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Lecția 8

Trecutul simplu

1. Forma

Verbele regulate formează trecutul simplu prin adăugarea la forma de bază a

verbului +-ed.
Ex.: scream > screamed, work > worked
Verbele neregulate au forme proprii de trecut. ( ase vedea tabelul – a doua coloană)
Ex.: sleep > slept, drink > drank
Forma negativă se compune cu ajutorul auxiliarului to do, conjugat la trecut (did)
+ not în fata verbului principal. Did + not se folosesc des în forma contrasă
Ex.: I did not jump over.
She didn't finish the work.
Forma interogativă se formează prin inversiunea dintre auxiliarul did și subiect:
Ex.: Did you want it?
Did it rain there?

2. Funcții

Trecutul simplu se folosește pentru a exprima fapte și realități din trecut:

Ex.: In the past people believed that the earth was flat.
Descrie un eveniment sau acțiune încheiata petrecută în trecut:
Ex.: John Loud invented the ballpoint pen in 1888.
Pentru a descrie starea, condiția sau obiceiuri din trecut:
Ex.: I went to school by bus when I was a child.

3.3. Conjugare

I walked you walked he/she/it

plural we walked you walked they walked
singular I slept you slept he/she/it slept
plural we slept you slept they slept
singular I was you were he/she/it was
plural we were you were they were

Exemple: When I was a girl, I walked five miles to school every day.
Carmelita slept through the entire class.
We worked really hard to make this a success, but then Chuck ruined it with
his carelessness.
Every time I finished a sandcastle, the waves came in and washed it away.
Tarzan dove into the swamp and swam toward the alligator.


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