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Arrange the letters. (6 marks)

daySnu Sunday
1. yadMno
2. Tdayues
3. nesWdeday
4. yadThusr
5. riFyad
6. druSaayt

Fill in the blanks. (4 marks)

1. Monday Wednesday

____________ Monday Tuesday

3. Wednesday ____________ Friday

4. Friday Sunday.
Write the correct answers based on the pictures. (10 marks)

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.


Do you play piano at the weekend?



Do you read at the weekend?



Do you ride pony at the weekend?



Do you play computer games at

the weekend?



Do you play with doll at the



Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. (10 marks)

Last weekend, Suresh and his family went to a park. They

went there to exercise. Suresh’s father jogged around the park.
Suresh’s mother and sister played badminton. Suresh and his
brother played football with other children at the field. They had
fun at the park.

After that, they went to a restaurant for lunch. They chosed

healthy food that are good for their body. They ate lots of fruits
and vegetables. They also drank plain water.

1. Where did Suresh and his family go last weekend?


2. What did they do there?


3. Who jogged around the park?


4. Who played badminton?


5. Why did they eat lots of fruits and vegetables? (HOTS- Analysis)

Write sentences below with correct punctuations. (10 marks)
Example : Amani plays netball on Wednesday.

1. ahmad reads a story book on monday


2. dania goes swimming every sunday


3. badrul and his friends play football on tuesday


4. ramu rides his bike every weekend


5. farid watches television on Friday

Section C
Look at the picture below. Arrange the words in the correct
order and write the sentences. (10 marks)

1. living room. in the are Encik Ali and his family


Farhan with is playing chess his father.


3. Puan Diba
is sewing on the sofa.


Nadia the piano. is playing


5. a picture frame on the wall. There is


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