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Name: Aliya Q.

Grade & Section: Grade XI- Saint Anselm


The simple one is measurement, as we use different devices we

forget that we are only as good as the device we use to measure and
even then we only come close to measure something, and exact
measurements aren't done in every day life.

You come really close to getting the measure, with some devices if
you are careful but don't get the exact measure.

In the picture is the measurement the arrow points to 2.00000 or is

it 1.9999 or 2.00001? as You can see we can't even grantee the
significance with this ruler. You can say that approximately it's 2.0.
However we can grantee that is a limit because we haven't tried to
measure something just read the number of the ruler.

To say something at a limit the number may be 2.015 we need a

sequence of measurements that are related. So say you measure
liquid: You used a cup that give you room for additional liquid and
measured 2 litters, you wanted to get a better measurement so you
found a container that gives the exact amount of 2 litters and poored
water in the container(very accurately with paper towels under the
containers). There were still some very small amount of liquid left in
the original container and couple of droplets on the paper towel, you
approximated that as 2.3 then found a measurement device to
measure the amount in the container and it turned out to be .01

so the sequence looks like that 2.0, 2.3, 2.01 so may be the limit is
somewhere around 2.01

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