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A. Mission
Develop informed and responsible citizens; develop leadership skills;
strengthen character and self-discipline; promote understanding of the
role of the citizen in a democratic society; promote community service,
personal responsibility; build teamwork; and teach social values and life

B. Objectives
1. Develop patriotism and the spirit of Filipino nationalism.
2. Develop habits of order and discipline using the military training
3. Enhance social responsibility and commitment to the development of
their communities.
4. Develop ability to uphold law and orders as they assume active
participation in community service activities.
5. Develop awareness of the importance of physical conditioning.
6. Provide the youth with meaningful outlets for creativity, service and

C. Membership
To be eligible for membership and continuance as a member of the
Cadet Officer Corps you must:
1. Be enrolled and a regular third year student of this school.
2. Maintain an acceptable standard of academic achievement. Must
maintain an academic standing, which warrants at least normal
progression and will merit your graduation on completion of all
requirements thereof.
3. Maintain an acceptable standard of conduct and be of good moral
character. Require of yourself honestly, self-reliance, and a sense of
responsibility in the performance of this course and other academic
assignments. You must show self-discipline and responsiveness to
constituted authority through observance of laws, rules and regulations
of the entire school as well as the CAT department, by prompt and
regular attendance to instruction; and in your general demeanor.
4. Be physically fit to participate in the training program without
compromise to your health or well-being. You must provide us with a
Certificate or statement of health signed by your doctor, parent, or
guardian. This certificate will remain in the CAT Department for record.

D. Removal or Expulsion
Cadets will be removed or excluded from the list of candidates or
from the corps in all cases when he or she:
1. Withdraws from school.
2. Fail to maintain an acceptable standard pf academic achievement or
3. Has undesirable traits of character as demonstrated by cheating
during exams; stealing; unauthorized possession or use of habit forming
drugs, or marijuana; conviction for commission of felonious act;
frequent incident of a discreditable nature with civil or school
authorities or similar act.
4. Fails to maintain requirements for enrollment.
5. Frequent absences from class.
6. Unable to render proper respect and courtesy.
7. Failing to be self-disciplined and maintain self-control7
8. Unwilling to obey or follow instructions or directive of Senior Cadets
or the commandant.
9. Commits insubordination.

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