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Muhammad Haris - 21981

She is a widow and works as maid at my house.
She has 3 sons and 2 daughters.
She lives in a poor house on a rent of around 9000.
She used to live in a hut (Jhopri) but now she’s living in Dalmia in a
small house of one room.

Her husband died in 2002 and since she’s working a maid to provide
enough food and shelter to their children.
But as her children grew up, the expenses grew as well and she’s unable
to cover for all the expenses for herself and her children’s education.
Her sons are not earning enough.

Sumaira’s Son:
The elder son is a driver and is currently unemployed.
The other son works at a mechanic shop.
The last son is also unemployed and all of them are uneducated.
She is currently working as a maid at my house and we are trying to get
her more and more jobs so that she can sustain her living and also can
have a better future for her children

Elder Son:
The elder son is a driver and is currently unemployed so we got him a
job as driver in my friend’s house at a salary of 20000. He is doing well
there and this will help their family a lot.

Younger Son:
The younger son is around 25 years old and he is also unemployed and
has not set of skills as the elder brother so we6t got him a job as waiter
in a restaurant named Shaheen Shinwari which is owned by my Father’s


In a society we identified a basic problem of education that in our

society, almost around 80% of the population is uneducated and that is
why they don’t develop any sort of skills that may help them in the
future to help them make their lives better. So me and couple of my
friends in collaboration with different NGOS are trying to develop
different school that will not only teach them basic education but will
also help them develop different skills which will help them in the

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