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Chapter 7

A. Read the following statements . Write T (True) if the sentence is true, F (False) if the
sentences is false and N if it is not mentioned in the chapter.

1. As the years passed, Dorian chaged for the better (T )

2. Dorian felt sad very time he looked at the painting (T)
3. Dorian isn´t pleased to see Basil (T )
4. Basil is not happy with his life in England (T)
5. Dorian is very popular in London society (T )
6. Basil has come to Dorian´s house to tell him that the doesn´t want to associate with
him anymore. (F )
7. Basil is very concemed about Dorian. (T )
8. Basil does not want to miss his train. (T )
9. Basil thinks that the damage in the portrait can be repaired. (T )
10. Basil tries to take back the painting and Dorian kills him. (T)

B.Put the sentences in the correct order, Write 1-9

Dorian ingnored Basil´s and was filled with feelings of disgust for him (7 )

Basil asked Dorian to open his heart to him ( 1 )

Basil reluctantly decided to uncover the portrait (9 )

Dorian reminded Basil of the wish he had made years ago (2 )

Dorian felt relieved after killing Basil (4 )

Basil tried to come up with a logical explanation for what had happened (3 )

Basil gave Dorian some advice (5 )

Basil found it hard to believe what was in front of his eyes (8 )

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