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➔ 20s/f
➔ Raised in the church’s orphanage
◆ Like everyone raised by Divinity, her last name is technically Sampher, but as of
the end of the animatic, she’ll have abandoned it. I doubt she liked it very much
➔ Has ADHD
➔ Adept at healing and combat magic, but chose to officially become a healer nun
➔ Her kata movements are based on karate and various staff-twirling videos on YouTube
because I’m...LAZY //does a pose
➔ Her magic was disabled by her Divinity tattoo being cut, and even if it heals, she likely
won’t be able to use it as well. Maybe she can get it re-done somewhere? We’ll just
➔ Powerfully dedicated to doing The Right Thing but doesn’t trust authority figures not to
hurt her; went through plenty of physical abuse before finding something she was good
at and being accepted by the church
➔ Would have been excised for coming into such close, familiar contact with Ash--I dunno
if people thought they were in a relationship but it was close enough that the response
was a resounding GTFO
➔ Jock

➔ 20s/m
➔ Bi bi bi
➔ Trauma trauma trauma
➔ Named by his parents!
➔ Hoarse, husky voice, hardly used
➔ Sort of velvety all over (like a horse’s nose), shading to mildly fluffy on his
neck/shoulders/tail and a coarse layer on his head and tail tuft
➔ Might have parents back home
◆ Names unknown
➔ Extremely smart; Sanga taught him to read and speak her language early in his captivity,
before she was sent away to a school to “learn discipline”
◆ Has attempted to speak to his captors before, but was punished for “trying to trick
◆ Knows very little of the outside world
◆ Has a relatively small vocabulary and will be constantly asking what things are
called now that he’s free
➔ Summoned a few years before the old Executioner died to give them a little buffer.
◆ Was made to fight when very young; likely forced to using control magic at first.
➔ Was well-fed as a child to help him grow up big and strong, and not badly mistreated
until being forced into the role of executioner. Felt very betrayed and confused when it
➔ First entered the arena as an executioner in his early teens
➔ Did not enjoy killing, nor was he constantly forced to via his brand (although I expect
they had to use it a lot when he was younger)--but he was fighting to stay alive, so the
martial arts skills were a welcome bonus
➔ Nerd

➔ Like 9, I guess/x
➔ Named by their parents, of course
➔ Rescued before they could undergo the same compounded traumas as Ash, so that’s

The Old Executioner

➔ 60s/m
➔ Died in the line of duty, killed by someone he was fighting
➔ Had totally given up by the end

➔ 40s/m
➔ It’s that unpleasant guy who beat up Ash and just generally looked mad the whole time
➔ Has a tattoo that corresponds with Ash’s Executioner brand, allowing him to turn Ash
into a suggestible berserker--handy when the executioner is tired or reluctant to kill
➔ This is, incidentally how the kid with the broken bottle ended up dying.
➔ Probably has a grudge on Ash still and may be hunting him down

Sister of Death
➔ ??/f
➔ She kills demons! It JUST BARELY doesn’t count as murder in the eyes of the church.
➔ Also, fun fact: dressed specifically to resemble Intseh coloration
➔ The job is definitely not randomly assigned--they probably train one person per
generation and take it very seriously.
◆ In the meantime, they might be Divinity's inquisitor? In charge of

➔ 50s/f
➔ Loves Davi
➔ More emotionally expressive than Davi, less likely to freeze up in a pinch
➔ Tracker, hunter, horseback rider
➔ Wears a niqab

➔ 50s/f
➔ Loves Ameqa
➔ Generally has a laid-back-but-tough vibe, but is actually the more anxious of the two
➔ Sets up camp, cooks, handles business + haggling

General Fun Facts

➔ Probably has just one sun, because I do not want to deal with alternatives. Two moons
would be fun, though.
➔ I think this particular story happens on a pretty small continent, relatively-speaking.

