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Physical Science

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of your chosen answer

1. This theory state that 14 billion years ago all of the contents of the universe gather extreme pressure, temperature, and
density into a tiny spot and exploded.
A. Cosmotology C. The big bang theory
B. Universal expansion D. The big crunch theory
2. Stars including the sun are formed when_______________________________
A. Enough rock from space is pulled together by gravitational attraction.
B. Enough rock from space is pulled together by magnetism.
C. Enough dust and gas from space is pulled together by gravitational attraction.
D. Enough dust and gas from space is pulled together by magnetism.
3. What type of fusion reaction predominates in the Earth’s sun?
A. Proton-neutron chain helium - 4
B. Deuterium + tritium helium-4 + neutron
C. Deuterium + proton helium-3
D. Proton-proton chain helium-4
4. Elements heavier than iron originated in the Big Bang Theory was formed by__________
A. The cores of low-mass stars.
B. The core of high–mass stars.
C. Explosion of high-mass stars.
D. Explosion of low-mass stars.
5. The gold foil experiment was a path breaking work that led to the discovery of the proper structure of an atom. Who is the
person behind this discovery?
A. Bohr C. Heisenberg
B. Dalton D. Rutherford
6. What subatomic particles account for the mass of the atom?
1. Electron 2. Proton 3. Neutron
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 2 only
7. Which of the following is/are modern applications (technologies) which are being enjoyed nowadays.
A. Binoculars B. Oven Toaster C. Television D. Vacuum Cleane
8. Matter is made up of discrete, tiny units. What do you call the tiny indivisible part of matter?
A. Atom B. Electron C. Element D. Molecule
9. Which of the following models of the atom best describes Dalton’s theories?
A. a model in which the atom is a solid sphere
B. a model in which the protons, electrons, and neutrons are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the atom
C. a model in which the nucleus is made of electrons and protons.
D. model in which the nucleus is made of protons, electrons, and neutrons
10. What do you call the collective name of the two sub-atomic particles which comprises the center of the atom?
A. Nucleons B. Nucleus C. Nuclear D. Nucleonic
11. Thomson proposed a model of the atom consisting of positive and negative charges, present in equal amounts so that an
atom would be electrically neutral. He proposed that atom was a sphere, but the positive charges were embedded within it.
What was Thomson’s Model of the Atom called?
A. Plum Pudding B. Solar System C. Spherical Model D. Model of Atomic
Model Model Theory
12. The nucleus of an atom can be described by which of the following statements.
A. Negative charged and has a high density.
B. Negatively charged and has a low density.
C. Positively charged and has a low density.
D. Positively charged and has a high density.
13. The comparison of the number of atoms in a copper coin to that of the size of a penny and the number of people on earth is
illustrated in which of the following?
A. That atoms are indivisible
B. There are fewer atoms in a copper penny that there are people on earth
C. That atoms are very small
D. In a copper penny, there is one atom for every person on earth
14. Which of the following is an example of synthesis?
A. Na + Br2 → KCI + O2
B. KCIO3 +CI2→ HgCI + O2
C. HgO + CI2 → HgCI +O2
D. CI2 + Na Br→ NaCI + Br2
15. The following are some of the contributions of John Dalton in the understanding of the concept of the chemical elements EXCEPT:
A. Elements are made of extremely small particles called atoms.
B. Atoms of a given elements are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other
C. Atoms can be subdivided, created, or destroyed
D. Atoms of different elements combine in simple while-number ratios to form chemical compounds.
16. Dalton’s theory contributed to the discovery of other elements, and other elements, and that elements are made up of atoms
which can be explained by his atomic theory. Which of the following conclusions why he continuously update his atomic model theory?
A. New information about atoms continues to be discovered
B. Old information about atoms continues to be discovered
C. Scientist did not have any information about atoms until a few years ago
D. Scientists still have no idea what atoms look like
17. What is the molecular polarity of H2O and why?
A. It is polar, because its charges are distributed asymmetrically and its geometric shape is asymmetrical.
B. It is nonpolar, because its charges are distributed symmetrically and its geometric shape is symmetrical
C. It is polar, because its charges are distributed symmetrically and its geometric shape is symmetrical
D. It is nonpolar, because its charges are distributed asymmetrically and its geometric shape is asymmetrical
18. What is the molecular polarity of CO and why?
A. It is polar, because its charges are distributed asymmetrically and its geometric shape is asymmetrical
B. It is nonpolar, because it charges are distributed symmetrically and its geometric shape is symmetrical
C. It is polar, because its charges are distributed symmetrically and its geometric shape is symmetrical
D. It is nonpolar, because its charges are distributed asymmetrically and its geometric shape is asymmetrical
19. What is the molecular polarity of O2 and why?
A. It is polar, because its charges are distributed asymmetrically and its geometric shape is asymmetrical
B. It is nonpolar, because its charges are distributed symmetrically and its geometric shape is symmetrical
C. It is polar, because its charges are distributed symmetrically and its geometric shape is symmetrical
D. It is nonpolar, because its charges are distributed asymmetrically and its geometric shape is asymmetrical
