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No one can deny that family is the foundation of society, a family is where we start our
life journey. The family shapes us and helps us grow to achieve meaningful goals
throughout our lives. When we talk about family, what comes to our minds is a group of
related individuals, including children, parents and other relatives. Everyone defines
family differently, however, the significance of the family is the same. The family is the
most important feature in one’s life. For me, my family means everything, I can always
turn to my parents and my siblings for help and affection.
My family is one of my greatest pillars, my parents and my siblings influence my thoughts
and behavior through their actions. My family values have greatly affected my behavior.
My parents always encourage us to help those in need.
Being able to rely on my family is another reason why family is important. The first people
I turn to when I feel discouraged or feel happy are my parents and my siblings. I share
with them my joy, sorrows, achievement and major milestone in my life.
I believe that blood is thicker than water, parents and siblings are always supportive and
always use cordial words to encourage good behavior. For me, the family is the pillar of
society, this gives it a bigger value, living in a good society depends on family structure.
If the family offers adequate support, the society will be peaceful and stable.
To sum up, I believe that everything we do revolves around the family. My family to me is
my parents, relatives and friends. I can’t imagine living without my family because my
family is my future and it is the essence of the society.

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