses Postcode. Country. Tel: oo E-mal. other, (please specify)... ve . | REQUIRED DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST Al Applicants MUST provide following documents: 1. Complete Applicaton Form 2. A scan of passport 3. Curriculum Vitae (CV/Resume 4 Proof of English prot 5. A scan of Health & Travel Insurance card/document (if applicable) 6. A photo (passport size) not older than 6 months. Additional Documents for Full-Degree Program Applicant QA conceptual proposal for graduate applicant (3-4 pages) C1 3 Recommendation Letters from 3 reference persons QIELTS overall score 5.0 or equivalents TOEFL. GA scan of certified scholarship award letter (if applicable) | O Scan of original degree certificate and complete transcript of Bachelor's and Master's with authorized English translation (for graduate applicant) 2 Scan of original high school transcript record or equivalent with authorized English translation (for undergraduate applicant) Additional Documents for Exchange Program/Summer Course/Package Program/Training program/Internship/ Applica CLA Recommendation Letter from home institution DA scan of official transcript of your current degree in English language | GA scan of an official consent letter from home institution verifying you as an exchange student QA scan of certified scholarship award letter with your name mentioned as a grant holder (if applicable) ~NOTE- * Recommendation Letter can be genuinely issued from, for example, academic’s advisor, lecturer, Head of Department, ete. with official emblem and original autograph + Native English speaker does not need to provide any proof of English proficiency. + Applicant applying for a Regular Program that conducted in Thai language does not need to provide any proof of English proficiency, however, need to provide an evidence of sufficient Thai language skill. ‘+ An official transcript issued by the institution you graduated from must be a complete version clarifying a record ofall courses you have taken in each academic semester along with date of graduation, credits and grades. | ‘+ Ifyour degree certificate does not clearly state which degree level you graduated with please consult with your university to issue ‘certified letter confirming that your certificate is equivalent to bachelor's degree or master's degree. ion with all required documents to at least 3 months before the + Applicant must submit a complete appli semester starts ¢ *** Incomplete application or missing of required documents will not be considered. *** 1 [have read and accepted the above acknowledgement. Applicant's signature .. Date (dd/mm/yyyy) .. For any further information, please contact: Intemational Studies Center (ISC), Office of the Registrar, Kasetsart University ‘50 Ngam Wong Wan Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok, 10900 Thailand Tel: +66 02118-0137 Fax: +66 0 2562-0985 E-mail: Website: http://www ‘There are 3 types of programmes offered by the University, The programmes are: 1. Programme without Thesis - Masters ‘by Coursework) 2, Programmes with Thesis - PhD and Masters (by Research) 3. International Collaborative Programme ‘4. MASTERS DEGREE WITHOUT THESIS. Oecieicon Duration of study: 1-3 years No thesis requirement Coursework requireme! 40 credits of coursework + a project report or case study equivalent to 4-6 credits; or 40 credits of coursework + Comprehensive Examination List of Masters without Thesis programmes Faculty of Agriculture ‘Master of Plantation Managemen¢ Master of Land Resource Management Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology “Master of Computer Sclence Faculty of Economics & Management = Master of Economics Faculty of Educational studies + Master of Education (Curriculum & instruction) = Master of Education (Educational Administration) Master of Education (Educational Peychology) Master of Education (Educational Technology) ‘Master of Education (Guidance & Counselling) ‘Master of Education (Physical Education) Master of Education (Sport Science) = Master of Education (TESL) Master of Education (Teaching of Malay as a First Language) = Master of Education (Technical & Vocational Education) + Master of Engineering Management + Masterof Environmental Engineering ‘Master of Environmental Technotugy Management + Master of Highway & Transportation Engineering ‘Master of Innovation & Engineering Design ‘Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering Master of Process Safety & Loss Prevention Master of Remote Sensing & GIS ‘Master of Structural Engineering and Constructions ‘Master of Water Management [Master of Emergency Response & Planning, Faculty of Environmental Studies Master of Enviconment Faculty of Food Science & Technology ‘Master of Food Technology Master of Faod Safety & Quality Assurance Faculty of Medicine & Health Sci ‘Master of Pathology Master of Medicine (Family Medicine) Master of Medicine (Pediatrics) ‘Master of Medicine (Psychiatry) Master of Public Health Faculty of Science Faculty of Applied Statistics Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2, MASTERS OR PHD WITH THESIS. cree Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSc), Master of Veterinary Science (MVSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (ho). Duration of study: 1-3 years for Masters, 3-5 years for PhD. Submission of thesis is2 requirement + Ust of fields of study/research