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Aggressive periodontitis: A review

Vaibhavi Joshipura, Umesh Yadalam, Bhavya Brahmavar1
Departments of Periodontics, Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Cholanagar, Bangalore, 1Periodontics, Mathikeri Sampige
Ramaiah College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Health University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

The purpose of this review is to highlight the current etiological and therapeutic concepts of aggressive Access this article online
periodontitis which is rapidly progressing and aggressive in nature. It leads to destruction of periodontal Website:
tissues and loss of teeth. We need advanced diagnostic techniques to learn about current disease DOI: 10.4103/2231-0754.153489
activity and rate of progression. We also require strategies to keep the disease under control with proper Quick Response Code:
maintenance regime and prevent tooth loss, because it can result into complicated prosthetic rehabilitation
in a very young patient. The evidence suggests that aggressive periodontitis is influenced by microbiological,
genetic, and host factors. This paper reviews clinical, microbiological, immunological, and genetic aspects
of pathogenesis of aggressive periodontitis, as well as diagnostic criteria of the disease and appropriate
nonsurgical and surgical treatment options.

Key words: Aggressive, genetic, host factors, microbiologic, periodontitis

INTRODUCTION and used the term diffuse atrophy of the alveolar bone[2] to
describe a condition in which adolescent patients did not
Aggressive periodontitis generally affects systemically healthy exhibit the intense gingival inflammation ordinarily seen in
individuals less than 30 years of age, though patients may other adult patients with periodontitis, he believed that the
be older. Aggressive periodontitis is distinguished from disease was a noninflammatory or degenerative condition.
chronic periodontitis by the age of onset, the rapid rate In the year 1942, Orban and Weinmann introduced the
of destruction, composition of the subgingival microflora, term periodontosis to describe the periodontal destruction
alteration in the host immune response, familial aggregation in young individuals.[3] At the 1966 World Workshop in
of diseased individuals, and a strong racial influence. Periodontics, it was concluded that there is no evidence for
the existence of noninflammatory degenerative periodontal
disease and the term periodontosis should be eliminated
Black in the year 1886, [1] used the terms phagedenic from periodontal nomenclature. In the late 1970s and early
pericementitis and chronic suppurative pericementitis to 1980s, it was believed that the condition was an infection that
describe patients who suffered from a rapid destruction of could be treated by therapy based on excellent plaque control
alveolar bone. Gottlieb in the year 1923 described an unusual and the idea that the disease may be due to degeneration of
form of periodontal disease that involved some or all of the cementum, or any other components of the periodontium,
permanent incisors and first molars of young individuals. was laid to rest. As a reflection of this changing opinion
Based on histological observations on extracted teeth from regarding the etiology of the disease in 1969 Butler[4] used the
affected sites, he believed that the disease was due to term juvenile periodontitis andreplaced periodontosis and
defective deposition of cementum or cementopathia. Gottlieb in 1989 as early onset periodontitis[5] as the preferred term
in the year 1928 applied the principles of classical pathology, for the condition. In the1999 classification system, the name
which stated that all human nonneoplastic diseases could of the disease was changed to aggressive periodontitis,[6]
be classified as either inflammatory or noninflammatory the reason being to eliminate nonvalidated age-dependent
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Vaibhavi Joshipura, Department of Periodontics, Sri Rajiv Gandhi CASE DEFINITION AND DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA
College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Health
University, Cholanagar, R T Nagar post, Bangalore - 560 032, India. In 1971, Baer defined aggressive periodontitis as a disease of
E-mail: the periodontium occurring in an otherwise healthy adolescent,

Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | January-June 2015 | Vol 7 | Issue 1 11
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Joshipura, et al.: Aggressive periodontitis

which is characterized by a rapid loss of alveolar bone around Estimates of the disease prevalence are 1-5% in the African
more than one tooth of the permanent dentition.[7] population and in groups of African descent, 2.6% in
African-Americans, 0.5-1.0% in Hispanics in North America,
Definition: Disease of the periodontium occurring in an 0.3-2.0% in South America, and 0.2-1.0% in Asia.
otherwise healthy adolescent, which is characterized by
rapid loss of alveolar bone about more than one tooth of Among Caucasians, the disease prevalence is 0.1% in northern
the permanent dentition. The amount of destruction is not and in central Europe, 0.5% in southern Europe, and0.1-0.2%
commensurate with the amount of local irritants. in North America.

