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The Anarchist Daily 

Galya Diamond-Berman 
John Ernst 
Rosie Orzulak 
Nahom Tsegaye 
William McKinley Assassinated: 
It’s About Time 
It was a sweltering day in the month of motivated by the speeches of infamous
September, and President William anarchist Emma Goldman, who was also
McKinley was out for an afternoon in injustly arrested after the murder. After
downtown Buffalo at the Temple of taking it upon himself to remove the
Music. The President was 58, and had horrific figure of William McKinley,
recently led the United States to victory Czolgosz had been unfairly thought of as
in the Spanish-American War. The not a man but only an anarchist.
President’s staff twice tried to cancel the
meet and greet at the music center, for
fear of an Anarchist assassin, who later
took the shape of handsome 28 year old
Leon Czolgosz, who had been inspired by
Emma Goldman, one of the most
captivating anarchists of the time.

Czolgosz had gone to shake hands with

McKinley when he revealed a .32 caliber Many anarchists such as Czolgosz, who
Iver Johnson revolver and shot McKinley had been bullied by the upper class
twice, one of the bullets causing minor throughout their childhoods, were
damage, but the other passed through his constantly fired from jobs by rich
stomach, disabling him and causing blood employers and for the rest of their lives
poisoning, which killed him about one viewed the upper-class as the enemy,
week later. Czolgosz, when asked about leading to the well known anarchist
why he murdered McKinley, preached movement.
that he “d[id]n’t believe in the The U.S. then contributed greatly to
Republican form of government,” and stopping the honorable anarchist
that he “believed [the US] should[n’t] movement, with Teddy Roosesevelt taking
have any rulers.” over as President as Czolgosz was sadly
Czolgosz confessed that he had also been executed in the electric chair October 29.

Henry Frick’s Almost  What has Frick done? He is one of the
Killed: Better Luck  heads of the evil snake called Carnegie
Next Time  Steel Company. Ever since he became
By: Nahom Tsegaye
president he has taken more and more
Henry Frick was almost killed after his
rights and privileges from the workers.
involvement against the great
He often refuses to bargain with any
homestead strike.
union and when that resulted in the
The homestead strike one of the noblest
Homestead Strike he hired people to
strikes this decade was met with strike
injure and kill them.
breakers and terrible things that this so
Alexander Berkman was imprisoned
called government is supposed to
for trying to stop all of this. He got
protect us against. Henry Frick himself
imprisoned for trying to help the
sent hundreds and hundreds of guards
strikers and take down the evil that is
to kill the people who were peacefully
Carnegie Steel. Alexander Berkman is
more for the individual than any
Alexander Berkman Simple wanted to
government on this earth.
get revenge for his fellow man. Henry
Frick is a terrible man and is
responsible for many deaths. He has
gotten too powerful and needs to be
stopped. He has taken money from the
masses while making them suffer while
he just sits there and does nothing.

Violence and Chaos at the It seems to be very clear that Anarchists
organized The Haymarket labor strike which
Haymarket Riot: The Police the police soon made violent. This riot was a
is to Blame! courageous act of Anarchists expressing their
hatred for organized government and how
By Galya Diamond-Berman
unfairly the government was treating it’s
It was a hectic spring day on May 4th of 1886
immigrant workers.
when 8 radical Anarchists were striking for
labor rights and the police shifted it into a
complete mess. This violent confrontation
began with anarchists peacefully protesting
and the police causing a bomb to be set off.
Tragically, more than a dozen were left dead
with 100 people injured.
As this riot broke out, it has begun a
widespread fear of immigrants and labor
leaders. However, it was conspired that
anarchists played a big part in the violence of
the strike. Although, the police were actually According to the Encyclopedia Britannica
the cause of this violence. (Haymarket Riot), a few days later, the
Haymarket Riot inspired International
A strong and brave group of eight anarchist Workers Day on this new holiday, anarchists
leaders that went by the name of “Chicago such as Goldman, Berkman, and Voltairine de
Eight” was allegedly involved in the violence Cleyre, as well as socialist ​Eugene V. Debs
at the strike. Although the bomber was never gave speeches and explained to the public that
identified, eight anarchists were arrested for the tragic events that occurred on May 4,
murder at the Haymarket Riot. On November 1886, The Haymarket Riot initiated their
11, 1887 four anarchist members of the anarchist political awakenings.
Chicago Eight were hanged for their
wrongfully accused involvement in the Overall, it may be said that the Haymarket
violence of The Haymarket Riot. Riot on May 4th of 1886 was critical yet
prideful act of anarchists which left a
In today’s society the labor movement is very prominent mark on the labor and anarchist
prominent. A generous amount of Anarchists movement.
were also strong leaders of the labor
movement and commanders for immigrant


