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Se formeaza cu terminatia –s.

 Substantivele care se termina in o, ch, sh, ss, x primesc –es.
tomatoe – tomatoes
church – churches
kiss – kisses
box – boxes
brush – brushes

 Substantivele de origine straina care se termina in o primesc doar –s.

kilo – kilos
photo – photos
piano – piano
soprano – sopranos
kimono – kimonos

 Substantivele care se termina in y precedat de o consoana, primesc –ies.

baby – babies
country – countries
fly – flies
lady – ladies

 Substantivele care se termina in y precedat de o vocala, primesc –s.

boy – boys
day – days
guy – guys

 Substantivele care se termina in f primesc –s.

cliff – cliffs
handkerchief – handkerchiefs

 12 substantive care se termina in f sau fe au forma de plural in –ves.

calf – calves (vitel) wife – wives
half – halves loaf – loaves
knife – knives self – selves
leaf – leaves shelf – shelves
thief – thieves
wolf – wolves
life – lives
goose – geese man – men
foot – feet woman – women
child – children mouse – mice
louse – lice tooth – teeth
ox – oxen crisis = crises
memorandum – memoranda terminus - termini
erratum – errata

 Substantivele compuse primesc de obicei pluralul la ultimul cuvant.

boy – friends
break – ins
travel – agents
 Substantivele compuse formate din verb + er sau substantiv + adverb primesc
terminatia de plural la primul cuvant.
hangers – on
lookers – on
runners – up
sisters – in – law
ladies – in – waiting
 Unele substantive au aceeasi forma la singular si plural:
a) sheep, deer, fish, fruit
b) aircraft, spacecraft, hovercraft
c) crossroads, means, series, species, works


nu au forma de plural
nu primesc articol nehotârât (a sau an) şi numeral
se acordă cu verb şi pronume la singular
se folosesc singure sau cu some, any, much, little, less
- sugar, butter, meat, cheese, rice, yoghurt
- coffee, lemonade, oil, petrol, wine, water
- wood, plastic, silver, glass
- knowledge, beauty, justice, help, freedom, education, love, research, luggage,
baggage, hair, weather, advice, news, accommodation, information, equipment,
rubbish, furniture, crockery, money, damage, money, homework, evidence, suspicion,
shopping, marketing
- relief, fear, pity, help, horror, hope, mercy, death, courage
- economics, physics, mathematics, politics, gymnastics, athletics
- billiards, dominoes, darts, draughts
- measles, mumps, flu, cancer

Pentru a exprima cantitatea folosim:

- a piece of cake / news / paper
- a glass / bottle of water
- a jar of jam / honey
- a loaf / slice of bread
- a bar of chocolate / soap

Unele substantive pot fi folosite ca countable sau uncountable dar cu intelesuri diferite:

 Would you like a glass of lemonade?

Tina can’t see without her glasses. (spectacles
The vase is made of glass. (the material)

 He went out to buy a paper. (newspaper)

He wrote the phone number on a piece of paper.
Don’t forget to bring all the necessary papers. (documents)

 Susan has got short, dark hair.

There is a hair in my soup.
 Your room is a mess.
We haven’t got enough room to put you up.

 The table is made of wood.

A lot of animals live in the woods.

 I haven’t got any time to lose.

How many times did Rick phone?

Substantive care se acordă cu verb la plural:

- clothes, people, police, stairs, surroundings, outskirts, premises, earnings, wages,
cattle, poultry, belongings, goods, cattle, crowd
- substantive care sunt compuse din doua parti: trousers, binoculars, shorts, shoes,
gloves, pyjamas, tights, glasses, earrings, socks, scissors

Substantivele care se refera la grupuri pot fi folosite la singular cand au intelesul de

intreg si la plural cand se refera la componentele grupului :
- jury, family, team, group, crew, class, audience, committee, council, army, club, press,
government, company
Eg. The jury is ready to give the verdict.
The jury are all staying at the Park Hotel.

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