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Molly Beckett

The definition of climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a

change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased

levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. Goal 13 of the UN

goals is dealing with climate change, this is the most important goal because the goal is trying to

spread the message that the world is changing in a bad way and everyone needs to get involved

to stop this problem. This goes along with the fact that climate change is affecting every country

on every continent in the world and more people need to get informed about this issue, that is

affecting their daily lives. According to the Sustainable Development Goals,” Without action, the

world’s average surface temperature is likely to surpass 3 degrees celsius this country”(“Climate

Action”). This could cause a huge problem that will affect the arctic first and make the ice melt

at a faster pace then it already is. Then, it could start to affect the oceans and make it harder for

animals to live in, causing many consequences to humans and the resources humans use to

survive. The higher temperatures have also caused weather patterns to change and sea levels to

rise. Weather events are becoming more dangerous and greenhouse gasses are being put into the

atmosphere at the highest rate in history. This is really causing huge problems for the habitats of

the animals that humans rely on. This goal is the most important goal because this could

eventually affect every human on the earth and the next generations after due to rising

temperatures. Climate change is a huge issue that needs every person on earth to help make a

change, so the future generations don’t have to pay for something they never had a chance to fix.

The fate of the world’s future is in the hands of people to start making a change before it is too


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