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Assignment – Design the Dashboard for Manufacturer

1. Fetch the following details in Sales worksheet from other worksheets data source.

a. Country
b. Product Name
c. Category
d. Segment
e. Manufacturer
f. State

2. In "Is VanArsdel" column, If Manufacturer name is "VanArsdel" then Yes otherwise No

3. Extract Month and year from Date column in Month and year columns respectively

4. In a single worksheets named "PivotTables", Create Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts for following:
a. Calculate total Sales revenue by Segment with VanArsdel (Y/N) (Bar Chart)
b. Calculate total Sales revenue by State with VanArsdel (Y/N) (Column Chart)
c. Calculate total Sales revenue by Category with VanArsdel (Y/N) (Column Chart)
d. Calculate Total Sales revenue by Manufacturer (Column Chart)
e. Calculate VanArsdel Share in % (Pie Chart)
f. Calculate Monthly Sales revenue by Manufacturer (Line Chart)

5. Insert Slicers for Category, Segment, State, Is VanArsdel

6. Insert "Date" Timeline.

7. Select All pivottable and pivotcharts to connect to timeline (Right click on Date Timeline)
8. Select All pivottable and pivotcharts to connect to Slicer Category (Right click on category Slicer)
9. Select All pivottable and pivotcharts to connect to Slicer State (Right click on State Slicer)
10. Select All pivottable and pivotcharts to connect to Slicer Segment (Right click on Segment Slicer)
11. Select All pivottable and pivotcharts to connect to Slicer "Is VanArsdel" (Right click on "Is
VanArsdel" Slicer)

12. Copy all Slicers, Timeline and Pivot Charts to a new worksheet named "Dashboard"

13. In Dashboard Worksheet disable all the headings and grid line in View.

14. Put the Appropriate heading for dashboard.

15. Hide all other worksheet except “Dashboard”

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