A contemporary case definition of aggressive periodontitis The prevalence of LAP is less than 1% and that of GAP is 0.13%.
is presented by Albandar in 2014.[8] Blacks are at higher risk than whites, males are at higher risk
of GAP than females. In Asia the prevalence rate of 1.2% for
Key diagnostic criteria of this disease include an:
LAP and 0.6% for GAP in Baghdad and Iran population, and
• Early age of onset,
0.47% in Japanese population.[9]
• Involvement of multiple teeth with a distinctive pattern of
clinical attachment loss and radiographic bone loss, and CLINICAL FEATURES
• A relatively high rate of disease progression and the
LAP starts at circumpubertal age, involving interproximal
absence of systemic diseases that compromise the host’s
attachment loss of first molar, and or incisors, there will
response to infection.
• Although in some patients the disease may start before be lack of inflammation with presence of deep periodontal
puberty, in most patients the age of onset is during, or pocket and advanced bone loss. Amount of plaque is minimal
somewhat after, the circumpubertal period. A typical which is inconsistent with the amount of destruction,
patient shows disease onset at an early age (i.e., before and rarely mineralizes to form calculus, but the plaque is
25 years of age), although identification of the affected highly pathogenic due to the presence elevated levels of
patient usually occurs after disease commencement. bacteria like Aggregatibacter actinomycetumcomitans (A.a) and
• Initially, the periodontal lesions show a distinctive pattern, Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g). Secondary clinical features like
depicted radiographically as vertical bone loss at the distolabial migration of incisors with diastema formation,
proximal surfaces of posterior teeth, and the bone loss mobility of the involved teeth, sensitivity of the denuded
usually occurs bilaterally. In advanced cases of aggressive root, deep dull radiating pain to the jaw, and periodontal
periodontitis the periodontal lesions may be depicted abscess lymph node enlargement may occur.[10]
radiographically as a horizontal loss of bone. The primary GAP has generalized interproximal attachment loss affecting
teeth may also be affected, although early exfoliation of at least three permanent teeth other than incisors and first
these teeth is not common. molar involving individuals under age 30 with destruction
• Aggressive periodontitis may be localized or generalized, appears to occur episodically. There will be presence of
in localized aggressive periodontitis (LAP), tissue loss
minimal plaque which is inconsistent with destruction and
usually starts at the permanent first molars and incisors,
presence of bacteria like P.g, A.a, and Tannerella forsythia are
and with increasing patient age the disease may progress
detected in plaque.[10]
to involve the adjacent teeth. The generalized form
of aggressive periodontitis involves most or all of the Two kinds of gingival responses are seen in GAP patients. First
permanent teeth. response is severe acutely inflamed tissue which is ulcerated
and red in color with spontaneous bleeding indicating
destructive stage and the other one with pink gingiva free
1. Localized aggressive periodontitis (LAP): Localized to first of inflammation, with some degree of stippling and deep
molar/incisor interproximal attachment loss periodontal pockets are present representing quiescence
2. Generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP): Generalized stage.[10]
interproximal attachment loss affecting at least three
permanent teeth other than incisors and first molar.
Histopathology of aggressive periodontitis is not well-
documented as compared to chronic periodontitis because of
The prevalence of L AP varies considerably between less numbers of aggressive periodontitis patients, changing
continents, and differences in race/ethnicity seem to be a the definition of disease entity, and variations in the timing
major contributing factor. of the biopsies.

12 Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | January-June 2015 | Vol 7 | Issue 1
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Joshipura, et al.: Aggressive periodontitis