20. Why does sucrose dissolve in water, while octane does not?
A. Sucrose is a nonpolar molecule, while octane is a polar molecule. Because sucrose and water have different molecular
polarities, sucrose dissolves in water
B. Sucrose does not dissolve in water. On the other hand, octane and water do NOT have similar polarities, so octane will
not dissolve in water
C. Sucrose is a polar molecule, like water is, while octane is a nonpolar molecule, since sucrose and water have the same
molecular polarities, based on “like dissolves like” sucrose will dissolve in water. On the other hand, octane and water
does NOT have similar polarities, so octane will not dissolve in water
D. Sucrose is covalent, while octane is a polar molecule. Because octane and water have different molecular polarities,
octane dissolves in water
21. What intermolecular force is responsible for the attraction between an ion and a polar molecule?
A. Dipole-dipole interaction
B. Hydrogen bonding
C. Ion-dipole interaction
D. Dipole-induced dipole interaction
22. Which statement about London dispersion forces is INCORRECT?
A. They result from asymmetric distribution of electrons
B. They are present in polar molecules
C. They are more pronounced in molecules with atoms that have high polarizability
D. All are correct
23. What type of intermolecular force is responsible for the attraction between a polar molecules that induces a temporary dipole
on a non-polar molecule?
A. Instantaneous B. Dipole- C. Dipole-induced
dipole-induced instantaneous dipole
dipole dipole D. Ion-dipole
24. As a solid elements melts, the atoms become____________ and they have ______ attraction for one another.
A. Closer together, more C. Close together, less
B. More separated, more D. More separated, less
25. Which of the following intermolecular forces is correct if the arrangement or order is from weakest to strongest?
A. Dipole-dipole, London dispersion, ionic, hydrogen bonding
B. London dispersion, dipole-dipole, hydrogen bonding, ionic
C. Hydrogen bonding , dipole-dipole, London dispersion, ionic
D. Dipole-dipole, ionic, London dispersion, hydrogen bonding
26. When a nonpolar liquid displays a convex meniscus, which of the following behaviours is the best explanation?
A. It has a low surface tension, and therefore clings to the glass
B. The cohesive forces are stronger that the adhesive forces toward the glass
C. The adhesive forces toward the glass are stronger than the cohesive forces
D. The liquid’s viscosity is low
27. A liquid placed in a closed container will evaporate until equilibrium is reached. Which of the statements about equilibrium is NOT true?
A. The partial pressure exerted by the vapour molecules is called the vapour pressure of the liquid
B. Liquid molecules are still evaporating
C. The number of vapour molecules remains essentially constant
D. The boundary between the liquid and vapour disappears
28. Which of the following is a prosthetic cause of vaulting?
A. Prosthesis too short C. Extension aid too tight
B. Heel cushion not soft enough D. Inadequate socket suspension/friction in knee
29. Which of the following are examples of glucose, sucrose, and maltose
A. Carbohydrates B. Lipids C. Proteins D. Nucleic acid
30. Monomers made of sugar, N-base, and phosphate are examples of ______________
A. Carbohydrates B. Lipids C. Proteins D. Nucleic acid
31. Which of the following macromolecules catalyzes chemical reactions, thus be considered an enzyme?
A. Ribonucleic B. Deoxyribonuclei C. Lipids
acids c acids D. Proteins
32. Ceramic materials found in homes and industries are formed by which of the following type of bonding?
A. Covalent bonds C. Metallic bonds
B. London dispersion forces D. Ionic bonds
33. Complete the statement: according to collision theory, particles must______________
A. Collide every where C. Must be kept under immense pressures
B. Collide with correct orientation D. Shall not be below their melting points
34. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about catalysts?
A. They are chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction
B. They are metals
C. Their appearance is unchanged at the end of the reaction
D. They are solids
35. When powdered calcium carbonate is added to a solution of hydrochloric acid, it reacts completely within seconds. When the same mass of
calcium carbonate chips are added to a similar amount of hydrochloric acid, the reaction takes several minutes to go to completion. Why?
A. An acid will react faster with a powder
B. The powder has greater surface area.
C. The calcium carbonate chips are less soluble than the powder.
D. There are more impurities in the calcium carbonate chips
36. 20 grams of magnesium ribbon was placed in a conical flask. Which of the following solutions will be added, to produce 100
ml of hydrogen gas, the fastest?
A. 200 ml of 2 M sulfuric acid C. 100ml of 4 M sulfuric acid
B. 50 ml of 8 M sulfuric acid D. 400 ml of 1 M sulfuric acid
37. Which of the following reactions will start with the highest rate?
A. 5 g of limestone powder in 100 ml of 0.1M HCl at 25 OC
B. 5 g of limestone powder in 100 ml of 0.1M HCl at 45 OC
C. 5 g of limestone chips in 100 ml of 0.1M HCl at 45 OC
D. 5 g of limestone chips in 100 ml of 0.1M HCl at 25 OC
38. In the chemical reaction of calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid CaCO3 + HCI → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2, which of the
following factors will speed up the reaction?
A. Lower the temperature of the hydrochloric acid
B. Use a bigger conical flask
C. Use more dilute acid
D. Use smaller pieces of calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
39. A magnesium ribbon reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid. Which of the following graphs best describes the relationship
between the rates of reaction as the reaction proceeds?








