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For me, globalization is an integration because it already brought economic benefits not only to

many people but also to the whole wide world by providing cultural and scientific enrichment. Over the
past few years, the scale of globalization has increased dramatically for a few reasons. First,
multinational corporations have already global reach and increasing power. Second, travel and shipping
are cheap and safe. Before, it took about two months to cross the Atlantic in 1800 but today, it takes
about five hours by plane. Third, Governments have decreased tariffs and regulations on international
trade, leading to what is sometimes called the “free trade”. Amongst other things, this means that
people and countries can exchange information and goods more quickly. However, not only does an
exchange of products and economic good take place, but also of services, knowledge, cultural goods and
even languages. Globalization has indeed brought economic benefits that will allow many people to rise
out of poverty.

I like the liquid to be the metaphor of globalization because it depicts fluidity which
characterizes the “global age”. Globalization is increasingly characterized by the flowing of liquid among
people, objects, decisions, information, and places that is why there is interconnectivity. Also, because
of technological developments, the fluidity of globalization can move across the globe far more readily.
This liquidity can even break barriers between countries. It pertains the fast movement of people,
information and objects in this era. As globalization flows everywhere around the globe, it affects
different places with varying degrees of intensity.

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