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Block 1

6 - Negotiate a contract regarding medication compliance

10 - impaired phagocytic oxidative metabolism
11 - Right optic nerve
24- Gallstone Ileus
31 - Accumulation of Lipids in Arterial Wall
35 - Insulin
38 - Intramural Hematoma of the Proximal Small Bowel
39 - Decreased androgen decreased libido
40 - Right Vertebral

Block 2
5 - Stress Fistula
6 - Overflow Incontinence
16 - Pompes Disease
25 - Ulnar nerve at elbow
29 - IGA Deficiency
31 - High Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
38 - Throat culture
42 - Constrictive Pericarditis

Block 3
1 - Germinal Cell Tumor
7- non stress test
8 - amphotericin b
10 - daily. Exercise
12 - Memory loss
13- echo
15 - Laparotomy
17 - morphine
31 - Myocardial Contusion
36 - EMG and Nerve Conduction
Block 4
10 - Confounding Variables
14 - Repeat Exam in 2 weeks
27 - Gallstone Pancreatitis
46 - Increased Steroid

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