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Hello thank you for downloading this ebook. It’s 100% free as it’s just a trial 
version of my whole 70+ page ebook that will be updated weekly/monthly 
including updates on new methods and etc. Also will be providing 1on1 
mentoring for anyone who wants it for $ as well. If you are interested in any 
of those just contact me below - I will make sure you make money - i will not 
let you down. 

Contact Information 
Discord - Goddissee#9622 
Skype - live:goddissee   
This is probably the most important part of the eBook that I’ve made. It’s social engineering TOO 
many people think ewhoring is just a 2 minute exchange where you say hey to each other and then 
you offer your packages. That’s literally what differentiates people that make $50 a day compared 
to $500+ a day. 
The better you are at Social Engineering and Sales in general the more revenue you’re going to 
generate. You’ll be able to milk better and the most important thing you’ll be able to close anyone. 
Now as I said earlier the traffic sources that are in High Quality are MONEY MAKERS if you can 
get good at social engineering. I and many others generate $750+ a day averagely and can provide 
screenshots or videos if you’d like. 
We DONT spam people - We get the most out of them everytime. What if I told you I get roughly 
$350-$700 AVG per customer I sell? I rarely ever sell anything less than $200. 
The reason why is I target HIGH INCOME AREA’S where people are making 100k+ a year and I 
know how they want to be talked to and I will discuss more now.   
How To Start A Chat? 
Normally how I start my chat is I try to get AS MUCH INFO as I can about them - This will 
determine if I know they’ll be interested or not. For example here are some questions I ask: 
Babe, what do you like to do for hobbies? 
This will determine how expensive their tastes are - if they go traveling a lot they got money to travel. You can get some 
information from it. 
I work at Starbucks, what do you do? 
This will determine direct income for the most part. (Most people do lie about income) but if it’s a realistic job matching 
their profile picture they should be good. It all depends where you get the traffic source from. 
Do you have like kids? 
This will determine if they are paying extra money for kids or living single. You can use their income in correlation with 
this to determine if they have money saved. 
Uhmm what’s your favorite car? 
This is just an ice breaker - after you can ask what kind of car they currently drive haha. 
Where do you live? Like I want to see how far I am from you! 
This is a good question because you can look up their city and look up the median annual income. 
How old are you? 
This is a good question because you can try to assume if they have bills or not and obviously so you don’t waste your 
After asking those type of questions you qualified now you can decide if you want to pitch right 
away if they are a waste of time such as being 18-20 or not having a job. 
If they say they aren’t interested just keep ignoring their messages. They may randomly buy from 
you after viewing your stories for the next few days. 
Many people will buy after seeing your story for a few days in a row - they’ll be like “Damn she’s 
been posting a lot and she’s active - she gotta be real” and they’ll buy. 
How to Transition from Talking to Selling? 
Warning - This will not work for low quality traffic as well but will make you a sale regardless. 
This is the biggest issue that people struggle with. Okay you got them talking and they generally 
like talking to you now the question is - How do you sell to them? 
First you have to ask yourself - Do they trust you? 
If they don’t - go to my “How to Get Them to Trust You” section. 
Another thing is make sure they are ALONE. This is important you need to ask questions like: 
“What are you doing right now?” 
“Any plans for today?” 
“What have you done today?” 
This will give you more information. You significantly lower your chances to sell to them if they are 
at work or out and about. 
The way I do my selling is I generally let the stories sell itself - I normally keep talking till I’ve 
noticed they viewed my story by checking. If they checked my story they know I do premium. 
Now that I know they trust me, they are alone at home, and they viewed my story I’ll do this: 
● Send a Tease Video (NOTHING CRAZY) and write “Hey Daddy, Have you seen my 
snapchat story?” 
● They’ll ask “Which story are you talking about?” 
● Then you say “The one about what I offer ;) - Do you want to see what I offer?” 
● And BOOM! If they trust you, you’ve build rapport, and they are alone they 100% will ask 
“What do you offer” or “Prices?” 
If you do this every time you will have NO PROBLEM with selling. 
This works literally 90% of the time. Make sure you do this everytime before you pitch.   
How to Sell To Someone Who’s Been “Scammed” Before? 
Ooo! This is one of my favorite sections. We all have those customers who are JUST ABOUT TO 
BUDGE then they say something like “I’ve been scammed before” or “I’ve been burned before” and 
it sucks because you know if they didn’t get scammed they’d buy. 
This works a majority of time and it’s honestly worth the shot since they might not buy anyways. 
Okay, so let’s analyze… They’ve been scammed… Meaning they have paid right? So what if we say 
something like this. 
“Babe, I’m so sorry… That’s so horrible :(. You’re honestly a sweet guy I can’t believe someone 
would do that that’s so messed up” 
He’ll reply back with whatever and now give him tips on how NOT to get scammed: 
“Look i’m going to help you out - usually you can tell who scams - if they don’t have a lot of 
videos on their story they are usually stealing other girls photos or videos so you can tell if they 
only have 1 or 2 videos posted. Another way is looking at their “snap score” if you click on the 
top left on my head you’ll see a # - that # represents how many messages I’ve sent - if they have a 
low snap score that means they are new accounts. Snapchat doesn’t allow scamming so they 
actually ban them - so they have to make new accounts. Meaning they are more likely 
They’ll be like OH really? Then explain also this: 
“Also if you go to someone story and it says “Camera Roll” it means they are just saving the 
videos and uploading them - if it just says the time it means it’s a LIVE video/picture so it comes 
right from the original camera” 
And they’d be like OOH that makes sense. Then reply with: 
“Look, I feel bad… I’m going to give you my premium first and if you want to pay after you can - 
You’ve been really sweet to me and I feel bad someone scammed you.” 
They usually 9/10 times will pay you then or the next day. If they don’t pay you the next day you 
can message them and say “Hey do you like my premium? Did you want to keep it?” 
And then pitch them again.  
Reverse engineer them all they want is a valid premium if they see your premium and see that you 
deliver they will pay. They just don’t like to go first. It won’t cost you nothing but a few minutes to 
do it. You might make something rather than $0.   
How to Get Them to Trust You 
This section is going to be pretty short as most of trust is just overtime. But you have to essentially 