➔ No entries currently :U Still trying to figure out exactly how fantastical this world is. On
the one hand: fantasy critters are fun to think of. On the other: it’s stressful to populate
an entire world’s worth of animals. On the third: mix of our-world animals and fantastical
➔ Davi and Ameqa have a shaggy donkey thing
➔ DRAGONS. How big are they? Can they actually talk?! More on this later.
➔ An atmospheric presence that can be channeled through humans or objects by means
of specific markings placed on them
◆ A specific kind of ink is required for magical tattoos
◆ The markings “filter” the generic, ubiquitous magic into one particular “color” on
its spectrum, kind of like white light separating into a rainbow. “Divine” magic
comes in a range from red (harm) to yellow (healing).
● These are just the details on ​physical magic​--the other subsets require
different markings and inks, although I haven’t figured them out yet.
◆ First come the bracelet tattoos, which allow you to do healing and other basic
stuff, and then some people also get the stick through them, which lets them
“forge” magic weapons.
◆ If the tattoos are cut/the symbol is otherwise disrupted, the user will not be able
to channel magic anymore. If the cut is healed with extreme care, they might be
able to do a little magic, but more often than not the tattoo must be re-done.
➔ Where do the markings come from?
◆ Magic signs appear in nature, in places where particular hues of magic are strong
◆ Idk if that means leylines or a special grove of trees, or what, but I think for
whatever reason, those patterns will imprint themselves on nature at the focus
point of that magical hue
● I don't think you'd see natural marks on crafted stone; it's more of a
situation where things grow into that shape one way or another. Like
cutting open a tomato and seeing Jesus' face. :U
◆ So you could see it in...fairy circles, crop circles, you could find the sign for
physical magic in the rings of a tree, stuff like that
◆ I’m picturing it as a nature thing, like, there are just certain places in the world
that are powerfully attuned to a specific hue
◆ If someone with a child in utero spent enough time at a focus point of a magical
hue they're attuned to--absolutely. Kid could come out with a natural Magical
➔ Magic potions are a thing, and have a variety of uses I just haven’t figured out yet. But
can definitely be used as a magical form of HRT, for all your trans character needs.
◆ Intseh also knew how to make magic inks back in the day, they just don't
◆ The Church humans don’t like potions and probably think of magical things
outside the realm of what they can use as blasphemous
● This is probably another thing you can get executed for, actually
➔ Every living thing has a natural affiliation to a particular “color” (or range) of magic, even
if they don’t use it, which means that every living thing is a potential...magic potion
◆ I assume some are more potent than others, though, so it’s possible when
executioners die their bones are ground into the mixture that’s used to draw the
summoning circle or something
◆ In fact I think that’s probably exactly what happens
◆ I assume it only takes a little, so they have a decent stock from past executioners

The Spectrum
➔ Red
◆ Physical: Hurt (light staffs!)
➔ Orange
◆ Physical: Control (Ash’s Executioner tattoo!)
➔ Yellow
◆ Physical: Heal (self-evident really)
➔ Green
◆ Natural magic, mainly associated with plants and animals and all that jazz. LIFE
magic, you might say. Pity neither humans nor Intseh are attuned to it :U
➔ Blue
◆ Spiritual: Connect (empathy)
➔ Indigo
◆ Spiritual: Seek (the ability to sense and recognize someone’s presence)
➔ Violet
◆ Spiritual: Travel (astral projection baybeeeee)
➔ Black
◆ Null-Magic. Not evil! Some creatures/places have Null-Magic alignments and
they are handy as Neutral Ground for magical parties to meet and make peace.
➔ White
◆ All-Magic. Dangerous, impossible for mere mortals to channel, but if you could
you would be Like Unto A God. Basically just theoretical at this point.

➔ Black “magic” is actually the absence of magic, and negates magical effects. It isn’t evil
or harmful, it simply nullifies powers. Also mainly theoretical.
➔ Humans are aligned with the warm colors! Intseh are aligned with the cool colors.
◆ Intseh might have knowledge of how to use their aligned magic somewhere, but
haven’t used it in a long time
◆ Possibly because the last time they did use it, it was during a big civil war?