However, Stambolieva and Bourkova[11] found increase in Herpes viruses, especially Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and
the numbers of acid phosphatase positive macrophages human cytomegalovirus, have been suggested to play a role
(phagocytic macrophages) in aggressive periodontitis in the onset of aggressive periodontitis by interacting with
patients. In the pretreatment biopsies of LAP, there was periodontitis-associated bacteria, such as A.a, P.g, T. forsythia,
predominant plasma cell inflammatory infiltration,[12] and C. rectus, Dialister pneumosintes.[22]
the root surfaces of individuals with aggressive periodontitis
were observed to beheavily covered by neutrophils.[13] A fully
developed lesion consists ofplasma cell dominated infiltration In periodontitis, the host-activated inflammatory and
in the connective tissue with neutrophils migrating through immunological cascades responding to predominantly
the pocket lining epithelium and creating a layer between gram-negative microorganisms that result in the destruction
the plaque and tissues. of connective tissue and bone are under genetic control.
MICROBIOLOGY Genetic and environmental factors play a crucial role in
the development of aggressive periodontitis. Here are few
Use of advanced microbiological methods has improved gene polymorphism and their associations with aggressive
our knowledge regarding the composition of bacteria in periodontitis.
subgingival deposits which can cause different forms of
periodontitis. There are geographic and ethnic variations in A strong association was found between interleukin (IL)-1a
relation to periodontitis associated microorganisms. (889)[23] and IL-1a 3954allele 2 polymorphism[24] and aggressive
periodontitis. IL-1 gene cluster was not associated with AP
Since long time A.a has been considered the primary according to Fiebig in caucasians.[25] IL-4-590 T/T, IL-4-34 T/T
pathogen for aggressive periodontitis, especially in its genotype are associated with AP.[26] IL-6-174G allele increased
localized form. Six serotypes of A.a (a, b, c, d, e, and f) are the risk of AP and IL-6-572 C/G polymorphism is associated
described based on the composition of O polysaccharide with pathogenesis.[27] Nibali found link between IL-6-1363,-
of their lipopolysaccharide and there are phenotypically 1480 polymorphism and LAP susceptability.[28].IL-10 promoter
nonserotypeable strains of A.a which lack expression polymorphisms at positions -1082 G-A,-819C-T, and -590C-A
of serotype-specific polysaccharideantigen. [14] A highly showed that haplotype ATA is a putative risk indicator for
leukotoxic clonal type of A. A serotype b was first isolated, in GAP.[29] FPR348 T-C gene polymorphism showed association
the early 1980s, from an 8-year-old male child with localized with AP in African American subjects.[30] Fc gamma RIIIb-NA2
aggressive periodontitis.[14] Prevalence of A.a in LAP varies allele and Fc gamma RIIIb-NA2/NA2 genotype and composite
from 70 to 90%,[15,16] but there are studies which states there is genotype FcaRIIIb-NA2/NA2 and FCgammaRIIIa-H/H131 may
no association between A.a and the periodontal diseaserather be associated with GAP.[31] FCgamma polymorphisms can
prevalence of levels of P.g, T.denticola, and P.intermedia are lead to modulation of neutrophil superoxide production
significantly associated withaggressive periodontitis. In a and predispose to AP.[32] VDR, FcaRIIIb composite genotype
study done by Takeuchi for detection of microorganisms in may be associated with susceptibility to generalized early
sub gingival flora of Japanese population using polymerase onset periodontitis.[33] TLR-4 399 Ile polymorphism showed a
chain reaction (PCR) it was found that the prevalence of protective effect against AP.[34] TNFA gene polymorphism (1031,
A.a was less in patients with LAP whereas elevated levels 863,857, 308, and 238) was not associated with aggressive
of P.g, Tannerella forsythia, T.denticola, P.intermedia, and periodontitis.[35] HLA-DR4, HLA-A9, B-15 are found in high
Campylobacterrectus was detected.[17] Albander found elevated frequency in rapidly progressive periodontitis patients[36,37]
levels of IgG and IgA to P.g and A.a and IgA to P.intermedia in and HLA-DQB1 plays a crucial role in pathogenesis of AP.[38]
subjects with GAP than LAP and no difference was found at the
antibody levels of C.rectus, E. corridens, F.nucleatum.[18] Filifactor Miscellaneous genes associated with aggressive periodontitis
alocis is gram positive anaerobic rod which has the potential are AGT-angiotensinogen CTSC-cathepsin C, E-selectin in
of being periodontal pathogen and the levels of these bacteria Iranian population, FPR-formyl peptide receptor in Asian
is elevated in aggressive periodontitis patients.[19] Treponema population, NADPH-NADPH oxidase, PAII-plasminogen
lecithinolyticumand Treponema socranskii are elevated in GAP.[20] activator inhibitor 1, and S100A8-calprotectin in Asians,
Sulfate reducing bacteria, Desulfomicrobium orale, has been TIMP2-tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase 2 in
suggested to be involved in various categories of periodontal Asians, and t-PA-tissue plasminogen activator in Caucasian.
destruction, possibly synergistically with the red complex
periodontal pathogens.[21] Yamabe suggested Archaea a
methanogenic organism, especially Methanobrevibacter oralisas Aggressive periodontitis should be present in a healthy
putative periodontal pathogen for aggressive periodontitis.[14] individual; multiple systemic conditions may be associated

Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | January-June 2015 | Vol 7 | Issue 1 13
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Joshipura, et al.: Aggressive periodontitis

