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NIM : 0401173082





SCHOOL YEAR : 2019/2020



A. Socrates
Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher who was born in Athens in
470 BC who was the most important figure in Western philosophical
countries. He is a simple person, who always wears old and worn and never
wears footwear. He is a good person, honest and fair. Socrates 'father was a
sculpture carver and Socrates' mother was a midwife, and then with her
mother's work she was inspired by the thoughts carried out by a midwife. Pre-
Socratic philosophy only discusses the object of nature, while Socrates
besides discussing nature also discusses humans, souls, and others.
From that, arises very useful thoughts until now. The thoughts are as
1. Thinking about the existence of general truths, because Socrates thinks that
not all truths are relative or are also called ways of thinking induction, which
is inferring general knowledge by stemming from a lot of knowledge about
things that are specific.
2. The dialectical method, which was actually applied by a philosopher named
Zeno who was a student of Parmenindes.Nevertheless, it was Socrates who
developed this method. The way it works is like the name of the method,
namely by asking questions or dialogue. This method is also called maieutika
or midwifery art.
3. The thought of "virtue is knowledge" so all things are related to existing
knowledge. Even Socrates has explained that good and evil in human life are
associated with knowledge, not with human will.
4. Thoughts about the existence of an eternal human or immortality. Socrates
argues that the dead only leave the body, and the spirit will go to the next
B. Plato
Plato (427-347 BC) was born in the aristocratic family environment of
the city of Athens. Since he was young he greatly admired Socrates (470-
399), a philosopher who opposed the teachings of the sophists, so that Plato's
thought was greatly influenced by the figure who later became his teacher.
Plato has an enormous talent to be a writer, as evidenced to date at least 24 of
Plato's dialogues are regarded as world literature. Like Socrates, Plato always
held conversations with the Athenians to write down his thoughts. In 387 BC,
Plato established a school of philosophy which he called the Akademia.
1. Definition of Justice
The definition of justice can be found in Plato's portrayal of
dialogue between Socrates and his friends at a banquet
at Cephalus's house. Cephalus and his son Polemarchus' definition of
justice tended to be traditionalistic while Thrasymachus was more
2. The Thoughts Triggered By Plato about Idea
Plato's most important contribution is his knowledge of ideas.
According to him, this world is nothing but a reflection or reflection of
the ideal world. In an ideal world everything is very perfect. This not
only refers to rough goods that can be held alone, but also about the
concepts of the mind, theresults of intellectual fruit. The validity of the
idea does not depend on the views and opinions of many people. It
arises solely due to intelligence thinking. Understanding that sought
with the mind is an idea. Ideas are basically there, just look for it. The
subject of Plato's philosophy review is seeking knowledge about
According to Plato ideas are not created by human thought.
Ideas do not depend on human thought, but human thought depends on
ideas. Ideas are the principal and prime images of reality, nonmaterial,
eternal, and unchanging. Ideas already exist and stand alone outside
our thinking. These ideas are related to one another. For example, the
idea of two paintings cannot be separated from idea two, the idea of
two itself cannot be separated from even ideas. However, in the end
there is the highest peak of the relationship between these ideas. This
peak is called the "beautiful" idea. This idea is beyond all ideas.
Idea is not a thought, but a reality. Parmenides' opinion about
the existence of an eternal one, and does not change. But what is new
in Plato's teachings is his opinion of a world without a body. The
philosophy of grik before him did not recognize the world picture of
such a world. also in Parmenides' mind, which fills to the fullest, so
that next to that there is no more empty space, it is still bodied.

C. Aristotle
Aristotle was born in 384 BC in Macedonia, a city in Thrace. He was
raised by Proxenusbecause his father died when he was a child. After he was
18 years old he was sent to Plato academia, he studied for nearly 20 years. He
was more interested in natural studies which made him the first major
biologist in Europe.
What distinguishes him from his teacher, Plato, is that he pays more
attention to the changes of nature, while his teacher pays more attention to
eternal forms and leaves the world of senses and closes his eyes to something
around us.
Aristotle plunged deeply into nature and studied a frog and a fish,
various flowers and trees. His writings are very dry and rigid like an
encyclopedia based on careful fieldwork. He is also an accomplished
organizer who establishes and classifies various sciences. In 334 BC, he
founded a school called the Lyceum. Then there was competition between
Aristotle's lyceum and Plato's academia, which encouraged Aristotle to
increase his research, the result of which was not only being able to explain
the principles of science but also teaching pilitics, rhetoric, dialectics.
He is also interested in specific and general or universal facts, he
usually starts from the symptoms of particulates to universal conclusions. So
the induction is towards generalization. He is known as the father of logic
because his logic is traditional, which later will develop into modern logic.
1. There are no innate ideas
The highest level of reality in Aristotle's theory is something
we see with our senses. His opinion says that the objects that exist in
the human soul are merely a reflection of natural objects, then nature is
the real world. Aristotle argues that there is nothing in consciousness
that has never been experienced by the senses. All our thoughts and
ideas enter our consciousness through what we have seen and heard.
We have the innate ability to organize all sensory impressions into
categories and groups. Aristotle denies that humans have innate reason
as said plato.According to reason is a characteristic that distinguishes
humans from other creatures, but our minds are completely empty
until we experience something. So humans do not have innate ideas.
2. The shape of an object is its trademark
Aristotle decides that reality consists of various separate
objects that create a form and substance. Substance is the material for
making objects while form is a cash trait of each object. When
Aristotle discusses the substance and forms of objects, it does not only
refer to forms shape only. As it has become a form of chicken for
squawking, flapping its wings to lay eggs, the stone form is falling to
the ground.
3. Cause and effect
If we discuss the "cause" of a thing we will look for how that
can happen. Aristotle believed that there were different causes in
nature. Namely if you see rain and we are asked why a rain can occur
then we will answer as described in biology. But Aristotle did not, he
would add, why it rains because animals and plants need it.
4. Logic
Aristotle was a careful organizer who wanted to clear our
concepts. In fact it was he who founded logic. He points out a law that
governs conclusions or valid evidence. An example if all living things
will die (second premise), and Toni is a living thing (second premise)
then it can be concluded that Toni will die.
they need to satisfy their needs for food, warmth, marriage, and
children's education. But the highest form of human friendship only
exists in the State. And this raises the question of how the country
must be regulated. Then came the government systems such as
monarchy, aristocracy, oligari, etc.
5. Views on Women
Aristotle in understanding women is very different from Plato.
According to Aristotle, women are imperfect men. Because most men
are more active and women are passive. And so is Aristotle's view of

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