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We can argue whether or not the fashion industry has more of a positive

or negative effect on people of today, regardless we can agree that the

fashion industry has grown to become very popular and influential. It
seems as if everyone is trying to pursue a career in this field. Here are 10
positives of the fashion industry.

1. New designs- designers are able to create new designs for those
people who have a love for fashion. It is an enjoyment they feel when
seeing a new trend get started because fashion is unpredictable.

2. Discovering new talents- It is always a refreshing to see a new and

creative designer come into the spotlight. Fashion is a very competitive
industry and at times trends are duplicated. So it is nice to see an up and
coming designer bring something new and different to the table. 3.
Inspiration- Fashion inspires others to be creative and to want to build a
career from it. Fashion motivates others to further their knowledge by
attending fashion schools and turning dreams into a reality. There is an
inspiration in fashion to influence you to be different.

4. Freedom of expression- Fashion is one of the ultimate way to express

yourself. One of the first impression people have of you is from your
appearance. But one of the great aspects of fashion is that you are free to
be whoever you want to be with your choice of fashion. With fashion you
have that ability to mix and match wardrobes according to your mood,
attitude and feeling. 5. Connected- The world is huge, filled with diversity
and culture. Fashion is like one language that everyone can understand. It
connects people internationally because fashion travels from city to the

6. Attraction- People stays stylish and fashionable to attract the

opposite sex to get noticed by someone they like. With the help of fashion
you can look the part and get acknowledge.

7. Popularity- Fashion is one of the most popular items to purchase and

one of the most popular topics spoken about on television. With their
popularity they can influence many people.

8. Trends- Fashion is endless! Trends comes from ideas, designers and

the streets, there is always some new trend in development that can
potentially become a classic like the little black dress (LBD).

9. Opportunities- Fashion is not only dressing up and making clothes,

you can build many careers from a fashion degree. The fashion industry
opens numerous of doors for people whether you are interested in being in
front of the camera, behind the camera or styling and making the garment.
The possibilities are truly endless.

10. Discrimination is not evident- The world of fashion is so diverse,

discrimination is not evident. The way you dress is what people view you

Negative Aspects of Fashion

Though importance of fashion can not be neglected in today society it has

certain drawbacks too. Moral Values: Fashion does not preach ethics.
Every new fashion or trend is promoted and advertised in such a manner
that people (especially teens) cannot avoid it. They don’t bother whether it
is moral or immoral. Economical: Fashion is often associated with
promoting capitalism. Fashion is least rational; people buy new clothes
when old are still wearable. They discard old clothes just because they are
no longer fashionable. Fads of Fashion: Most of the fashion trends are very
short-living. They come and go within few months. These are called fads of
fashion. The true fashion consists of style, but people who have little
awareness of fashion follow fads rather than making their own style.
Harmful to Health: Certain fashion trends are harmful to health. Fashion
has made teenagers extremists. What could be more shocking than a few
teenagers getting strange tattoos and piercing body parts (especially the
tongue or the forehead)!

That pin in the tongue has to hurt. They follow such fashion blindly.
Gilda Radner talking about current fashion said that “I base most of my
fashion sense on what doesn’t itch.” Rebellious Attitude of Youth: Fashion
has made certain teens rebellious. They are so much attracted by current
fashion that they go to any length just to own that trend style or fashion.
Stealing, robbing, and use of other ill means to become fashionable is not
uncommon among youth today. Non-Conforming: Fashion craze makes
people non-confirmist. Just to prove them different and unique, they adopt
any style. Fashion is Outward: Albert Einstein always wore the most old
and worn-out clothes. Once he said that “If most of us are ashamed of
shabby clothes and shabby furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby
ideas and shabby philosophies…. It would be a sad situation if the wrapper
were better than the meat wrapped inside it.” Clothes are also the wrapper
of our inner self. They can project us in a negative or positive manner.

Sometimes people interpret others in a wrong way because of their

outward appearance. Fashion Victims: The terms “fashionista” or “fashion
victim” refers to someone who slavishly follows the current fashions. Many
young girls and boys follow certain fashion in the same manner without
thinking whether it looks good with them or not. Fashion Changes:
Fashion, by definition, changes constantly. The changes may proceed
more rapidly than in most other fields of human activity (language, thought,
etc). For some, modern fast-paced changes in fashion embody many of the
negative aspects of capitalism: it results in waste and encourages people
qua consumers to buy things unnecessarily. Mignon McLaughlin, in The
Neurotic’s Notebook, 1960 commented that, Women usually love what they
buy, yet hate two-thirds of what is in their closets.”


Clothes are a blessings and a favor from Allah (may He be glorified and
exalted). With them we cover what needs to be covered and it protects us
from cold or hot weather. So it is a blessing of Allah (may He be glorified
and exalted). And Islam does not reject people wearing beautiful clothes. It
is a misconception. The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) addressed the
companions once and said, by Allah, he who has an atom weight or an ant
weight of arrogance in his heart would not be admitted to Jannah, would
not be admitted to Paradise. And one of the companions (may Allah be
pleased with them) stood and said o Prophet of Allah (peace be upon Him),
I like to have a beautiful thob, beautiful dress and I love my shoes to be
beautiful as well, so is this part of arrogance? And the Prophet (peace be
upon Him) said, No, Allah is beautiful and Allah (may He be glorified and
exalted) loves beauty. So Prophet (peace be upon Him) approved the fact
that people wear beautiful clothes. There is nothing wrong in that in Islam;
yet internal beauty is far superior. People blindly following fashion because
they love celebrities.

So if I love an actor or an actress, if I love a pop star, if I love a

footballer, I would like to wear the things that he wears. And that is why
they pay millions of dollars to get the royalties to have an athlete wear a
certain brand because they know the impact on the viewers or on the fans
of that athlete. A proper Muslim is not impressed by fashion and he does
not follow fashion blindly. A proper Muslim wears good clothes, wear clean
clothes, wears decent clothes that protects his identity and identity for a
Muslim is extremely important. I can recognize a Muslim even if I see him
in Siberia or in the jungles of Africa or in New York or Tokyo. I can tell if he
is a true practicing Muslim that he is a Muslim. But if he is not if he has lost
his identity I cannot make him out from a Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh,
Buddhist etc, because they all look alike. Now let us examine the harms
and effects of following fashion and becoming its slave.

1. It instills the love of dunya (Material World) and unmindfulness of the


2.It encourages us to be wasteful.

3. It develops Pride in ones Heart..

4. It creates a sense of superiority over those who cannot afford it.

5. Need and want even if it means buying on credit.

6.Total disrespect for islam and its modesty code.

7. Increases greed

Therefore, I call you not to follow fashion blindly. Follow your identity as a
Muslim. Be proud of who you are and never ever think down of yourself
just because you are not following what the others are blindly following.

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