with attachment loss which needs to be ruled out before Robertson, Asikainen, Palmer, and Tinoco, did studieson
giving the diagnosis as aggressive periodontitis because SRP in combination withantibiotics in LAP patients. Sigush,
in conditions like leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndrome Guerrera, Hass, Yek, Mestnik, and Aimetti did studies on SRP
and Papillon-Lefevre syndrome the oral picture resembles in combination with antibiotics in GAP patients. The studies
aggressive periodontitis. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils concluded that using antibiotics as an adjunct to SRP is
(PMNs) play an important role in host immune response, beneficial when compared to SRP alone in treating aggressive
qualitative and quantitative deficiency in PMNs can lead to periodontitis. Combination of amoxicillin and metronidazole
increased periodontal destruction, and this does not mean with SRP is effective in treating GAP.[40]
aggressive periodontitis is caused by dysfunctional PMNs.
Although host factors can also play an enormous role in the Local antimicrobials
progression of disease, PMN dysfunction does not appear Agents like 1% chlorhexidine gel, 40% tetracycline gel,
to be a cause for aggressive periodontitis in nonsyndromic tetracycline fibers, and chlorhexidine chip have been used
individuals.[39] as local antimicrobials in the treatment of LAP and GAP.
Unsal, Purucker, Kaner, and Sakellari have done studies on
TREATMENT treating aggressive periodontitis using local antimicrobials.
The studies concluded that the adjunct effect of local
The overall treatment concepts and goals in patients with
antimicrobial is not clear and do not seem to improve on
aggressive periodontitis are not markedly different from
the adjunct effect of systemic antibiotics. Therefore, it seems
those in patients with chronic periodontitis. Therefore, the
reasonable that the decision to use this type of treatment
different treatment phases (systemic, initial, reevaluation,
modality should be made on an individual basis rather than
surgical, maintenance, and restorative) are similar for both
be evidence-based.[40]
types of periodontitis. However, the considerable amount of
bone loss relative to the young age of the patient and the high SURGICAL THERAPY
rate of bone loss warrants a well-thought-through treatment
plan and an often more aggressive treatment approach, in Access surgery
order to halt further periodontal destruction and regains as Modified Widman flap surgery alone or in combination with
much periodontal attachment as possible.[40] tetracycline is effective in reducing the pocket depths and
pathological microbial load. Modified Widman flap with
NONSURGICAL PERIODONTAL THERAPY systemic administration of amoxicillin and metronidazole
combination is also beneficial in treating aggressive
Scaling and root planing
periodontitis. Christersson, Lindhe and Liljenberg, Mandell
Scaling and root planing in patients with LAP improves the
and Socransky, and Buchman have done extensive research
clinical parameters, but with the limited data present it is
on access surgery alone or in combination with antibiotics in
unclear to know the predictability and long-term stability
treating aggressive periodontitis and concluded that access
of scaling and root planing (SRP) in LAP. The effect of SRP
surgery in combination with systemic antibiotics was effective
is well-documented in patients with GAP. Patients with GAP
than access surgery alone.[40]
respond well to SRP in short term (6 months), after 6 months,
relapse, and disease progression is reported despite frequent Teeth used as abutments for fixed constructions in aggressive
recall visits and oral hygiene reinforcements.[40] periodontitis patients are more prone for extractions during
follow-up period of 10 years (Yi et al., 1995 and Lulic et al.,
Systemic antibiotics
2007). Pretzel indicated double rate of tooth loss used as
Treating patients with aggressive periodontitis is challenging.
abutments in fixed constructions over 10 years than teeth
The disease responds less predictably to conventional
that are not used as abutments. The reason might be because
mechanical periodontal therapy, hence scientists have been
of decreased accessibility for cleaning leading to risk for
exploring adjunctive treatment to improve the outcome,
reinfection and progression of disease.[41]
predictability of the conventional mechanical therapy. In view
of the specific microbial nature of aggressive periodontal IMPLANTS
disease, the use of systemic antibiotics can play an important
role in the treatment of these diseases. According to short-term studies, the survival rate of
implants in GAP patients is around 97.4-100%; whereas
Systemic antibiotics like tetracycline, metronidazole, that of long-term studies, survival ranges from 83.3 to 96%.
combination of metronidazole and amoxicillin, clindamycin, Therefore, implant treatment in patients with GAP is not
and azithromycin are also used as adjunct in the treatment contraindicated, provided that adequate infection control
of aggressive periodontitis. Slots and Rosling, Kornman and and an individualized maintenance program is assured.[42]

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Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.

16 Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | January-June 2015 | Vol 7 | Issue 1
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Joshipura, et al.: Aggressive periodontitis

About the author

Dr. Vaibhavi Joshipura has done her M.D.S. in Periodontics from Government Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat, in 1995, and currently pursuing her PhD from Gujarat University. She is Post Graduate guide with over 19 years of
teaching experience and has been working as specialist consultant in Periodontics with various hospitals and dental clinics
in Bengaluru since 1996. At present she is Principal and professor of periodontology at Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of dental
sciences and hospital, Bengaluru. She has lectured at various national conferences and CDE programs. She has several
national and international publications to her credit. She has received research grant from Siddhartha University for her
research at Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, on genetic aspects of aggressive periodontitis in Tumkur population. She
is a reviewer for various national and international journals like Journal of Indian society of Periodontology, International
Journal of Health & Allied Sciences –JSS University, Journal of Annual research and review in Biology-Science domain
international, and Journal of international clinical dental research organization. She is on editorial board of IDES journal
of research and practice of dental science, and chief editor of Dental era-Journal of dentistry.

Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | January-June 2015 | Vol 7 | Issue 1 17

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