The City-State
➔ At a glance (from far away): an idyllic and prosperous place to live
◆ Upon further inspection (up close): forbidding and not great at hygiene.
Residents are trapped in the proverbial crab bucket and there is a general sense
of paranoia and Keeping People In Line, especially among the lower and middle
◆ Societal norms: Puritanical! Though apparently chill with women in the workforce.
◆ Also, not homophobic or transphobic, because I want to incorporate queer
characters without them being automatically oppressed. The Church does plenty
of other shitty things.
➔ Mainly firelit, though may be branching into gas lamps thanks to new trading connections
➔ Building materials: Dark gray stone, clay, shingles.
◆ Need to go re-watch that documentary on building cathedrals
◆ Tall, close-packed buildings.
➔ Walled in, built on a hill with a sheer cliff to one side. Defensible ground. Surrounded by
forest, though some of it has been cleared for...
◆ Pastures and fields!
◆ There’s a well at the lowest point of the city, and a river further down past the
➔ Main exports: dyes, magical mixtures, amber, woodcrafts, sheep-related products.
◆ That’s right: there are sheep here.
◆ Fantasy plants in a functional crop rotation
➔ Weather is chill and misty or hot and muggy; no snow
◆ Trees aaarrrrrre coniferous
The Church/Divinity
➔ Represented by the symbol they use to channel their magic, which they refer to as
➔ A splinter from a larger, more benevolent religion
◆ Follow the teachings of a woman they call The Saint, but carry them out to a
ridiculous extreme
◆ The Saint: really just kind of an ordinary lady
◆ Have another, smaller outpost to the south, which is where Sanga was sent to
learn magic.
➔ Rules a small city-state with an IRON FIST of theocracy
◆ Placates the masses with gladiatorial executions adjacent to their monastery
● “Murder is the worst, so we can’t kill murderers. Instead, let’s summon
demons to do it because they have no souls and don’t have to worry
about sinning”
● “Can’t stress this enough: demons are not people”
◆ Brand people in their custody with diamond-shaped marks that may or may not
have extra interior designs
● Nuns/monks with corresponding marks may have some kind of mental or
physical control over the branded person
◆ What happens when a criminal beats a demon in the ring?
● I assume they get to go free, with a possibility of banishment or suicide
squad-esque government service
◆ They probably execute people for things other than murder too, like repeated
theft or treason/blasphemy
➔ Aesthetic: Vaguely Middle-Eastern, but also with a sort of Roman Catholic vibe because,
➔ Clothing
◆ Children wear all white. The higher your position in the organization, the more
red in your outfit (and the better-quality its material)
◆ Most mid-level nuns and monks will wear off-white tunics and trousers under a
red outer coat.
◆ Wooden toggles on cords used to button up rolled sleeves and similar
◆ Also, simple black shoes
Wimple Art Provided by Dexteri (@dexterii-art on Tumblr!)
➔ Hierarchy
◆ Nuns and monks have a variety of subsets:
● Caretakers - Look after children in orphanages or, in special cases, young
freshly-summoned demons.
● Warriors - Usually have combat tattoos. Less well-versed in scripture or
whatever. Lower ranks act as guards.
◆ Higher ranks TBD
➔ Gender discrimination in jobs apparently not a thing
➔ Demon discrimination very much a thing! But the further you get from this city-state the
more human-demon intermingling you’ll see.
➔ I assume there are other religions/cities/countries nearby who are like “shit dude these
guys are CRAZY we gotta take them down”
◆ They just haven’t done anything yet, possibly because they don’t know exactly
how bad it is?
◆ Is there a revolutionary force? MAYBE.
➔ Requires an FMA-esque Equivalent Exchange--usually one human child for one demon
child, and the human child is generally dead at the time of summoning
◆ The child in question evaporates ghoulishly into the atmosphere
◆ Typically the Church will just acquire a kid who died of an illness or something
since they’re kind of Dark Ages here, but sometimes a child does end up in the
arena and then they’re obviously also free game
➔ Requires also: an FMA-esque magic circle, featuring a tetragram and coordinates
◆ Two substances used to draw the circle: one affiliated with physical magic, the
other with spiritual (ground-up executioner bones)
◆ I think they might have picked up the basics of magic from Intseh ruins.
➔ Demons exist in just, like, another location in the world, not another plane of existence,
and the summoning circles include latitude/longitude-like runes that cover a certain area.
Basically, you’ll just sort of...get a random demon kid from there
➔ Not sure if those particular demon societies have any idea how their children are being
kidnapped. Pretty fucked up.
➔ And I think they try not to summon more than one at a time for reasons of not introducing
too many "impure, soulless beings" into the cathedral at once.

Other Places

➔ Beyond the forest to the North you’ll find wide, windswept fields, with wildflowers and
little streams and so forth. Very beautiful.
◆ Remnants of an ancient battle here?
➔ Beyond those: it starts to get a little hilly and foresty again! Serene, hidden groves…
◆ ...ruins of old cities…?
◆ Oh god have I accidentally started writing in a Shitty Colonialism storyline
➔ Beyond those: mountains. There’s one pass, and if you stop in at a town in the foothills
you can nab a guide.

Ash’s Hometown - Rohvrehvoavan

➔ On an island.
◆ I actually really like the idea of the Intseh having moved out to a cluster of islands
a while back, and each island holding a different town/culture
◆ Greek/Mediterranean vibe, pale clay buildings, very beautiful.
◆ These particular Intseh are familiar with humans because they trade with them
●Perception of humans: "they're generally lacking in philosophy and poetry,
and they're overly-fighty despite being weaker than us"
● Unfortunately for Sanga, she falls pretty squarely within the stereotype
➔ Why haven’t they done anything about the kidnappings?
◆ The gaps between the kidnappings definitely contribute, but also, I think what the
Church is doing is a real perversion of magic in the truest sense?
◆ Anything that requires you to sacrifice a dead body to forcefully abduct something
is probably not standard practice.
◆ So even the Intseh who know a little about magic probably have no idea how it's
happening or how to stop it.

