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Water treatment room

Water is a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in
gaseous,liquid,and solid states. It has a molecular formula of H2O.The term “water quality”
describes the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water. Quality of water is crucial
to the success of soft drinks. Nifas silk MOHA soft drinks industry use groundwater for production
as well as for sanitation purposes.

Water comprises 89% of the Pepsi cola beverages. In MOHA soft drink company the purpose of
Water is for the preparation of beverage, washing the bottles, heat exchange or for other cleaning
purpose. There is a standard to be reached for the accomplishment of this water purpose. It is
important that beverage plants be in compliance with all regulation regarding water source, water
handling, water treatment and discharge of wastewater and sludge’s to the drain.

Chemicals used in water treatment

 Ferrous sulfate
 Sodium Chloride
 Quartz Sand.
 Lime
 Aluminum sulphate
 Chlorine
 Calcium chloride
 Activated Carbon -to remove color and odor.
 Polishing Filter -to remove sand fragment.

Materials used in water treatment

 Raw water tank
 Coagulation tank.
 Sand filter tank.
 Intermediate tank
 Carbon purifier

 Polishers(5𝜇𝑚)
 Ultraviolet (UV)
Process description of water treatment

1. raw water tank: The bore hole water is pumped to the raw water tank for storage. From the
raw water tank, the water goes to the coagulation tank.

2. Coagulation tank: -also called “reaction tank” is the first piece of equipment in the water
treating plant. This is the tank where the desired chemical reactions take place and where the water
is being sanitized. All chemicals used in the coagulation process must be of a grade approved for
use in the treatment of potable drinking water. The chemicals used in the coagulation tank are lime
(calcium hydroxide), ferrous sulphate, aluminum sulphate, calcium chloride and chlorine.

I) lime: -hydrated lime is used for alkalinity reduction. It is also used to increase the pH of the
water. The total alkalinity of the treated water should be below 50 ppm. Lime reduces alkalinity
by converting carbon dioxide to bicarbonate alkalinity, and bicarbonate alkalinity to the insoluble
forms calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, which precipitate out of the water.

Ca(𝑂𝐻)2 + 𝐶𝑎(𝐻𝐶𝑂3 )2 → 2𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑂3 + 2𝐻2 𝑂

II) Ferrous sulfate: -reacts with Lime to form green gelatinous Ferrous Hydroxide which in turn is
converted to brown Ferric Hydroxide by Chlorine. Suspended marital attached itself to the Ferric
Hydroxide particles to form heavy clumps which quickly settle out, as sludge, in the bottom of the
reaction tank.

III) Calcium chloride: - reacts with the lime to reduce the water alkalinity or sodium alkalinity.
Sodium alkalinity is present when the total alkalinity (m reading) is greater than the hardness (h
reading) of the water. Calcium chloride which forms calcium carbonate from the sodium
bicarbonate as the calcium bicarbonate is formed. In some cases, water contains sodium alkalinity.
This essentially means that the sodium salts of bicarbonate or carbonate are present, instead of the
calcium and magnesium salts of bicarbonate or carbonate. Where this happens, the lime needs the
assistance of some form or calcium or magnesium (usually calcium chloride or magnesium
chloride) in order to reduce the total alkalinity to below 50 ppm.

2Na𝐻𝐶𝑂3 +CaCl2→ Ca (HCO3)2+ 2NaCl

Sodium carbonate + calcium chloride → calcium carbonate + sodium chloride

Then Ca (𝑂𝐻)2 + Ca (HCO3)2 → 2𝐻2 O+ 2CaCO3

IV) ALUMINIUM SULPHATE: -The most widely used coagulant for water treatment is
aluminum sulfate (Alum). At high alkaline (PH) prevalent in the water these salt produce insoluble
aluminum hydroxide.

Al2 (SO4)3 +6H2O→ 2Al (OH) 3 +3H2SO4

V) Chlorine: -is added to the water to destroy bacteria and organic matter. It has a second function,
in that it oxidizes the ferrous sulfate coagulant into a ferric salt which then forms a ferric

Hydroxide floc which is the gelatinous mass that entraps contaminants. In destroying organic
matter and oxidizing the ferrous sulfate, much of the chlorine is consumed.

3. Sand filter

Itis used to remove unwanted chemicals except chlorine from water. It removes physical matters
or dirty materials from the inlet of raw water like light floating materials present in the ground
water. The water goes straight to sand filter. The sand filter is a cleaning apparatus that is filled
with gravels. The gravel sizes increase as we go down the when the water enters from the
top and descends through the filter any solid matter is retained on the gravels. This used to remove
the unwanted chemicals except chlorine from the sand filter we can checked the lime
dosage in the treated water, by using the formula: A= 2P-M Where,

A -is which tells us whether the lime treatment is correct or not

P-is phenolphthalein indicator

M -is will tell us if all bicarbonate was removed whether we have free lime present.

When A is positive, that is 2P is >M this implies that free lime is present in the treated water.

When A is negative, that is M is> P this implies that bicarbonate is present in the treated water.
For proper lime treatment A value should be in between 2 and 7ppm.

4. Intermediate tank
After sand filter, the water goes to the intermediate tank to check the waters’ total alkalinity and
if it is below 7 it can be sent to the carbon purifier which contains carbon in pellet form. this tank
is used for only storage purpose.

5. Carbon purifier
The treated water that comes from the intermediate tank is entered in to the carbon purifier. This
is used to remove chlorine by using activated carbon that present in the water.

Activated carbon is a form of carbon processed to have small low volume pores that increase the
surface area available for adsorption or chemical reaction. Depend on its size there two types of
activated carbon, powdered and granular activated carbon MOHA uses the second one.

The presence of chlorine can be changed the color and test of the final product (Pepsi, Miranda,
7up Miranda apple, Miranda orange and Miranda tonic). The chlorine dosage in the carbon purifier
must be in between 6 and 8ppm.
6. Polishers:
The polisher consists of five strings that perform the same job as filter paper do. Water enters
from the top of the polisher through a cylindrical hole on which the strings are tied and the water
passes through the strings and any suspended material is retained on the strings

7. Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)

This is the final treatment of the process and the main treatment in this section. This is used to
remove microorganisms present in the treated water. It’s also known as the critical control point
for the quality of the water. Finally, the treated water can be used for production purpose, for the
preparation of syrup and for mixing process.

Discussion of the process

The chemical dosage into coagulation tank is done most of the time manually, so it
may cause reading error and result in damage to the person or operators. It is not
advisable so I would suggest it must be done automatically and by using different
The water treatment according to Nifas silk Pepsi plant is traditional and economical
not feasible because this method consumes much chemicals and I can suggest they
have to use cost effective methods of recent technologies like, RO systems.

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