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b boy, p spot, ph pot, m man

t stop, th top, n no, l lot

g good, k skip, kh keep, h hat, ng sing a

j zoo (usually g or l sound), ts beds, tsh fits, s see

ji pleasure (usually g or l sound), tsi juice, tshi cheese, si sheep


h: glottal stop, nn: nasal

-a “ah” ; -ah “ah” with light glottal

-ak “ah” with sharp throat glottal; -ap “ah” with glottal + close mouth

-at “ah” with glottal, tongue touches teeth

-ai nasal “I” ; -ainn even more nasal “I”

-am “ahm” ; -an “ahn”

-ang “ang”; -ann nasal “ah”

-au “ao”

-e “eh” ; -eh “eh” with glottal; -eh nasal “eh”, ae sound

-i pure “ee”; -iah “yah” with throat glottal; -iam “yahm”; -ian like saying the letter “n”

-iang “yang”; -iann nasal “yah” like mandarin for duck

-iap “yap” with glottal, p is barely there; -iat “yat” with glottal, t is barely there

-iat “eht” glottal and quick, light t; -iau “yao” like mandarin for waist;

-ih between “ee” and “eh”, leaning closer to “ee”;

emphasize diphthong: -ik “yih” ending in a throat glottal, -ing “ying” ending in throat

-im short I “ihm”; -in long I “yin”

-inn tight and nasal “ae” dipthong

-io “yuh”; -ioh quick and glottal “yuh”; -iong “yong” like xiong

short i, glottal: -ip ends with lips closed; -it ends with tongue to teeth
-iu American “you”, -iunn very nasal American “you”

m just a non-aspirated “hm”; ng “ng” by itself

-o “oeh” or “uh”,

short and glottal: -oh “oeh” or “uh”; -ok ends in hard glottal

-om between “um” and “ohm”; -ong between “ong” and “ung”

-oo hollow “oh”

-u “oo”; -ua “wah”; -uah glottal “wah”

-uai “wai”; -uainn nasal “wai”

-uan “wan” like in mandarin; -uann nasal “wah”; -uat short and glottal “wah” ends with tongue on teeth

-ue “wei” into ae diphthong; -ueh short and glottal “wei”

-uh short and glottal “oo”

-ui tighter “wei”, like “oo eae”, like “wee” with a little bit of “ae” happening

-un “wun”; -ut short and glottal “wut”

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