40. Which of the following factors does not affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
A. Temperature of the reactants C. Color of the reactants
B. Nature of the reactants D. Particle size
41. If the temperature of a chemical reaction is increased by 10 OC, the reaction rate will be
A. Halved C. Doubled
B. Ten times faster D. Four times faster
42. Energy is a fossil fuel stored as _________________
A. Nuclear energy C. Chemical energy
B. Electrical energy D. Thermal energy
43. Solar, geothermal, wind, biomass, and hydropower are considered renewable sources of energy, because they
A. Are converted directly into heat and electricity
B. Are replenished by nature within a relatively short span of time
C. Are free to use
D. Do not cause pollution
44. Electrical energy can be obtained from which of the following?
A. Mechanical energy C. Chemical energy
B. Thermal energy D. All of the above
45. It is a super-soft, reusable clean cloth gentle enough even to the most sensitive skin. It also thoroughly removes make-up and debris without
irritating skin, this is called:
A. Day bright SPF15 C. Skin Hydrating booster
B. The sponge cloth D. Bar soap
46. When a piece of calcium metal is added to dilute hydrochloric acid the reaction is seen to be faster after 60 seconds than after only 10
seconds. What could explain this observation?
A. The piece of calcium is smaller at 60 seconds than at 10 seconds
B. The concentration of the hydrochloric acid increases during the reaction
C. The reaction is catalysed by hydrogen ions from the acid
D. The heat is produced in the reaction, which raises the temperature and so increases the rate
47. When an excess calcium carbonate is added to dilute HCl, the reaction gradually becomes slower and finally stops. Which statements best
explain why this happens?
A. An insoluble layer of calcium chloride is formed on the calcium carbonate
B. The concentration of HCl gradually reduces to zero
C. The pieces of calcium carbonate gradually become smaller
D. The calcium carbonate is covered by bubbles of carbon dioxide
48. This is an ingredient used as anti-aging cosmetics to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating the formation of collagen
A. Beta-glucan C. Cold cream
B. Chamomile D. Exfoliation
49. What is the ingredient in the bleaching or lightening of skin?
A. Beta-glucan C. Tyrozinase inhibitors
B. Chamomile D. Exfoliation
50. Mercury and lead that are present in some cosmetics and other beauty products are found to be harmful. Too much exposure to these can affect your
reproductive, immune, and nervous systems. The following are precautionary measures indicated in various cosmetics and beauty products EXCEPT:
A. Be aware of the manufacturing and expiration date
B. Keep the product out of reach from children
C. Keep away from the eyes, or avoid inhaling the product
D. Poisonous chemicals are not just hazardous for our health, but also to the environment

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. D
23. C
24. D
25. B
26. B
27. D
28. C
29. A
30. D
31. D
32. A
33. B
34. A
35. B
36. B
37. B
38. D
39. A
40. C
41. C
42. C
43. B
44. D
45. B
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. C
50. D

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