follow my SETTING UP YOUR SNAPCHAT section. 
If you did all of them they can pretty much verify you’re real. A big part of getting them to trust you 
is NOT selling them right off the bat of talking. 
Ask each other genuine questions and just get to know each other. I’d recommend talking for 5 
mins for low quality traffic, 10-15 mins for medium quality traffic, and 45+ mins with higher 
quality traffic. 
That’s usually how I do it - I just pretend I’m a dude talking to another dude - I don’t talk sexually 
unless I’m ready to pitch them. Right before I pitch them that’s where I’ll talk more sexually. 
When you’re about to pitch you can do certain things when they ask “How do I not I’m not gonna 
get scammed?”  
Reassure them like this “Baby, look I don’t scam I think that’s messed up - Do you not trust me <3?” 
And then they’d say something like “Of course I trust you - just you know I’m sending money 
You can then take a picture of your premium story views and show them that those are all 
premium people viewing your story. He will understand that you don’t scam because you clearly 
deliver to other individuals.   
Milking Customers - Get Them To Send You More! 
Milking makes hard work easier. Think about it - Would you rather find 5 different customers and 
sell them $100 packages each? Or find 1 customer and make $500 over a few transactions? One 
customer obviously.. Or how about 5 customers for $500 packages! That’s $2500…. 
Most of you guys are leaving money on the table because you are selling to them once and never 
offering them something again. 
Here’s an example. A dude from Hinge buys your $90 premium right? It includes a package of just 
premium access and talking. 
After buying you can say something like this: 
“Hey Daddy, why did you pick my lowest package? Why didn’t you go with my other package 
that offers unlimited video access for $310 more?” 
He’s going to say something like it’s too much money yada yada yada. 
Hit him with this: 
“Look I know it’s a lot. I get it <3 - How about this let’s cut that $310. I’ll do 50% off for you today 
Boom. You just made an extra $160 off a customer - making total earnings $250 off that one 
customer. This is if you need money fast! 
If you’re okay with slower money you can milk him over time by just convincing him to upgrade full 
price. Which is what I do. 
Most of this is adding more features to your more expensive packages so you can pitch them 
whenever they bought the smallest package. 
Offering discounts because you say they look cute, or they are fun to talk to works really good! 
They feel appreciated and obligated to take your gift. 
Guys if you want to make money you need to SELL don’t just offer. This is an example of offering: 
“Hey do you want to get my premium?” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Daddy plz I need the money for ….” 
That won’t make you money - selling is using techniques like the previous ones. Get creative start 
thinking like you actually want to make money! Find out what they like talking about, find out their 
kinks, and etc. 
Most of sales will be from qualifying they want to talk to an ewhore that can have a conversation 
not only just send them videos (for most of the people). 
They want someone trusted then you can sell offer. 
Here’s a good example of a sale ($300+) I made the other day: 
Him - “Where are you from?” 
Dallas and Orlando Wbu? 
Him - “Houston” 
Him - “Age” 
Him - “Do you spend more time in Dallas or Orlando?” 
I’m honestly more in Dallas - Are you from Dallas? That’d be nice if you were! 
Him - “Dallas mainly! Where are you?” 
I’m in downtown omg! You’re first person I met from here on Dallas? Hahaha! 
Him - “We should meet up!” 
Well I dont meet up right away lol - I barely known you. Have you seen my story babe? 
Him - “Yeah. Do you meetup?” 
Sometimes I do - very rarely though lol. I mean I do online things that might get you riled up and maybe maybe overtime we 
can meet someday - I’m pretty picky I mean you can understand why xoxo <3 
Him “ Yeah I’m not interested on online things” 
Have you ever tried anything online though? It can be really fun and eventually it’ll make it exciting if we do ever meet ;) 
Him “Oh Really?” 
Here’s my prices 
*price list inserted* 
Him “Wow that’s expensive” 
Which package? 
Him “your $400 one to do premium sexting and all the videos” 
Yeah it is - I’ll tell you what we get this started right now I’ll do 25% off just for you - I normally never do discounts and 
honestly you’re really sweet and you live pretty close. What do you say you just give it a try? 
Him “well you expect me to send you $300 online lol?” 
Honestly I didn’t expect that - let me get you started on my cheapest package for $100 and later if you want to upgrade to the 
more expensive one I’ll still give you 25% off. I’ll make it worth your while daddy trust me xoxox 
*sends preview* 
Him “Wow is that right now?” 
Yeah it is *INSERT ANGEL EMOJi* - Do you have google pay? 
Him “yeah i do” 
Sent another preview - and then text “Send it to me ​XXXX@GMAIL.COM​” 
Anyhow he did send it and I got $100 - I eventually convinced him to upgrade because my 
first package didn’t include sexting I gave him an extra 35% off. 
See how I just didn’t take no for an answer - I was getting some money off him no matter 
what. I dropped to my lowest bundle ($100) and then once he trusted me I made an extra 
Just get creative - I had one sugar daddy buy $100 per full show. (This was off 
Tinder/Hinge traffic targeting high GEO locations.)   
How Do I Know You’re Even Real? 
This one is pretty easy to bypass - Anyone asking this and after you sent them a live snap 
and they still ask they don’t know what a live snap is. I actually explain them what it is - I 
send them a live snap and I say “this is a live snap” then I send them a gallery video and say 
that isn’t a live snap as it pops up in the chat. 
They will still be confused so be like “Send me a picture of your floor” - they will send it and 
tell them you see how I can’t see it anymore? Then say “send me an old picture from your 
phone without having to take it” they will then do it and it’ll pop up in the chat. 
Then you can explain to them that’s the difference and let them know there is no way to 
fake it. A live snap meaning it comes from the camera and if it disappears it means it’s live 
there is no way you could have saved that. 
90% of the time if you explain them this and be patient with them they’ll know you’re real. 
You can even say this: 
“Don’t you think it’s pathetic if I’m not real and I’m here just enjoying my time talking to 
you? I promise baby I’m real” 
You can even assure them with your Snap Score. Now if they still don’t fall for it - Ask 
them “Can I send you a voice MSG of me saying HI NAME” 
10/10 they will say yes. If they say yes - just pay someone you know irl to say “HI BOB” 
find a friend, another girl, anyone will do it for like $5. 
Explain to the other person that you need this because you’re playing a prank on your 
friend or something lmfao. 
I’m just up front I tell them I need it do you want $5 or not? And they usually say yes. 
I’m pretty sure there are online services that sell this. 

