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Annotated Works CIted

Primary Sources:

“A biography about Julius Rosenwald. 12 August 1862.”

Rosenwald was hired by Sears, Roebuck & Company to become its
vice-president when it moved to Chicago in 1893. He helped and
successfully grew the business until Sears was America's largest
retail store. This article stated, “Eager to share his personal success.
with others, he set up the Julius Rosenwald Fund (1917) for the
“well-being of mankind,” This biography provided information on
historical Background.

Gunderson, Sydney. “How did John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil

impact America”
“Rockefeller's Standard Oil had a huge impact society. It set a new
standard for businesses and corporations. Standard Oil was the first
monopoly in the history of America and Rockefeller became the
richest man in the world being worth 340 billion dollars.” This website
by Sydney Gunderson was necessary because it is helpful with the
context essay.

Isidore, Chris. “How Sears changed America,” CNNMoney (New York), 23

Mar. 2017
“More than a century before shopping online emerged, the Sears
catalog brought a nearly limitless assortment of products into
American homes -- homes where people often made their own
clothes or furniture themselves or did without.” This helps understand
some specific ways Sears changed America. This was helpful in
Historical Impacts/Effects.

Kelly, Martin. “Effect of Railroads on the United States,” 11 July 2019,
Annotated Works CIted
“The advent of a rail network expanded the available markets for
Goods.” The transcontinental railroad played a big factor in the
success of Sears. The railroad allowed the movement of a wider
variety of goods much farther distances. Helpful in Historical
Background causes.

"Richard Warren Sears Biography." Richard Warren Sears Biography, Though the Sears
family had been wealthy, his father lost the family fortune through
speculative investments. Upon his father's death, young Sears began
working in the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway at age 17 to
support mother and sisters. He had a keen eye for opportunity.
Richard took the first chance he had and built something great out of
it. This biography was helpful with historical context.

"Richard W. Sears AMERICAN MERCHANT." Britannica, 2019.
He had a talent for appealing to the company’s predominantly rural,
Midwestern customers. He experimented with ideas constantly, first
writing the copy, then trying to locate a producer after the orders had
started flowing in. This source was very necessary in order to
understand how Sears was hard working and had talent.

Sears AMERICAN COMPANY, Chicago Architecture Foundation,
The company’s first catalog was offered the same year. In 1889
Sears sold his business but a few years later founded, with Roebuck,
another mail-order operation, which in 1893 came to be known as
Sears, Roebuck and Company. This website was useful in seeing
how sears came to be in the Historical Context Essay.

"Sears, Roebuck and Co." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History,

edited by Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk, Gale, 1999. Gale In
Context: U.S. History. “The advent of the rural free delivery system in
1891 helped Sears reach its primary customer, the rural farmer, more
Annotated Works CIted
easily. “ Explains how sears was also able to reach rural areas. This
Source provided information on historical context.

"Sears, Roebuck and Co." Gilded Age and Progressive Era Reference
Library, edited by Lawrence W. Baker and Rebecca Valentine
“As the second decade of the century progressed, the houses were
being marketed to consumers who wanted their money to reflect their
status.” This explains how people of wealth were purchasing homes
and how Sears got rich. This was used in Historical Context.

"Sears." Sears, A&E Television Networks, 23 Aug. 2017,
“Sears and Roebuck quickly expanded the business into a general
mail-order catalogue that catered to America’s enormous
19th-century rural population—roughly two-thirds of Americans lived
in rural areas in the late 1890s. This website provided the impact of


Sears, A&E Television Networks, 13 Mar. 2019,
This website shows how Sears grew into one of the nation’s largest
Annotated Works CIted
corporations, and how it redefined the American shopping experience
in the process. This source helped with getting information on
Historical Context.

History of the Sears Catalog, 21 Mar. 2012,
This catalog gave specific events that lead to the creation and
success of Sears and Roebuck Company. This source provided
information on Historical Context and Historical Background Causes.

Howard, Vicki. The Rise and Fall of Sears, Zócalo Public Square, 25 July
“It played a key role in the diffusion of mass consumer culture and
commercial values. For better and for worse, Sears is a symbol of
American capitalism.” This shows how important Sears was in the
growth and uprising of America. This also helped with Historical

Smith, Ernie. How Sears and Montgomery Ward Changed American

Shipping, 20 Feb. 2017,
“They also coincided with the rise of the American shipping industry,
beginning a symbiotic relationship that persists with giants like
Amazon today.” This helped with understanding the foundation that
Sears and Roebuck Co. set for the rest of The American shipping and
shopping industry. This article provided information on Historical

Sood, Shruti. How technology has changed the world?, Day-Dreamer, 7

Feb. 2019,
Technology has changed the world in many various ways. It has
broken barriers and limits that people would not have ever dreamed
of. Technology has revolutionized the world. This source provided
information on understanding how the transcontinental railroad and
Annotated Works CIted
the technology that came with it helped Sears.

Brooks, Rebecca B. The Industrial Revolution in America, 11 Apr. 2018,
“The lack of government regulation allowed businesses to flourish
and grow at a rapid pace.” This was useful in Historical Causes.

Pruitt, Sarah. When the Sears Catalog Sold Everything from Houses to
Hubcaps, 16 Oct. 2018,
“Before there was, there was the Sears catalog.” Sears
Roebuck and Company was the foundation to the very successful
“Amazon.” This was very helpful in Historical Impacts.

Torres, Ella. How the Sears catalog dominated the market and influenced
American history, New York Daily Times, 8 Jan. 2019
“The catalog also shifted the living patterns in the country.” The Sears
Catalog called for many different shifts and changes in the world and
in American History, such as a shift in the status of average
Americans. This source provided information on Historical Impact.

Stansbury, Mark. Sears | Dunlap, Site Historian, 29 Dec. 2019,
“A brand of Sears, Roebuck & Co., made by Atlas Press, Central
Specialty (later King-Seeley), Double A Products, and others.”
Gives a quick summary of the brands that were included in Sears.”
This was helpful in the creation and Context of Sears.

Business Biographies The Business Biography of Richard Warren Sears,

Business Biographies, 17 Oct. 2019,
“Sears Roebuck, and Company won’t be as successful as it is today if
Annotated Works CIted
not for the endorsing talent of Richard Sears, the proprietor of Sears
Roebuck, and Company.” Summarizes what and who Sears was and
how he was the base of Sears and a part of the way America would
forever work. This source provided information on Historical Context.

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