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Variac Transformer Review: A Must Guide to

Variable transformers will be transformers that can put out varying measures of voltage from a similar information
voltage. There are trademarked forms of these transformers and there are variants that are essentially sold as
factor transformers, some of which are worked to custom details. These are utilized in a wide range of utilizations
and are among the most well-known electrical segments found in the home and in modern settings.

Features of Variac Transformer

 Silver plated commutator

 Brush arm
 Movable carbon tip
 Excellent in two phase electric supply
 Skilled in three phase electric supply
 Ultra-modern features
 Built for voltage correction in electric power network

Uses OF Variac Transformer:

Variac transformer has lots of various applications. These sorts of transformers can be utilized to accelerate and
hinder electric engines, make lights more brilliant or dimmer or to reproduce explicit conditions with the goal that
different testing systems can be done.
Variable transformers, because of their control handles, have the nature of taking into consideration a smooth and
consistent minor departure from voltage. This makes them uniquely not quite the same as carefully controlled
gadgets, which go up or down regarding yield dependent on a particular interim.

Variac Transformers are used at following places:

1) Auditoriums
2) Hotels
3) Conference Hall
4) Laboratories
5) Colleges and Universities
6) Factories
7) Industrial Units

Application of Variac Transformer:

 Measuring & Testing equipment

 Servo stabilizer
 Anodizing as well as electroplating industries
 Control panels

Find Reviews about Variac Transformer

When you are purchasing variac transformer you have to clear in your mind that why you are purchasing variac
transformer and what is the uses of variac transformer. Variac is a good Product to buy it. And it has so many
advantages. And this type of transformers also called Current transformer. Variac are very useful in electrical and
electronics products. Variac are cheaper & lighter.

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