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University of okara

Name: Noor Samand

Roll #: F19-MSCS-1029

Program: MSCS

Subject: Advance Operating System

Submitted to: Prof Dr.Mubashir

Date: 22s.12.2019

A Fast File System for UNIX


In this study there is a new implementation of the UNIX file system that describe the
high throughput rate and more flexible as compared to previous one which allows the better
locality and carried a variety of range of peripherals and different characteristics of processor.
UNIX new file system provides clustered data can be accessed in linearly. Due to the two block
size there must be fast and efficient access of the large complex data files and improve
performance. There is ten times faster than others. Also include the new strategy of the place
advisory lock on the program files, namespace extension, and long file names and also include
provision for admin control for different usage of resources. The performance improvement is
identify by the algorithms of new and old types of files comparisons of the reading and the
writing rate of UNIX file system. Both operations of files reading and writing are faster in the
new file system rather than old system. In simple words the old file system is about 50 % faster
at writing operation than reading due to asynchronous but in the new system blocks are
generated sequentially on the disk and reading is synchronous. At a time just one block is
organized to a file. Based on the extent of enforcement there are two types of locking, there is
hard lock and advisory lock. When the program request then advisory lock used and when the
program try to access file then used hard lock will use.

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