➔ Democratic, decisions are made by an elected council
➔ Intseh politicians are extremely into Philosophy and their biggest flaw governmentally is
that they can get too abstract and spend weeks debating morality.
➔ Astronomy, esp. as sailors, and I'm guessing sculpture and music are a big deal.
➔ I don't want this to be a totally perfect utopia, so I think it's possible they have, perhaps,
a workhouse system in place for impoverished citizens?
◆ Not as shitty as the connotations of "workhouse" would imply, but also outdated,
less than ideal.
◆ Perhaps they've been debating on whether or not to take a vote for too long or
◆ As for lawkeeping, III'm not sure. Gonna leave it up in the air just in case it
becomes story-relevant later.
➔ They take public audiences!
➔ Discussions of magic or anything related to it are forbidden after the civil war centuries
◆ But there are plenty of young Intseh coming up with magical conspiracy theories
and trying to figure out how it works

➔ Trade fish, textiles, and sailing/transport services for other products
➔ (Otherwise very insular, don’t tend to let non-Intseh beyond the seaside markets)
➔ Currency varies!
◆ Some more secluded communities barter for the most part, but I could see there
being a coin system where societies form a network
◆ And it's possible that some Intseh towns have their own internal currencies

➔ Many small gods, assigned to very specific things
◆ You can worship or not as you please, but most homes have a small altar where
you can leave offerings
◆ There’s a solstice celebration to thank your various gods for any good things that
have happened that year
➔ Festival celebrating the opening of the markets when trading season begins
➔ Birthdays are a thing, and there'd be a big to-do whenever someone does something
significant enough to earn a middle name
➔ Halloween-esque holiday
◆ You can dress up as one of several “characters”
● The Fisher:​ Paint designs on your skin in blue, wear a broad-brimmed
hat with curtains hanging from it to hide your face. Carry a net, try to
“catch” other people in costume
● The Fighter:​ Orange paint, augment horns and claws to look more
warlike, angry mask hangs from horns.
● The Guardian:

➔ Think Greek, drapery, trousers optional. Geometric embroidery.
◆ Going shirtless is normal for Intseh of any gender when doing manual labor,
considered gauche in polite company. Comes back out the other side at Wild
Parties, where it’s totally fine.

➔ I haven’t figured out the deal with underwear yet, and may never.
◆ Here is a helpful article about the Romans

➔ Non-binary? Non-issue 👌
➔ A little more technologically advanced, maybe
➔ I don’t know if they grow long heads of hair the way humans do; hair length might still be
part of their gender expression, just not in the way it is for us.
◆ Note to self: figure out Intseh gender expression in general sometime
➔ Not a violent culture, although they have rules in place for honorable duels and/or
Speech and Debate.
➔ Intseh have as much parental instincts as humans do, which is to say, it varies
◆ They're fully intellectual, sentient people, so instinct/animal urges aren't as much
a factor as their appearances might imply.
◆ Ashivon is probably more motivated by impulse than most Intseh, given his
traumatic upbringing, but he saved Tselah less on parental instinct, and more
because he couldn't let the kid go through the same hell.
➔ Battle practices
◆ Not as common these days
◆ Have a drink all together, whether somber or rowdy, and say a group prayer to
whatever god is in charge of battle
◆ I could also see a more aggressive clan of Intseh acting like vikings--marauding
and shit--possibly with some kind of Berserker Potion. But they'd probably have
similar rituals/behavior to your average Intseh fighters
➔ I think of them as being pretty dang academic, with a pretty even spread between arts
and sciences
◆ I'm not 100% on academic advancement, since I don't really have a metric for
◆ I like to think they have a handle on as

➔ Known by the church as “demons”
◆ Fun fact! There were ancient monsters known as “angels”, born of White Magic,
but they were long ago defeated by humanity. Basically a myth at this point, but
people still hunt for their remains, hoping to attain their power
◆ Legends say they could turn other creatures into Their Kind
◆ (This is fully a reference to my short comic ​Okay​)

