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Proposal for Online CV verification

State of Problem

In our country there’s a lot of fraud going on, in which one of them is Fake CV Documentation,
the reason why Fake CV documentation needed is to get a position which don’t belong For the job seekers
by not providing the Genuine result that is given by the Ministry Education of Ethiopia and Higher
educational institution, So in this case job seekers with real Cv documents Would not be able to get a Job
because the job is taken by fraudster, this causes Economic, Moral and other problems for the country.

Such kind of Fraud takes place by those who have never been In universities, College or Institutes
and by those who’ve been in education but either have low CGPA or Low education level. For example,
let’s say someone who is working in a government office wanted to higher his/her Wage or position so he
would resemble a Fake CV with all the Qualification that could help him to either Higher his wage or His
position. The government Has no way to verify the CV whether it is genuine or fake.

Proposed System

To overcome this Problem, we came up with an idea for the company’s and office’s a way to verify
the authenticity of the Curriculum Vitae (CV), this could solve

 Getting a job with Fake CV will Stop.

 The job would not be taken by fraudster over the one with Genuine CV.
 It will verify the cv of employs who is already working in government office and
private companies

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