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2 Echo of a Reflector, DOS Diagram 99

Up to now we have dealt with situations where extreme conditions for the re-
flector size and distance apply. The intermediate regions for both size and distance
can only be calculated by using higher mathematics. However, for all practical pur-
poses it turns out that this region can be covered with relatively small errors by ap-
proaching it from each side. This has been done in Figs. 5.6 and 5.7.
To achieve the most general presentation we can normalize in terms of the ba-
sic transmitter characteristics as follows; N = near zone length; Ho = back-wall
echo: Dt = transmitter diameter and thence:

~ = distance of reflector D,

~ = amplifier gain G,

. S.
Dr = re fl ector SIze
All the normalized values D, G and S are dimensionless quantities and the gain
G represents the ratio by which the reflector echo has to be amplified to make it
equal to the reference echo. Introducing D, G and S into the Eqs. (5.4) and (5.5) we
obtain for the distant field
Gr = 1t ]j2 (small reflector) ,
GR = 1t 2D (back wall) .


a3 a1't---~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~


a3 3
Fig.S.7. Complete DOS diagram, as a combination of the theoretical solution for reflectors
close to the transmitter, Eq. (5.7), scale for S on the left hand; the theoretical solution for
the far-field as in Fig. 5.6; and experimental measurements made in the sound field between.
Measurements were made with circular-disc reflectors in water [850, 852)

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