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How Your Emotion Change Shape of Your Heart

No other organ , that as imbued with metaphor and meaning as the human heart

Human Heart is one of the most important organ in the human life. Not just for The circulation of blood
in human body. But sometimes heart is used as a symbol to express our emotional life. In this speech.
We will learn from the speaker that emoyion have a dirrect effect on the human heart . The heart shape,
called cardioid, is common in nature. It's found innthe leaves, flowers, and seeda of many plants
including silphium, Which was used for birth control in the middle ages, perhaps its the reason why the
heart became aasociated with sex and roamtic love.Today we know that the heart is not source of love
or other emotion. The heart may not originate our feelings but it's highly responsive to our feelings. For
example : fear and grief can cause profound cardiac injury other example is "tkotsuboko cardiomyopathy
or broken heart syndrome. Heart syndrome, including sudden death is caused by emotional disturbance
or turmoil in ther emotional heart. The source of this problems is stressed. Stress leads into unhelathy
habits and thats the real reason for the increse cardiovascular risk. Emotional stress is often a matter of
life and death. As a human , we must pay more attention tonthe power and importance ofbthe emotiona
in taking care of our heart.

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