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Identify which part of Excel is being asked

______________1. This is where you can zoom in or out
______________2. Closes the window completely
______________3. The title can be seen here
______________4. Where most functions are found
______________5. Name of selected cell is seen here
______________6. Where you can open a new spreadsheet
______________7. Collapses ribbon
______________8. Green border around a cell
______________9. Where you can see the status of the spreadsheet
______________10. You can scroll up or down with this

B. Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. What is the shortcut key if you want to save something in Powerpoint?
a. CTRL + J
b. CTRL + P
c. CTRL + V
d. CTRL + S
2. What is the shortcut key if you want to make the font size bigger?
a. CTRL + SHIFT + <
b. CTRL + <
c. CTRL + SHIFT + >
d. CTRL + >
3. How can you make an effective powerpoint presentation?
a. Use contrasting colors
b. Make your font size small
c. Always use light colors
d. Use a lot of transitions and animations
4. What is the Scratch motto?
a. Program, Project, Present
b. Imagine, Daydream, Dream
c. Imagine, Program, Share
d. Imagine, Program, Create
5. Which of the following statements are NOT tue?
a. Scratch can be used offline
b. Scratch can only be used online
c. Scratch has users of all ages
d. Scratch can be used to share your work

I don’t own this a friend made it.

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