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To: Nikken Sekkei LTD

From: Toho Gakuen Music School

Dear Mr. Tadao Kamei,

I am writing in reference to what we’ve been talking lately. The music school is having some issues with
its acoustic isolation between rooms. Our team have been discusing which would be the other topics
you should consider in your redesign. First of all, we want natural light to feed all the spaces as possible.
Also, we want the music to be heard on the hall that comunicates each room but of course not to pass
through rooms.

One thing I forgot to mention is the intention to make it expansible in order to admit more students in
the future. So the design should contemplate flexible spaces. We would also like to see outside the walls
so maybe we can think about having some glass materials.

Besides, we are looking to change the classic design, so innovative ideas may be welcome.

Please, don’t hesitate to contact me if you need to talk about any detail or doubt you may have.

Principal, C. Quiroga

To: Toho Gakuen Music School

From: Nikken Sekkei LTD

Dear Miss Quiroga,

I am personally following the progressess on your Project. Our professional’s group is advocated to solve
all the requirements you mentioned and also the creative team have some great ideas to present. I
would like to discuss this in person. But to give you some time I am anticipating that we have been
thinking on renovating the supply systems. We are changing your school in to an eco friendly one. Which
emplies: solar catering and greener areas. As you wanted, my people have been monitoring the zone
and found that the levels of air pollution are quite high so one idea we should discuss urgently is the
Instalation of air filters.

We would like to show you all with a short presentation with some visual aids to be sure we are all
understanding each other.

Are you available tomorrow or the day past tomorrow for a technical visit? We need to measure the
rooms and plan the flexibility issue so we may need the numbers to start with that. Please, let me know
if you are free or not as soon as possible.

We appreciate your preference in our company. We are loooking forward to reach all the expectations
and more.

Tadao Kamei.

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