field: hy Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Community Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Forensle Science Occupational Safety and Health Nutritional Sciences, Human Anatomy ‘Chemical Pathology Human Genetics Haematology Immunobiology Immunopharmacology Medical Microbiviogy Medical Parasitology «Molecular Medicine Stem Cell Neuroscience Pharmacology and Toxicology Human Physiology Psychological Medicine Public Health Health Promotion Health Service Management Epidemiology and Biostatistics Environmental Health Molecular Imaging ———— = Faculty of Agriculture Agribusiness Agricultural Economics ‘Agronomy Agricultural Technology ‘Animal Behavior and Welfare ‘Animal Production Aquaculture Entomology Genetics and Breeding Animal Selence Horticulture Land Resource Management Pest Management Plant Pathology Soil Science ‘Agricultural Extension Fisheries Science Plant Science Faculty of Forestry Forest Management and Ecosystem Sciences Wildlife Ecology and Management Bioresource and Technology Sustainable Recreation and Ecotourism Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ‘Anaesthe:iology and Analgesic ‘Anatomy and Histology ‘Aquatic Animat Health ‘Avian Medicine Bacteriology Epidemiology and Public Health Equine Medicine Clinical Pathology Laboratory Animal Medicine Parasitology Pathology Animal Physiology Radiology and imaging Ruminant Medicine ‘Small Animal Medicine _ Surgery ‘Theriogenology and Cytogenetics Vitology Wildlife and Exotic Animal Health ‘Animal Welfare ‘Swine Medicine Nutrition Faculty of Engineering ‘Aerospace Engineering Computational Methods in Engineering ‘Agricultural Mechanisation and Automation Agricultural Waste Engineering Farm Structures Agricultural Process Engineering ‘Sate, Healt adéme Soil and Water Enginicering Biochemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering ‘Materials Engineering Geotechnical and Geological Engineering ‘Geographic Information System Highway and Transportation Engineering Project Management Remote Sensing Geospatial Engineering Structural Engineering Water Resources Engineering Wireless Communications and Networks Engineering Computer and embedded ystems Engineering Signal Processing“ Photonics Engineering Siomedical Engineering Control System Engineering Electrical Power Engineering #ectronic Engineering Industral Engineering Manufacturing Systems Engineering ‘Mechanical Engineering ‘Automotive Engineering Food Engineering Packaging Engineering Faculty of Science Physics Materials Science Applied Physics Theoretical and Computational Physics Statistics ‘Applied Mathematics ‘Numerical Analysis Pure Mathematics Analytical Chemistry Catalysis Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Physical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Plant Physiology Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Resources, Ecology Faculty of Food Science and Technology Food Science Food Technology Food Biotechnology Food Safety Food Service Management Food Management Faculty of Design and Architecture Landscape Studies ‘Architectural Studies ‘Urban Planning and Design’ > Integrated Design Studies Industrial Design Studies :nd Information Technology Security in Computing Software Engineering Information ystems Computer Networks Parallel and Distributed Computing Intetigent Systems Multimedia Computing Human Computer Interaction ‘Cell Biotechnology» Biochemistiy Bioinformatics and System Biology Environmental Biotechnology Enzyme Biotechnology ‘Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Industria Biotechnology ‘Microbial Biotechnology Microbiology Nanobiotechnology Plant Biotechnology Structural Biology Faculty of Environmental Studies Environmental Quality and Conservation Environmental Pollution Control Technology Environmental System and Modeling Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology Environmental Economics, Planning and Management Environmental Policy and Governance Environmental Education and Ethics Institute of Bioscience Aquatic Biotechnology Biotherapeuties Biodiversity Marine and Ecology Medical Biotechnology ‘Medicinal Chemistry Molecular Biotechnology Phytochemistry Cancer Biology and Oncology Vaccine and Therapeutics Metabolomics Nanomedicine Institute for Mathematical Research ‘Mathematical Cryptography Computational Operations Research Fluid Dynamics Computational Mathematics ‘Mathematical and Computational Biology Computable Structures and Scientific Comput ‘Mathematical Finance Analytical and Structural Mathematics Applied and Computational Statistics Mathematics Education History and Philosophy of Mathematics Ethnomathematics Computational Electromagnetics Mathematical Physics and Engineering Institute of Tropical Forestry & Forest Product Biocomposite Technology and Design Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem Services Bioresource Management Biopolymer, Pulp and Paper Technology Institute of Advanced Technology Nanoscience Green Engineering Sensor Technology Eneray Advanced Materials Nanotechnology Institute of Gerontology Social Gerontology ‘Medical Gerontology Gerontechnology Halal Products Development Halal Products Management Shariah and Halal Laws Institute of Tropical Agriculture ‘Animal Biotechnology ‘Animal Nutrition ‘Animal Waste Management Post-Harvest Technology Weed Science ——

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