Physical Traits
➔ May or may not be able to reproduce with humans?
➔ Physically tougher/faster/stronger than humans, attuned to cool-colored magic
➔ Skin is velvety all over for the most part, regardless of color. Hair only grows long on top
of head and tail tuft, and maybe some other places idk. Fluffy up the back of the neck,
coarser as it grows out long.
◆ Hair/fur may start to thin as Intseh get older, but not to the point of baldness.
Dark markings will lighten to gray, however.
➔ There are multiple demon cities, cultures, and appearances. There are probably
mountain demons with fluffier, lighter fur, and stuff.
◆ Even within Ashivon’s settlement, everyone has slightly different horns, markings,
and coloration. Think wolves, mainly with cool, low-saturation colors.
◆ Eyebrows are a possibility if they’re included in markings
◆ Don’t have nipples, or particularly prominent breasts
● Or very much sexual dimorphism at all
● The possibility of egg-laying was tossed around but I wouldn’t care to
speculate at this time.
● In short: might be monotremes
● I will let anyone who cares to headcanon away elsewhere at
reproduction/erogenous zones/etc., this is a PG-13 document
◆ I think of their eyes as being mostly warm-colored
◆ Toe beans are a yes.
◆ Purring is a yes, all the noises you want from them are a yes
◆ AFAB: No horns. AMAB: Horns
◆ Probably shed.

Language (“Intsehli”)

IMPORTANT NOTE: You are welcome to add names to the name list and words to the
dictionary. I will check and edit them as needed--for consistency with the language,
making sure it “sounds right”, etc. But if you’re writing something and want to
use/contribute to the conlang, I’d love to keep building the Intseh language with your

I think fic writers are more likely to use this than I am, so it only seems reasonable to let
y’all in on the fun! But just in case I end up using it in the future for whatever reason,
leave a name I can credit you by at the very bottom of the doc!

I’ll try and figure out basic grammatical structure and how to conjugate verbs sometime.

● ​ , but more English than American. Not nasal.
A - Like the A in r​an
● Ah - Like the A in “F​a​r”.
● E - Like a gentle “ay” noise
● Eh - Like the E in “l​eg ​ ”.
● I - Like the I in No​i​se
● Ih - Like the I in “Sh​i​n”
● O - Deep in the throat like “​On ​ ”
● Oh - Like “st​on​ e”, forward in the mouth
● U - Like an Ooo.
● “Oy” sounds exist in the language but are considered to be a sort of rude, immature
sound. You’re more likely to hear it from Intseh teenagers.

● You will see: V, Hr, Ts, H after vowels, hard Ch
● You will not see: B, Th, soft G (or J), Q, Ng (local demons would tend to pronounce
Sanga’s name more like “Sahnkah”, and make a V noise instead of a B), actually G in

Names/Naming Conventions


● Don't have names specific to genders! DO have specific introductory words indicating
gender, so when you tell someone your name it kinda comes with the package
● von - Suffix meaning "child/descendant of", can apply to your parents or anyone going
back in your line
● Popular name types: virtues, obvs., positive emotions, Good Things, and/or sometimes
colors, which have specific meanings. If a name is a color and a virtue combine, the
color comes first.
● They're almost always based in Ye Olde Intseh language, though, so the name meaning
Serenity might be Sivatsileh but the conversational word for Serenity would probably be
simplified--"Sivasleh" or something

-Torich (strong building)

-Verah (courage)
-Sivatsileh (serenity)
-Hralevon (child of hrale (delight))
-Ashi (blue)
-Ishotselah (gold, kindness)
-Hratsek (more or less, “What am I?” - a name InterNutter gave to the Old Executioner)
- Hrintor (InterNutter made this up out of likely Insteh syllables - meaning may come later)
- Vertseh (see above)
- Uvrahch (oov-rra-tch, noble/divine)(Made of possible syllables, you can come up with the
meaning. Name suggestion by Cassidy)
-Ahnshelehr (pr: ahn-shay-leh-rr; derived/to mean: moon river/lunar river; for a child born under
the moon and near a body of water) [btw just know me as TN.]
-Ahnatsushoh (pr: ahn-a-tsu-shoh; derived from definition: silver ocean; a child fated to be
widely known for beauty, how ever the family interprets that)[TN]
-Mihrlasen (pr: mih-rr-la-sen; derived from definition: night of singing; a child fated for a voice
that could be listened to throughout the night. If used as a noun instead of a name: it means
song of night/lullaby.)[TN]
-Rutsuaven (pr: roo-tsu-a-ven; derived from definition: flying soul; a child destined for great
exploration, how ever interpreted)[TN]
-Shihselah (pr: shih-say-lah; derived from definition: wandering kindness; a child of everlasting
kindness for whoever, whenever, wherever, how ever interpreted)[TN]


● Acquired over time for achievements in your life. You may be a fighter by trade, but you
won't get a middle name meaning "warrior" unless you do something really special.
● Given to you by the community or local council or direct superior, usually everyone
agrees on it
● Generally related to an action or an occupation--provider, protector, runner, etc.. The
Intseh "er" suffix is "ish", so almost all middle names will end with that!