Emma Goldman  INTERVIEW 

With Hero Emma Goldman, 
Profile In Courage   January 11,1917 
Galya Diamond: “Today I’m here with the 

The​ name Emma Goldman, commonly known famous anarchist, Emma Goldman.” 
across America for her brave, outstanding Emma Goldman: “Hello Galya, I’m very 
anarchist involvement in freeing the country,
happy to be here.” 
is one that will go down in history. The
anarchist hero, Emma Goldman was born and Galya: “What first began your distaste for 

raised in ​ Königsberg, East Prussia and violent authority?” 

St.Petersburg. She wasn’t gifted with a formal
Emma Goldman: “When I was a child, I 
education, but she read widely and associated
with a radical student circle in St.Petersburg. witnessed a peasant being whipped in the 

Her ability to self teach is one that deserves street with a knout. This stayed with me 
high praise and respect.
for a very long time, I was scarred. This  
After immigrating to the US in 1885,
Goldman began working in clothing began my opposition to authority figures 

companies. Here, is where she first came in who use violence.”  

contact with anarchist and socialist groups. In
Galya: “What have you been arrested for, 
1889, Goldman met her close friend
and if you could go back in time to rethink 
Alexander Berkman, who is well known
accross America for his attempted your actions, would you?” 
assassination of Henry Clay Frick. In 1890, Emma Goldman: “I have been arrested for 
Goldman was jailed for inciting a riot with her
many different causes, too many to count 
passionate, motivating words during a speech.
Goldman’s inspirational words have the honestly. The causes have been mostly 
amazing ability to deeply influence anyone based around me speaking at strikes and 
who listens or reads them. Goldman was

released five years later, when she embarked speaking out about what I believe in. 
on her amazing journey around Europe and
Honestly, if I were to go back in time I 
the United States to lecture people about the
wouldn’t have changed any of my actions, 
ideals of anarchism.
Goldman eventually updated her views on I stand by everything I’ve said that I have 
violence to become the opposite, she now gotten arrested for.” 
refutes violence. In 1906, Goldman began an
Galya: “You are quite the inspiration, 
educational and informative periodical titled
“Mother Earth” which emphasizes her dislike Emma. What is your opinion on birth 

of the US government and spreads the beliefs control?” 

of anarchism. In 1910, she published
Emma Goldman: “I believe birth control is 
Anarchism and Other Essays.
a very positive alternative to abortion. It 

spares mothers the traumatic experience 

and depressing state. I believe more young 

women and women in general around 

America should be educated on birth 


Galya: “What religion do you identify 

Pictured is Goldman in 1911
Not only does Goldman talk about anarchism,
she also has been known to talk about many Emma Goldman: “I personally identify 

European plays and playwrights. Many with atheism. I believe religion is used as 
Americans have to thank her for her
an instrument for control and domination, 
successful attempts to share her culture with
which, as you know, I deeply oppose. The 
us. Her amazing lectures on their works are
published as ​The Social Significance of the supporters are masked into obedience by 

Modern Drama. S
​ he also bravely talks about the religions.” 
“free love”, ​the idea or practice of having
Galya: “Thank you for joining me today.” 
sexual relations according to choice, without
Emma Goldman: “Thank you for having 
being restricted by marriage or long-term
relationships. Most recently, Goldman was me.” 
jailed for one year for confidently speaking  

out about birth control. She recently got out,  

and is here to be interviewed by our staff  

member, Galya Diamond.

Henry Frick, in a basic, unironed black suit
Emma Goldman, in a modest outfit of a with a white shirt under.
simple white blouse and black skirt.

William Mckinley, dressed in another basic

Lucy Parsons, dressed in a classic, modest, black suit, with nothing special about it.
beautiful black dress, looking very regal.


Today's Obituary
Kate austin recently died. She was an anarchist
writer and beloved by all. At a young age her
mother had died and left her to raise he 5 younger
siblings. In times of depression she always made
sure to bring tramps in. Even through all of her
hardships she always loved a good joke. She died
on October 28 at 71 years old. It was in Kansas
from consumption.

Today’s Word Search

Anarchist Daily Quiz: Test your knowledge
of today’s newspaper issue.

1.Who assassinated William McKinley?

2.What has Emma Goldman been arrested for?

3.Where did Emma Goldman grow up?

4.What historical event occurred on May 4th

of 1886?

5.Who is Henry Frick?

6.What happened at the Haymarket Riot?

7.How was William McKinley assassinated?







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