Here is two snippets from a different section 

that might help you -> Go to next page   
Setting Up Your Private Story 
For newbies that think “premium” is a complete different account it can be - but generally it isn’t. 
There is an option on Snapchat that will let you create a whole nother story! You can upload onto 
this story and specifically only this story so that only certain people will see it. 

Boom click that and you’re good to go. You need to make sure you’re uploading 10+ videos a day 
this will help you MILK more from your customers every day. 
So let’s say you sold someone for your lowest premium package right? 
You can see if they view the story and pitch them another package! Very very simple. 
You can also post a story saying “Hey Premiums! Want to upgrade today and get more MSG ME 
“DISC1010” for 10% today only!” 
Just easier sales tactics that’ll bump up your sales. 
This isn’t mandatory right away - I’d set it up right when you make your first sale honestly. 

What Prices/Packages Should I Offer? 
Prices and Packages should always depend on who you selling to and how much videos/pics you 
can offer in general. You don’t want to promise someone lifetime premium if you only have 20 
videos to post. You want to base it off what you have here is my price list example that I personally 

I have three different price lists based on the traffic I use for each snapchat. I actually have 3 
phones now. One for very low quality traffic and I use a specific set of price ranges and I ewhore 
differently to them. Another for medium quality traffic which would be like reddit quality and 
other traffic (i’ll explain later) and the last one for high quality traffic (which is the list above). 
Here is what I change the prices to for low quality: 
$30, $50, $150 
And medium quality: 
$50, $100, $200 
You can change the prices to whatever you want and include whatever you want this is personally 
how I do it myself.   
Hope you enjoyed the guide - 
Make sure you add me on Discord 
if you want to take advantage of 
more mentoring and or my whole 
ebook. Thank you I hope you earn 
a lot have an amazing day! 
Discord - Goddissee#9622 
Skype - live:goddissee 

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