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ECG – Dr. T.


- Contract rhythmically
- Tries to compensate in rhythmic changes
- SA node: main pacemaker
o Followed by the AV node
- Flow of electricity: From right atrium → left atrium → septum → R and L ventricles
- Electrically timed: Time is very important

Conduction of the heart

- Electrodes are placed on the surface of the body
o You just need a gel to increase the conductance
- Summation of the all the electrical activity
- What will be generated in the ECG will the fast response action potential
o Why? Because fast response action potential happens in the skeletal muscles

Surface ECG Waveform

- When the muscle produces an action potential, the atria and the ventricular muscle also
produces an action potential
o Millisecond later comes the electrical activity
o We have a depolarization followed shortly by the contraction of the muscle

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