-Laseish (singer)
-Ruchevorish (butcher)
-Senahrish (carrier)
-Atsenish (watcher)
-Hrarochish (protector)
-Sohndatahish (artist)
-Tirehnish (giver)
-Mahtkahanish (great leader)
-Edehvohnish (endurer) <- thinking of this one for Ash


● Locations!! Locations and natural features, often based on where the Old Big Intseh
families used to live, but sometimes randomly chosen.
● Might also be named after specific genetic traits, like markings or horn shape
○ This feels very posh to me, so possibly only powerful bloodlines do this
● Intseh who've been banished from their community for whatever reason lose their last
name. Not a common occurrence. Very serious shit, though. Probably adds a new,
negative middle name in there

-Sansihr - Cliffside
-Varashesihr - Mountainside
-Tsusohden - Beach
-Tsusoh - Ocean
-Selehraden - Riverbank
- Daselehravan - “Three Rivers City” - alternately, “Place of three rivers” made up for a fanfic by
InterNutter for ​Where We Went​ (aka: Dibbles2)


● Shorten down the name and add a va to the end of it! Ashivon? Ashva. Or, if you want
to get INCREDIBLY CUTESY, do a fa. Ashfa. This is a baby way to say things b/c
Intseh kids struggle with Vs for a while
● Keep adding fas to be absolutely sickeningly cutesy. Ashfafa~ TSEHFAFAFAFA~~~~
● Can also be added to anything you’re addressing, even inanimate objects. :U
● Point of reference: works like the japanese “chan”

Conversational Dictionary
(These words will typically not be used in names, unless the Intseh parents in question
are being ~Cool and Modern~. You can, however, also take one of the words, change it
up a little, and say that’s the Old Intseh version of it for naming purposes!)

