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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning!

Before j our pray, all teachers and students please stand up!

I take shelter on Allah from the temptation of the evil.

In the name of Allah, the beneficial and the merciful.

Dear my lord,
Expel us from the darkness and hesitation. Cover us with thy light of
understanding. Increase us in knowledge that will be useful for us. Adorn us
with good moral and thy love. Glorify ourselves with piety. And beautify us in
good health.

Dear my lord, the beneficial and the merciful.

Shine our heart with thy light of guidance as thou shine earth and sky with thy

Dear my lord,
Forgive and pardon the sins of ours, of our teachers, our parents….. remove us
our evil deeds.

Dear my lord,
Pour forth on us amenity, and spirit, thereby, it is easy for us absorb and
comprehend all knowledge given by our teachers. Cast us away from laziness
and foolishness.

Dear my lord,
Make useful for us what thou have taught us and teach us knowledge that will
be useful for ourselves, our families, our belief, our people and nation.

Dear my lord,
Send no astray upon our hearts, since thou have guided us on the right path.
Grant us the good in this world and that of hereafter and save us from the torture
of hell. Praise is to Allah, the great, the nigh exalted.

All teachers and students, please sit down!

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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