➔ Adah - prep. By
➔ Afiah - pr. They (plural)
➔ Afiahah - pr. Their (plural)
➔ Ahn - n./adj. Silver
➔ Ahnshio - n. Moon
➔ Alar - conj. But
➔ Ale - n. Joy
➔ Ankeh - n. Match
➔ Ash - n./adj. Blue
➔ At - pr. Y’all
➔ Ata - conj. Or
➔ Atah - pr. Y’all’s
➔ Atar - conj. Nor
➔ Atsen - v. To watch/see
➔ Avo - n. Sibling
◆ (Av’, Ava, Afa, in levels of increasing cutesiness/familiarity. Titles and family
names are non-gendered)
➔ Atsavo - n. Elder sibling
➔ Aevo - n. Younger sibling
➔ Cha - adj. hot/heated
➔ Chenen - v. To know
➔ Chevo - n. Mother/Father/Parent
◆ (Chev’ - Dad/Mom/Rent, Cheva/Chefa - Daddy/Mommy/Renny, it is not and will
never be a sexual thing in Intseh culture, don’t @ me)
➔ Chevodah - adj. Orphaned/Parentless
➔ Chevodahvo - n. Orphan
➔ Dah - Suffix meaning “without”--use the way you would “-less” in English.
➔ Datah - n. Hand
➔ Datahen - v. to craft
➔ De - This
◆ Often tacked onto the beginning of words when you want to shout them
angrily--kind of like “this <expletive> thing!” but without the expletive. And you
can use it on pronouns
◆ “DET” - “YOOOUUUUU!!!” >:I
◆ “DEAT” - “Y’AAAAALLL!!!” >:I (day-at)
◆ You can technically do “den” too, but it’s much less common and it’s a
homophone with the “Den” below.
➔ Den - n. Bank
◆ (as in riverbank! Also refers to beachsides or the inside wall of, say, a well)
➔ Devan - n. This place/Here
◆ (“Hra devan tseh?” - “What is this place?”)
➔ Devan-Intseh - n. Intseh lands/territory
➔ Du - That
➔ Edeh - adj. Ever
➔ Edehvohnen - v. To endure
◆ Once the people in Ash’s hometown know his story and grow to accept him, I
think his first middle name could be Edehvohnish.
➔ Ehra - n. Water
➔ Ehrako - n. Fish
➔ Ehratsuvish - n. Boat
➔ Ehtes - adj. Every/Each
➔ Evo - n. Child
➔ Fa - pr. They (singular)
➔ Fah - pr. Their (singular)
➔ Fe - pr. He
➔ Feah - pr. His
➔ Fi - pr. She
➔ Fiah - pr. Hers
➔ Ha - prep. In
➔ Heh - Like the Canadian “eh” or the Japanese “ne” lol
➔ Hra - What
➔ Hrarochen - v. To Protect
➔ Hrarochden - n. Fortification [protecting wall]
➔ Hren - Where
➔ Hretehnen - v. To thank
➔ Hretehnah - n. Gratitude/Thanks
◆ Nah hretenah - My thanks!
➔ Hri - Who
➔ Hriah - Whose
➔ Hru - Why
➔ Hutlah - n. A babe and/or hottie.
➔ In - pr. We
➔ Inah - pr. Our
➔ Iniavrah - n. Spirit
➔ Iniavrahseh - n. Heart
➔ Intseh - n. “We Are” or, Our People
➔ Intsehli - n. The Intseh language
➔ Irahden - v. To make (as in: to make someone do something)
➔ Ishoh - n./adj. Gold/yellow
➔ Ishohshio - n. Sun
➔ Kahan - n. Leader
➔ Ko - n. Beast/Animal, generic term
◆ The animal equivalent of “vo”. If it’s an animal, prolly got a “ko” on the end.
➔ Lasen - v./n. To sing/song
➔ Livahchen - v. To turn
➔ Leh - Suffix equivalent to “ness” in English. Tack it on the end of adjectives!
➔ Li - Suffix meaning “language of”
➔ Lien - v. To speak
➔ Lish - n. Tongue
➔ Maht - Prefix meaning honored or great.
◆ Can be used on anything, i.e. the donkey you’re trying to coax, or the teacher
you’re trying to brown-nose, or the food you’re really enjoying
➔ Mahtchenish - n. Professor [lit: “great knower”]
➔ Mehn - n. Finger
➔ Mesheh - n. Shame
➔ Mihra - n. Night
➔ Mihralasen - n. Lullaby
➔ Mivahtsa - n. Friend
➔ N - pr. I
➔ Na - n. Name
➔ Nah - pr. My
➔ Nehdoren - v. To walk
➔ Nem - Not
➔ Rahn - n. a march or a boundary land
➔ Ro - n. (suffix) Plant matter. Any plant life gains the -ro suffix. Not necessarily for food
➔ Roh - n./adj. White
➔ Rohshvrehnvoa - n. Lit. "white-and-black people"--the bloodline of Intseh Ash and Tselah
belong to
➔ Ruche - n. The flesh of livestock
➔ Ruchevoren - v. To butcher
➔ Ruchedatahen - n., v. Leatherwork
➔ Rutsa - n. Soul
➔ San - n. Cliff
➔ Seh - n. Center (middle)
➔ Selen - v. To flow
➔ Selehra - n. River
➔ Senahren - v. To carry
➔ Shi - conj. And
➔ Shin - n. Body
➔ Shio - n. Orb/circle, typically used in a formal or philosophical setting.
◆ Like...The Circle of Life, or crop cycles, or rings present in nature. Very
open-ended. One of the few conversational words you might also see in a name!
➔ Shiova - n. Day
➔ Siahnka - n. Ribbon
➔ Sihr - n. Side
➔ Silekah - n. Tail
➔ Shihen - v. To wander
➔ Shihirutsa - n. Ghost/Wandering Soul
➔ Sivas - adj. Peaceful
➔ Sivasleh - n. Serenity/Peace
➔ Soh - conj. With
➔ Sohn - n. Art
➔ Sohndatahen - v. To make art
➔ Sin - Red
➔ T - pr. You
◆ (It just sounds like a soft “tuh”!)
◆ Or a sharp, irritated “Tuh!!”, if you’re mad. See “De” for how to use “this” when
you’re mad.
➔ Tah - pr. Your
➔ Te - n. Fang
➔ Tedah - adj./n. Fangless
◆ (Can be used as a general adjective or as an insult generally meaning coward.
Not meant as an insult towards humans but can still have a mildly derogatory
➔ Tedahvo - n. Human
➔ Teh - Suffix equivalent to “ful”--tack it on the end of nouns to make them adjectives
➔ Tirehnen - v. To give
➔ To - n. (suffix) Plant matter, specifically the fruiting body or food part of the plant.
➔ Toch - n. Slang meaning a strong or well-built person. Complimentary.
◆ Add va or fa for extra cuteness.
➔ Tohre - n. Face
➔ Tsahvo - n. Elder, grandparent
◆ (Tsahv - Gramps/Gran, Tsahva/Tsahfa - Grampy/Granny???)
◆ Tsavoi - for when you wanna be rude to an old person
➔ Tseh - v. To be
➔ Tsel - adj. Kind
➔ Tseleh - n. Kindness
➔ Tsendah - n. Fire
➔ Tsendahirahdish - n. Lit. fire-maker, someone who starts trouble or is generally fighty
➔ Tsesa - n. Sugar/Sweet
◆ (Can be used literally, or as a pet name)
➔ Tso - adj. Last
◆ (as in “last night”)
➔ Tsusoh - n. Ocean
➔ Tsuven - v. To fly
➔ Toh - n. Foot
➔ Van - n. Place
➔ Varashe - n. Mountain
➔ Ver - n./adj. Green
➔ Vraha - n. Courage
➔ Vrahadahvo - n. Coward
➔ Vrehn - n./adj. Black
➔ Vri - n. Eye
➔ Vriseh -n. Pupil (of the eye)
➔ Vrishen - n. Sight, v. To see
➔ Vrishendah - adj. Blind
➔ Vo - n. Person
◆ Most any word that refers to a person will have a “vo” on the end (except for
names, nicknames, and words we’d typically end with “er” in English)
➔ Voa - n. People
◆ (also used as a suffix the way we’d use “-ese” or “-ian”, or to refer to other
➔ Voren - v. To cut

Add an “a” to the end to pluralize. If the word ends with an A, add an apostrophe (Siahnka -
ribbon, Siahnka’a - ribbons). If the word ends with an H, pronounce the H (Tsusoh - ocean, H is
silent. Tsusoha - oceans, H is pronounced.)

Add an “ah” to the end to make a possessive. “Ashivon’s sweetheart” = “Ashivonah tsesafa”

Infinitive verbs (meaning ​unconjugated - to​ do, ​to​ sleep, ​to​ eat) end with -en because I took
German in high school and I’m uncreative.

General Structure
➔ Subject > Direct Object > Verb
◆ Direct object (the thing the verb is being done to) is indicated by tacking a “ve” on
the beginning of a word.
● So, “I (Subject) protect (Verb) you (Direct Object)” becomes “N (Subject)
vet (Direct Object) hrarochekh (Verb)!”
● “You are my sweetheart” - “T nah Tsesafa tseh!”. No direct object in this
sentence; the two things are directly equivalent, neither is doing anything
to the other.
◆ Tense indicated by a word that comes after the subject.
● Oh jesus I don’t know the complicated tenses, I’ll have to do some
research later
● Past - Kha
◆ I won’t be a bastard; apart from the verb at the end thing, sentences are
constructed in a mostly english way :U
● Which is to say, that S>DO>V combo tends to stick together, while
clauses that describe how/where/when the verb was done are outside of
◆ “Ehtes shioliva fi tah ve’ehra senahrets! Hretehnahdahvo!” - “Every day she
carries your water! Ungrateful person!”
◆ “T ven chenets!” - “You know me!” “Chenekh?!” - “(I) know?!”, or more
colloquially, “Do I?!”
◆ “Tsomihra adah veselehraden T kha nedorekh, shi hra T kha atsekh?! Tas
meshehdahvoa!!” - “Last night I was walking by the river bank, and what did I
see? Two shameless people!!”
◆ “N nem tsendahirahdish tseh.” - “I am not a trouble-maker.”


I: -kh We: -kha

He/She/They (singular)/it: -ts They (plural): -tsa

You: -sh Y’all: -sha

Time for examples! Let’s try with the verb Ruchevoren, To Butcher!

N ruchevorekh! In ruchevorekha!
Fe/Fi/Fa ruchevorets! Afiah ruchevoretsa!

T ruchevoresh! At ruchevoresha!

Hrarochen, To Protect
N hrarochekh! In hrarochekha!

Fe/Fi/Fa hrarochets! Afiah hrarochetsa!

T hrarochesh! At hrarochesha!

-Lien, To Talk
N liekh In liekha

Feh/Fi/Fa liets Afiah lietsa

T liesh At liesha

“Tseh” (To Be) is irregularly conjugated; it’s just tseh for singular subjects (left column) and
“tseha” for the right.





Toasty (Obvs), InterNutter, Blair Wolfe, Ceni Brera, NALU_N.L.

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